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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

But what the real issue you should be concered as well as with all your jewsih zionists is your country trying to imitates its first class hero Adolf Hitler.
it is a shame to read this.
really a shame.
it is a shame to read this.
really a shame.

it is a shame, but unforuately the muslim world is an avid-consumer of antisemitism.

After all, over 1 million jews were expelled in post-Israel Middle East.

Jewish exodus from Arab lands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think it is truly sad when people trivialize the holocaust Germany by smearing Israelis with Nazi buzzwords. Ironically, it was the early Islamist movements that had a strong relationship with Hitler.

The Mufti of Jerusalem for example was buddy-buddy with Hitler, and Muslim-SS exterminated most of the Jews in what was formally Yugoslavia.

And of course the Nazis bank-rolled the muslim brotherhood, but then again so did Britain and the USA.

Funny to note that Yasser Arafat is al-husseinis nephew and was an early follower of the Muslim brotherhood.

I think when the Muslim world recognizes the suffering of the Jews, and their complicity in it - then there will be peace. As long as they considering themselves victim to Israel's existence - a country the size of a finger nail - then it will continue to be a cesspool.

I look at the Arab countries and see a lot of potential. A very young population, a developing economy, under-developed land. And yet, their leadership continues use Israel as a lightening rod and keep the people subjugated by obsessing over the irrelevant I/P conflict.

I think Pakistan, foreign-policy wise, is slightly more progressive since Israel has unofficially supported pakistani-sponsored pro-western militants during the soviet invasion.

Just as it supported pro-saudi/american yemeni militants during the egyptian invasion.

Pakistan and Israel both share an opposition to terrorism and homicidal Islamists. If we put our differences aside I think Israel has a lot to offer, just as it has helped India, Britain, Turkey, and the USA in counter-terrorism.

But first things first - the holocaust denial has to stop.

It is one of the most studied and researched events in human history. Accusing Zionists of inventing facts to elicit sympathy for Israel does not only make one a bigot but also detached from reality.

It's like denying gravity. 6 million+ Jews were killed, in addition to 10+ million gypsies/communists/sexual minorities/mentally disabled.

This is a fact. I know it's taught when you've been spoon-fed anti-israel/jewish propaganda...but accept it.

And move on.
I understand this was disgusting to know muslim brotherhood link to nazis.
But it doesn't mean all muslims did. It is opposite. How many did fight against nazis? Just look at History.

And it doesn't help to look for bad points in a religion based on a group of people. We should think of respect . Don't forget that the solidarity with Palestinians is based on injustice: the injustice that for exemple in Cisjordanie there is a colonization not stopped and many Palestinians had to leave and lost their lands. What a pain. Pls respect it.

Nobody named human being can accept Tibet, can accept Chechenia and nobody can accept Cisjordanie suffers.

And damned the anti semits like Ahmadinejad who dont care at all for justice, democracy or Arabs (he insulted many times the sunnis , the afghans, and so on). We all want (except few extremists ) to kick out our monsters: ttp in pakistan, moudjahidines of people or ahmadinejad in iran, pkk in turkey ...
I understand this was disgusting to know muslim brotherhood link to nazis.
But it doesn't mean all muslims did. It is opposite. How many did fight against nazis? Just look at History.

And it doesn't help to look for bad points in a religion based on a group of people. We should think of respect . Don't forget that the solidarity with Palestinians is based on injustice: the injustice that for exemple in Cisjordanie there is a colonization not stopped and many Palestinians had to leave and lost their lands. What a pain. Pls respect it.

Nobody named human being can accept Tibet, can accept Chechenia and nobody can accept Cisjordanie suffers.

And damned the anti semits like Ahmadinejad who dont care at all for justice, democracy or Arabs (he insulted many times the sunnis , the afghans, and so on). We all want (except few extremists ) to kick out our monsters: ttp in pakistan, moudjahidines of people or ahmadinejad in iran, pkk in turkey ...

I never said all Muslims were Nazis, I said the Muslim world is an avid consumer of antisemitism.

Glorification of Nazi propaganda is standard. Holocaust denial, demonizing Israel and Jews...all part of the general Islamic media.

Even in so-called enlightened states like Turkey Mein Kampf continues to be the #1 book...well, second to the Quran.

This is a problem. Many in the West really don't buy the Muslim's world obsession with Israel in the name of "injustice" because they make Israel look like green peace with their long, human rights record and history of supporting genocide and terrorism.

