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The India Pakistan geographical divide is at least 1600 years old

Weak argument.

You could forward your references, or your complete referenced note, to a cooperative member, and get it published that way.

I will post the complete reference table of my original post in a few hours, as I can post references now....there is a big gap in the historical understanding of the subcontinent between 300 BC and 1000 AD ..and I am doing my part in clearing that up..I will provide ONLY academic references
You seem stressed kid.

And yeah, unlike Razzi, who matured, you're a huge disappointment.

I guess it's the genes.

Forget Razzi. He was always likeable.

Even Areesh and Windy ...

Cheers, Doc

Getting carried away a bit, Doc?

I will post the complete reference table of my original post in a few hours, as I can post references now....there is a big gap in the historical understanding of the subcontinent between 300 BC and 1000 AD ..and I am doing my part in clearing that up..I will provide ONLY academic references

I agree - largely - with your statement about the big gap, but do remember Pargiter. I don't agree with the conclusions of your original (and admittedly very striking) note. But let's have the references; not that I will necessarily read them, but many others, both sceptical and supportive, will, and some will benefit from reading those.
Getting carried away a bit, Doc?

I agree - largely - with your statement about the big gap, but do remember Pargiter. I don't agree with the conclusions of your original (and admittedly very striking) note. But let's have the references; not that I will necessarily read them, but many others, both sceptical and supportive, will, and some will benefit from reading those.

Isn't Pargiter the one who studied the history of the Puranas? Would his work have any significant to say regarding the geopolitical evolution of the NorthWest in pre-Islamic times?
Excuse me?

As we were discussing issues related to race, genetics etc. I had in my mind unsavory characters who leave extremely bigoted comments, it was these that I was referring to. Although I do confess to everyone else it might seem I was talking about every single poster or posts.

That's not the case though, there are a number of posters who's words I take very seriously and respect, especially those with experience in their relevant fields and the others who are experienced with life in general.
Getting carried away a bit, Doc?

I agree - largely - with your statement about the big gap, but do remember Pargiter. I don't agree with the conclusions of your original (and admittedly very striking) note. But let's have the references; not that I will necessarily read them, but many others, both sceptical and supportive, will, and some will benefit from reading those.

The Jesuits were masters of negative reinforcement.

Cheers, Doc
The Jesuits were masters of negative reinforcement.

Cheers, Doc

I wish I had a similar noble profession as yours to put underneath my every post, but signing off with "Banker" just doesn't have the same ring to it. :undecided:
I wish I had a similar noble profession as yours to put underneath my every post, but signing off with "Banker" just doesn't have the same ring to it. :undecided:

Don't take it seriously. It's just a punchline.

Like a Maratha passing off as a Baloch.

Cheers, Doc
Are you really a Pakistani?
So far the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis seen have been overtly racist, generally violence loving in nature and almost never good at critical or higher reasoning. You are different? How? Were you not raised in Pakistan like the member Kaptaan? He uses insults much like the rest do, but you can see the man hides a calm intelligent disposition behind him.

I see that you are a new member. The gentleman you are referring to is one of the best. Unfortunately, he is rarely to be seen in recent times, and he is missed sorely.

Your observation about Kaptaan was striking in its perception. Brilliant. Under the cover of that shrill, strident persona, he is one of the best intellects that I know. My compliments on your perceptive gaze. I hope that you will match it with your other posts, and look forward to it.


Pakistan Army zindabad.

:lol: OLQs

@Joe Shearer look what happens when a Maratha goes "Baloch" ...

Cheers, Doc

I beg your pardon. I was brought up delicately. Is it all right with you if I look away?
I wish I had a similar noble profession as yours to put underneath my every post, but signing off with "Banker" just doesn't have the same ring to it. :undecided:



Doc, he's got you on that one.

Original Post cannot be edited anymore to provide references...Is there any solution to this?

That's strange. You could always start a new thread, with the references embodied. I agree that such a procedure would be clumsy, but don't know what else to do.
As we were discussing issues related to race, genetics etc. I had in my mind unsavory characters who leave extremely bigoted comments, it was these that I was referring to. Although I do confess to everyone else it might seem I was talking about every single poster or posts.

That's not the case though, there are a number of posters who's words I take very seriously and respect, especially those with experience in their relevant fields and the others who are experienced with life in general.

To confess everything, my post was tongue-in-cheek, hoping to coax a compliment out of you. Thoroughly despicable and underhand, I regret to have to admit.
To confess everything, my post was tongue-in-cheek, hoping to coax a compliment out of you. Thoroughly despicable and underhand, I regret to have to admit.

Hehe, it was simple enough (to see). I even wrote the original post mentioning you were one of the posters who was universally respected here, including by myself. But then I thought, what the hell, let's get some interactions out of you first. It's not every day that one gets to converse with such a titan of PDF such as yourself. :ashamed:
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I believe this divide is much more older than 1600 and goes all the way back to the Indus Valley Civilization.

Even if you look in the Mahabharata, there are many examples, one being of how it speaks about how the three main kingdoms of the Indus and some Central Asian tribes share the same cultural affinity.

"The Prasthalas, the Madras, the Gandharas, the Arattas, those called Khasas, the Vasatis, the Sindhus and the Sauviras are almost as blamable in their practices." (8:44)


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