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US lawmaker wants to block F-35 sales to Turkey over embassy brawl


Jan 28, 2017
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US lawmaker wants to block F-35 sales to Turkey over embassy brawl
By: Joe Gould and Valerie Insinna, July 7, 2017 (Photo Credit: US Air Force)
WASHINGTON — A Democratic lawmaker from Rhode Island is seeking to block the U.S. sale of Lockheed Martin-made F-35 fighter jets to Turkey over an attack on protesters outside the Turkish ambassador’s residence in Washington two months ago.

Rep. David Cicilline, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, has proposed the ban as an amendment to the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, which was passed by the House Armed Services Committee last month. The House is expected to take up the bill and deal with amendments next week.

The House Rules Committee had reported more than 90 proposed amendments on various topics as of Friday morning. The panel plans to vote on whether to allow floor consideration of the individual amendments Wednesday.

Any approved amendments would then need House approval to join the bill, which would have to be reconciled with the Senate version after it passes the House.

The amendment highlights the complicated U.S. relationship with Turkey, a key NATO ally and home to Incirlik Air Base. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized Washington over its support for Kurdish groups fighting the Islamic State that Ankara considers terrorist organizations. The Trump administration has walked a tightrope, generally praising Turkey, despite widespread criticism Turkey has become more authoritarian following a coup attempt late last year.

Turkey plans to purchase more than 100 of the F-35A conventional take-off and landing variant. The country expects to receive its first F-35 in 2018.

Like other partners in the program, Turkey plays a role in the F-35 industrial base, including its responsibility to build an engine maintenance facility that will service European operators of the stealth fighter.

Cicilline’s proposed amendment would effectively bar the transfer of the jets to Turkey until U.S. President Donald Trump certifies the government of Turkey is cooperating with the criminal investigation and prosecution of Turkish government employees involved in the the May 16 attacks.

Law enforcement officials announced charges last month against a dozen members of the Turkish president’s security detail after they were reportedly caught on video beating protesters during Erdogan's visit here.

The proposed amendment was one of three that hits back at Turkey over the incident.

Rep. Dave Trott, R-Mich., has proposed a “sense of Congress” amendment disapproving of a proposed $1.2 million sale of Sig Sauer-made semi-automatic handguns to Turkey.

Trott had spearheaded a letter along similar lines that attracted 36 signatures, including the Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and ranking member Adam Schiff, D-Calif. Democratic Sens. Ben Cardin of Maryland and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire reportedly support placing the gun deal on hold.

Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., has proposed a visa ban on those involved in the attack and that the administration report on the incident and what the State Department is doing by way of victim compensation and fixing security lapses.

Lockheed Martin was aware before the amendment was published of emerging congressional concerns about F-35 sales to Turkey and closely watching for developments. During an interview at the Paris Air Show last month, Orlando Carvalho, Lockheed’s vice president of aeronautics, told Defense News that the company will stick to the current program of record until told otherwise.

“Members obviously have the freedom to express the concerns that they have, but obviously, that becomes a matter that has to be addressed between Congress and the Department of Defense,” he said. “So while we’re aware of it, we’re not taking any specific action. We’re continuing to execute the program of record. And we’ll continue to do so unless we receive formal direction from our customer, from the Department of Defense and the [Joint Program Office] to do something different.”

Turkey is slated to get its first F-35s as part of the 12th lot of aircraft. Lockheed and the Defense Department hope to come to an agreement on lot 11 this year, and batches 12 through 14 are currently under negotiation as a block buy for international customers.

At the Paris Air Show, Jeff Babione, Lockheed’s F-35 program manager, noted that Turkey plays a “significant” role in the production of all F-35 aircraft. As a subcontractor to Northrop Grumman, Turkish defense companies, including its largest firm, Turkish Aerospace Industries, manufacture a large portion of the center fuselage.

Carvalho maintained that despite the political turmoil in Turkey, F-35 suppliers and related intellectual property in the country remain safe.

“To date, we haven’t seen anything that is markedly different in the places where we operate, from a security point of view, whether it’s people’s safety and security, cybersecurity, whatever, we haven’t seen anything that has been markedly different,” he said. “If the United States changes its policy with regards to Turkey, then clearly we’d have to work with our customer to then determine what actions would have to be taken in response for that.”
Don't see such Bills passed against Turkey any time soon...The Americans need Turkey...
Turkish manufactured mid-section of F-35 stealth fighters delivered to main contractor in todays...


TFX fighter project will benefit production methods and capabilities gained from F-35 program !
I am no expert but unless and until F35 jets are in Turkey I don't believe they will get it. Jewish lobby will not let this happen.
Turkish manufactured mid-section of F-35 stealth fighters delivered to main contractor in todays...


TFX fighter project will benefit production methods and capabilities gained from F-35 program !
usa can stop it and let other manufactur it
Take a tour in history ?

- Past: USA restricted export of artillery missiles to Turkey = Today: Domestic 122mm, 230mm, 300mm and 600mm artillery missile inventory with around 10m CEP rates is in the hand of Turkish Land Forces.

