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Here's how US fifth-generation aircraft would win in a war against China

Pentagon is Trembling and Panic
USA is declining much faster than Predicted

Do you think the above is a Hype and Boasting ?

Go ask John Coward Kerry ... ...
I know now -- you will go out and blame Obama.
Go ask your police to do more Black people killings

LOL, ... ... many white Anglo Saxon -- Cowards americans
-- are Dumb n Dumber n Dimwitted nuts
-- who ( Can Not do a Simple basic MATH )
-- who are ( major Narcotics addicts )

Well check the news below ... ...

@F-22Raptor ---- @Hamartia Antidote ---- @Viet

About 1 month ago, Ashton Carter using much Bravado
( Ash Carter who is the Dumb and Dimwitted white Anglo Saxon american )
had already threatened to militarily Attack CHINA if PRC does not accept the verdict
of private ( 30 million fee ~ Not UN ~ ( USA + Japanese ) Farcically fabricated ) ruling on SCS.

Guess what happen below ... ... ??

:dance3: :omghaha: :enjoy: :sarcastic: :dance3:


US secretary of state pledges to encourage Philippines
to resume talks with China over maritime disputes

USA blinks and cries because usa is poor now, and usa does not have Money
to Pay their USN and USAF in war with CHINA.

:yahoo: :lol:

John Kerry with his knees Trembling and Knocking under the table told PRC MoFA Mr. WANG Yi
in so many fancy words ... ... that basically USA is afraid of CHINA.
USA is backing off from Confronting PRC

some quotes below ... ...

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday it was time to “move away from public tensions and turn the page” over South China Sea disputes, pledging he would encourage the Philippines to resume talks with China.

Kerry’s comments in the Laotian capital Vientiane followed China’s joint statement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) on Monday over their maritime territorial disputes.

... ...

Kerry said Beijing and Manila had indicated their willingness to engage in talks after the ruling was delivered, and that he would encourage new Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte when they meet in Manila today to engage in dialogue and negotiations with China to resolve the disputes.

China has said it would ignore the tribunal ruling, which it deemed illegitimate.

A senior US government official said National Security Adviser Susan Rice told Chinese officials on Monday that countries should work to reduce tension in the South China Sea, ... ...


:taz: :taz:

Beware of some subtle ( LIES and SPINS and DISHONESTY ) from scmp.
There are many british workers and some Indian slaves of United Satan in SCMP.
The Stupidity of ALIBABA MA Yun from not FIRING and Terminating most british SCMP workers.

I will let this
USA Surrender news sink into you Tiny Blighted Brain
-- you Dumb and Dimwitted white Anglo Saxon americans

:china: :china: :china:

Thanks so much our IRANIAN Brothers
~ Super Fantastic Job in capturing these Cowards
Dumb and Dimwitted white Anglo Saxon american soldiers



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Considering your hostility towards Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, etc (which by the way kicked us out, but want us back in in response to China), they probably are willing to take the risk against already hostile China.

And I thought you Chinese pointed out that China has no first use policy relating to nukes, unless they change their minds if Japan decides to get nukes.

If Japan can change its mind on nuke, so can China. It's only fair.

As to others in the region, nuclearization is a very costly adventure. If they think China poses a existential threat to them rather than just some disputes over bunch of uninhabited islands to worth going nuclear, then that's their choice. China really wouldn't be as nearly concerned with any of the nations developing nuclear weapons as if Japan goes fully nuclear, by which I mean develops 2nd strike capability.
We only hear what is going to happen On Chinese land, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan and so, while nothing will happen in Australia if its pilots replace the American ones in rounds of raids..In brief the article talks about China as if it was something like Iraq or Afghanistan..I understand that journalists need to make a living, but as far as reality and common sense go, this article is close to null..
Do they really think that if mainland China is attacked, China won't attack the mainland US and supporters nearby!?

If winning a war against China was so easy by sending F22s over, oh my lord then why didn't Americans do that in the Afghan War, Iraq War ? Why waste all those precious American boys lives you would ask. Why didn't Americans send a fleet of their stealth planes and bombers to Russia after the annexation of Crimea and the Russian-Georgian War broke out? :cuckoo: Hell Americans could have used stealth to send DPRK and China back to stone age. What's taking them so long :rolleyes:
Nervous about what? that Vietnam can be relief themselves because US think to be able to win war with their 5th gen fighter? :rofl: you guys still have a long way to get rid of SCS obsession....self comforting with dream will not help your cause.:lol:

There's nothing left of the first island chain, i wonder if they realized it yet :rofl: IF not maybe it's time to wake up and smell the coffee for once and turn off the damn playstation. Ace Combat is addicting but come on man conquering the world with stealth plus unlimited fuel and firepower are for 6 years old boys.
USA ~ Achilles Heels are ... ...
What USA / americans are Disturbed, and Trembling,
and most Afraid of

:yes4: :yes4:

1) Most Chinese all around the Globe are UNITEDly Standing Up to fight americans.

