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A father's Letter for his spoiled son

As received from another world:
Must Read
I do not wish to start with the term "Dear" or "son", because I do not wish to acknowledge that you're either of those for me. I am a miserable soul and I do not wish to increase my torment here.
Mr. Adnan, let me introduce myself to you, because you seem to have forgotten it all. Let me refresh your arrogance - fogged memory.
I, am a Pakistan Air Force officer. I am the youngest recipient of Sitara Jurat. I am the recipient of the Medal of Honor from Iran, Turkey and Jordan. The Kings of these countries sought to honor me for my services. I am the recipient of multiple gallantry awards including the SJ and Sitara e Imtiaz, because I fought for my country in the 1965 war, valiantly so. I served three presidents as Aide de camp in my service, and I was taken up into foreign services after my retirement from the Airforce to represent my beloved land across the world. I made it to the 22nd grade, upto the post of Commissioner General, the first, I might add.
Let me indulge deeper into flashback. When you were young and had a taste for music, I bought you your first Piano. You learnt to play and I was very proud of you. I arranged for you to travel across the country to different PAF bases in military aircrafts, requesting their base commanders to let you perform. They took you in with open arms, because of what your father meant to them. That, is where you started your music career from, performing in military bases, travelling on the expense of the PAF, who applauded you for your talents and provided you with opportunities.
Coming back to the 1965 war that made your father who he was. The enemy was upon us. We were a few skilled men, and we had the weight of our country's entire population on our young shoulders. We gave it everything we had and we succeeded. Let me be clear; that was my country's debt on me. I was chosen for this honor, I owed my land more than my singular life.
The enemy that I spoke of, Adnan, was the last five letters on your current address. It was the loathsome colors on the flag you hold. It was the anthem that you now believe in. It was the sound of oppression, the conflict of ideology and the arch nemesis of my beloved motherland.
Soldiers, Adnan, think differently than you liberated and self centered men. For us, it is the sound of our anthem that brings us peace, the sight of our flag that brings us tranquility and the scent of our earth, that fuels our will to live. I cannot describe in any sufficient words how much my country means to me.
The land that you proudly proclaim to be your home, is the land your unfortunate father almost died fighting against. The enmity between your home and mine is so deep rooted and so traumatizing, it is unimaginably treacherous to have even thought about creating a soft corner for the murderer of hundreds and thousands of our brothers, sisters, parents and children. And you, in pursuit of worldly gains (atleast that's what your incentive was) stepped on your father's name and repute to get to the other side. My blood is on the border that you crossed, Adnan. My friends in heaven heard you say Jai Hind. I thanked God in person, that He did not keep me alive to witness that moment. That he didn't make me stay long enough to exclaim your love for the armed forces that have killed my fellow soldiers.
The world remembers me in honorable mentions. But I think I brought myself the worst disgrace that the universe has to offer. I brought you into this world, and whatever I may proclaim, you will always be a cancerous part of me. Deteriorating my honor, you will always be my deepest regret.
Your miserable father,
Sqn Ldr Arshad Sami
@Zibago @Horus @WAJsal @PaklovesTurkiye @Irfan Baloch @F.O.X @araz @Taygibay @Moonlight @Sinopakfriend @Chinese-Dragon @I S I and others

Why have you reproduced this tasteless, ghoulish piece of trash which has already been seen to be a forgery? Have you no sense at all?

uff heavy message - what a betrayal.


My Pak brother,

I am speechless. I wish no father has to suffer such pain. I speak as a father.

Long Live the Eternal Land of Your Fathers and Mothers. May all your Honour and Dignity Live forever.

I know the history of your great country...yet I am not part of it.

Bless you all. Remain Free with Head Held Up High!

You have honoured me by mentioning me in your post. I am grateful!

Very sorry, Reverend, but your sermon was wasted. This was a forged letter. Oscar has written on his visit to the family's home and how he saw them. The father actually died in his son's care, in the enemy country, India, treated by Indian doctors, in an Indian hospital.

Oh my godddd. Broke me into tears.

Exactly what I was thinking of last few days.

We salute you sir and for your services. We are proud to have sons like you, who protected this beloved land.

Madam-ji, calm down. The father died in his son's care, in an Indian hospital, cared for by Indian staff, doctors and nurses, in the city of Bombay. He never could have written this letter; he was proud of his son's achievements, and backed him to the hilt.

Because it is unpardonable. The father loved his son to the last. He was proud of his son's achievements. He came to stay with him in his last days, in Bombay, and died in a Bombay hospital, attended by Bombay doctors and nurses.

What a ghoulish thing to do, and what a sick intrusion into a family's privacy. With a forged letter at that.
So he could have closed the thread as many mods also read no one give me rating another member has also posted it in airforce section.
I didn't abuse anyone it was viral on social media so i posted it in members club..
talk to an admin or mod about that.
Sir this was viral on social media so i posted here i didn't whether it was true or not the oscar explained it to me and i was done in this thread,
Sir you should review -ve

Fair enough. Add a note of explanation, within the post, and I remove the negative.
Why have you reproduced this tasteless, ghoulish piece of trash which has already been seen to be a forgery? Have you no sense at all?


Very sorry, Reverend, but your sermon was wasted. This was a forged letter. Oscar has written on his visit to the family's home and how he saw them. The father actually died in his son's care, in the enemy country, India, treated by Indian doctors, in an Indian hospital.

Madam-ji, calm down. The father died in his son's care, in an Indian hospital, cared for by Indian staff, doctors and nurses, in the city of Bombay. He never could have written this letter; he was proud of his son's achievements, and backed him to the hilt.

