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The Real Ugly face of Facebook [A Must Read]


Hail Hitler


hail hitler are you serious you do realize if they lived in germany at the time he would probably have exterminated pakistanis too right ?
70 percent of Pakistanis want permanent ban on Facebook: Poll

KARACHI: A new poll has revealed that 70 percent people in Pakistan want a permanent ban on the social networking website Facebook, while another 15 percent support the Lahore High Court's order to ban the website till May 31.

According to the 'ProPakistani.pk' poll, the participants expressed their sheer anger on Facebook for displaying blasphemous drawings of Prophet Muhammad.

In the first three days of the poll, which is still running, eight percent participants were of the opinion that a single URL ban was enough, while the remaining seven percent said they did not want ban on Facebook at all.

Acting on the court's decision the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) had earlier directed all Internet service providers in the country to shut down Facebook, as protests over the Prophet Muhammad issue had intensified across the country.

Commenting on the poll results, Jabran Rafique, a student, said that thousands of people had complained to Facebook to remove the blasphemous content through the website's standard reporting procedure, but no action was taken.

"But on the other hand they only took 20 minutes to shut down a page against Jewish on demand of some so-called Jewish cyber force. Does it not a discrimination against only one race and religion? We must not use Facebook ever again," The Nation quoted Rafique, as saying.

70 percent of Pakistanis want permanent ban on Facebook: Poll-Internet-Infotech-The Economic Times
sorry but this is life for you. you're a brainwashed terrorist commie if you disagree with the west (mostly USA) and when americans attack you that's just freedom of expression.
70 percent of Pakistanis want permanent ban on Facebook: Poll

I dont live in Pakistan and I deactivated my facebook account and so did my family members. I told my friends to stop using facebook as well, some already did.

Theres more than a billion Muslims in the world, we should stop using these anti-muslim websites.
"But on the other hand they only took 20 minutes to shut down a page against Jewish on demand of some so-called Jewish cyber force. Does it not a discrimination against only one race and religion? We must not use Facebook ever again," The Nation quoted Rafique, as saying.


See my thread on CAMERA. I can bet that our friend Golani is a member of something similar.
I dont live in Pakistan and I deactivated my facebook account and so did my family members. I told my friends to stop using facebook as well, some already did.

Theres more than a billion Muslims in the world, we should stop using these anti-muslim websites.

well i did not told anybody to deactivate their accounts but i deactivated my account voluntarily the day they created the page. I noticed so many of my friends list just vanished that i assume they also deactivated so i decided to do same and later on, of my surprise all my family members had also deactivated their facebook accounts before me.

I was just speaking to them generally when they told they had deactivated facebook before me. I never liked facebook anyway so if this decision of deactivating give you pleasure - go for it

Prophet Mohammad never asked anyone of you to protect his good name, destroy your property to protect his good name, or kill someone to protect his good name, hold civil disobedience to protect his good name.

The prophet never asked for you to do any thing to glorify HIS personna---. He only asked you to try to be good muslims, respect humanity and meet your moral, civil and religious obligations.

Namoos a risalat was never asked by him to be protected.

The prophet will be happy if you go build your country and stop worrying abount him. He has passed away a long time ago----he set up a legacy that a cartoon or a movie or any profanity can do no damage to----the name of the prophet and his legacy is beyond reproach.

You young people need to get a life---you need to build up an energy and resource that you can look beyond these petty insults and keep focus on your goal for better pakistan and a better you.

Your calm and composed personality is a victory for islam---you give more to the cause by being respectable than getting into a petty dispute that yopu have no control over and the opponent can light a fire under your behinds just by uttering a few words---so grow up young men and women---.

For once do something different than what your enemy has predicted for your future---.

The enemy will literally fear you the day----when they burn and desecrate the qura'an in front of your face and you leave it to Allah---when they degrade and humiliate the prophet right in front of your faces and you reply them with a smile on your face---telling them that is between you Allah---He will protect the name of His prophet---when they hurl profanity at your belief---you smile at them and just simply walk away---.

Gentlemen and women----these people are a gift of God to you----they are sending a message from God to you---Allah is trying to tell you something---but you have black heart --- you have dark souls--- your brains and minds are full of hatred---you can't even see what is in front of your eyes----because your vision has been blinded by your anger---you can't even begin to think straight----because your mind is full of anger and hatred---.

This man the cartoonist is handing over your salvation to you---he is giving you the oppurtunity to find your true soul---he is givng you every oppurtunity to find your true worth---he is trying to instigate you to get the worst out of you---he is trying his best to stir up the satanistic ideas that are buried in your soul---only if you fall for his guile---you have fallen into the trap that sanatn has setup for you----he knows very well---he has predicted to one and to all that you will succumb to his satanistic charms and viles---.

