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17 Indian Army soldiers killed in Uri attack

Uri attack: Pak army asks for 'actionable intelligence'

Uri attack: Pak army asks for 'actionable intelligence'
PTI | Updated: Sep 18, 2016, 09.01 PM IST
  1. Pakistan has refuted as "unfounded and premature" India's charge that it was behind the terrorist attack in Jammu & Kashmir's Uri
  2. Pakistani army has demanded "actionable intelligence" to support New Delhi's accusation
Uri terror attack. (TOI photo)
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Sunday refuted as "unfounded and premature" India's charge that it was behind the terrorist attack+ in Jammu & Kashmir's Uri that killed 17 soldiers with Pakistani army demanding "actionable intelligence" to support New Delhi's accusation.

Following the dawn attack, India blamed Pakistan for the latest attack on the Army. Home Minister Rajnath Singh directly attacked Pakistan saying it was a " terrorist state+ " and should be isolated.

Pakistan army spokesman Lt Gen Asim Saleem Bajwa said that following the attackDirector General of Military Operation+ (DGMO) of the two countries discussed the situation along the line of control through hotline.

"Refuting the unfounded and pre-mature Indian allegation, Pakistani DGMO asked his counterpart to share any actionable intelligence," Radio Pakistan reported citing an ISPR release.

Bajwa reiterated that no infiltration was allowed from the Pakistani soil because of "water-tight arrangements" in place on both sides of LoC and the Working Boundary.

Heavily armed militants stormed a battalion headquarters of the Army in North Kashmir's Uri town in the wee hours, killing 17 jawans and injuring 19 other personnel in the strike in which four ultras were neutralised.

@Joe Shearer @nair @cerberus

As received

Attack started at 0515 hr. The area hit was the administrative area where the FOL had been dumped and tankers with diesel were parked. The diesel was being filled into barrels earlier and the strength was high due to that in the adjacent area. The militants lobbed 17 grenades as per witnesses into the dump, which caught fire and quickly engulfed the tents and temporary habitats nearby wherein the troops who were assigned the duty of the fuel refilling were sleeping.

Since it was diesel it effectively acted as a air fuel bomb. 13 soldiers had no chance to escape and were charred instantaneously, 32 injured.

Maps recovered are marked in Pashtun language.

As per plan which was written in directives, they were to kill unarmed troops in barrack area, then hit the adjacent medical aid post and thence explode themselves in the officer's mess around the location. In the ensuing confusion, the militants got disoriented and headed into a barrack where one was killed by a 19 year old new recruit who was gunned down and is critically injured. The militants hid in barrack and put up resistance till 4 PARA SF cleared them up.

Hence the smoke as evident from pictures.

This is as I predicted, an inside job with information passed by some one who is working for army.

4 more died in hospital and hence total of 17 so far with few critically injured.


no dossier yet, anything like phone calls to mama chacha taya or aunti before the attack etc...?
@Spectre @Abingdonboy

The immediate plan is to strike the group responsible. It is useless to point fingers at any nation. An adversary will always work on your weakness, criticising the adversary os counter-productive as it gives you an incentive, nay an excuse to pass off your own shortfalls onto the other.

Having said that, the most pertinent issue is that there was a complete failure of command and control and SOPs were not followed.

Such attacks are expected when a unit is in process of induction/de-induction. The head taking incident of 2 Aug 2011, or Hemraj, all the while units were in transition. It is an utter failure of the concerned personnel in charge.

The re-look has to be from inside.

That a retaliation will come, surely and swiftly is a given. That much has been assured by the Corps Commander personally, something which was always done in secrecy, is being assured publicly for the first time by the armed forces. Such statements, have never been made by an Army Corps Commander previously.

Also, the Army Commander has told the government of J&K to get its act together and deal with the situation on ground emphasising no role of army in civil control. (@Joe Shearer @WAJsal)

If you follow my recent posts the object of my criticism has been the current Indian Govt which has deceived me personally and countless others who voted for them with all it's false promises of better security and new approach to dealing with terrorism from within and beyond.

Instead all we have seen are useless dossiers, bear hugs with the leader of the offending country and the black day when the perps themselves where invited to investigate Pathankot attack in a futile and foolish hope of reciprocity which was promptly rebuffed within a day of them going back to Pakistan.
@Spectre @Abingdonboy

The immediate plan is to strike the group responsible])
There are no such plans, they only exist in the minds of the powerless electorate and the military whose hands are entirely tied behind their back.

In two weeks the bodies of the brave dead will be long since ashes, the wounded will be in some distant hospital entirely out of the limelight and it will be business as usual.

