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No fighters for pakistan: Russia


Jul 4, 2012
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Speaking to RIA Novosti, Vyacheslav Davidenko, an official representative of Rosoboronexport – Russia’s state-owned arms export agency – said that there are no ongoing arms negotiations, including the Su-35, taking place with Pakistan.

Mr Davidenko also added that Pakistan had been invited by the Russian Ministry of Defence to attend and participate in Army 2016, which had taken place from 6-11 September.

Notes, Comments & Analysis:

While Rosoboronexport’s statement establishes that there are no negotiations taking place with Pakistan of the sale of Su-35s, it does not necessarily negate earlier statements made by Major General Naveed Ahmed, the Director General of Defence Purchases (DGDP).

During the Army 2016 exhibition, Maj. Gen Ahmed had told RIA Novosti that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) was interested in the Sukhoi Su-35, but the decision (to start negotiations in earnest) was with Moscow. Furthermore, the DGDP also stated that there are no big-ticket acquisitions from Russia in the pipeline at this time, though efforts were underway to buy a batch of RD-93 turbofan engines for the JF-17.

At least on Quwa, the crux of the issue had been the need to confirm whether the PAF itself is (or at least was) interested in the Su-35. The PAF has yet to comment on the subject. The DGDP’s statement during Army 2016 suggests that while there may be interest in the Su-35, it would be premature – especially with Rosoboronexport’s statement – to suggest that actual talks are underway. Furthermore, although Rosoboronexport confirmed that there are no talks taking place, it is not the principal decision maker on this issue; its role is to manage the acquisition process once it has been approved by the Kremlin.

That said, the fact that Pakistan had been invited by the Russian Ministry of Defence to attend Army 2016 clearly sits well with anearlier idea suggested on Quwa that Russia, at least in broad terms, is comfortable with the notion of selling arms to Pakistan. However, Moscow will show discretion when it comes to the question of releasing certain armaments to Pakistan, and the Su-35 would certainly be among those areas that will be gauged very carefully (in light of Moscow’s dealings with New Delhi).
Pdf fanboys never read news in full.
All threads n news say pak is intrested in su-35..never it has been reported from thrustworthy source wether russia is intrested in the same.
Its jus like india saying they are intrrsted in f 22 and the fanboys come out n debate in thread "india getting f 22soon "
Pdf fanboys never read news in full.
All threads n news say pak is intrested in su-35..never it has been reported from thrustworthy source wether russia is intrested in the same.
Its jus like india saying they are intrrsted in f 22 and the fanboys come out n debate in thread "india getting f 22soon "

It is always about what the one interests in though there is always a thing between Desire and Reply and is called "Wait". Every country/nation has the right to interest anything for its needs so India cannot influence that wish or interests of others or it is like this... though can lobby to stop the sale but cannot influence the interests.

you didnt got those 8 f16,you are not going to get su35.

Just an advice, why do you or many other posters feels necessary to sabotage the peace of any thread and starts with jingoism rather than a knowledgeable discussion. I mean, there is no "Must" clause to beat the drum every now and then.

Before it gets into something like troll war, I hope you may refrain from such approach. Bring in the facts, details, sources and healthy discussion rather than super claims and undermining others and going off-topic. This is not going to help at all.

If Russia was/is not interested in such deal nor indicates any talks, how come the Indian influence worked I mean, there were no talks but still, as per so-called super influence and supporting members, the sale is topped due to the influence of India. Kindly decide first whether there were talks of SU-35 between Pakistan and India or not and whether it was a one sided interest. Even, way before any talks between Pakistan-Russia, Indian influenced worked but for what as there were no talks but just media hype.

If there were talks between the both nations then I hope, you have answered below post and if that was just Pakistani interest as per undermentioned member then you have been already answered before making any claim here. If Russia was not interested nor showed in intention then whom India influenced actually.

Pdf fanboys never read news in full.
All threads n news say pak is intrested in su-35..never it has been reported from thrustworthy source wether russia is intrested in the same.
Its jus like india saying they are intrrsted in f 22 and the fanboys come out n debate in thread "india getting f 22soon "

I think, with reference to your claim of no talks between Pakistan & Russia, you have been answered by above quoted member as without any talks what India influenced actually but if India forced Russia to not to sell then there were indeed talks (that even I do not believe till official statements) but still your claim.
Just an advice, why do you or many other posters feels necessary to sabotage the peace of any thread and starts with jingoism rather than a knowledgeable discussion. I mean, there is no "Must" clause to beat the drum every now and then.

Before it gets into something like troll war, I hope you may refrain from such approach. Bring in the facts, details, sources and healthy discussion rather than super claims and undermining others and going off-topic. This is not going to help at all.

If Russia was/is not interested in such deal nor indicates any talks, how come the Indian influence worked I mean, there were no talks but still, as per so-called super influence and supporting members, the sale is topped due to the influence of India. Kindly decide first whether there were talks of SU-35 between Pakistan and India or not and whether it was a one sided interest. Even, way before any talks between Pakistan-Russia, Indian influenced worked but for what as there were no talks but just media hype.

