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Govt. to go ahead with 1856-MW hydel project in J&K and reduce flow of water to Pakistan

Don't worry if our land converted to be Banjar..Then land on both sides will become toxic..If that happened..

I guess what needs to be done is for you guys to decide how to best utilise the water that is flowing through and not cause an argy-bargy!

Hiroshima , Nagasaki .

1 stop solution to everything, nuke it... please grow up
Pakistan should start building dams to store water so that utilise its share of water....water will be a scarce comodity in the future.If Pakistan cannot do it ,it should let India build bigger dams and store more water so that it can better utilised and also can be released when Pakistan has shortfall.

Whats the point of letting the water flow to the arabian sea and of no use to anyone.
Okno worries

Let them build it and we need to bomb it very next day

Money wasted
This is one of the reason when nukes usages becomes totally justified. Roast these ganga-doos if they don't stop creating troubles and fassad in the world. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.. on one hand they oppose CPEC because its going through, allegedly, a disputed territory which does not even affect bhart, but these low-lives are constructing a dam in indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir which not only illegally occupied territory but also a disputed area and the construction of the dam is a clear violation of IWT..
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This is one of the reason when nukes usages becomes totally justified. Roast these ganga-doos if they don't stop creating troubles and fassad in the world.
Nukes are there for show only, you will never be able to use it.
This is one of the reason when nukes usages becomes totally justified. Roast these ganga-doos if they don't stop creating troubles and fassad in the world. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.. on one hand they oppose CPEC because its going through, allegedly, a disputed territory which does not even affect bhart, but these low-lives are constructing a dam in indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir which not only illegally occupied territory but also a disputed area and the construction of the dam is a clear violation of IWT...so nuke them to hellfire.

Nukes are there for show only, you will never be able to use it.
These nukes are not "Made in India" .Just you show them on a parade and People start chanting India....India .
and you're making ICBM's but you don't know what the real range of Pakistani Missiles is!!!
So it's better to keep quiet than to get roasted.

Can anyone Recite the hadees or saying of Sufi who said "In future wars will be fought due to water"
I remember this maybe it was hadees or saying by saint but I Doubt it.
Can u helpme with this sir! @Khafee @Devil Soul @Imran Khan @Windjammer @Zarvan
These nukes are not "Made in India" .Just you show them on a parade and People start chanting India....India .
and you're making ICBM's but you don't know what the real range of Pakistani Missiles is!!!
So it's better to keep quiet than to get roasted.

Can anyone Recite the hadees or saying of Sufi who said "In future wars will be fought due to water"
I remember this maybe it was hadees or saying by saint but I Doubt it.
Can u helpme with this sir! @Khafee @Devil Soul @Imran Khan @Windjammer @Zarvan
Who cares for religious text. You will not be able to use nukes period. You do not have enough weight to use it.
i agree no
We Pakistan and UN laws does not allow Indian to control flow of water from the disputed region.
mate allowing or not allowing is not the issue. following the guidelines of IWT is the real issue.
IWT was framed by senior people with diplomatic minds. its not as if it was framed by BEWAKOOFS as some people here think to be. so if IWT is followed then debating this is a waste of time. and for most of its part IWT is being followed
we are thirsty right now we don't have water in our Rivers. and India is building more dams. it is injustice. India never care for their neighbor. Sadly we are unlucky that india is our neighboring country.
Don't worry if our land converted to be Banjar..Then land on both sides will become toxic..If that happened..
See on google map how Indira Gandhi Canal looks like a green oasis strip in the middle of Thar desert. Thanks to Indus Water Treaty the water of rivers Sutlej and Beas is well managed.
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