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In four years, PTI did more to restore faith in democracy than PML-N or PPP did in decades


Jan 19, 2017
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PTI must be accredited for bringing a whole generation of previously apolitical, disinterested youth into the fold of mainstream politics.

Whether Imran Khan wins the 2018 General Elections or not, he has given to our democracy what he gave to his down-and-out team during the World Cup of 1992, and to millions of despairing cancer patients across Pakistan – hope.

If we move the clocks back to the last quarter of 2011, we can distinctly recall the sense of utter frustration that was prevalent in the country. People had voted for the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) with great expectations to get the nation back on its democratic footing.

Unfortunately, Asif Ali Zardari and company wasted this golden opportunity to strengthen the transition to democracy. In fact, they made a mockery of the whole system. Corruption, incompetence and nepotism became the order of the day. A lackadaisical approach towards governance was witnessed, with people becoming completely disillusioned with the system.

The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), as the main opposition, turned a blind eye towards this travesty of parliamentary governance. This was done with the understanding that when it was Nawaz Sharif’s ‘turn’ to rule, PPP would return this felonious favour of inaction. Hence, PML-N focused its energies on Punjab, giving the ruling party a free run to empty the federal exchequer.

Then, something happened that none of the parties or political pundits ever dreamt. In December 2011, Imran Khan – the mocked one-man-party who no one took seriously – held a massive convention in Lahore. The fervour seen amongst the people had not been witnessed since the days of the dynamic Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto.

Let us assess how, in merely four years since getting elected as the second largest party in Pakistan, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has helped restore people’s faith in democracy:

First of all, PTI must be accredited for bringing a whole generation of previously apolitical, disinterested youth into the fold of mainstream politics. Imran’s stirring message of creating a just society where rule of law – not the rule of individuals – would reign supreme, resonated with the youth in a very meaningful way.

More crucially, PTI presented the masses with a third option. The two-party hegemony was finally broken. Even in established strong democracies like the US, England and India, the absence of a viable third party has left voters utterly frustrated and hapless.

Second, if we look at PTI’s performance in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), it has been nothing short of remarkable. For a province that was absolutely wrecked by terrorism, PTI brought far-reaching changes for peoples’ prosperity. These include unprecedented healthcare, reformation of education, police and land reforms, something that the PML-N had been promising since times immemorial.

Similarly, through local elections, power was transferred down to villages and Tehsils, which gave people the power to make their own decisions. In terms of energy production, PTI invested heavily in clean energy projects, realising the untapped hydel energy potential of the mountainous north. The ‘billion-tree tsunami’ drive was another marvellous step, which garnered acknowledgement from international environmental agencies. Probably since the development of the Changa Manga National Park by the British more than a century ago, this was the finest action towards forestation taken by any administration in Pakistan.

But PTI’s wide-ranging policies and legislation had another vital effect. It showed Pakistanis what true development actually entailed. Before PTI came to the fore, mega projects such as the Metro Bus service and motorways epitomised progress. PPP had set the bar so dismally low that “at least PML-N is doing something” became a reasonable justification in the minds of the masses. But PTI’s welfare-centric policies set the standards for growth much higher.

PTI, through its work in K-P, also reinforced provincial autonomy. Other regional governments can take a leaf out of Imran’s book, to see how they can implement their own indigenous developmental agendas, without being dependent upon or dictated by Islamabad.

Nawaz and Imran are now engaged in fierce competition to win people’s hearts, not just through empty rhetoric and political jingoism, as used to be the case, but through concrete, tangible steps. Never before has there been such an aggressive rivalry to see who serves the people better, and that is precisely what PTI has enabled. Whether it is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and similar infrastructural projects driven by PML-N, or the educational and healthcare revolution underway in K-P, the common man stands to benefit from it all.

Imran’s opponents claim that his party’s intermittent sit-ins have done great harm to our democracy. One begs to differ. The demonstrations in the US, South Korea, and now in Romania clearly prove that protest is, in fact, the fundamental hallmark of a burgeoning democracy.

To conclude, one hopes that these immortal words of Faiz Ahmed Faiz do not come true, because Pakistan’s revitalised democracy needs Imran to keep fighting for the hope he has rekindled:

“Here in this land of ours, came a faqir (beggar) with a voice beautiful and pleasing. He came before us, signing ghazals in the tune of his own being, and went away…”

More crucially, PTI presented the masses with a third option. The two-party hegemony was finally broken. Even in established strong democracies like the US, England and India, the absence of a viable third party has left voters utterly frustrated and hapless.

