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We need to treat the cause


Feb 21, 2012
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Everytime we have a terrorist attack on our country we hear the same old old mantra,"they are om the run" "this was directed by foreign handlers" "we will intensify operations against such actors" "victoms will be avenged" "blood of martyrs will not go in vain" e.t.c.We make all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories on how the attack happened and why .We say they are not real Muslims they are x,y,z,s conspiracy to defame Muslims but does that helps us in our situation?No the fact is the fact is this stupid belief just strengthens pur enemy we dont understand the intention of our enemy and keep fooling our public on what the real motives of our enemy really are we have to tell them with a straight face that the terrorist want a radical fundamentalist state which the state directly and indirectly glorified in the past,we have to educate our people on the harmful affects of an ideological fundamentalist state and as a nation we have to reject e tremism of all sorts we have tp remeber it doesnot take much for a shia hater to turn into shia kuller and then morph into a killer of those who are against the shia killer.We know the same toxicity that made thousands march for Qadri and made thousands disciples of Abdul Aziz is same ideology that considers Pakistan a Kafir state in which if they kill members of its state,s machinery they will go to Jannah they believe that if innocent die in blast well tough luck they too will go to jannah this is the ideology we are up against i dont see anywgere anyone talking about the intentions of these terrorist groups openly we seem to be only going after the symptoms of this cancer ttp is not the cause but symptoms of terrorism cancer that has deep ropts now because of us not treating real cause that is intolerence and extremis.The real cure of this problem is taking the bitter pill and going after all extremist groups including those who are on friendly terms with the ruling party and hold rallies in Islamabad even if we dismantle entire ttp network we will still have ingrained extremism in our society which will again sprout itself from a different name to kill it permanently we have to cure our extremism problem.The people who do blasts have support inside Pakistan and many Pakistanis i know believe that x types should all be killed or y are wajib ul qatal even in this forum which supposedly we had people calling for an putright mass killing of x type of people these groups pray on these feeling and the bigots are willing to house them and go on a rampage if they kill people they dislike we may blame foreign players for what happens in Pakistan but they are our enemies they will continue to harm us what is stopping us from removing the platform that exists in our country on which they play their dirty games?

@django @Moonlight @The Sandman @Hell hound @Musafir117 @pak-marine @Zaki @WAJsal @Arsalan @waz @PaklovesTurkiye @Mugwop @Pakistani Exile @RealNapster @User
bhai ji its a big job
kick out afghans and other nationals
close madrasas
hang mullahs whom preache hate
ban every good bad jihadi
work on internal security more then defense
police and inteligance gather info
activate NECTA
hang terrorists
change hateful books and teach kids love
stop regional dirty games and talk open with countries
stop playing double games
control secterian killings
provide jobs increase jobs in youth
educate citizens abut terror
etc etc etc
Zibago sb,

Very sensible suggestions, sir.

One reason however the establishment may be loathe to implement the solution is that it may have an adverse impact on Pakistan's interests in Kashmir.

