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India's Ballistic Missile Defense trials were "rigged"


Nov 1, 2010
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Any way it's still in developmental stage, before inducting the end user,ie Indian military will be testing it rigourasly.
Dr. V K Saraswat is NOT disputing BK's charges.
So says the article.
He claimed a C17 crash.No C17 had crashed as he alleged. That accident was also a C-130 which slipped away from taxi track. The man himself doesn't know most of the time what he talks about & desperate for attention....
You must be so desperate to give him a reference.
Times of India, Hindustan times and all these newspapers have all made mistakes and apologized.
They should roll their shutters down.

Some dudes and their laptops!
All it takes..


Indian PM Modi has made MANY mistakes/gaffes too.

One more reason why the right wingers should not take him seriously.
Morons of high caliber.
Op also posted an article of ex-antrix chief, Naira, mouthing against 104 satellites launche. He only failed to mention that Nair was dishonorably discharged and banned from future government positions due to him allotting strategic S band to private company.

Anyways coming back to article, author is saying flight parameters are fed into LRTR which is swordfish / greenpine Israeli radar and should have no constraints. There seems to be an attempt to collect baseline data before full functionality.
At least BK did amend his situation by saying "my wrong"

Modi as a PM has never said so.
Yet keeps going like a energizer bunny and sticks to the same beaten path.

Does it mean Right Wingers should stay away from him too?
So ---- this Bharat Karnad has access to Radar intercept reports ?
or this Bharat Karnad has his own Sea Based Tracking 3D Radar which allowed him to give THIS verdict ?

Only thing i have come across from Bharat Karnad are Faults Faults Faults ---
Time & Effort is needed to Correct faults -- Even Americans correct their faults -- its not God Gifted.

Ashoka321 why have I not come across any Positive, value adding news from yourside.
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While Trajectory might have been defined in the earlier tests, In the recent tests not only was the trajectory Undefined but the target missile was deviating:
Dude don't need to get involved with his lip service..He is few seconds away to bring Modi & the RSS sanghi reference.You just can't oppose him..:P
He is a false flagger..Another of his thread he posted 28 pages of comment by sole bashing Modi & all..:lol:
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