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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

No doubt, current MIRV capable Ababeel neutralize Indian ABM and making India vulnerable against Pakistani Ballistic missile too. Second vulnerability is against our cruise missiles.
On the other hand, Pakistan also have no defene shield against Indian various types of missiles
No doubt, current MIRV capable Ababeel neutralize Indian ABM and making India vulnerable against Pakistani Ballistic missile too. Second vulnerability is against our cruise missiles.
On the other hand, Pakistan also have no defene shield against Indian various types of missiles

to rephrase, we don't have "theatre" ballistic missile defense. We do you have area based ballistic missile defense thanks to the new SAMs that we've inducted. Having said that, we do need to pursue a THAAD like theatre ballistic missile defense system but our main deterrence needs to remain as the very intimidating MAD doctrine with a scary number of warheads. Let's face the facts; IT WORKS! Russia is more than capable of defeating THAAD and America is more than capable of defeating the S400/S500. It is the MAD doctrine that keeps them off of each other's throats! The aptly named "MAD" doctrine is heartless and ruthless. But that is why it works.
Since Indian BMD aspirations are heavily dependent on Israeli and American input, it would be better to compare Ababeel with the original manufacturers then what India does or doesnt.

Someone mentioned about the radar capabilities of Russian S400 system and how it cannot detect anything travelling above mach 15, it was deduced that since Shaheen missiles systems are known to achieve much high speeds, S400 radar wont be able to intercept let alone detect Shaheen. Ababeel is definitely based on Shaheen series.

Would be interesting to dig into the Israeli Arrow system and its radar capabilities and how they fair against MIRV'ed Ababeel and Shaheen series.


So who has more chances of failure INDIAN POLITICIAN or PAKISTANI MILITARY ....???
every country has first moved in to eradicate basic poverty and attain basic universal education before setting eyes beyond it national boarders, that includes china,
however, India is going it completely different, it argues that it cannot wait till its population has universal access to health and education
Since Indian BMD aspirations are heavily dependent on Israeli and American input, it would be better to compare Ababeel with the original manufacturers then what India does or doesnt.

Someone mentioned about the radar capabilities of Russian S400 system and how it cannot detect anything travelling above mach 15, it was deduced that since Shaheen missiles systems are known to achieve much high speeds, S400 radar wont be able to intercept let alone detect Shaheen. Ababeel is definitely based on Shaheen series.

Would be interesting to dig into the Israeli Arrow system and its radar capabilities and how they fair against MIRV'ed Ababeel and Shaheen series.
I'm fairly confident that the arrow system is probably worse than the S400 in detecting anything as fast as the Shaheen series. Otherwise india wouldn't be begging to buy the S400s from Russia.
I'm fairly confident that the arrow system is probably worse than the S400 in detecting anything as fast as the Shaheen series. Otherwise india wouldn't be begging to buy the S400s from Russia.

I am more interested to gauge the mood in the headquarters of Mossad and CIA then what these hanumans in east are thinking.

Someone put a very detailed and lovely read about S400 radar capabilities . Something similiar with Isreali Arrow system and greenpine radars (which India is using as well) would be much appreciated. Sorry I am slacking atm :).
Theoratically ..yes. u have 90 seconfs to detect track and get an interceptor on target
And target may be flying faster than interceptor
Sir, how did you come to this conclusion?

If the US is placing multiple intercept missile on strategic location to to reduce the reaction and intercept time but can not practically destroy 80% of the test launches.


@Srinivas @ksama @Immanuel
You're only belittling yourselves, kindly explore the subject first before speculating. If you can't, ask your senior and knowledgeable countrymen to debate with technical arguments.

As I said here:

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/ababeel-ssm-pakistan-gains-mirv-technology.474136/page-63#ixzz4WnAydsG9
Does Pakistan require this missile to reach maximum altitude to launch the multiple warheads? If your answer is yes then it would be difficult to change its launch trajectory.

As you have stated to reduce the range the trajectory was lofted. This could be because the payload was nil. With full payload things might be different. However this would not be to dramatic.
Sir, Does Pakistan require this missile to reach maximum altitude to launch the multiple warheads? If your answer is yes then it would be difficult to change its launch trajectory.

As you have stated to reduce the range the trajectory was lofted. This could be because the payload was nil. With full payload things might be different. However this would not be to dramatic.
No, reaching max apogee is not a pre-requisite.

Again, since it was a test flight, a lofted trajectory must have been planned. How did you arrive at the conclusion of payload being nil? Trajectories can be varied with the same payload, it doesn't works like a hand-held slingshot.
Sir, how did you come to this conclusion?

If the US is placing multiple intercept missile on strategic location to to reduce the reaction and intercept time but can not practically destroy 80% of the test launches.

Caz we dont have 12000 km between us... your reaction time is next to nothing....
I was asking for the specifications, not a test video.

What is the max speed of incoming projectile its radar can detect?
The information regarding the system is mostly classified, but there's more info in the first page of the thread

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