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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

Actually It is great achievement for you to test mivr etcetc . But how it dismis the theory of cold start , S400 and BMD ?
Pakistan have nukes and missile at stone throwing distance . Is you believe seriously that Indian BMD is degined to allow the missile of Pakistan to reach in terminal phase to launch warheads . LRTR which India develop from proved greenpie technology have a range of 1400 km and it is integrated with BMD successfully. It have capacity to intercept any Pakistany missile just after launch. Now big news is that India not stop at LRTR a new radar of 2000 km range with GaN module is ready and it integration to BMD underway . So Indian are very aware of future and degine it's BMD accordingly . So this MIRV going to bring noting as far as BMD concerned . BMD take care of pakistany missile as usual just after launch before terminal phase .
Now your Babur 3 sub launch , very simple we already have Barak 8 with MFSTAR radar land based version . What happen after Babur launch we neutralise it with Barak 8 and neutralise sub by P 8 sub hunter killer .
S400 , s400 is not BMD it is for cm , fighter jets etc etc and remain relevant as usual. Your mirv not going to change it .
Cold start
You had missile, nuke , etc etc each and every thing when India return your aggression at border in a way that your dgmo have to make a call and now even ceasefire violation reduce to minimum . India has very clear cut police of massive retaliation. If you throw ten missile with mirv calculating to suppose 100 warheads we Indian will simply return 1000 missile without a delay . You will fire a bullet we will fire handgrande . Cold start is same retaliation/ offensive strategy. It is very simple what you do you get more in return . Now with cold start India going to prove your nuclear bluff . It will mirror your actual face to you . And this mirv , true or fake , not going to change this . India very clear in his mind and started to move on path .
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Yeah prospects of cold start just got colder

Here you need high yield thermonuclear miniaturized payloads..
Something H!ndians can only dream of!

Hi @Windjammer @Areesh @Devil Soul
can you please have a look at 0:05 to 0:08 look closely a bird comes close to the missile and then flies away from it, the bird should have been minuscule in comparison to missile but the bird look quit large, can you explain or rope in any expert to ? I think it might be camera effect but its a little weird ASSUMING THE MISSILE TO BE 9-10 METERS LONG

If the bird is closer to the camera it will look larger than it is actually is relative to the missile......we are not in the business of bullshitting like a certain "SIR-JI-CAL" strike.Kudos
to rephrase, we don't have "theatre" ballistic missile defense. We do you have area based ballistic missile defense thanks to the new SAMs that we've inducted. Having said that, we do need to pursue a THAAD like theatre ballistic missile defense system but our main deterrence needs to remain as the very intimidating MAD doctrine with a scary number of warheads. Let's face the facts; IT WORKS! Russia is more than capable of defeating THAAD and America is more than capable of defeating the S400/S500. It is the MAD doctrine that keeps them off of each other's throats! The aptly named "MAD" doctrine is heartless and ruthless. But that is why it works.
Especially with Ehl-i Dunya. At the end of the day the entire game is played within the human mindset which is subjected to all sorts of influences. Folks who have been driven to Delalet, by their own will, have none other than Iblis as their principal friend, philosopher and guide. Love for Hayat-ud Dunya is the fundamental bedrock, and MAD hits it directly. The rest are all details...
Especially with Ehl-i Dunya. At the end of the day the entire game is played within the human mindset which is subjected to all sorts of influences. Folks who have been driven to Delalet, by their own will, have none other than Iblis as their principal friend, philosopher and guide. Love for Hayat-ud Dunya is the fundamental bedrock, and MAD hits it directly. The rest are all details...
Well said Brother. :)
Actually It is great achievement for you to test mivr etcetc . But how it dismis the theory of cold start , S400 and BMD ?
Pakistan have nukes and missile at stone throwing distance . Is you believe seriously that Indian BMD is degined to allow the missile of Pakistan to reach in terminal phase to launch warheads . LRTR which India develop from proved greenpie technology have a range of 1400 km and it is integrated with BMD successfully. It have capacity to intercept any Pakistany missile just after launch. Now big news is that India not stop at LRTR a new radar of 2000 km range with GaN module is ready and it integration to BMD underway . So Indian are very aware of future and degine it's BMD accordingly . So this MIRV going to bring noting as far as BMD concerned . BMD take care of pakistany missile as usual just after launch before terminal phase .
Now your Babur 3 sub launch , very simple we already have Barak 8 with MFSTAR radar land based version . What happen after Babur launch we neutralise it with Barak 8 and neutralise sub by P 8 sub hunter killer .
S400 , s400 is not BMD it is for cm , fighter jets etc etc and remain relevant as usual. Your mirv not going to change it .
Cold start
You had missile, nuke , etc etc each and every thing when India return your aggression at border in a way that your dgmo have to make a call and now even ceasefire violation reduce to minimum . India has very clear cut police of massive retaliation. If you throw ten missile with mirv calculating to suppose 100 warheads we Indian will simply return 1000 missile without a delay . You will fire a bullet we will fire handgrande . Cold start is same retaliation/ offensive strategy. It is very simple what you do you get more in return . Now with cold start India going to prove your nuclear bluff . It will mirror your actual face to you . And this mirv , true or fake , not going to change this . India very clear in his mind and started to move on path .

