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Indian soldier’s return, can a new chapter of relations be opened...

Do you?
Whereas we hanged your pig, a long time back.


Even if one is to believe your desperation, unlike your monkey, Kasab wasn't a GOP employ besides while his troubles are over, the Indian Monkey enjoys Beef BBQ almost daily.
The tussle between members seems so fake when it becomes a matter of ego and pride, moving further away from reality.
No. Not at all.
I think you guys didn't hear modi's term to normalize the relation.
Let me Quote again
"Terror and talk will not be possible together ever"
Returning the solider is a good appeasement but that was not the term for the talk.
and let me quote... this is an opinion of an editor and doesn't necessary represent the view of the whole, have a nice day...:coffee:
I think you should answer this question as well. Why Chandu was returned but not the Jhadav? Food for thought !

India at present doesn't has the kind of leverage required to arm twist Pakistan.

It will be awhile till India is in a position to do a 'Raymond Davis' kind of stuff

But I am sure that Mr. Jhadav will be returned in due course of time.

Who except India is denying the story about Mr Yadav???
Which country except Pakistan has CONFIRMED the story about Mr. Yadav ???
Which country except Pakistan has CONFIRMED the story about Mr. Yadav ???

Which country was even damn interested in a captured spy? On the contrary did IRI deny the whole episode from where he was operating on FAKE Passport? It also brought damn embarrassment to them and am sure they had conveyed their same feeling to New Delhi too. But ofcourse we would not see that in any media.
I doubt such small gesture from either side will change anything at ground level... the current Indian govt is no better or worse than previous congress govt, nothing has moved substantially for last 15 years.
Anybody who expects a positive change in relationship will be disappointed. We will be squabbling like school kids for quite some time.
Indian Media is Portraying this Good Gesture of Pakistan as a Act of fear , as they claim that Pakistan got Scared so they release Indian Soldier .. Who can sit and talk with such low life scum bags, the lot of them in India are deluded Pathetic Creature who have no sense of Good relation with Pakistan ..
If congress was in power I would have no problem with sending him back.Since modi is in power I suggest sending pieces of him to his family so they can end up like his grandmother.
Indian soldier’s return
EDITORIAL — UPDATED about an hour ago
With the repatriation of an Indian soldier who had crossed the LoC the day after the so-called surgical strikes last September, one of the more difficult phases in Pak-India relations has hopefully come to a close.

The sensible manner in which both Pakistan and India have handled the return of the soldier is commendable: after initial confusion and contradictory accounts of the circumstances in which the soldier came to be in the custody of Pakistani security forces, the two militaries and foreign ministries worked quietly to resolve the matter.

In the end, the soldier was returned in a dignified manner to India, with minimal grandstanding and no hail of accusations. When the two countries’ leaderships act sensibly and focus on problem-solving, the results can be pleasantly surprising.

To be sure, a great deal more will need to be done if the post-Uri attacks phase in the bilateral relationship is to turn towards the reactivation of dialogue between the two countries. The lessons from Uri are that an overreaction by either side causes the other to follow suit.

The wild cheerleading in India after its government claimed it carried out surgical strikes across the LoC put Pakistani policymakers in a situation where they felt compelled to respond to the Indian pressure and propaganda. Soon enough, the LoC ignited once again as both sides traded fire, and inside Pakistan anti-India sentiment was actively inflamed.

The new year — and perhaps a change in military leadership in Pakistan — has restored a degree of calm to a situation that had threatened to spiral out of control. With the return of the soldier, perhaps a new chapter in relations can be opened, provided that the leaderships of the two countries show the courage and vision necessary to restart a stalled normalisation process.

On the Pakistani side, it is fairly clear that the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif wants dialogue with India and seeks the resolution of at least some of the old disputes plaguing ties. But is Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government willing to engage Pakistan again?

Examine: Modi has become a prisoner of his own image

With a spate of state elections imminent, including in some states where firebrand nationalist politics can help win votes, signs are that the Modi government is not willing to consider a fresh opening. While elections are important, it is also true that the Indian electoral calendar has state elections peppered across the term of a national government — meaning there will always be another election around the corner as an excuse to defer dialogue.

Mr Modi needs to show bold leadership at home and extend a hand of peace to Pakistan.

Published in Dawn, January 23rd, 2017

Living in fools' paradise! Indian psyche has irreparably been damaged by centuries of foreign rule in the sub-continent. They cannot help themselves but burn in hate against Muslims - especially Pakistanis.
If congress was in power I would have no problem with sending him back.Since modi is in power I suggest sending pieces of him to his family so they can end up like his grandmother.
We're Muslims and Humans, not animals; keep your ideas to yourself.
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