- Past: Germany blocked export of Leo-2A6 = Today: Altay MBT from armours to FCS, Active protection system and ARH variant is revealed (Some systems are already under development). A light tank is even developed for Indonesia. 1000 Altay will be produced for land forces.

- Past: Turkey warned France not to sell Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Greece but They sold = Today: Turkey is producing own cruise missiles like a cake. One variant of Turkish cruise missile called SOM-J is even selected for F-35 to be exported to costumers via USA company.

- Past: USA refused integration of Turkish mission computers to AH-1Z which was ordered around 145 = Today: Turkey developed own attack helicopter thanks to Italian fuselage know-how contribution from radar to missiles avionics and turbo-shaft engine in development and actively exporting right now. No need to mention 3 utility helicopter project that one of them is revealed !

- Past: USA refused to export armed drones = Today: Turkey has three different variant of UAVs armed with domestic munitions hunting terrorists like insects right now.

- Past: USA refused tech transfer of Patriot Missiles = Today: Turkey is developing own Long altitude SAM system, While acquiring S-400 from Russia as stop-gap solution. Manpad-Low and Medium Altitude SAM missiles are in their prototype trial/detail design phase.

If USA blocks export of F-35 to Turkey, Turkey will alter course to Pak-FA like platform as stop gap until TF-X became operational !

Small calculations doesn't make much sense against a country like Turkey. We are not like a spoiled puppet small state needing big boys protection/money/tech/politic help to survive. Such activities just take our valuable time before reaching our goal !
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Take a tour in history ?

- Past: USA restricted export of artillery missiles to Turkey = Today: Domestic 122mm, 230mm, 300mm and 600mm artillery missile inventory with around 10m CEP rates is in the hand of Turkish Land Forces.

- Past: Germany blocked export of Leo-2A6 = Today: Altay MBT from armours to FCS, Active protection system and ARH variant is revealed (Some systems are already under development). A light tank is even developed for Indonesia. 1000 Altay will be produced for land forces.

- Past: Turkey warned France not to sell Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Greece but They sold = Today: Turkey is producing own cruise missiles like a cake. One variant of Turkish cruise missile called SOM-J is even selected for F-35 to be exported to costumers via USA company.

- Past: USA refused integration of Turkish mission computers to AH-1Z which was ordered around 145 = Today: Turkey developed own attack helicopter thanks to Italian fuselage know-how contribution from radar to missiles avionics and turbo-shaft engine in development and actively exporting right now. No need to mention 3 utility helicopter project that one of them is revealed !

- Past: USA refused to export armed drones = Today: Turkey has three different variant of UAVs armed with domestic munitions hunting terrorists right insect right now.

- Past: USA refused tech transfer of Patriot Missiles = Today: Turkey is developing own Long altitude SAM system, While acquiring S-400 from Russia as stop-gap solution. Manpad-Low and Medium Altitude SAM missiles are in their prototype trial/detail design phase.

If USA blocks export of F-35 to Turkey, Turkey will alter course to Pak-FA like platform as stop gap until TF-X became operational !

Small calculations doesn't make much sense against a country like Turkey. We are not like a spoiled puppet small state needing big boys protection/money/tech/politic help to survive. Such activities just take our valuable time before reaching our goal !
so develop your own fighter and by tech from others like the atlay and the elicopter

usa also didnt sold us the tomehawlk so we developed the popay cruised missle from submerine 1500 km range in 2002 usa even both 200 from us

be sure we will not buy som j
so develop your own fighter and by tech from others like the atlay and the elicopter

usa also didnt sold us the tomehawlk so we developed the popay cruised missle from submerine 1500 km range in 2002 usa even both 200 from us

You haven't seen much thing related with Turkish industry right now. It will take time but Patience is a good manner to realize the importance of what I am talking. Hopping embargo to sleep well suits for small characters. The more Turkish industry advance, The more the people like you come to criticize/compare what We are introducing. You should focus on Turkish Naval projects instead of the ones related with other forces. We are in a timeline talking about constructing a heavier domestic submarine that has never been built such capable one capability of launching domestic tomahawk like missiles, a Destroyer like warship that has one of the longest range target monitoring capability, A Multi-purpose frigate that is able to engage the targets posing threat from sub-water and surface and aerial environment. 2 LHD ( One is on dock ) and 1 Aircraft carrier so A fighter like F-35B is being planned to acquire. If F-35 sale is blocked by USA, It just cause some delays but Noone can pull our ambitious out of roadway.
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We all know that the US is never going to block this sale. The minute they sanction Turkey we would buy non-Nato military hardware immediately. Especially the Russians would celebrate such a US desicion all day and night long.
Just be rational. Turkey still is a major arms importer and arguably one of the most important Nato members. The repercussions of an export restriction by the US on Turkey for main weapon systems like F35 would effectively cancel our Nato membership.

Never ever going to happen.

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