I usually don't reply to your posts,

This is very reason why Pakistan is creating multiple levels of nuclear and non nuclear layers of offence against India to make it very painful for India to do any misadventure. India has taken a very aggressive stand against Pakistan since day one [please do not start the terrorism debate here]. Even before militant uprising and militant attacks in india [think 50's, 60's and 70's], she had always try to close open spaces for Pakistan.

All that you see now is not to invade india but keep enemy away from the shore.

No matter what india try to do to undermine Pakistan, ....Pakistan will up the ante few notches to keep india away. i am not sure how long this game will continue but i see it going on my entire life. Once day india will have to decide, like any other major country in the world,to solve issues in a win-win situation. otherwise, it is india that will be paying the price. had india solved all of its issues with Pakistan in a win-win situation, china would have been cornered long time ago. but no, indian babus are not going to live in peace.
After successfully testing Babur-3 which is submarine-launched cruise missile
Pakistan Successfully conducted test of a MIRV Missile system(Ababeel Missile).
Simple thing to understand is these kind of Missile can't be defended by any known missile defense system.The Ababeel missile can evade enemy radar and deliver multiple precisely targeted warheads.This technology is only possessed by USA, Russia, China and Now Pakistan. Finally Pakistan is moving in a better direction even after so much of corruption and all. I'm so delighted to see the progress in Pakistan because sooner or later i'll also be a part of Pakistan Armed Forces. I'm proud of myself for being a Pakistani citizen and born here in this country. The most important thing is that Pakistan's Strategic Forces are shining side by side with the Pakistan's Armed Forces and it is the most important part. Well for all those are reading this i want to congratulate you all because our own ISI stood number 1 in 2016, followed by the CIA of America. The least funded Intelligence Agency stood the 1st in the World, that is also something to cheer about, So everything is on the right path. See this video below. Pakistan Zindaahbaad :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Babur 3:



Sir plz never speak big words .... Your country is passing form the the very same phase .... RELIGIOUSLY MOTIVATED NEO NATIONALISM .... you people will witness its full effect after some time but will realize its immediate effect 'soon'
According to your tinted glasses as you have never known anything other than religious theocracy. Thus whatever you look at , all you can focus on is the religion and nationalism. Anti incumbency and rhetorical noises and anti corruption issues that causes a change in government causes a political change, but all you can focus on is religion, but then again i do sympathize with the position. being a nation that is progeny of AIML, all you want to focus on is the other fringe on the opposite side of the spectrum, ignoring the successful democratic rule and governance in accordance to a sacrosanct constitution since the inception of the republic.

& India adventure in 1971 just after the Indo-Russian agreement .... what was that ... History of your country have no such events ...??
So 1971's was was based on Indo-Russian agreement? or was the root cause lying somewhere else. The statement is so ludicrous that it's not even worth discussion, but if you want we can touch on this later.

just to remind you Kargil was with us till 1971 which India capture it in that year, secondly Kargil was planed as a local level operation not as a full-fledged war ....
So was op Gibraltor, and brasstacks in 65, how did that work out for you. I hope you don't want to hear from your military generals about state of planning and preparations that you brass is quite famous for. In other words your establishment quite terrible at planning, managing and containing conflicts in any stage irrespective of it's detterence levels vis-a-vis India.

Thirdly most important lesson of the Kargil episode is that you can not judge the reaction of your opponent before time a miscalculation at the time planing of Kargil operation about the reaction of India bring both state at the verge of war this also indicate the BIGGEST mutual weakness of India & Pakistan as NUCLEAR STATE that both countries don't haven any agreed ESCALATION LADDER so there is no guarantee that which country will take what measure at the time of crises.

chin was initiated by Indian forces, did it snowball into a full scale war? The imprtant lesson than neither you or your military is aware of strategic planning, where you weigh all of the outcomes of your action, and plan for the wort possible outcome. That is how Risk Management in all aspects i handled all over. Like for example this missile, we will consider it as a fully functional MIRV nuclear asset deployed against all strategic targets in India and add that to our threat perception.