Dear citizen of oppressive indian empire,

No way I find it in my heart to feel otherwise than see your humanity and the little twinkle of true light in your heart.

You might be chubby and suffering from sugar...yet I see you as my fellow human brother.

You just kindle that light into flame and I am most delighted that one flew over the cocukoo's nest to break this cycle of rebirth.

My very dear delusional and lost brother... you do not know the half and pretend to know everything...foolish to the core... you keep doing your good work and keep that tiny flame alive in the Heart of Darkness..

You insulted me for no reason and I fogive you...for you are coming from a great honoured womb. I know!

Just stop your silly waste of energy as is asked of you and channell the tiny goodness in you to better use so that your youth might be fruitful.

Stop oppressing and killing Kashmiris and put an end to this great insult to your illegal indian empire that this modi regime and his gang is doing. You deserve better. Need for a new Acharia is high (spelling could be worng, of course).

I demand that you bring back the great poet Tagore and his humble sudent Vajpaee...at least Vajapaee;s heart was clear.

Have you contemplated on the Light of Vishnu as was asked of you or you just wasted your youth in pathetic pursuits?

Enjoy my esteem and run off to Light.

Bless you and stop giving -ve ratings to only Pak brothers... you should be focusing on your own kind. They are doing more damage to your indian oppressive empire than Pak Brothers ever could.

Mind your back...that worries me the most.

Over to you and your pathetic insults. Go on and insult me and remain in this ever lasting wheel of re-birth.

Never wished you any harm, you young fool!


His Pomposity at it again.


Dear citizen of oppressive indian empire,

No way I find it in my heart to feel otherwise than see your humanity and the little twinkle of true light in your heart.

You might be chubby and suffering from sugar...yet I see you as my fellow human brother.

You just kindle that light into flame and I am most delighted that one flew over the cocukoo's nest to break this cycle of rebirth.

My very dear delusional and lost brother... you do not know the half and pretend to know everything...foolish to the core... you keep doing your good work and keep that tiny flame alive in the Heart of Darkness..

You insulted me for no reason and I fogive you...for you are coming from a great honoured womb. I know!

Just stop your silly waste of energy as is asked of you and channell the tiny goodness in you to better use so that your youth might be fruitful.

Stop oppressing and killing Kashmiris and put an end to this great insult to your illegal indian empire that this modi regime and his gang is doing. You deserve better. Need for a new Acharia is high (spelling could be worng, of course).

I demand that you bring back the great poet Tagore and his humble sudent Vajpaee...at least Vajapaee;s heart was clear.

Have you contemplated on the Light of Vishnu as was asked of you or you just wasted your youth in pathetic pursuits?

Enjoy my esteem and run off to Light.

Bless you and stop giving -ve ratings to only Pak brothers... you should be focusing on your own kind. They are doing more damage to your indian oppressive empire than Pak Brothers ever could.

Mind your back...that worries me the most.

Over to you and your pathetic insults. Go on and insult me and remain in this ever lasting wheel of re-birth.

Never wished you any harm, you young fool!



I am your father's age, and I thank Heavens that I had no child like you to disgrace me. You realise that your post was about a fake letter and that you landed up making comments about a disgraceful parody by a person obviously sick in the head? Or didn't you get it even after being told?

One confession: I should have remembered that calling you a Reverend and reminding you of a sermon would provoke another boring, rambling post. Stupid me.

You are such a boring person.
I am your father's age, and I thank Heavens that I had no child like you to disgrace me.

One confession: I should have remembered that calling you a Reverend and reminding you of a sermon would provoke another boring, rambling post. Stupid me.

You are such a boring person.

I am your father's age, and I thank Heavens that I had no child like you to disgrace me. You realise that your post was about a fake letter and that you landed up making comments about a disgraceful parody by a person obviously sick in the head? Or didn't you get it even after being told?

One confession: I should have remembered that calling you a Reverend and reminding you of a sermon would provoke another boring, rambling post. Stupid me.

You are such a boring person.
I've done whatever you asked now time to fulfill your promise
His Pomposity at it again.

I am your father's age, and I thank Heavens that I had no child like you to disgrace me. You realise that your post was about a fake letter and that you landed up making comments about a disgraceful parody by a person obviously sick in the head? Or didn't you get it even after being told?

One confession: I should have remembered that calling you a Reverend and reminding you of a sermon would provoke another boring, rambling post. Stupid me.

You are such a boring person.

Look here dear indian... I understand you.

And please, kindly, keep this age thing to yourself. We might both be hitting the 70s soon. So, if age is as true as you claim then acts must show the same. Why belittle yourself?

Have a good night sleep and a wonderful morning.

I expected nothing less than petty insults from you. Nevertheless, I feel no anger towards you...how could I?

Go in peace now and have a wonderful sleep. Tomorrow is a new day.


Look here dear indian... I understand you.

And please, kindly, keep this age thing to yourself. We might both be hitting the 70s soon. So, if age is as true as you claim then acts must show the same. Why belittle yourself?

Have a good night sleep and a wonderful morning.

I expected nothing less than petty insults from you. Nevertheless, I feel no anger towards you...how could I?

Go in peace now and have a wonderful sleep. Tomorrow is a new day.



My acts do reflect my age. I don't, unlike you, participate in matters about which I know nothing, like a father's relations with his loved son, merely on the basis of a forgery. I don't curry favour by slavishly aligning myself to a particular set of people, regardless of what the topic is. You just did so, with results that inspire pity and contempt in equal measure. And your oriental wisdom is cloying, largely because it is so clearly synthetic and not natural.

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