Everytime we have a terrorist attack on our country we hear the same old old mantra,"they are om the run" "this was directed by foreign handlers" "we will intensify operations against such actors" "victoms will be avenged" "blood of martyrs will not go in vain" e.t.c.We make all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories on how the attack happened and why .We say they are not real Muslims they are x,y,z,s conspiracy to defame Muslims but does that helps us in our situation?No the fact is the fact is this stupid belief just strengthens pur enemy we dont understand the intention of our enemy and keep fooling our public on what the real motives of our enemy really are we have to tell them with a straight face that the terrorist want a radical fundamentalist state which the state directly and indirectly glorified in the past,we have to educate our people on the harmful affects of an ideological fundamentalist state and as a nation we have to reject e tremism of all sorts we have tp remeber it doesnot take much for a shia hater to turn into shia kuller and then morph into a killer of those who are against the shia killer.We know the same toxicity that made thousands march for Qadri and made thousands disciples of Abdul Aziz is same ideology that considers Pakistan a Kafir state in which if they kill members of its state,s machinery they will go to Jannah they believe that if innocent die in blast well tough luck they too will go to jannah this is the ideology we are up against i dont see anywgere anyone talking about the intentions of these terrorist groups openly we seem to be only going after the symptoms of this cancer ttp is not the cause but symptoms of terrorism cancer that has deep ropts now because of us not treating real cause that is intolerence and extremis.The real cure of this problem is taking the bitter pill and going after all extremist groups including those who are on friendly terms with the ruling party and hold rallies in Islamabad even if we dismantle entire ttp network we will still have ingrained extremism in our society which will again sprout itself from a different name to kill it permanently we have to cure our extremism problem.The people who do blasts have support inside Pakistan and many Pakistanis i know believe that x types should all be killed or y are wajib ul qatal even in this forum which supposedly we had people calling for an putright mass killing of x type of people these groups pray on these feeling and the bigots are willing to house them and go on a rampage if they kill people they dislike we may blame foreign players for what happens in Pakistan but they are our enemies they will continue to harm us what is stopping us from removing the platform that exists in our country on which they play their dirty games?

@django @Moonlight @The Sandman @Hell hound @Musafir117 @pak-marine @Zaki @WAJsal @Arsalan @waz @PaklovesTurkiye @Mugwop @Pakistani Exile @RealNapster @User
We need to improve counter intel, increase funding to the appropriate folks, infiltrate these swines and once we have them were we want them, give them a most excruciating death.Kudos Sheikh

Zibago sb,

Very sensible suggestions, sir.

One reason however the establishment may be loathe to implement the solution is that it may have an adverse impact on Pakistan's interests in Kashmir.

My dear chap are you naive enough to believe if suddenly Hafiz Saeed and his acolytes disappeared from the face of this Earth, the folks of Kashmir would start to give ladoos to the Indian army, seriously!!!
bhai ji its a big job
kick out afghans and other nationals
close madrasas
hang mullahs whom preache hate
ban every good bad jihadi
work on internal security more then defense
police and inteligance gather info
activate NECTA
hang terrorists
change hateful books and teach kids love
stop regional dirty games and talk open with countries
stop playing double games
control secterian killings
provide jobs increase jobs in youth
educate citizens abut terror
etc etc etc

Where can I vote for you saab? :P

No, sir. Kashmiri Muslims have fundamental differences with being part of India. Even if Pakistanis were to withdraw support to them, they will still be unhappy and agitating. But they will be able to do little about it apart from the ocassional stone pelting. The GoI cud just laugh off such episodes. What makes their struggle more difficult for India is the Pak state/social support for the Kashmir jihad.

We need to improve counter intel, increase funding to the appropriate folks, infiltrate these swines and once we have them were we want them, give them a most excruciating death.Kudos Sheikh

Along with that to spread awareness and brain wash our people.. Killing them won't ever eradicate this evil.. Cuase until a single person having this extremism thought is alive...Security is vulnerable.!

This "thought" needs to be nip in the bud.
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Along with that to spread awareness and brain wash our people.. Killing them won't ever eradicate this evil.. Cuase until a single person having this extremism thought is alive...Security is vulnerable.!

This "thought" needs to be nip in the bud.

Along with that to spread awareness and brain wash our people.. Killing them won't ever eradicate this evil.. Cuase until a single person having this extremism thought is alive...Security is vulnerable.!

This "thought" needs to be nip in the bud.

Sis you are very right and yours is definitely more permanent and long term solution. For short term fixes, I will leave @django et co in charge :)
Along with that to spread awareness and brain wash our people.. Killing them won't ever eradicate this evil.. Cuase until a single person having this extremism thought is alive...Security is vulnerable.!

This "thought" needs to be nip in the bud.

Along with that to spread awareness and brain wash our people.. Killing them won't ever eradicate this evil.. Cuase until a single person having this extremism thought is alive...Security is vulnerable.!