I say Islamic states should spend less time telling Israel how to behave and more time...say...giving women rights. stop stoning homosexuals, exporting terrorism, hating jews...

you'll be better off in the long run, and people will have more respect for muslims.
I never said all Muslims were Nazis, I said the Muslim world is an avid consumer of antisemitism.

Glorification of Nazi propaganda is standard. Holocaust denial, demonizing Israel and Jews...all part of the general Islamic media.

Even in so-called enlightened states like Turkey Mein Kampf continues to be the #1 book...well, second to the Quran.

This is a problem. Many in the West really don't buy the Muslim's world obsession with Israel in the name of "injustice" because they make Israel look like green peace with their long, human rights record and history of supporting genocide and terrorism.

I say Islamic states should spend less time telling Israel how to behave and more time...say...giving women rights. stop stoning homosexuals, exporting terrorism, hating jews...

you'll be better off in the long run, and people will have more respect for muslims.
Without insulting you , believe me sincerely, but stop thinking everyone around is antisemit

maybe some speaking a lot are. but understand that god sake, for your country and for all of us, you need to speak and make peace.

about stoning it is for adultery. and used by stupid middle aged people
very rare indeed in Iran but very ashamed of it.
We have a lot of work you're right.
we're on the way
So what?
I'm anti-jew,anti-israeli.
Who isn't?
According to pechter polls, about 20% of the Arab world supports the concept of a Jewish Israel. How many Arabs are there, 80 million? 100 million? Do the math: there are more Arab Zionists than Jewish ones!

Shabbat comes, gotta go.
According to pechter polls, about 20% of the Arab world supports the concept of a Jewish Israel. How many Arabs are there, 80 million? 100 million? Do the math: there are more Arab Zionists than Jewish ones!

Shabbat comes, gotta go.

30% of Israeli Arabs vote for Zionist parties.

Are they racist?

Arabs who live in a Jewish state have a more positive view of Jews than Arabs/Muslims who live in a Jew-free state.

What does this tell us?

I'm not trying to insult Muslims but the victimhood has to stop. Many in the West are truly appalled at the violence, injustice, and self-inflicted wounds that have consumed the Muslim world.

If Israel suddenly disappeared, would anything change?
30% of Israeli Arabs vote for Zionist parties.

Are they racist?

Arabs who live in a Jewish state have a more positive view of Jews than Arabs/Muslims who live in a Jew-free state.

What does this tell us?

I'm not trying to insult Muslims but the victimhood has to stop. Many in the West are truly appalled at the violence, injustice, and self-inflicted wounds that have consumed the Muslim world.

If Israel suddenly disappeared, would anything change?
Nope. If Israel suddenly disappeared, the muslim world would still find some reasons to retain that victimhood mentality. Right now, in order to keep themselves distracted from their own self inflicted problems, it is identification with the Palestinians, legacy of colonialism, the CIA, and the list goes on with other reasons of lesser importance.
Hey not everyone who thinks you're being a douchebag is anti-Semitic. It means they think you're being a collective douchebag, independent of your national origin.I can point several douchebags here who are from different countries.The Israeli's have got to stop playing the victim card, screaming "anti-Semitism" every time someone criticizes them. It's really denigrating to all those who have suffered from real anti-Semitism throughout history (I am not sure solomon if your forefathers would be proud of you considering you support a regime that is openly supporting settlements in Palestine).The fact is Zionism and is the major cause of antisemitism.You disagree with something jews say you MUST be anti-semetic. Nothing to do with the fact they did something bad, nope. It's because you hate Jews....use that card somewhere else.
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it is a shame to read this.
really a shame.

Oh Please, quit your *** licking or should I say stop hindiing yourself with a Msulim name
I don;t understand is how you could be ashamed of post and nt what Israel has done.

Not as much shame of coming here on this forum constantly
justifying the genocide of Palistiens and lebanese people like Solomon has done.
yknow there are people who lost families and friends by IDF game od slaughter.

Just look at his post constantly cheering and being satisfied of the death of innocent people. In fact Solomon is proud of it i simply have no simpathy of such species.
I wouldn't be surprised if the people of Gaza and Lebanon had strong hatred against Israel. in fact:

History Revisited in Lebanon Fighting - washingtonpost.com

Remembering The Sabra & Shatilla Massacre The Ugly Truth

You wanna stop those rockes then stop killing those people

This attitude fits people like the Nazi.
I'm only disguisting to those people who deserve it, want me to stop then stop justifing IDF forces kills.
I'm sorry to say.