Nawaz and Imran are now engaged in fierce competition to win people’s hearts, not just through empty rhetoric and political jingoism, as used to be the case, but through concrete, tangible steps. Never before has there been such an aggressive rivalry to see who serves the people better, and that is precisely what PTI has enabled. Whether it is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and similar infrastructural projects driven by PML-N, or the educational and healthcare revolution underway in K-P, the common man stands to benefit from it all.

PPP had set the bar so dismally low that “at least PML-N is doing something” became a reasonable justification in the minds of the masses.

Points to note.
There is no true democracy, untill people given the choice of ''reject all'' ''vote for NON'' etc.
Untill such choices are absent... all uncasted votes should be counted against forced democracy.

it would be implemented by supreme court if it ever will, because no party would want it, and even if it happened it won't make much of a difference because of the mindset...............
it would be implemented by supreme court if it ever will, because no party would want it, and even if it happened it won't make much of a difference because of the mindset...............
As long this option is missing, we should stop addressing our politicians as democrats.


PTI must be accredited for bringing a whole generation of previously apolitical, disinterested youth into the fold of mainstream politics.

Whether Imran Khan wins the 2018 General Elections or not, he has given to our democracy what he gave to his down-and-out team during the World Cup of 1992, and to millions of despairing cancer patients across Pakistan – hope.

If we move the clocks back to the last quarter of 2011, we can distinctly recall the sense of utter frustration that was prevalent in the country. People had voted for the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) with great expectations to get the nation back on its democratic footing.

Unfortunately, Asif Ali Zardari and company wasted this golden opportunity to strengthen the transition to democracy. In fact, they made a mockery of the whole system. Corruption, incompetence and nepotism became the order of the day. A lackadaisical approach towards governance was witnessed, with people becoming completely disillusioned with the system.

The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), as the main opposition, turned a blind eye towards this travesty of parliamentary governance. This was done with the understanding that when it was Nawaz Sharif’s ‘turn’ to rule, PPP would return this felonious favour of inaction. Hence, PML-N focused its energies on Punjab, giving the ruling party a free run to empty the federal exchequer.

Then, something happened that none of the parties or political pundits ever dreamt. In December 2011, Imran Khan – the mocked one-man-party who no one took seriously – held a massive convention in Lahore. The fervour seen amongst the people had not been witnessed since the days of the dynamic Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto.

Let us assess how, in merely four years since getting elected as the second largest party in Pakistan, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has helped restore people’s faith in democracy:

First of all, PTI must be accredited for bringing a whole generation of previously apolitical, disinterested youth into the fold of mainstream politics. Imran’s stirring message of creating a just society where rule of law – not the rule of individuals – would reign supreme, resonated with the youth in a very meaningful way.

More crucially, PTI presented the masses with a third option. The two-party hegemony was finally broken. Even in established strong democracies like the US, England and India, the absence of a viable third party has left voters utterly frustrated and hapless.

Second, if we look at PTI’s performance in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), it has been nothing short of remarkable. For a province that was absolutely wrecked by terrorism, PTI brought far-reaching changes for peoples’ prosperity. These include unprecedented healthcare, reformation of education, police and land reforms, something that the PML-N had been promising since times immemorial.

Similarly, through local elections, power was transferred down to villages and Tehsils, which gave people the power to make their own decisions. In terms of energy production, PTI invested heavily in clean energy projects, realising the untapped hydel energy potential of the mountainous north. The ‘billion-tree tsunami’ drive was another marvellous step, which garnered acknowledgement from international environmental agencies. Probably since the development of the Changa Manga National Park by the British more than a century ago, this was the finest action towards forestation taken by any administration in Pakistan.

But PTI’s wide-ranging policies and legislation had another vital effect. It showed Pakistanis what true development actually entailed. Before PTI came to the fore, mega projects such as the Metro Bus service and motorways epitomised progress. PPP had set the bar so dismally low that “at least PML-N is doing something” became a reasonable justification in the minds of the masses. But PTI’s welfare-centric policies set the standards for growth much higher.