& Lastly do you think Kargil was a right incident (crossing the frontiers) at right time (after the nuclearization of South Asia) if not then it there any mechanism or guarantee that no such event form both side will occur again ....???
Especially when one of the party is prone to whims and fancies of dictatorial regime every couple of decades, there is no judging what it can do.

If India can move its Navy in response to a local level operation of Kargil, then why the Indians think Pakistan will not respond with ALL THE RESOURCES AT ITS DISPOSAL ....

When have I stated that Pakistan will no respond with all resources at it's disposal. please show me.

Usual Indian rhetoric .... ?? have you put some thought to it .... ???

Pakistan Military even at time when it rule Pakistan always engage India with Dialogues, secondly its does not require India as enemy for its existence particularly after 1979 it have many option.... think yourself

A military that's sole objective is minimum detterence against India, whose entire orientation is based on India, does not require India. Sound odd but sure your military your choice. Count the number of years of democratice rule vs military rule in Pakistan you will gt the answer of political relevance of your military.

BTW should quote anti Pakistan speeches of Indian politicians at the time of elections ....??
Who is required to go to General public after every 5 years ... politicians or some institution ...???
Yes please do quote the Anti-Pakistan Speeches of Elected representatives that deal with Foreign affairs. What they are stating is the general feeling in India. A nation that since it's existence has taken pride in killing Indian civilians via it's proxies right from will have public backlash in India. It's part of national identity.

Who need JOB SECURITY ... politicians or some institution ...???
Who is required to prove themselves PATRIOT in front of general public ... politicians or some institution ...??

How is that relevant, when your military junta doesn't need a mandate. It can march it's div in your airports and capital and dethrone your political leader in a day as demonstrated by Musharraf. When he ousted nawz sharif, you may see it as right or wrong, that;s up to you. What he really did was oust the Public Mandate of 200 million pakistanis. It doesn't need prove anything to anyone, all it needs is consolidation of it's power and your constitution till very recently provided such avenue to it.

Biggest of all


So who has more chances of failure INDIAN POLITICIAN or PAKISTANI MILITARY ....???

From the track record it is Pakistani Politicans? just answer how many years of Democratic rule? lol
According to your tinted glasses as you have never known anything other than religious theocracy. Thus whatever you look at , all you can focus on is the religion and nationalism. Anti incumbency and rhetorical noises and anti corruption issues that causes a change in government causes a political change, but all you can focus on is religion, but then again i do sympathize with the position. being a nation that is progeny of AIML, all you want to focus on is the other fringe on the opposite side of the spectrum, ignoring the successful democratic rule and governance in accordance to a sacrosanct constitution since the inception of the republic.

So 1971's was was based on Indo-Russian agreement? or was the root cause lying somewhere else. The statement is so ludicrous that it's not even worth discussion, but if you want we can touch on this later.

So was op Gibraltor, and brasstacks in 65, how did that work out for you. I hope you don't want to hear from your military generals about state of planning and preparations that you brass is quite famous for. In other words your establishment quite terrible at planning, managing and containing conflicts in any stage irrespective of it's detterence levels vis-a-vis India.

Siachin was initiated by Indian forces, did it snowball into a full scale war? The imprtant lesson than neither you or your military is aware of strategic planning, where you weigh all of the outcomes of your action, and plan for the wort possible outcome. That is how Risk Management in all aspects i handled all over. Like for example this missile, we will consider it as a fully functional MIRV nuclear asset deployed against all strategic targets in India and add that to our threat perception.

Especially when one of the party is prone to whims and fancies of dictatorial regime every couple of decades, there is no judging what it can do.

When have I stated that Pakistan will no respond with all resources at it's disposal. please show me.

A military that's sole objective is minimum detterence against India, whose entire orientation is based on India, does not require India. Sound odd but sure your military your choice. Count the number of years of democratice rule vs military rule in Pakistan you will gt the answer of political relevance of your military.

Yes please do quote the Anti-Pakistan Speeches of Elected representatives that deal with Foreign affairs. What they are stating is the general feeling in India. A nation that since it's existence has taken pride in killing Indian civilians via it's proxies right from will have public backlash in India. It's part of national identity.

