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PIC Chief Executive partying with Zonal Manager of Medtronic, company selling unregistered stents

Sir the concept of senior cafe is also a form of elitism. Have seen many members in senior cafe uttering non-sense only because they have higher post count.
The point of Seniors Cafe is to avoid spam and trolling, as people with higher post counts are less likely to be trolls. I wouldn't call it elitism though, as anyone can get into it after spending a while on this forum. But you do have a point.
as a nation these are our ethics...theft, bribery, manipulation...very very sad...Jinnah did not intend to form this kind of Pakistan where people are murdering their own country mates to make money...be it terrorism, food contamination, medical malpractices and dodgy medical goods...
concept of senior cafe
I mentioned 'seniors cafe' because it places some limits on posters - when we have free for all threads we get lots of irrel;evant stuff and I get very easily distracted into cul-de-sacs. So if having a serious discussion we need to have a more controlled environment. I was not supporting 'eltism' in any way.
If we love our motherland and want to keep our society clean from corruption then we have to start from somewhere ... these both corrupts should be arrested, tried and if found guilty, to be hanged in public till death.
But Alas no institute in Pakistan is so strong and powerful except NEXUS OF CORRUPTION.
Depends now does'nt it? Or are you being deliberately facetious?

1. What is that tasty looking, loose girl doing in that room with those men - she should be with me.
2. That girl should not be out without a burqa and in room of strange men.
3. They should not be drinking Coca Cola which is haram as it is Jewish owned.
4. They should be listening to Islamic Nasheed without any instruments.
5. They should not be listening to any music.
6. They don't have beards.
7. There is a proclaimed Ahmadi among them and this is a conspiracy brewing o bring down the ummah.

Mmmm did I miss anything? Oh yeh -

8. Is that the PIC chief executive and is that the Zonal manager of Medtronic with him. Could there be potential conflict of interest here and possibility of corruption that might have cost patient lives?

Me, I go with no.8 but of course you can tick others if you wish.
What the hell is wrong with u, first u tried to blame this on religion and now u seem to be defending these vermin stupifying themselves on blood of the poor, u my friend have religion phobia, get over it...
man......... private moments, photos is no ones bees wax.
ppl need to mind their own bijnus.
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