If there were talks between the both nations then I hope, you have answered below post and if that was just Pakistani interest as per undermentioned member then you have been already answered before making any claim here. If Russia was not interested nor showed in intention then whom India influenced actually.
ok fine,i deleted my post.
but,lets remove india out of equation.
what would russia achieve by not selling su35 to pakistan?
your side constantly bringing su35 in discussion shows pak really wants it.and russia could use any money coming their way.it will also appease china
they are not selling you heavy weapon for the sole reason of not angering india.(correct me if i am wrong)
thats an indirect influence.
'Negotiation' step only takes place when both the Govts, seller and buyer, has agreed to the deal. So saying that there is no possibility of Su35s in PAF is indeed premature but having said that we are even not sure how much PAF has actually shown desired or officially requested Russian Govt for the sale. So for now, all such news of Su 35s for PAF in nearby future are so over rated.
For Pakistan SU35S is just like the Rafael for India. Let the discussions mature and then future acquisitions can take place.
I mean, I'm not gonna say I told you so, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)
What do you think the chances are that we actually see talks occur between Pakistan and Russia over the Sukhois?
ok fine,i deleted my post.

I did not want you to delete but still as you done it, good approach though it was just an advice for productive conversation.

what would russia achieve by not selling su35 to pakistan?

Ifffff, a big IF, Pakistan is interested then Denying by Russia is like loosing the money only.

your side constantly bringing su35 in discussion shows pak really wants it.and russia could use any money coming their way.it will also appease china

As I said, I do not believe in such news of Russia selling SUs to Pakistan or Pakistan buying them at all until & unless official confirmation but still for the sake of arguments, every country is at liberty to show the desired list of interests. There is no harm. Our ACM already expressed that Pakistan is looking for options in East and West both so Journalists can analyse and share their observations. For an example, There is always a long list shared by India every now and then about interests in that and this weapon so our responsibility is to look at it through the possibilities, circumstances and availability.

they are not selling you heavy weapon for the sole reason of not angering india.(correct me if i am wrong)
thats an indirect influence.

Well I will differ here and In My Opinion, if is there anything stance like what you stated, it has to do more with Cold War Era conflict between Pakistan-Russia in Afghanistan though things are changed and progressing towards good relations. In short and not to derail the topic, Since 9/11, India has been lobbying in USA against Pakistan and could only be effective as India being new Ally for US and that is happening right now, just look at LEMOA etc so Pakistan gained approach to Russia. It is the game of geopolitics and nation interest and there are no permanent friends in international politics. India moved to US so China played the vital role and Pakistan-Russia are getting closer.

Money is not always the influence nor the solution of for everything but sometimes, it is more about geopolitics, nation interests and threat countering otherwise, China would have stopped every Russian sale to India as Russia is more close and engaged with China. We have RD-93 engines for JFT which was supposed to be influenced and even then, we are going to have an overhaul facility for RD-93 at PAC with the help of Russia as well as we signed the deal for MI Helis as well. Things starts to move slowly but gain pace with the passage of time and trust.

Let the Rafale deal by finalized along with other deals.
MI deal is on hold and the number is a lot more. Another parallel deal is going on which Pakistan is pursuing and InshAllah gud results will come out.
Rosoboronexport offically recognize only those negotiations which are have received approval of Russian Government. They usually manage package, price and number of units along with timeline of exports. The Real decision is from Government which once approve a deal, it become responsibility of Rosoboronexport.
Su35 negotiations are YET to reach that stage...........
hahahaha. Kill the waves. (mojan maro). While I don't feel good at the news, this again shows that we don't need to start new threads time and again on rumours. Lastly, PAF may end up getting J 10s which it rejected earlier as no other country seems willing to sell them except China. Furthermore, if PAF does need a double engine fighter, then I don't know what is stopping them from going for J 16s which will be feasible given the reliability of supplier and sustainable maintenance.
Su-35s are not a little expensive for pakistan?
It is always about what the one interests in though there is always a thing between Desire and Reply and is called "Wait". Every country/nation has the right to interest anything for its needs so India cannot influence that wish or interests of others or it is like this... though can lobby to stop the sale but cannot influence the interests.

Just an advice, why do you or many other posters feels necessary to sabotage the peace of any thread and starts with jingoism rather than a knowledgeable discussion. I mean, there is no "Must" clause to beat the drum every now and then.

Before it gets into something like troll war, I hope you may refrain from such approach. Bring in the facts, details, sources and healthy discussion rather than super claims and undermining others and going off-topic. This is not going to help at all.

If Russia was/is not interested in such deal nor indicates any talks, how come the Indian influence worked I mean, there were no talks but still, as per so-called super influence and supporting members, the sale is topped due to the influence of India. Kindly decide first whether there were talks of SU-35 between Pakistan and India or not and whether it was a one sided interest. Even, way before any talks between Pakistan-Russia, Indian influenced worked but for what as there were no talks but just media hype.

If there were talks between the both nations then I hope, you have answered below post and if that was just Pakistani interest as per undermentioned member then you have been already answered before making any claim here. If Russia was not interested nor showed in intention then whom India influenced actually.

I think, with reference to your claim of no talks between Pakistan & Russia, you have been answered by above quoted member as without any talks what India influenced actually but if India forced Russia to not to sell then there were indeed talks (that even I do not believe till official statements) but still your claim.

There is a higher probability of Su-35 being sold to China and then it being sold to Pakistan after couple of years. This is the most probable route, IF the plane is coming to Pakistan.
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