2) CHINA and RUSSIA are getting very Close and Helping each other Prosper much more faster.

Look, western Anglo Saxon media who support USA, how about that ?
You, western Anglo Saxon media have been forever predicting for the collapse of Russia.
And, what is the hard fact ~ telling you.
RUSSIA GDP is growing Strong and Fast.

Given the above, it is very critical and important for some Chinese members to be smart and
pay attention and NEVER EVER insult the Russian weapons and their economy.

Btw, Russian GDP is moving up fast to rank # 7.
Russian GDP is 38+% BIGGER than England or France GDP.
Way to go Pres. PUTIN and our Russian Brothers and Sisters.

... back to the topic of USA is surrendering to PRC in SCS ... ...
Oh here comes professor Gambit, maybe he can explain it to us why China is getting nervous :rofl:
Sure I can. And I will.

So far, not one of you managed to dispute the article's contents. The criticism that why did we not send the F-22 to Afghanistan or North Korea is stupid. Such a decision is political. The article's contents are tactical and technical.

How about you guys get a taste of your own medicine ? You guys talked tough about 'nuking' Viet Nam or JPN. Then why not have China done so ? Since China have not done so, that means China cannot, correct ? I am using your own 'logic'.

So yes, you guys are nervous. Your PLA have almost no experience in the new warfare paradigm -- networking.

Combatants reports their positions and a mobile controller either provides leadership or assign area autonomy. We created it, used it, and have been constantly refining it. All the while, your PLA generals struts around in that silly Mao suit uniforms and frets over each other on how to siphon state funds to their offshore bank accounts.

The J-20 is DOA. The DF-21D will not be able to find a stationary dingy broadcasting its position, let alone a moving aircraft carrier under EMCON Alpha. Wait...You do not know what is EMCON practices ? Time to update your wills. :enjoy:
We only hear what is going to happen On Chinese land, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan and so, while nothing will happen in Australia if its pilots replace the American ones in rounds of raids..In brief the article talks about China as if it was something like Iraq or Afghanistan..I understand that journalists need to make a living, but as far as reality and common sense go, this article is close to null..
Do they really think that if mainland China is attacked, China won't attack the mainland US and supporters nearby!?
China might attack US allies near by...but mainland US isn't going to be that easy.
Just as Isreal openly states that it will bomb Iran if the country developed nuclear weapon, China could and should do the same in case of Japan if there is a threat of Japan going nuclear. And no to your second statement as without 2nd strike capability your nuclear force will evaporate in a preemptive attack, especially for countries without the size and depth to absorb the initial strike.
Japan never says she wants to nuke China.

In contrast Chinese posters here and there repeatedly threaten to nuke Japan, wiping out Japanese populace.

as for second strike capability, Japan has enough submarines that can launch missiles through torpedo tubes. Or she can develop nuclear submarines. Considering her industrial prowess that should not be a problem.

I don't bother to mention Chinese idiots here also threatened to nuke Vietnam, exterminating the entire Vietnamese population. So many Chinese posters some days ago.

Why did you hurt?

On topic:

US regime needs to rein in on their neocon generals who might go rouge.
Yes on topic. Have you and other Chinese posters cheered Donald Trump recently? Haven't you read his foreign policy for Asia?

Chinese nationalists with stupid actions and provocations give the US neocons all the reasons to turn East Asia into a place similar to Middle East, with bloodshed as daily bread.

A recent report from the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies, written by Maj. Gen. Jeff Harrigian and Col. Max Marosko of the US Air Force, gives expert analysis and never before seen detail into how the US's fifth-generation aircraft would fare in a war with China.

The report starts with a broad overview of fifth-generation capabilities and their roles in the future of air combat, and it concludes with a hypothetical war in 2026 against an unnamed nemesis after "rising tensions in a key region abroad."

However, the locations mentioned in the scenario are all in the Western Pacific and clearly seem to indicate the rival is China, whose advanced radar and missile capabilities make for very interesting challenges to the US Air Force's force structure.

As the scenario takes place ten years in the future, it is assumed that all the kinks with integrating fifth generation fighters into the force have been ironed out, and that the F-35 and F-22 work seamlessly to aid legacy aircraft via datalink.

In the opening stanza of such a conflict, the Air Force officials say that the US would send its F-35s and F-22s to a wide range of bases across the Pacific, leveraging the US's vast network of bases and allies with some of the valuable warplanes.

