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Reason why Pakistan has no chance of winning these particular types of war

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Bharat Muslim

Aug 7, 2010
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Pakistan may win nuclear war with India but what's the reason it has no chance of winning conventional war, insurgency-on-enemy war (supporting insurgency on enemy territory) and economic espionage and sabotage war, diplomatic war with India? Answer is size – population size, geographic area and material resources. Soviet Nation was a great country and produced great individuals but Afghanistan shattered and vanquished Soviet Union because Soviet Union's population was tiny and it's material resources were scarce – most of Russia is nothing but cold desert. India is not Soviet Union. India has a dense population and is rich in material resources. It is said that a single state of Uttar Pradesh has a population bigger than the entire population of Pakistan. A common refrain of 1965 war is that it was a war of quality versus quantity. But quality has a limitation. One Pakistani soldier may kill dozen Indian soldiers but he has no chance against two dozen Indians. Probably this pattern holds in most walks of life except in contests like sports where only equal number of individuals can represent their respective countries.
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Pakistan may win nuclear war with India but what's the reason it has no chance of winning conventional war, insurgency war and economic espionage and sabotage war with India? Answer is size – population size, geographic area and material resources. Soviet Nation was a great country and produced great individuals but Afghanistan shattered and vanquished Soviet Union because Soviet Union's population was tiny and it's material resources were scarce – most of Russia is nothing but cold desert. India is not Soviet Union. India has a dense population and is rich in material resources. It is said that a single state of Uttar Pradesh has a population bigger than the entire population of Pakistan. A common refrain of 1965 war is that it was a war of quality versus quantity. But quality has a limitation. One Pakistani soldier may kill dozen Indian soldiers but he has no chance against two dozen Indians. Probably this pattern holds in most walks of life except in contests like sports where only equal number of individuals can represent their respective countries.

No war is un winable... no enemy us too weak.or too strong...

Its this kind of self appeasement that lead to what happened in indian history for past 1000 years

Pakistan may win nuclear war with India but what's the reason it has no chance of winning conventional war, insurgency war and economic espionage and sabotage war with India? Answer is size – population size, geographic area and material resources. Soviet Nation was a great country and produced great individuals but Afghanistan shattered and vanquished Soviet Union because Soviet Union's population was tiny and it's material resources were scarce – most of Russia is nothing but cold desert. India is not Soviet Union. India has a dense population and is rich in material resources. It is said that a single state of Uttar Pradesh has a population bigger than the entire population of Pakistan. A common refrain of 1965 war is that it was a war of quality versus quantity. But quality has a limitation. One Pakistani soldier may kill dozen Indian soldiers but he has no chance against two dozen Indians. Probably this pattern holds in most walks of life except in contests like sports where only equal number of individuals can represent their respective countries.

No war is un winable... no enemy us too weak.or too strong...

Its this kind of self appeasement that lead to what happened in indian history for past 1000 years
There is no major insurgency going on in Pakistan as of rite now. Even terrorism has dropped by 70%. The number of civilians killed this year are the lowest since 2003.


As for conventional war, Pakistan has won 4 conventional wars in the past. Future wars cannot be fought by conventional armies imo. Either it will be proxy wars or nuclear, etc except if the super power is fighting an opponent that is a third world.
Pakistan may win nuclear war with India but what's the reason it has no chance of winning conventional war, insurgency war and economic espionage and sabotage war with India? Answer is size – population size, geographic area and material resources. Soviet Nation was a great country and produced great individuals but Afghanistan shattered and vanquished Soviet Union because Soviet Union's population was tiny and it's material resources were scarce – most of Russia is nothing but cold desert. India is not Soviet Union. India has a dense population and is rich in material resources. It is said that a single state of Uttar Pradesh has a population bigger than the entire population of Pakistan. A common refrain of 1965 war is that it was a war of quality versus quantity. But quality has a limitation. One Pakistani soldier may kill dozen Indian soldiers but he has no chance against two dozen Indians. Probably this pattern holds in most walks of life except in contests like sports where only equal number of individuals can represent their respective countries.
Lol.. you think pakistan can win nuclear war with India. That's laughable.
Pakistan can't win any war, conventional or nuclear. India can defeat pakistan in any format in less than 7 days.
If there is a war in which pakistan has shown some winning spirit is export of terrorism across the borders, but now India has started to stand up this too, so, pakistan is bound to fail in this exercise also.
No war is un winable... no enemy us too weak.or too strong...

Its this kind of self appeasement that lead to what happened in indian history for past 1000 years

No war is un winable... no enemy us too weak.or too strong...

