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India stalls Direct flights to Tehran

Iran was the country that supplied Pakistan with fuel, helicopters and fighter jets including evden nurses in the war against India. That Iran we will get back, Sooner rather than later with likes of Trump around.
You are talking about Reza Shah Pahlavi's secular Iran before the '79 Islamic revolution. To get that Iran back one might have to undo the revolution, which is not an easy task.
You are talking about Reza Shah Pahlavi's secular Iran before the '79 Islamic revolution. To get that Iran back one might have to undo the revolution, which is not an easy task.
Huge number of Iranians are secular. More than in Pakistan. The Mullahs have built up a edifice that floats on the 'seige' mentality. Slowly that will relax over time but for present Trump is going to cause Iran grief and India is going to get pulled into this vortex.

I would wager you will not see a Indian brick in Chah Bahar for next 4 years if not 8 years. In fact if your a investor from India the smart money would stay away from Iran. Mark my words. In betweeen your going to hear what Indian's are good at - big talk and bluster.

Like a protracted stutter Cha, Cha, Cha Cha it will keep on going as years pile up.
Huge number of Iranians are secular. More than in Pakistan. The Mullahs have built up a edifice that floats on the 'seige' mentality. Slowly that will relax over time but for present Trump is going to cause Iran grief and India is going to get pulled into this vortex.

I would wager you will not see a Indian brick in Chah Bahar for next 4 years if not 8 years. In fact if your a investor from India the smart money would stay away from Iran. Mark my words. In betweeen your going to hear what Indian's are good at - big talk and bluster.

Like a protracted stutter Cha, Cha, Cha Cha it will keep on going as years pile up.
So India will ditch Iran who has supported it so much over the years just to appease Trump? Trump is that important for Indians? LOL. If India stops investing in Chah Bahar then Iran might just join in on Gwadar and CPEC which will be a huge setback for India, given Chah Bahar's supposed to be India's transit to Central Asia. Don't know if India's willing to take that risk. Iran and Pakistan as far as I know are friendly countries, just there are some sectarian nuts here and there working to undo any ties. If the sectarian forces are suppressed then Iran and Pakistan would naturally come more closer together, even without "indirect" Indian contribution.
How many bricks have you laid in Chah Bahar since the big fanfare? 3, 2, maybe even 1? American pressure perhaps coming in the way?
Yeah could be American pressure or maybe Indian government just appeasing Trump, don't know. Either way it would drive Iran away from India which we don't want
As previous member said "Indians being more Trumpy then Trump. All I can say to my Iranian friends - go forward watch how the Indian's will ditch you. A country beholden to Israel and USA cannot keep this pretence with you guy's. I know your isolated and desperate but 'Indian's ???

And let me know when India lays more then ten bricks in Chah Bahar.

*Some Indian joker here suggested that the Chinese dumped Iran faster then India post the sanctions. That is lot of tripe. It was the Chinese who dragged their feet and were the push behind the nuclear deal.

@Erl @AmirPatriot
Isn't this entire thread made redundant by the apparent fact that India never had direct flights to Iran anyway?
Isn't this entire thread made redundant by the apparent fact that India never had direct flights to Iran anyway?
Various Indian airlines apparently were planning to start direct flights - I assume this was smart business thing to do. They must have projected that as tensions eased and the sanction era loosened on Iran that country would be opportunity for garnering new business. If as was anounced India was going to invest billions in Iran there would be substantial increase in travellers from India to Iran and vice versa and a huge new business opportunity. In a sense these airlines were reposing confidence in future rosy India/Iran business relations.

However with Trump on the scene and his revisting US policy on Iran suddenly that all looks bleak. The chance of India/Iran nvestments roaring ahead without any US displeasure are pretty grim. Therefore the airlines probably reviewed their plans in light of the new emerging realties, they know that Indian government will have it's tail wagged by Trump and New Delhi will follow US instructions like a good 'buddy'. Suddenly all those new flights planned to Iran look superfluous to need.

And you see what is happening. The Indian airlines have gone on standby and will watch how things play out.

So this thread discussion was more about the underlying reasons and the implications of this 'stall' of intended plans rather than the announcement itself.
India should show middle finger to Trump.
Isn't this entire thread made redundant by the apparent fact that India never had direct flights to Iran anyway?

We should look it from a different perspective. even in islam you are allowed to do trade with your worse enemy so let not this be some hindu / kafir etc vs muslim logic, the people across the border share a lot with us including cultural and genetics which were passed down to mention starting from the indus vally we have invaded and occupied their lands well over 13 times in the last 2500 years. so some bitterness will remain that said this is all politics and as said trade deals, there are no friends in politics, ally of same interest and short time. they deal with us because we are not at war and dont pose a threat and its mutually beneficial, we trade because of same reason and that we need to, if push comes to shove indian government will pull when ordered, hard fact is most indians in cities are imitators of westernization just like most green iranians, they buy the bs coming from west as a god send better way of living. I remember an anti iranian indian movie that was saying we are living in caves in iran and I bet indians believe that because they are a people who are still under colonized mentality from "anglo saxon jew powers" its a whole ball game, we must use what we can to grow, and I am sure we wish them best as well but in reality..we must remember self reliance, remember its not the persian empires that make us great, its the iranian will to have what others wont dare, eg. germany fought the world while it had the greatest military arguably and lost, their men are now slaves, and women whores, Iran fought the world (USA,USSR,UK + 40 United Arab nations) Just a few decades ago, We fought them with our bare hands, we won...self reliance and that zeal is who we are..and we cant make it a hindu vs muslim thing like some crazies here want.
Lol, i am not trolling.
I would like Iran to be loyal to Pakistan as 100% Pakistani shia and many Sunnis are loyal to Iran. But Iran is anti Pakistan.