Gentlemen and ladies---only and only your reaction and actions will show how deep are you into the trap that the satan has setup for you----how deep are you in relation with the devil---he wants you to get angry----he wants to to get raging mad---he wants you to get out of control---when you do that---the satan thrives and cherishes every moment of your anguish in utter delight and pleasure----the madder that you get----the happier he gets----the more harm that you commit----the more he cherishes your contribution----the more fires that you burn---the more you have glorified his name.

The more of these things that you people do----the more shameful you make your prophet Mohammad in front of Allah---The Lord asks---"Mohammad---are these your folowers"---we leave our beloved prophet speechless and in shame in front of our Lord.

People, let this anger and hatred flow out of you---this anger is holding you back---it is holding your community and country back---unless you learn to control your emotions over these petty comments, petty cartoons or movies----the enemy will corral you where it wants you to --- and tear you up piece by a piece.

Grow up young people----understand the deception of the opponent and act in the most un-predictable manner that you can. Allah O Akbar, Allah O Akbar, Allah O Akbar---may we open our eyes to see the the path of the success.
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Prophet Mohammad never asked anyone of you to protect his good name, destroy your property to protect his good name, or kill someone to protect his good name, hold civil disobedience to protect his good name.

The prophet never asked for you to do any thing to glorify HIS personna---. He only asked you to try to be good muslims, respect humanity and meet your moral, civil and religious obligations.

Namoos a risalat was never asked by him to be protected.

The prophet will be happy if you go build your country and stop worrying abount him. He has passed away a long time ago----he set up a legacy that a cartoon or a movie or any profanity can do no damage to----the name of the prophet and his legacy is beyond reproach.

Very well said Mastan Sahab,

Prophet did not ask us to show that kind of negative response and burn your own houses if ever some idiots raised a finger on the Prophet. He was beaten with stones in the streets of Ta'if, he was bleeding all over his body but he did not ask any Muslim to take his revenge and kill those who disrespected against him. In fact he stopped Jibrael A.S. to not bring wrath of Allah on his nation so that if they are not then their childrens may find a guidance and who knows if some of them become Muslims in the future.

These are the teachings of the Prophet that he practically showed us. He never chose a way of violance, then why we should react in such a bad way that will do nothing but harm others.

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W came in this world to guide peoples, he did his job perfectly, he is no more among us. These cartoonists can't can't do nothing - we respect our Prophets from our inner hearts and these cartoons in another words helping spread the name of Islam. Those who knew nothing about Islam are also getting aware of this religion and many of them have actually started reading this religion. This is one of the positive effects of these cartoons and hate speech widely spread by the western countries.
Prophet Muhammad Peace is upon Him states (according to the website I got the quotes from)

"The strong man is not the good wrestler; the strong man is only the one who controls himself when he is angry."

“Do you love your creator? Love your fellow-beings first.”

“The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.”

“The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self.”

“'What is Islam?' someone asked. Prophet Muhammad SAW said, 'Purity of speech and charity.'”
For once do something different than what your enemy has predicted for your future---.

The enemy will literally fear you the day----when they burn and desecrate the qura'an in front of your face and you leave it to Allah---when they degrade and humiliate the prophet right in front of your faces and you reply them with a smile on your face---telling them that is between you Allah---He will protect the name of His prophet---when they hurl profanity at your belief---you smile at them and just simply walk away---.

Gentlemen and women----these people are a gift of God to you----they are sending a message from God to you---Allah is trying to tell you something---but you have black heart --- you have dark souls--- your brains and minds are full of hatred---you can't even see what is in front of your eyes----because your vision has been blinded by your anger---you can't even begin to think straight----because your mind is full of anger and hatred---.

People, let this anger and hatred flow out of you---this anger is holding you back---it is holding your community and country back---unless you learn to control your emotions over these petty comments, petty cartoons or movies----the enemy will corral you where it wants you to --- and tear you up piece by a piece.

Grow up young people----understand the deception of the opponent and act in the most un-predictable manner that you can. Allah O Akbar, Allah O Akbar, Allah O Akbar---may we open our eyes to see the the path of the success.

indeed we are a bad Muslims - and these comments remind me the verse of the Qur'an where Allah says that "Oh Muslims if you feel embarrasement fullfilling the task given to you by Allah - Allah will raise another nation among you who will be better than you and they will feel pride of their DEEN and they will proudly take my name wherever they go" - Allah will raise their status and those are the ones who will be succeeded".