PTI, through its work in K-P, also reinforced provincial autonomy. Other regional governments can take a leaf out of Imran’s book, to see how they can implement their own indigenous developmental agendas, without being dependent upon or dictated by Islamabad.

Nawaz and Imran are now engaged in fierce competition to win people’s hearts, not just through empty rhetoric and political jingoism, as used to be the case, but through concrete, tangible steps. Never before has there been such an aggressive rivalry to see who serves the people better, and that is precisely what PTI has enabled. Whether it is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and similar infrastructural projects driven by PML-N, or the educational and healthcare revolution underway in K-P, the common man stands to benefit from it all.

Imran’s opponents claim that his party’s intermittent sit-ins have done great harm to our democracy. One begs to differ. The demonstrations in the US, South Korea, and now in Romania clearly prove that protest is, in fact, the fundamental hallmark of a burgeoning democracy.

To conclude, one hopes that these immortal words of Faiz Ahmed Faiz do not come true, because Pakistan’s revitalised democracy needs Imran to keep fighting for the hope he has rekindled:

“Here in this land of ours, came a faqir (beggar) with a voice beautiful and pleasing. He came before us, signing ghazals in the tune of his own being, and went away…”


PPP is anti Pakistan party... its not democratic.
PPP has history of breaking pakistan, Zardari has already pledged destruction of Pak armed forces and yet some people dare to call it a political party of Pakistan.

PTI must be accredited for bringing a whole generation of previously apolitical, disinterested youth into the fold of mainstream politics.

Whether Imran Khan wins the 2018 General Elections or not, he has given to our democracy what he gave to his down-and-out team during the World Cup of 1992, and to millions of despairing cancer patients across Pakistan – hope.

If we move the clocks back to the last quarter of 2011, we can distinctly recall the sense of utter frustration that was prevalent in the country. People had voted for the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) with great expectations to get the nation back on its democratic footing.

Unfortunately, Asif Ali Zardari and company wasted this golden opportunity to strengthen the transition to democracy. In fact, they made a mockery of the whole system. Corruption, incompetence and nepotism became the order of the day. A lackadaisical approach towards governance was witnessed, with people becoming completely disillusioned with the system.

The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), as the main opposition, turned a blind eye towards this travesty of parliamentary governance. This was done with the understanding that when it was Nawaz Sharif’s ‘turn’ to rule, PPP would return this felonious favour of inaction. Hence, PML-N focused its energies on Punjab, giving the ruling party a free run to empty the federal exchequer.

Then, something happened that none of the parties or political pundits ever dreamt. In December 2011, Imran Khan – the mocked one-man-party who no one took seriously – held a massive convention in Lahore. The fervour seen amongst the people had not been witnessed since the days of the dynamic Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto.

Let us assess how, in merely four years since getting elected as the second largest party in Pakistan, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has helped restore people’s faith in democracy:

First of all, PTI must be accredited for bringing a whole generation of previously apolitical, disinterested youth into the fold of mainstream politics. Imran’s stirring message of creating a just society where rule of law – not the rule of individuals – would reign supreme, resonated with the youth in a very meaningful way.

More crucially, PTI presented the masses with a third option. The two-party hegemony was finally broken. Even in established strong democracies like the US, England and India, the absence of a viable third party has left voters utterly frustrated and hapless.

Second, if we look at PTI’s performance in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), it has been nothing short of remarkable. For a province that was absolutely wrecked by terrorism, PTI brought far-reaching changes for peoples’ prosperity. These include unprecedented healthcare, reformation of education, police and land reforms, something that the PML-N had been promising since times immemorial.

Similarly, through local elections, power was transferred down to villages and Tehsils, which gave people the power to make their own decisions. In terms of energy production, PTI invested heavily in clean energy projects, realising the untapped hydel energy potential of the mountainous north. The ‘billion-tree tsunami’ drive was another marvellous step, which garnered acknowledgement from international environmental agencies. Probably since the development of the Changa Manga National Park by the British more than a century ago, this was the finest action towards forestation taken by any administration in Pakistan.

But PTI’s wide-ranging policies and legislation had another vital effect. It showed Pakistanis what true development actually entailed. Before PTI came to the fore, mega projects such as the Metro Bus service and motorways epitomised progress. PPP had set the bar so dismally low that “at least PML-N is doing something” became a reasonable justification in the minds of the masses. But PTI’s welfare-centric policies set the standards for growth much higher.

