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PIC Chief Executive partying with Zonal Manager of Medtronic, company selling unregistered stents

can some one break it down whats the problem?
Depends now does'nt it? Or are you being deliberately facetious?

1. What is that tasty looking, loose girl doing in that room with those men - she should be with me.
2. That girl should not be out without a burqa and in room of strange men.
3. They should not be drinking Coca Cola which is haram as it is Jewish owned.
4. They should be listening to Islamic Nasheed without any instruments.
5. They should not be listening to any music.
6. They don't have beards.
7. There is a proclaimed Ahmadi among them and this is a conspiracy brewing o bring down the ummah.

Mmmm did I miss anything? Oh yeh -

8. Is that the PIC chief executive and is that the Zonal manager of Medtronic with him. Could there be potential conflict of interest here and possibility of corruption that might have cost patient lives?

Me, I go with no.8 but of course you can tick others if you wish.
Other way around everyone ultimate god of money.

Recently on different news channels a news broke out, about Punjab hospitals are using cheap low quality generic stents. Top govt officials involve in this corruption , charge billions of rupees to govt and provide generic stents .Kinda of mega financial scandal.
somebody needs to give them a surgical strike :p:
somebody needs to give them a surgical strike :p:
Seriously ....
Depends now does'nt it? Or are you being deliberately facetious?

1. What is that tasty looking, loose girl doing in that room with those men - she should be with me.
2. That girl should not be out without a burqa and in room of strange men.
3. They should not be drinking Coca Cola which is haram as it is Jewish owned.
4. They should be listening to Islamic Nasheed without any instruments.
5. They should not be listening to any music.
6. They don't have beards.
7. There is a proclaimed Ahmadi among them and this is a conspiracy brewing o bring down the ummah.

Mmmm did I miss anything? Oh yeh -

8. Is that the PIC chief executive and is that the Zonal manager of Medtronic with him. Could there be potential conflict of interest here and possibility of corruption that might have cost patient lives?

Me, I go with no.8 but of course you can tick others if you wish.
i get it.
but mind you, sometimes you do need sweeteners to seal the deal. it happend to gadafi's sons a bunch of nyc bankers lavished them with women, gifts, hotels, and drink in exchange for their money and they got his money in the end.

as bad as it sounds eye candy usually seals the deal, and a bit "more" guarantee's it. not evey pakistani is holy holy, i know plenty of pakistanis who've done it all and more.
It all boils down to public unity and focus on - corruption, schools, education, health, housing, roads, electricity the tangible things that matter in life.

Instead our society is consumed by religious/sectarian conflicts and this diverts public attention, further it divides the people. While they run this and that way the elite which includes the mullashs as well get on making money and enjoying parties like this behind closed doors. You Know Mullah Diesel, you know Mullah Sandwich and there is more. They are all knee deep in corruption while publicly preaching Islam.

And Pakistan is NOT a secular country. Turkey is. Compare them two. A country that legislates on such matters as who is Muslim and who is not (Ahmadi law) or requires passports to show religion, or bans alcohol consumption is NOT secular. Unless you have a funny understanding of what secularism is about.

And I am not against religion. I am like the Chinese say against "religion being used to profiteer or used as a political tool".

Israel too is a religious society, but is that anywhere comparable to us in the level of corruption, No.

Harmful and wrong consequences of sectarianism put aside, there is nothing directly or indirectly wrong in a religious society which should result in a elitist or corrupt power hegemony.

It is entirely different scenario in our country, here the corrupt fear the religion and they have always took the side of having a secular state (it is another thing that they are not successful).

BTW, who is Maulana Sandiwch ?
in cahouts with mullahs have used religion

Whats wrong with you and your constant abuse of religious scholars? Control yourself and your supposed "free-thinker" tendencies when discussing the faith.

Fvck off ..
I don't think my comment warranted any swearing.
But I've been looking at your posts and this is too much.

The frustration is understandable but I had to call you out on your abuse of religious scholars. Stop throwing the word "mullah" around like that.
"Maulana Fazlur Rehman wears robes of golden thread and was dubbed "Maulana Diesel" after allegations were made�though never proven�that he was involved in a fuel scam. Maulana Samiul Haq earned the nickname "Sandwich Sammy" after being photographed (presumably by Pakistani intelligence officers) in an inventive position with several bedmates".
Its strange that Hamid Mir claims about JUI chief that he has refused many cash-full suitcases while there is also no other personal benefit visible gained by Maulana Sami Ul Haq from the corruption allegations (if the orgy mentioned was by Halal means). BTW, why the photographed were not made public and how did intelligence officers managed to break in an privy chambers ?
Harmful and wrong consequences of sectarianism put aside, there is nothing directly or indirectly wrong in a religious society which should result in a elitist or corrupt power hegemony.
My friend I know you mean no ill will and are clean wholesome human being. However religion and running a state does not work. It is recipe for chaos. This is not thread for it but if you open one I will explain in detail why..I have nothing against Islam. I have a beautiful human being in my cousin and he is absolutely religious. I love him like my son. He will pray even if he has to stop on the motorway. But here I am not talking about your faith but the state - these are two differant things.

to break in an privy chambers ?
No idea but you know what they say about smoke and fire ... the problem with all of Pakistani elite and that includes religious, we never have any proven factual proof of their wrongdoing.

On paper Zardari, Nawaz, Altaf are all squeeky clean .....
I have nothing against Islam. I have a beautiful human being in my cousin and he is absolutely religious. I love him like my son. He will pray even if he has to stop on the motorway. But here I am not talking about your faith but the state - these are two differant things.
Never a single time I have judged or drawn any conclusion regarding your religious believes or your compassion towards Islam. It is not my job neither do I care as long as you talk civil which you normally do.

My friend I know you mean no ill will and are clean wholesome human being. However religion and running a state does not work. It is recipe for chaos.
Yeah, this is not a thread for such debate, so will talk in detail when the topic will be relevant.
Corruption, immorality, and conflicts of interest leading to the deaths of people while a few rich arseholes fill their pockets with cash. Capitalism at its finest.

My friend I know you mean no ill will and are clean wholesome human being. However religion and running a state does not work. It is recipe for chaos. This is not thread for it but if you open one I will explain in detail why..I have nothing against Islam. I have a beautiful human being in my cousin and he is absolutely religious. I love him like my son. He will pray even if he has to stop on the motorway. But here I am not talking about your faith but the state - these are two differant things.
A country that is 98% Muslim should be allowed to run itself on Islamic Laws.

The problem here is not religion or laws based on religion. The problem here is that nobody follows those laws.

If we were to declare Pakistan secular and make all laws secular, do you really think these mafias will care? No, they won't, and will continue with their corruption until someone actually enforces the laws.

Half of African countries are secular. Yet they are still plagued with corruption and chaos.

Do you think there is no corruption in the secular West? Ever heard of the DNC, the corporate Democrats in the US? In the UK, why do you think the Tories are trying to privatise the NHS?

Corruption is corruption, and the corrupt will defend their corruption using religion or loopholes in secular law or whatever they find suitable. Abandoning religion is not the solution, improving law enforcement and strengthening the judiciary and anti-corruption agencies is the solution.
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