Something like that - (its my own interpretation) we indeed are bad Muslims and after looking at the condition of Muslims i wouldn't be surprised if this whole Ummah is crushed down into more pieces that will never wake up - and a new Nation is born among ourselves who will become the future of our nations
indeed we are a bad Muslims - and these comments remind me the verse of the Qur'an where Allah says that "Oh Muslims if you feel embarrasement fullfilling the task given to you by Allah - Allah will raise another nation among you who will be better than you and they will feel pride of their DEEN and they will proudly take my name wherever they go" - Allah will raise their status and those are the ones who will be succeeded".

Something like that - (its my own interpretation) we indeed are bad Muslims and after looking at the condition of Muslims i wouldn't be surprised if this whole Ummah is crushed down into pieces that will never wake up - and a new Nation is born among ourselves who will become the future of our nations

Every nation went against the God's Will. Start from the beginning of human beings. What does it signify? The "bad things" done by every nation was just a coincidence or it signifies something else?
My grand parent's village (Jewish) "crushed down" because the village was "nafarman" than my dad's village (Christian) had the same fate and now my village (Muslim) is going towards it.

History will repeat itself and people from lala land will blame their actions but in reality nothing was Karma.

Don't worry, Muslims are having a bad time as others did (nothing new)
Gentlemen and women----these people are a gift of God to you----they are sending a message from God to you---Allah is trying to tell you something---but you have black heart --- you have dark souls--- your brains and minds are full of hatred---you can't even see what is in front of your eyes----because your vision has been blinded by your anger---you can't even begin to think straight----because your mind is full of anger and hatred---.
I think its blinded by the reliance we have upon them,and the fear of consequences if we didnt go by there way and the worldly benefit which we extract from them.

Grow up young people----understand the deception of the opponent and act in the most un-predictable manner that you can.

any innovative thoughts which come to your mind..?
One thing which comes to my mind is start a National social website similar to that of face-book but having different layout of course ..!!!

These are times when we all have weekest Iman(Faith)..

When you die, The God will take away your soul,The maggots will eat away your body,the earth will consume your bones.. Yet onething noOne can take away is the Light of Iman(Faith).

However i do agree that there intent was to create terrorists and thus justify there crusades against Muslim countries in the name of National Security and a threat to there interests and they might become successful in this because Such a thing will eventually be exploited by the religious Hardcore fundamentalists to invite a global jihad against them and any entity which has any sort of ties(Friendly/Neutral) with them will also might face the musik.
I fear that by doing such a thing they have opened up a Pandora's box and triggered a Chain Reaction which could consume billions of lives and could even backfire at them....:agree:
Facebook fuels American flag business in Pakistan

Updated at: 0534 PST, Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Facebook fuels American flag business in Pakistan KARACHI: In Pakistan a row about Facebook, censorship and religious sacrilege means booming demand for replica American and Israeli flags to go up in flames at protest rallies.

That means one thing for 31-year-old Mamoon ur Rasheed -- business -- and he is working long into the night to churn out the paraphernalia beloved of Islamic activists taking to the streets.

"I have nothing to do with any political party, but it is really enjoyable when you see your work on TV screens," a laughing Rasheed told media.

"I'm busy every day making banners and placards for different religious and political parties, but work gets a boost -- especially when international controversy concerning Muslims breaks out," he said.

When a Facebook user decided to organise an "Everyone Draw Mohammed Day" competition to promote "freedom of expression", it sparked a major backlash among Islamic activists in the South Asian country of 170 million.

Islam strictly prohibits the depiction of any prophet as blasphemous and the row sparked comparison with protests across the Muslim world over the publication of satirical cartoons of Mohammed in European newspapers in 2006.

Several thousand Pakistanis have taken to the streets at the behest of right-wing religious groups, who turn to Rasheed when they need flags to burn and banners to write.

"Generally, we receive orders for banners for a couple of demonstrations a day, but due to the blasphemous drawings issue, the number of orders for flags and banners has increased by 10 to 12 per day," said Rasheed.

"Flags are made for burning. They symbolise what our clients want to express and we are paid for it, so I'm happy to see our work go up in flames."

Rasheed owns a workshop where he employs four craftsmen to paint flags and write calligraphy, and a small printing press.

"We have received continuous orders for American and Israeli flags. Normally we paint them but when demand surges into the hundreds we print these flags to get them to our clients in time," he said.

In the wake of the Prophet Mohammed controversy, Pakistan blocked hundreds of web pages to limit access to "blasphemous" material, banning access to US-based Facebook and YouTube -- the two most popular websites in the country.

A court in the eastern city of Lahore ordered the block on Facebook until at least May 31, when it is scheduled to hear a petition from Islamic lawyers.
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