Absolute skills you got to turn a india iran flight discussion into shia sunni fight.

Gives the clue why your country is in such situation.

*And to the Indian poster ~ did you say time tested? exactly how long for? Iran was the country that supplied Pakistan with fuel, helicopters and fighter jets including evden nurses in the war against India. That Iran we will get back, Sooner rather than later with likes of Trump around.


Would like to have some iranian opinion on this.

@haman10 @mohsen @AmirPatriot @SOHEIL @Asghar1234

And let me know when India lays more then ten bricks in Chah Bahar.

@Erl @AmirPatriot
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This just shows the extent of independency of some superpowers!

It is a cautious step that's all.

If it were about being worried, Iran won't have been our largest oil supplier now. :)

Our ties are strategic and solid for over two thousand years. A few weeks of delay won't do any harm.

See, Trump is as complicated as he is unpredictable. Once the dust settles on this, you'd see airlines make a beeline for Tehran.

The last thing you want is an unpredictable Republican firing off statements against countries with whom he doesn't have a bone to pick.

PM Modi has invested heavily in cultivating a mature partnership with ex-POTUS Obama administration of the United States. And with this chap in the driver seat, a hairline issue could sent all that 2 years worth of effort to waste.

While, we don't have any formal alliance with the US (nor with anyone for that matter), commercial ties matter.

Besides, it gives your officials time to prepare for a flood of international carriers coming into your country, by re-structuring airport slots, parking facilities and on-ground related matters. Many airports these days when suddenly liberalised, face severe capacity crunch in terms of accommodating passenger and aircraft related facilities in their existing structures.

You won't be just expecting flights from India alone; EU countries will open up and even direct flights from US will come up. Accommodating all that would be complicated.

dont worry some countries are trump more then trump himself

Do refer to the response I mentioned above your quote.

Everything is not about defiance; it is about not wanting to see all your hard work wasted.
Our ties are strategic and solid for over two thousand years.

During which years.. British Raj or Delhi Sultanate? It has always been hostile except for a brief period during early Mughal era.

Tread carefully. No one can afford to piss off the US for Iran, not even China.
Lol, i am not trolling.
I would like Iran to be loyal to Pakistan as 100% Pakistani shia and many Sunnis are loyal to Iran. But Iran is anti Pakistan.

Shaheen Missile ji, what has religion got to do with this?

It is a delay in a commercial venture. :blink:

During which years.. British Raj or Delhi Sultanate? It has always been hostile except for a brief period during early Mughal era.

Under the numerous beautiful empires and kingdoms collectively as a civilisation that has dotted our country and region. It also includes you guys (of those times).

Trade relations between the Original Big 5 were a defining feature of this part of the world: Ancient Egypt, Fars, Greece, Bharatvarsha (collective region), Chinese civilisation. And of course, between other ancient civilisations like Incas, Aztecs etc on the other side of the world too.

Tread carefully. No one can afford to piss off the US for Iran, not even China.

I am more concerned about Trump as the POTUS vis a vis international foreign policy than the entire US administration.

He has caught his own administration unaware and has been firing off salvos against his own allies: Japan, Korea, NATO, UK, Australia, Mexico and Canada for starters.

Some call it being dynamic but most others call it unpredictable and volatile.

PM Modi has put in a lot of effort in the last two years, to secure strategic commercial deals and a level of mature understanding with the US, to see one man newly into the political world, ruin it all (it is not just Obama factor).

A few weeks of delay does nothing to our ties with Iran, who is already our largest oil supplier.

India should show middle finger to Trump.

Not really.

Because of this:

"Since some Air India planes are financed through a loan from Exim Bank of the US, the latter's approval would be required before operating flights to Iran. In case there are sanctions, clearance would be a difficult proposition."

The aircraft lessors are US-based.

If it were our own aircraft, we wouldn't give a rat's rear.

AI Express uses leased aircraft from international leasing bodies who further finance their own acquisitions through third party bodies such as the EXIM Bank of US.

That further complicates the matter.

To have Iran - due to their geostrategic location - join the China-Pakistan camp would be a game changer for us. We can wrest complete control of Central Asia from outsiders.

But how to do that.. I don't know. I like your idea though.. continue to stay friendly (and cautious) until they come to senses.

If modern history is any proof, Iranians are not exactly the bandwagon jumpers they were under their monarchy. Even the pre-Pahlavi era was balanced, realistic in their foreign policy and largely neutral. Creating their own strategic leverage only makes it easier for them to maneuver through complex geo-political situations.

Pakistan is better off keeping it that way as well.

Not that its very important for us but my question is that why would Indians cite "sanctions" as a reason? What does that have to do with anything? Are sanctions targeting counties who have direct flights to Tehran?
Even if they did, why would India be the only country to take action for it?
We're at a time when everyone is trying to establish ties with Iran specifically after the nuclear deal.
But India feels the need to do the exact opposite?
We need cooperation now more than ever. We need expansion of bilateral ties and we definitely need expansion of tourism to help both of our economies
Because India is trying to be US' biTc#. That's all.
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