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Exclusive - Saudi Arabia, U.S. in talks on billions in arms sales



Funny, ther is no hate in my post:-).
Arab will suprass arab nothing more:-), they will never achieve more then spare parts manufacturer. They will learn that critical parts never will be shared. How much money you put on the table that doesn't matter. Ther is something they will learn, knowhow is something to be worked. And keeping that engine working you need industry that you never will achieve with this way.

And why that rush to buy urgent need for 110 billions weapons?
But isn't this how Turkey started its military industry through TOT deals with European countries and Israel and the US?
Do you really blame our Saudi brothers, if you have the money and you could buy from the best why won't you?
I only hope they had set aside some of that money to create two or three Universities like KAUST.
KSA wasting money should have bought from Russia China this time
The purchase of 4 Littoral boats for $6 billion is a rip off.

Do you really blame our Saudi brothers, if you have the money and you could buy from the best why won't you?
I only hope they had set aside some of that money to create two or three Universities like KAUST.
KSA overpaid based on my many people's assessment
Did you do some math at school??
let's do it together...shall we??
Deal =6$Bill
Divided by 4 LCS= 6/4 = 1.5Bil

That's just to get out you low mathproblem...

But the main Answer here... is that 6bil$ IS NOT only for 4 ships... you get the armement/training/spare parts/and ToT...
A freedom class is aorund 400Mil$... only the ship...with nothing on it... so you get to add around 800Mil-1Bil$ per ship to add Armemant/parts/training AND ToT...

ps: You don't get to protect the royal family with LCS... neither by a 6Bil$ deal either ...try to grow up a little...and stay objective...will you...
Lol,1.5 B dolloar or 2.0B for a frigate with only 8 SSM and 16 VLS, any difference? Are you from the royal family? Why be so mania?
But isn't this how Turkey started its military industry through TOT deals with European countries and Israel and the US?
It is not that easy. Getting ToT is one thing but having the capability to effectively absorbing this knowledge is another thing. If you don't have a decent industry, you won't be able to use or implement knowledge you've received. That's the main difference between KSA and Israel/Turkey/Iran today. ToT is cool but as long as Saudi Arabia doesn't have the industrial and scientific resources, nothing will change. That's why a good economy policy is even more important than any Tot agreement with the US.
Dude, life is worthless. Without huge pour into the US pocket, color revolution could be easily incited by the CIA
Without KSA buying US debt, can **** with america. But that's just one part. Need to get rid of US' other lap dog japan
KSA could have got more firepower from Russia in lesser money russia could have offered them better destroyers of its new class than US freedom class

With 100 billion the Saudis could have got nuke subs too

Saudis are not sensible choosing weapons I'm hearing they are buying u 202 From Germany when U 214 the latest they can buy fact is anyone can bring KSA on its knees even after buying billion dollars toys but useless in war
American weapons are proven to be superior in quality they are much cheaper than the French products that are prices almost 5 times

there is no chance of absolute replacement of first tier US weapon systems .. Turkey & Pakistan you listed are light years away in terms of resources, knowledge and R&D. even china is not there yet and relies on borrowed technology and is decades away from anything that Russia or west puts on the shelf.
it is more or a publicity stunt to put something out as "local" and I agree with it in its spirit but thats not the alternative
but lot of low tier weapons are up to par when it comes to turkey, including corvettes, tanks light armored vehicles even short range air defense which is actually the major part of the bill
KSA could have got more firepower from Russia in lesser money russia could have offered them better destroyers of its new class than US freedom class

With 100 billion the Saudis could have got nuke subs too

Saudis are not sensible choosing weapons I'm hearing they are buying u 202 From Germany when U 214 the latest they can buy fact is anyone can bring KSA on its knees even after buying billion dollars toys but useless in war
The US selling KSA equipment is two fold:
1. Extortion fees are included in the deal. KSA way overpaying for equipment
2. Preparing KSA and GCC to fight Iran.

Trump is genius. Plus no TOT. at least not critical components
Lol,1.5 B dolloar or 2.0B for a frigate with only 8 SSM and 16 VLS, any difference? Are you from the royal family? Why be so mania?
No one knows how those ships will be equipped, they have never been sold before to anyone..and they won't be the same as the US Littoral corvettes, these will be Frigates albeit smaller than the big known frigates, because they will be packed with high-tech.. but let's wait and see the specs in time..

That is seriously a lot. Which nation in the world would need 110 billion dollars worth of weapons immediately? With this type of money, they can easily start up their own major defense industry (and keep it one of the top-budget in the world). They should seriously invest somewhere else.
First of all, the $110 billion is spread on 10 years..second, it is apparently difficult to start its own Major defense industry (there is a lot of suspicion around, and one needs to be transparent, the Western powers have just too many agencies watching the rest of the world!), because you need ToT for that on top of having enough tech-educated people, institutes for R&D, enough tech savvy people who can absorb new technologies and improve on them, just to name a few requirements apart from a lot of money, obviously..One also needs to be politically stable and best of all if one has long term powerful friends and allies.. KSA has prepared itself economically, socially and politically (locally, regionally and internationally) for this, so it deserves to have everything it needs to defend itself against any eventuality.. The middle east has always been known as a hot spot..that is another point KSA had to think of when it was planning for its defense requirements..

There is also a 280 to 300 billion dollars worth of investments in high-tech and civilian ToT from the leading international and US companies to support the National interests outlined in the Saudi 2030 vision..
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Quite a massive deal on the surface... but given the annual expenditure of KSA on defence not that big really.

What would be most interesting is to see how these deals feed into KSA local industry and GDP over the next ten years.
If analysed carefully these deals are more like economic stimulus package instead of standard infrastructure or other types of government spendings.

Hence, KSA is bound to reap benefits from it. It also takes care of many other political issues on international scale.
Looks like a brilliant move by the Saudis to create positive vibe in the US as well...since, many voices were being raised regarding the 911.

Personally, however, I would like to see same strategic movement by the Saudis towards Turkey and Pakistan as well.

At the moment there is no tangible movement in this direction at all by KSA or GCC.

Take for example TFX.

If KSA/GCC joins this program and facilitate Pak's participation as well..then GCC+Turkey+Pak have not only an aircraft but the enitre ecosystem under their control. 10/20 billions spread over ten years... we are talking peanuts here for GCC as collective. Peanuts!

Same goes for naval assets/systems. If only KSA as leader of GCC moves in this direction..the industrial output from these three heartlands will create stability dimensions of its own. Not limited to empolyment alone.

Turks have a very mature naval industrial base..their new sub is going to be some quality product. Also, down the road Turks are going towards destroyers and they Will build an AC!

Of course, US/NATO can be partners in such an undertaking as well.

We must also look at space programs and space assets... if these three important regions combine their resources and build a joint space program...

I bet with Pak's passive SLV program is already into fruition and Turkey's advancement in electronics... imagine... just imagine... the synergy and stability such JVs can create.
Certainly with partnerships with the West and East. 10/20 billions spread over 10/15 years. Peanuts!

GCC+Pak+Turkey can become the Pivot of the World...Capital, manpower and industrial/agricultural base...everything is there.

All that is required is the ink on paper and money in the bank!

Anyhow, the mastermind of this deal is MbS. Credit where it is due.

The King is old and fragile...all strategic decisions are from MbS. He is laying the foundations of a new KSA. We must wish him well...hopefully, after consolidating his support in the West, he moves briskly to make lasting friends in the East as well i.e. Pak-Turk combine.

@cabatli_53 @HAKIKAT @Combat-Master @The SC @MastanKhan @Bubblegum Crisis @Khafee @Kaptaan @Blacklight

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