This "thought" needs to be nip in the bud.
Agreed, we need to take urgent action and at the very least put "Mullah Burka" under hose arrest, and this is for starters, as for completely eradicating their warped ideology which is completely un-Islamic, i suspect we will always have some "deadenders" looking for a easy way to paradise however their are some action plans being put into place to deradicalize vulnerable folk who fall into the trap of charlatans like Aziz.Kudos
bhai ji its a big job
kick out afghans and other nationals
close madrasas
hang mullahs whom preache hate
ban every good bad jihadi
work on internal security more then defense
police and inteligance gather info
activate NECTA
hang terrorists
change hateful books and teach kids love
stop regional dirty games and talk open with countries
stop playing double games
control secterian killings
provide jobs increase jobs in youth
educate citizens abut terror
etc etc etc
Sab molviyon sey dartey hain ye dar takat hay jihadion ki

We need to improve counter intel, increase funding to the appropriate folks, infiltrate these swines and once we have them were we want them, give them a most excruciating death.Kudos Sheikh

My dear chap are you naive enough to believe if suddenly Hafiz Saeed and his acolytes disappeared from the face of this Earth, the folks of Kashmir would start to give ladoos to the Indian army, seriously!!!
Taking these goons out will still only cure the symptoms and not the cause no one is serious about the cause the cause is ingrained societal extremism who is working to cure that no one
Sis you are very right and yours is definitely more permanent and long term solution. For short term fixes, I will leave @django et co in charge :)
Indeed, a message has to be sent that no way will we tolerate this any longer, their are some extreme examples of countering these folks which I would not advocate, for example Hafez AL Assad would have his security forces dishonour the sisters and mothers of suicide bombers or even have entire families wiped out, this would serve as a lesson to any potential bomber, it worked for him, BUT under no circumstances would or should this most nefarious practice ever be used by our security forces and I have confidence it would never happen in a professional army like the Pakistan army.Kudos bro

Sab molviyon sey dartey hain ye dar takat hay jihadion ki

Taking these goons out will still only cure the symptoms and not the cause no one is serious about the cause the cause is ingrained societal extremism who is working to cure that no one
You cannot get rid of the problem in it's entirety, what you can do is make it manageable, first clamp down hard on any so-called scholar who is advocating the actions or even expressing sympathy for these Khwarijis and secondly improve and reform the education system, it is absymal.Kudos
Along with that to spread awareness and brain wash our people.. Killing them won't ever eradicate this evil.. Cuase until a single person having this extremism thought is alive...Security is vulnerable.!

This "thought" needs to be nip in the bud.

Along with that to spread awareness and brain wash our people.. Killing them won't ever eradicate this evil.. Cuase until a single person having this extremism thought is alive...Security is vulnerable.!

This "thought" needs to be nip in the bud.
Killing them is like curing flu when you have cancer ypu have to do chemotherapy to cure cancer we have to go in for ingrained extremism of our society which results in sympathies for these groups we should say no to intolerance against all groups if we dont do that we are just fooling ourself in this wot

Indeed, a message has to be sent that no way will we tolerate this any longer, their are some extreme examples of countering these folks which I would not advocate, for example Hafez AL Assad would have his security forces dishonour the sisters and mothers of suicide bombers or even have entire families wiped out, this would serve as a lesson to any potential bomber, it worked for him, BUT under no circumstances would or should this most nefarious practice ever be used by our security forces and I have confidence it would never happen in a professional army like the Pakistan army.Kudos bro