Its this kind of self appeasement that lead to what happened in indian history for past 1000 years
India was not united then. Post-1947 India is different.
Nuclear war could cause major consequences for the world let alone destroy india

However Pakistan has enough conventional strength to burn through many millions of indian's
Pakistan may win nuclear war with India but what's the reason it has no chance of winning conventional war, insurgency-on-enemy war (supporting insurgency on enemy territory) and economic espionage and sabotage war, diplomatic war with India? Answer is size – population size, geographic area and material resources. Soviet Nation was a great country and produced great individuals but Afghanistan shattered and vanquished Soviet Union because Soviet Union's population was tiny and it's material resources were scarce – most of Russia is nothing but cold desert. India is not Soviet Union. India has a dense population and is rich in material resources. It is said that a single state of Uttar Pradesh has a population bigger than the entire population of Pakistan. A common refrain of 1965 war is that it was a war of quality versus quantity. But quality has a limitation. One Pakistani soldier may kill dozen Indian soldiers but he has no chance against two dozen Indians. Probably this pattern holds in most walks of life except in contests like sports where only equal number of individuals can represent their respective countries.
First of all the thing is no country in world can win war before going in the war we all have the example of usa war in afghanistan and the other thing is that no enemy in the world are there to welcome its enemy invasion .Mind it that pakistan is always prepare for a war with india and our armed forces have alot of surprises for enemies. No we even can have a two front war.Pakistan is not dumb enough to not have a contingency plan in war that how to survive more than 7 days.Rest there can be a standoff b/w two countries in near future but no war.
Pakistan may win nuclear war with India but what's the reason it has no chance of winning conventional war, insurgency-on-enemy war (supporting insurgency on enemy territory) and economic espionage and sabotage war, diplomatic war with India? Answer is size – population size, geographic area and material resources. Soviet Nation was a great country and produced great individuals but Afghanistan shattered and vanquished Soviet Union because Soviet Union's population was tiny and it's material resources were scarce – most of Russia is nothing but cold desert. India is not Soviet Union. India has a dense population and is rich in material resources. It is said that a single state of Uttar Pradesh has a population bigger than the entire population of Pakistan. A common refrain of 1965 war is that it was a war of quality versus quantity. But quality has a limitation. One Pakistani soldier may kill dozen Indian soldiers but he has no chance against two dozen Indians. Probably this pattern holds in most walks of life except in contests like sports where only equal number of individuals can represent their respective countries.

You mind Defining What is war
It is said that a single state of Uttar Pradesh has a population bigger than the entire population of Pakistan
Agree 100%. It is not only said but it is very true. Uttar Pradesh alone has as many if not more people then Pakistan. Thus all things considered equal Uttar Pradesh has as much resources as all of Pakistan and that is only one state in nearly 30 state Indian Union. Uttar Pradesh has about 200 million people and about same if not more than Pakistan. I know all of those states in India are not as large but it still gives us a idea of population/resource disparity between both countries. This factor has always and will always loom large over Pakistan.


Yes of course you can get specific or peculiar circumstances where one state has massive technological superiority to other like say Israel and Arabs ( in addition supported to the hilt by USA ) but that is not applicable to Pak/India. Both are about in the same league in terms of development.

Actually it is a miracle that Pakistan was not swallowed by India in the first 25 years post independance which would be expected given the massive population/resource disparity. In fact what stopped India doing that in 1948 when Pakistan was barely on it's feet?

The answer is simple. Thanks to British policy of military recruitment from only certain areas of the sub continent (Punjab/Frontier being favourites) Pakistan inherited just over 1/3 of the British Raj Army. In fact the true figure could be as high as 40% if you exclude the Nepali Gurkhas. This created artificial parity between both states despite one being massive.

Therefore thanks to Britain Pakistan had a army that was far larger then it's size would have warrented and this gave the country the backbone to stand up to giant India but not enough resouces to defeat it. The only problem soon to come out was how to pay for this huge military inheritated from the British Raj. No problem very quickly Pakistan ran to the new Anglo-Saxon power - America and got her to finance the huge army under the guise of CENTO and alliance against Soviet Union. By the time that wore out the Chinese began to pitch in and with the start of Afghan jihad the gravy train again flowed.

By now it did not matter. Pakistan had the nukes and thus neautralizing the huge Indian (growing larger) advantage in resources.

Ps. Even Bihar and West Bengal can outdo Pakistan in numbers.

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_states_and_union_territories_of_India_by_population
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