Perhaps I'm being too unkind, it is probably more likely to be the case 7 days.
@Spectre @Abingdonboy

The immediate plan is to strike the group responsible. It is useless to point fingers at any nation. An adversary will always work on your weakness, criticising the adversary os counter-productive as it gives you an incentive, nay an excuse to pass off your own shortfalls onto the other.

I am sorry but it wont happen. because your current administration considers the leadership in power inside Pakistan as its asset. and that Asset uses the these elements for its political muscle.
due to your blind hatred you have been dismissing and taunting the Pakistan army's fight against the terrorists... but your beloved Nawa Sherif protects the terror camps in Murdkay and southern Punjab.. and wont let the rangers operation adn calls it attack on democracy.
Hafizz Saeed like trolls openly live there at the expense paid by Sherif family and other sectarian terrorists that are accused of crossing LoC as well are also protected by Nawaz Sherif.

there is a word of operation in Punjab... your friend calls Modi and Modi orders your forces to start firing alsong the working


As provocations go, this is as big as it can get. The attack on the infantry battalion at Uri in Baramulla district, which claimed lives of 17 soldiers, stands out for its brazenness and in-your-face quality. “Yes, we have done it. We will do it again, and again. What can you do?” This, clearly, is the question and statement as well, from the perpetrators to the Indian authorities. Now, it’s for the government to respond. If the response is not adequate and proportionate to the damage caused, then it could end up with egg on its face.

@scorpionx @hellfire @Joe Shearer @Levina @Abingdonboy
And Indian leadership will end up with egg on face just like Kargil, 26/11 or parliament attack. We are a traditionally soft nation led by inept and the corrupt. Most we can do is a costly armed mobilization in deserts of Rajasthan and nothing else. Lets live with it.
If you follow my recent posts the object of my criticism has been the current Indian Govt is power which has deceived me personally with all it's false promises of better security and new approach to dealing with terrorism from within and beyond.

But all we have seen is useless dossiers and the black day when the perps themselves where invited to investigate Pathankot attack in a futile and foolish hope of reciprocity which was promptly rebuffed within a day of them going back to Pakistan.


I have already highlighted the lapses on our account. Blaming Pakistan gets you nothing. First and foremost one has to get their own act together.

The civil administration has failed to pacify the environment. This was, but to be expected. We all were expecting it. Please re-call, in case you have read my posts over the past few weeks, I had indicated a worsening of situation. It is not as if it was unexpected.

This was a vulnerable garrison, it got targeted. What are you expecting from present government?

The first and foremost thing that is going to happen is the specific group will be targeted. That is the main thing. Rest all is ancillary.

Army Commander has already told both PDP and BJP to get their act together.

There is your modi.
@Irfan Baloch @waz Keep this jingoistic troll off this thread. From the get go, he is insinuating Pakistan in this attack without a shred of proof and spewing hate and racist crap about Killing Pakistani Innocents. Either thread ban him or delete his posts so to bring him back into his senses. These kind of people are the reason Samjhota attack are blamed on Pakistan

Indian Army has attributed these attacks to Jaish which is expressly being protected and given sanctuary by Pakistan. I need no more proof.

As for the other part show me a single post of mine where I have called for killing of innocents. One need not resort to lies to make an argument.
There are no such plans, they only exist in the minds of the powerless electorate and the military whose hands are entirely tied behind their back.

In two weeks the bodies of the brave dead will be long since ashes, the wounded will be in some distant hospital entirely out of the limelight and it will be business as usual.

Perhaps I'm being too unkind, it is probably more likely to be the case 7 days.

I will totally disagree with you. I have often given one example of a retaliation. for Head taking on 02 Aug 2011, reciprocal retaliation was carried out on 30 Aug 2011 by 4 PARA. We never publicise these efforts and as a local commander, you can take action at sub-unit level.

The army commander northern command used to take a call on these strikes and they never made it to public domain. I have, on a number of times, clarified what is the Indian SOP.

It is wait and watch. It is against the specific group/launch pads that the strike will occur.
@Joe Shearer Extremely pleased to see you back on the board.

In your esteemed opinion , What can be done to diffuse the tension ?

This is dangerous; but let me stall for time by asking you to clarify: which tension? That between Pakistan and India? Or that between separatist Kashmiris and the security forces, the government in Kashmir and the government in Delhi?

BTW, I prefer to be 'absent', on leave, if you like, although I do keep up with any discussions which are worthwhile. This is specifically in response to you.
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