PS nice story tell that to innocent arab children who were murderd by IDF
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Nope. If Israel suddenly disappeared, the muslim world would still find some reasons to retain that victimhood mentality. Right now, in order to keep themselves distracted from their own self inflicted problems, it is identification with the Palestinians, legacy of colonialism, the CIA, and the list goes on with other reasons of lesser importance.

Really last time I'd checked the US had whole histiory of victimhood against other race and culture.

It started out against naitive Americans:
Native American Genocide Still Haunts U.S.
500 years...

then it was the Blacks:
African Americans in Slavery - Lower Mississippi Delta Region - National Park Service
Mass Media and Racism

then Far easten people like Chinese, Japanese:
Negative Stereotyping of Asian Americans
Japanese Americans - History, Modern era, Migration to hawaii and america, Efforts to ban japanese immigration
Anti-Asian Racism & Violence : Asian-Nation :: Asian American History, Demographics, & Issues

then Russia:
Then Hispanic

and now Muslim.
Eat The Press | Fox News Airs Suggestion for 'Muslim-Only' Airport Line | The Huffington Post
100 Years of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim stereotyping
Muslim advocates charge NYPD is racial profiling in Queens raids tied to alleged Zazi terror plot
Arabs in Hollywood: An Undeserved Image
100 Years of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim stereotyping
See the pattern here !
Its too much and thats just the tip of the Ice berg !

Media radical sterotypes:
Racial Stereotypes in the Media
Racial Stereotypes in the Media - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

So we can safely say with great ambition and confidence that the US
would still find some reasons to retain thier victimhood, mentality, even if every Muslims around the world suddenly disappeared.
And who forget the Untimate support that The US give unconditional support for to Isreal
which Israel has been exposed continously the genocide of the Arab people.

Please gambit get an actual account of Muslim who actually do hate the US for no apperent reason not ones that have their families killed or brutilise by the US and don't go off on a lunatic journey against Muslims.
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Not as much shame of coming here on this forum constantly justifying the genocide of Palistiens and lebanese people like Solomon has done -
Everybody who waves the bloody flag of dead civilians to encourage hatred of Israel empowers and certifies as valid those who employ civilians as human shields in their attacks on other humans.
Really last time I'd checked the US had whole histiory of victimhood against other race and culture.
I think you got the wrong definition of 'victimhood' here.

And now we have American Indians in various leadership positions. The tribes are highly autonomous on their own lands. There are many exemptions specifically for them. I have American Indian friends from military service, a few Cherokees in Florida and even a couple of Sioux.

And now we have a black President, a black Supreme Court justice, the same court that interpret a constitution that said a black is only 3/5 of a white?

Funny that you should bring up Asian-Nation. I know the owner/creator of that website...:lol:...He has a source with a lot of notable Asian Americans you might to check out.

then Russia:

Then Hispanic
Another Supreme Court justice and a wise Latina at that.

and now Muslim.
CAIR...errr...I mean...Care to explain how does CAIR continue to exist?
See the pattern here !
Its too much and thats just the tip of the Ice berg !
The pattern is that no society is perfect and that we make better efforts than expected to correct past injustices.

So we can safely say with great ambition and confidence that the US
would still find some reasons to retain thier victimhood, mentality, even if every Muslims around the world suddenly disappeared.
And who forget the Untimate support that The US give unconditional support for to Isreal
which Israel has been exposed continously the genocide of the Arab people.
I think you got the wrong definition of 'victimhood'.

Please gambit get an actual account of Muslim who actually do hate the US for no apperent reason not ones that have their families killed or brutilise by the US and don't go off on a lunatic journey against Muslims.
Of course not. No one hate for no reasons. We do not live in an intellectual and moral vacuum. If a muslim want to hate US, he will find a reason for it. The issue is if the reason is legitimate or not. You do not like American support for Israel? That is a reason to hate US. Is it legitimate? Depends on who you ask, naturally.

But I think you got wrong definition of 'victimhood' here. The question is if Israel is wiped off the map, will the muslim world find another grievance to justify any anger? I do not believe the muslims will be satisfied.
I have seen first hand how Native Americans live being in Arizona. I can tell you it is very bad. They live in little rooms that are called houses. Away from the rest of society. I have been to these places so i know.
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