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Can India and Pakistan be friends,ever?

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Well I think this should be top priority for both countries. We tend to behave with a lot of ego. We should stop making decision based on hate and start making based on economics and practical sense, which somehow we does not seems to be using too much. We know lot of people from Pakistan will bring in Kashmir, and I agree we should move forward on it. I just do not agree with the means, it should be solved with talks. The current time is not the same as old days where insurgency can be used as a tool. If this is not getting you anywhere time to think differently.
Only if Kashmir issue is peacefully resolved

Otherwise a Big NO!

Though OT...i dont think its possible to solve Kashmir peacefully except making LOC to IB...wat say..?
NO. Only if the Kashmiris get entire Kashmir as it belongs to them NOT to India nor Pakistan.

Don't hold your breath...

The most we can hope for is a small (Kashmir valley) jointly administered strip. Neither country will make such a concession. Then again, this is still wishful thinking because we won't move an inch on Kashmir unless we see Pakistan taking strong action against groups like LeT/JuD. I don't mean meaningless arrests, I'm talking about pitched campaigns like the ones we saw against the TTP in Orakzai recently.

Only when India believes it sees a paradigm shift in Pakistan's Kashmir policy can peace be achieved. As long as Pakistan believes violence remains an option, we will believe that war remains an option.

Lastly, India and Pakistan are nothing alike. We might have been, but things have changed a plenty in the last 15 years so I'd settle for a neutral relationship.
Friendship between GoI and GoP is not possible due to Issues you know what, but friendship between the people of both sides is possible cuz they have done nothing wrong, i suppose :cheers:
in the end, the guy in the beginning was right saying this thread will end up with Kashmir Issue :lol:
If European countries can fight two world wars against each other yet still be friends, i don't see why we can't..............

BECAUSE you guys are NOT european.
NO. Only if the Kashmiris get entire Kashmir as it belongs to them NOT to India nor Pakistan.

india give up kashmir and than you guys give up pakistan! :D

take it or leave it. :tup:
india has fought 3 wars for kashmir just to give kashmir like that! Disagree.
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