PTI, through its work in K-P, also reinforced provincial autonomy. Other regional governments can take a leaf out of Imran’s book, to see how they can implement their own indigenous developmental agendas, without being dependent upon or dictated by Islamabad.

Nawaz and Imran are now engaged in fierce competition to win people’s hearts, not just through empty rhetoric and political jingoism, as used to be the case, but through concrete, tangible steps. Never before has there been such an aggressive rivalry to see who serves the people better, and that is precisely what PTI has enabled. Whether it is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and similar infrastructural projects driven by PML-N, or the educational and healthcare revolution underway in K-P, the common man stands to benefit from it all.

Imran’s opponents claim that his party’s intermittent sit-ins have done great harm to our democracy. One begs to differ. The demonstrations in the US, South Korea, and now in Romania clearly prove that protest is, in fact, the fundamental hallmark of a burgeoning democracy.

To conclude, one hopes that these immortal words of Faiz Ahmed Faiz do not come true, because Pakistan’s revitalised democracy needs Imran to keep fighting for the hope he has rekindled:

“Here in this land of ours, came a faqir (beggar) with a voice beautiful and pleasing. He came before us, signing ghazals in the tune of his own being, and went away…”

Really. You need to be utterly shameless to make such a wild and false claim. In fact, PTI has turned out to be a disgrace for democracy. How low a political party can fall than attacking the parliament itself? What a worse disgrace could you imagine for a political party than attacking the highest court of a nation? How a political party can resort to attack police officers is unthinkable in any democracy. But that disgrace was hard earned by an idiot known as Imran Khan - a brand of disgrace, lies, and bigotry. We are not talking about the vulgar and hateful culture introduced by these idiots. And someone is calling it a unparalleled service to democracy. It is indeed unparalleled achievement. Yes, it is unparalleled fall to disgrace only. I know no one else falling to such a low in recent times.
Points to note.

I think that's a good point here. Before PTI, the culture in Pakistani Politics was to loot the country with both hands without any opposition. PML-N largely watched on the sidelines as PPP looted the country from 2008-2013, as PML-N was happily looting Punjab and was waiting for its turn to loot the country from the Centre.

If we take PTI out of the equation, there would be no opposition to PML-N's corruption and lack of governance. PPP is least interested about corruption as they know that PML-N has been protecting Zardari as we saw with the Swiss Banks, that Diamond Necklace and Ayan Ali. The problem is that Patwaris think that elections is democracy, transparency and governance has nothing to do with democracy. This is why i give full credit to PTI that they brought forward the notion of corruption in Pakistani Politics. Corruption is destroying this country from ground up, and Pakistan can never prosper unless we rid the country from the scourge of corruption.
How low a political party can fall than attacking the parliament itself?

True that.

What a worse disgrace could you imagine for a political party than attacking the highest court of a nation?

also true


We are not talking about the vulgar and hateful culture introduced by these idiots.

But still if you wan't to "talk" about that

so my dear @kabooter_maila , the Point is , that no one is angel here. Oh, wait !!

i think i found one ANGEL.

I think that's a good point here. Before PTI, the culture in Pakistani Politics was to loot the country with both hands without any opposition. PML-N largely watched on the sidelines as PPP looted the country from 2008-2013, as PML-N was happily looting Punjab and was waiting for its turn to loot the country from the Centre.

If we take PTI out of the equation, there would be no opposition to PML-N's corruption and lack of governance. PPP is least interested about corruption as they know that PML-N has been protecting Zardari as we saw with the Swiss Banks, that Diamond Necklace and Ayan Ali. The problem is that Patwaris think that elections is democracy, transparency and governance has nothing to do with democracy. This is why i give full credit to PTI that they brought forward the notion of corruption in Pakistani Politics. Corruption is destroying this country from ground up, and Pakistan can never prosper unless we rid the country from the scourge of corruption.

Exactly. that agreement just after elections was day light "muk-muka". PMLN acted like a friendly opposition. they were like "shah se ziada shah ke wafadar" despite their rona dhona and that "sarko par na gaseta to naam shahbaz sharif nahe shabbo rakh lena" rants. they did nothing. usi ka to pal expect kar rahe the PMLN. but afsoor, PTI aa gae. kabab me haddi. waise haddi to kuty ko hazam ho jaati hay pata nahe PMLN ko PTI q hazm nahe ho rahe.

