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Cow slaughter to be punishable by life sentence in Indian state

so after eliminating Muslims and Christians from India what would be next for Hibdutvas ? their ideology is trapped in a cocoon and will remain so.
so after eliminating Muslims and Christians from India what would be next for Hibdutvas ? their ideology is trapped in a cocoon and will remain so.
Beef ban is costing RSS chaddis. #Dravidanadu hashtag is surging (though I'm completely against it). Tells you what kind of opposition is there in Southern states against Rashtriya Svana Sena. Baniyas and Brahmins thought of a free run under the rabid Hindutva wave. Slowly, people especially down south are understanding.
Beef ban is costing RSS chaddis. #Dravidanadu hashtag is surging (though I'm completely against it). Tells you what kind of opposition is there in Southern states against Rashtriya Svana Sena. Baniyas and Brahmins thought of a free run under the rabid Hindutva wave. Slowly, people especially down south are understanding.
Its not working in northeast either.
Beef is available almost everywhere.
Recently Namami Brahmaputra river festival was held in Assam(btw rain totally messed it up).
Few in state govt. wanted food stalls to sell only vegetarian,,as expected it failed.later chief ministaer clarified tht nonveg allowed(few stalls were serving local drinks too:D )
North Indians hate us South Indians. Especially they hate Tamil Nadu & now Kerala. Kerala loves beef and they just banned it.

Pak take Kashmir
China take North east
Indian central govnt needs to be weakened, so that they will leaves us Kerala & TN alone

North Indians hate us South Indians. Especially they hate Tamil Nadu & now Kerala. Kerala loves beef and they just banned it.

Pak take Kashmir
China take North east
Indian central govnt needs to be weakened, so that they will leaves us Kerala & TN alone


North Indians are the enemies of all people and should be eradicated to save the galaxy.

Modi dividing India for his votes.

Hypocrite BJP...


Attack on Sikhs in Ajmer was not reported on any news channel.
Calf slaughter in Kerala is hot debate on national TV for last 48 hours.


@Spring Onion
Shame on BJP vote politics:

No beef ban if we come to power in poll-bound northeast states: BJP ...

BJP candidate promised quality beef in Kerala.
BJP candidate for Kerala Lok Sabha bypoll promises quality beef if ...
Parrikar providing quality beef in Goa.

Min Kiren Rejiju enjoys beef, he himself claimed.
Can anyone stop me from eating beef ? Kiren Rijiju dares Mukhtar ...
LOL its not a beef ban at all. Bunch of illiterates can't read basic english it seems.

Anyways enjoy being triggered as always.
All animals slaughtered for human consumption should be properly regulated. HUMANS ARE ANIMALS TOO -KILL AND CONSUME OTHER ANIMALS. Muslims in my country Malaysia only consume meat which is HALAL. Must follow proper procedure and maintain cleanliness. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS. In Uttar Pradesh where 20-33 percent of the population is Muslim in some areas only Licensed Abbatouirs are allowed to operate to maintain halal procedures and cleanliness. Under the liberal policy (do not care policy) of CONGRESS and other caste based parties in Uttar Pradesh for over 70 years, many unlicensed meat cutting stalls-dirty, filthy stalls have been opened along streets and near urinals,teeming with flies ( also insensitive to HINDUS who revered the cows- now being cleaned up- under Modi's clean India drive.
All animals slaughtered for human consumption should be properly regulated. HUMANS ARE ANIMALS TOO -KILL AND CONSUME OTHER ANIMALS. Muslims in my country Malaysia only consume meat which is HALAL. Must follow proper procedure and maintain cleanliness. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS. In Uttar Pradesh where 20-33 percent of the population is Muslim in some areas only Licensed Abbatouirs are allowed to operate to maintain halal procedures and cleanliness. Under the liberal policy (do not care policy) of CONGRESS and other caste based parties in Uttar Pradesh for over 70 years, many unlicensed meat cutting stalls-dirty, filthy stalls have been opened along streets and near urinals,teeming with flies ( also insensitive to HINDUS who revered the cows- now being cleaned up- under Modi's clean India drive.

Thank you! Someone gets it!
Slaughtering of a calf. Oh yeah, the optics of this is sure to appeal to hindus.

Many of my friends are not even that god fearing and even they are disgusted by this. the backlash to this video from Hindus all over India would make Congees crap themselves.

We will make sure this video of slaughter of a baby cow by Congees & Hindu haters is circulated to each and every Hindu in India. Let us see how this plays out :D

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