How is that relevant, when your military junta doesn't need a mandate. It can march it's div in your airports and capital and dethrone your political leader in a day as demonstrated by Musharraf. When he ousted nawz sharif, you may see it as right or wrong, that;s up to you. What he really did was oust the Public Mandate of 200 million pakistanis. It doesn't need prove anything to anyone, all it needs is consolidation of it's power and your constitution till very recently provided such avenue to it.

From the track record it is Pakistani Politicans? just answer how many years of Democratic rule? lol

...... :lol:

that the best you have my dear ..... come on plz that's all ....

What they are stating is the general feeling in India.

it always fun to make other speak what you want them to speak .... should I say anything after this ... nah ... not a single word ....

Siachin was initiated by Indian forces, did it snowball into a full scale war?

BTW just for the sake of record at the time of Siachen the mighty USSR & the ally of "Great INDIA" was at our western borders .... & now you are purposing that we should have entered in two front war at that time ... ??

Remind me I read somewhere someone wrote ....
The imprtant lesson than neither you or your military is aware of strategic planning, where you weigh all of the outcomes of your action, and plan for the wort possible outcome. That is how Risk Management in all aspects i handled all over.

enough for Risk Management .... :lol:
I usually don't reply to your posts,

This is very reason why Pakistan is creating multiple levels of nuclear and non nuclear layers of offence against India to make it very painful for India to do any misadventure. India has taken a very aggressive stand against Pakistan since day one [please do not start the terrorism debate here]. Even before militant uprising and militant attacks in india [think 50's, 60's and 70's], she had always try to close open spaces for Pakistan.

All that you see now is not to invade india but keep enemy away from the shore.

No matter what india try to do to undermine Pakistan, ....Pakistan will up the ante few notches to keep india away. i am not sure how long this game will continue but i see it going on my entire life. Once day india will have to decide, like any other major country in the world,to solve issues in a win-win situation. otherwise, it is india that will be paying the price. had india solved all of its issues with Pakistan in a win-win situation, china would have been cornered long time ago. but no, indian babus are not going to live in peace.
Actually It is perception . You have your and we have our . You said it is India which started all wars , all time offensive to Pakistan, we Indian perceive that culprit is Pakistan . Now you have to understand that equation in India has changed and also in world . Now it is time of economic slowdown of china and filling the gap by India . And I am saying this as neighbors that China not going to help you in war . Remember Kargil , 1971 . Actually China is using Pakistan for its strategic aims nothing else . If Pakistan is layering up offence for India , what you expect from India . Are we sitting idle. We are doing same in much more larger horizon . Few example I want to give you
1. Shortly we make pinaka mbrl guided and increase its range to 75 km next plan is increasing its range first to 120 km than to 200 km . Think how cheap it would be to mass produce it and your many imp cities come in its range . Very cheap very destructive and accurate .
2. We made Prahar short range canesterised missile , mass produced it and diployed on western border . As it is solid fuel and canesterised it require no maitanace and quick on need . It range 150 to 250 km having a cep of few meter .
3. We are making Agni 1 P . Range 250 to 700 km . Again solid fueled canesterised. Again cheap , maintenance free and quick on need .

What is all this . Dear we are also piling offence against you . War is not a solution but what we can do . We have to prepare for war and India need to prepare for 2 and 1/2 front war . And India paid heavy price for war , terrorism but Pakistan had paid its territory . No body know future but our today make our future . If we are going to pay the price we ensure a heavy penalty on enemy . What we can do else .
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...... :lol:
that the best you have my dear ..... come on plz that's all ....
it's just an observation, by no means the best, just my plain observation. Everything you mentioned about india is either through a prism of religion or poverty, it shows you position and that's what I have pointed.

it always fun to make other speak what you want them to speak .... should I say anything after this ... nah ... not a single word ....
It's even more fun to have an honest conversation, you should try it.
BTW just for the sake of record at the time of Siachen the mighty USSR & the ally of "Great INDIA" was at our western borders .... & now you are purposing that we should have entered in two front war at that time ... ??
Remind me I read somewhere someone wrote ....
enough for Risk Management .... :lol:
That was your choice to be in certain for-profit alignments, as I said you can cherry pick and try to drive your points home, to show you are right. The discussion from the outset on your side was to demean India, as a state which will do something reckless because of it's false sense of security. But when called out on it it's backflips after backflips to bring in everything from religion to russia.

So ok. India based on it's false sense of security will cause Nuclear holocaust in south asia. that is your claim right. If your administration too thinks so then for the sake of humanity it should definitely so something about such an immature childish religious nutcases in India, right?
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