  • Get election reforms.
  • NADRA finger printed verified voting.
  • Electronic voting
  • Overseas voting
  • Election Commission and Caretaker Government to be appointed by Supreme Court.
  • Army to provide security in all polling stations during the election.
  • Time limit of election should be extended. India's election takes one month to complete, and one month to count. Pakistan's election should at least take three days to vote, and three days to count.
  • PTI should focus its rallies less about Panama Case, and more about Election Reforms. We all know that Nawaz Sharif is a thief and an immoral human being and he will never resign. Irrespective of the fact that Nawaz Sharif asked Gilani to step down before he was even convicted of Contempt of Court. Nawaz Sharif asked Gilani to do the same thing, and when it is his turn, he doesn’t do what he wants others to do.
  • Disqualify Nawaz Sharif from the next election because he has criminal convictions of corruption in the Panama Case from maybe not the Joint Investigation Team because they are under him, but definitely the Supreme Court Judges that have spoken against him.
  • Get more MNA's And MPA's that were winners in previous elections to satisfy the lower class voters in the rural villages of Punjab and Sindh.
  • Continue to build up Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) and try to link it up with the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Also repave the roads before the election 2018 to make everything look new and good. Continue to improve government hospitals and schools and make them even better than Shaukat Khanum and Namal.
  • Make an alliance with Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT), All Pakistan Muslim League (APML), Awami Muslim League (AML), Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP), and Jamat Islami (JI).
  • Before the elections, PTI should create political television ads about what they have accomplished In KPK. Also television ads of the three judges against Nawaz Sharif in the Panama Case verdict, and put these ads on live television news channels as Informative Commercials.

PTI must be accredited for bringing a whole generation of previously apolitical, disinterested youth into the fold of mainstream politics.

Whether Imran Khan wins the 2018 General Elections or not, he has given to our democracy what he gave to his down-and-out team during the World Cup of 1992, and to millions of despairing cancer patients across Pakistan – hope.

If we move the clocks back to the last quarter of 2011, we can distinctly recall the sense of utter frustration that was prevalent in the country. People had voted for the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) with great expectations to get the nation back on its democratic footing.

Unfortunately, Asif Ali Zardari and company wasted this golden opportunity to strengthen the transition to democracy. In fact, they made a mockery of the whole system. Corruption, incompetence and nepotism became the order of the day. A lackadaisical approach towards governance was witnessed, with people becoming completely disillusioned with the system.

The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), as the main opposition, turned a blind eye towards this travesty of parliamentary governance. This was done with the understanding that when it was Nawaz Sharif’s ‘turn’ to rule, PPP would return this felonious favour of inaction. Hence, PML-N focused its energies on Punjab, giving the ruling party a free run to empty the federal exchequer.

Then, something happened that none of the parties or political pundits ever dreamt. In December 2011, Imran Khan – the mocked one-man-party who no one took seriously – held a massive convention in Lahore. The fervour seen amongst the people had not been witnessed since the days of the dynamic Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto.

Let us assess how, in merely four years since getting elected as the second largest party in Pakistan, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has helped restore people’s faith in democracy:

First of all, PTI must be accredited for bringing a whole generation of previously apolitical, disinterested youth into the fold of mainstream politics. Imran’s stirring message of creating a just society where rule of law – not the rule of individuals – would reign supreme, resonated with the youth in a very meaningful way.

More crucially, PTI presented the masses with a third option. The two-party hegemony was finally broken. Even in established strong democracies like the US, England and India, the absence of a viable third party has left voters utterly frustrated and hapless.

Second, if we look at PTI’s performance in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), it has been nothing short of remarkable. For a province that was absolutely wrecked by terrorism, PTI brought far-reaching changes for peoples’ prosperity. These include unprecedented healthcare, reformation of education, police and land reforms, something that the PML-N had been promising since times immemorial.

Similarly, through local elections, power was transferred down to villages and Tehsils, which gave people the power to make their own decisions. In terms of energy production, PTI invested heavily in clean energy projects, realising the untapped hydel energy potential of the mountainous north. The ‘billion-tree tsunami’ drive was another marvellous step, which garnered acknowledgement from international environmental agencies. Probably since the development of the Changa Manga National Park by the British more than a century ago, this was the finest action towards forestation taken by any administration in Pakistan.