You cannot get rid of the problem in it's entirety, what you can do is make it manageable, first clamp down hard on any so-called scholar who is advocating the actions or even expressing sympathy for these Khwarijis and secondly improve and reform the education system, it is absymal.Kudos
Zarb e azb on the taliban mentality should be focused on more than the zarb e azb on the group ttp we need to take radical steps against extremism in our society and also improve our police force we cannot just bank on military success to save us from taliban mess as long as we have an incompetant police force we will have issues
Everytime we have a terrorist attack on our country we hear the same old old mantra,"they are om the run" "this was directed by foreign handlers" "we will intensify operations against such actors" "victoms will be avenged" "blood of martyrs will not go in vain" e.t.c.We make all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories on how the attack happened and why .We say they are not real Muslims they are x,y,z,s conspiracy to defame Muslims but does that helps us in our situation?No the fact is the fact is this stupid belief just strengthens pur enemy we dont understand the intention of our enemy and keep fooling our public on what the real motives of our enemy really are we have to tell them with a straight face that the terrorist want a radical fundamentalist state which the state directly and indirectly glorified in the past,we have to educate our people on the harmful affects of an ideological fundamentalist state and as a nation we have to reject e tremism of all sorts we have tp remeber it doesnot take much for a shia hater to turn into shia kuller and then morph into a killer of those who are against the shia killer.We know the same toxicity that made thousands march for Qadri and made thousands disciples of Abdul Aziz is same ideology that considers Pakistan a Kafir state in which if they kill members of its state,s machinery they will go to Jannah they believe that if innocent die in blast well tough luck they too will go to jannah this is the ideology we are up against i dont see anywgere anyone talking about the intentions of these terrorist groups openly we seem to be only going after the symptoms of this cancer ttp is not the cause but symptoms of terrorism cancer that has deep ropts now because of us not treating real cause that is intolerence and extremis.The real cure of this problem is taking the bitter pill and going after all extremist groups including those who are on friendly terms with the ruling party and hold rallies in Islamabad even if we dismantle entire ttp network we will still have ingrained extremism in our society which will again sprout itself from a different name to kill it permanently we have to cure our extremism problem.The people who do blasts have support inside Pakistan and many Pakistanis i know believe that x types should all be killed or y are wajib ul qatal even in this forum which supposedly we had people calling for an putright mass killing of x type of people these groups pray on these feeling and the bigots are willing to house them and go on a rampage if they kill people they dislike we may blame foreign players for what happens in Pakistan but they are our enemies they will continue to harm us what is stopping us from removing the platform that exists in our country on which they play their dirty games?

@django @Moonlight @The Sandman @Hell hound @Musafir117 @pak-marine @Zaki @WAJsal @Arsalan @waz @PaklovesTurkiye @Mugwop @Pakistani Exile @RealNapster @User
When you stop distinguishing TERRORISM & JIHAD, that day problem will be solved.. For example the victims recognize these attacks as terrorist attacks, but who doing it recognize it as holy jihad.. Hafiz saeed is hero for you people but he is a terrorist for us.. That means it is easy to exploit youth in Pakistan in the name of holy war.. Say no to any type of terrorism..
Killing them is like curing flu when you have cancer ypu have to do chemotherapy to cure cancer we have to go in for ingrained extremism of our society which results in sympathies for these groups we should say no to intolerance against all groups if we dont do that we are just fooling ourself in this wot

Zarb e azb on the taliban mentality should be focused on more than the zarb e azb on the group ttp we need to take radical steps against extremism in our society and also improve our police force we cannot just bank on military success to save us from taliban mess as long as we have an incompetant police force we will have issues

Hercules's second labour was to slaughter the Hydra.

This monster ravaged the country of Argos, and dwelt in a swamp near the well of Amymone.

Here the Hydra took up his position, and Hercules was sent to destroy him.

The Hydra had nine heads, of which the middle one was immortal.

Hercules struck off its head with his club, but in the place of the head knocked off, two new ones grew
forth each time.

At length with the assistance of his faithful servant Iolaus, he burned away the heads of the Hydra, and buried
the ninth or immortal one under a huge rock.


Pakistan must find a way to burn the eight stumps (to prevent regrowth) and finally bury the immortal head of fanatic terrorism.

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