But PTI’s wide-ranging policies and legislation had another vital effect. It showed Pakistanis what true development actually entailed. Before PTI came to the fore, mega projects such as the Metro Bus service and motorways epitomised progress. PPP had set the bar so dismally low that “at least PML-N is doing something” became a reasonable justification in the minds of the masses. But PTI’s welfare-centric policies set the standards for growth much higher.

PTI, through its work in K-P, also reinforced provincial autonomy. Other regional governments can take a leaf out of Imran’s book, to see how they can implement their own indigenous developmental agendas, without being dependent upon or dictated by Islamabad.

Nawaz and Imran are now engaged in fierce competition to win people’s hearts, not just through empty rhetoric and political jingoism, as used to be the case, but through concrete, tangible steps. Never before has there been such an aggressive rivalry to see who serves the people better, and that is precisely what PTI has enabled. Whether it is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and similar infrastructural projects driven by PML-N, or the educational and healthcare revolution underway in K-P, the common man stands to benefit from it all.

Imran’s opponents claim that his party’s intermittent sit-ins have done great harm to our democracy. One begs to differ. The demonstrations in the US, South Korea, and now in Romania clearly prove that protest is, in fact, the fundamental hallmark of a burgeoning democracy.

To conclude, one hopes that these immortal words of Faiz Ahmed Faiz do not come true, because Pakistan’s revitalised democracy needs Imran to keep fighting for the hope he has rekindled:

“Here in this land of ours, came a faqir (beggar) with a voice beautiful and pleasing. He came before us, signing ghazals in the tune of his own being, and went away…”

Who can stop fools from living in their own dreamworld.
I understand this that ik opposition of nawaz is actually good in sense that it keep some pressure on PM L (N) government that they need to perform otherwise people have many replacement available right now but it seem IK actually took opposition too far and these non stop jalse , dharne in Punjab cost them time and money which they needed for policy making and others development work in KPK.

Restored faith in democracy? How?
Democracy is system where voice of majority is accepted and respected even when we are on losing side and majority voted for PML (N) in last election whom he mock and abuse in every jalsa so its like making mockery of democracy in Pakistan rather than resoring faith in it. He and his supporters seem fan of democracy only if PTI win through it otherwise its demo crazy and fraud
I understand this that ik opposition of nawaz is actually good in sense that it keep some pressure on PM L (N) government that they need to perform otherwise people have many replacement available right now but it seem IK actually took opposition too far and these non stop jalse , dharne in Punjab cost them time and money which they needed for policy making and others development work in KPK.

Restored faith in democracy? How?
Democracy is system where voice of majority is accepted and respected even when we are on losing side and majority voted for PML (N) in last election whom he mock and abuse in every jalsa so its like making mockery of democracy in Pakistan rather than resoring faith in it. He and his supporters seem fan of democracy only if PTI win through it otherwise its demo crazy and fraud

Ok so as per you just because NS got elected he should be given freedom to loot and plunder as much as he likes and not be held accountable. I am sorry that is not the defination of democracy. In a democracy the elected are held accountable for every action or inaction they take.
Ok so as per you just because NS got elected he should be given freedom to loot and plunder as much as he likes and not be held accountable. I am sorry that is not the defination of democracy. In a democracy the elected are held accountable for every action or inaction they take.
No i was asking to respect the mandate of people and let them rule. People will reject them next time if they dont perform and involve in corruption. People should be held accountable in court of law if you have proofs and evidence of their crimes but i do see no point of abusing and throwing same insults and accusations again and again in every jalsa which you do every week unless you have so much free time and you assume peope are deaf who need to hear same thing 1000th times
No i was asking to respect the mandate of people and let them rule. People will reject them next time if they dont perform and involve in corruption. People should be held accountable in court of law if you have proofs and evidence of their crimes but i do see no point of abusing and throwing same insults and accusations again and again in every jalsa which you do every week unless you have so much free time and you assume peope are deaf who need to hear same thing 1000th times

It is because of the presure built by dharnas that NS had to face the courts, it is because of the jalsas that IK did not let people forget about panama leaks. Do you seriously think that if IK wasnt there then NS would be held accountable?

Also in the case of financial crimes the law states that the burden of proof lies on the accused. Meaning you are guilty until proven innocent. Hence the comments of the 2 SC judges declaring NS not sadiq not ameen and the reason this JIT is formed.

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