Such a step denies China's ability to land a "knockout blow" as they normally could, because typically US jets stay stationed at larger bases, presenting a more attractive target. Also, by this time, the US's fifth-generation aircraft can find airfields on their own, without the help of air traffic controllers, allowing the force to be further spread out to present less target-rich areas.

Additionally, regional allies like Australia, who also fly the F-35, can quickly fill in for US airmen in a pinch. A US F-35 can land on an Australian airfield and receive much the same maintenance as it would at it's home base, the officials claim.

With the Pacific now a patchwork of small units of F-35s and F-22s, the Chinese would seek to leverage their impressive electronic warfare capabilities, but the officials contend that the fifth-gens would weather the storm.

"Heavy radar and communications jamming confront US and coalition forces, but fifth generation aircraft leverage their networked multi spectral sensors to detect and target enemy aircraft, while supporting a common operating picture through data links and communication architectures," the Air Force officials write.

Meanwhile, legacy platforms like F-16s, F-18s, and F-15s provide a critical layer of defense closer to the US mainland. China's formidable surface-to-air missile capabilities keep these older, more visible fighters off the front lines until the stealthier platforms, like the F-35, F-22, B-2, and the upcoming B-21 do their job.

The officials recognize the need for the fifth-gen fighters to strike quickly and get out of the heavily contested air spaces. Destruction of many of the US and allied airfields is expected, however the versatile fifth-gens continue to switch up locations as China depletes their supply of ballistic and cruise missiles on low-yield targets.

Many of China's SAM batteries are road mobile, so fifth-gen fighters will have to use their geo-location and electronic warfare capabilities to seek and destroy these sites.

The onboard sensors in the fifth-gens will provide vital leeway for the fighters to make decisions on the go.

From the report:

"Aircraft take off with minimal information—little more than a general target area that may be more than 1,000 miles away. On the way to target, the fifth generation aircraft receive minimal tanker, threat, and target information, but sufficient updates to enable them to ingress, identify, and prosecute targets successfully before returning to operating airfields."

Loses of US and allied airfields and troops would naturally follow in such a conflict, however the forces are integrated and use the same platforms, so they can quickly fill in for each other in the event of loses.

All the while, F-35s and F-22s whittle away at China's air defenses, gradually lowering the threat level from high to moderate. Eventually, the bulk of the US Air Force's fleet —legacy fighters— can operate in the area with acceptable rates of survivability.

And that's it. Once F-16s are flying over Beijing, the conflict is essentially settled. In the moderately contested airspace, fifth generation jets can essentially data-link with legacy fighters and use them as "armada planes," leveraging their increased capability to carry ordinance to eliminate whatever remains of China's air defenses.


Stimulation after stimulation has shown that even if US's Raptor shoot off all their air to air missiles, and all score 100% hit against PLA air force, China will still have enough fighters to shoot all the missiles-less Raptors down.

The original ATF program requirements specifically tailored the to the unique circumstances of engaging the Soviet Air Force over Europe under the Air-Land Battle concept. Throughout the Cold War, the United States established a network of hardened airbases throughout Western Europe which were typically within 400-500 nautical miles of potential Warsaw Pact and Soviet targets. The proximity between the US-European airbases and potential targets would have allowed for efficient sortie generation rates while keeping the airbase out of imitate danger from the ground (RAND, 2008). The Pacific theater is between three to four times the size of the central European battle space for which the F-22 was designed to operate and the US Military's basing options are heavily constrained by the geography of the Western Pacific. Given the large distances between friendly airbases and potential targets, US tanker aircraft would be indispensable for sustaining US combat operations. RAND analyzed the prospect of deploying the entirety of the USAF's F-22A Primary Mission Aircraft Inventory (PMAI) to Andersen air force base (AFB) Guam in support of Taiwan during a large scale conflict with the PRC on the graph below.

Europe theater versus Asia Pacific theater.

With a combat radius of only 410-470 nautical miles and maximum range of 800 miles (depending upon use of supercruise and relying upon internal fuel stores only), the F-22's would require several refueling stops before reaching the target area roughly 1,500 nautical miles from Andersen at Guam (Lockheed Martin, 2012). Under RAND's projections, given the extended distance resulting in extended time devoted to reaching the desired location for a combat air patrol near Taiwan, only six F-22's could continuously operate over Taiwan at any given time for a total of 138 Raptor sorties per day. In contrast, PLAF forces would be able to mount 1,300 sorties within the vicinity of Taiwan. If the United States were to operate closer to the Taiwanese strait, such as Kadena 486 nautical miles from Taiwan, F-22's stored or being refueled on the ground would be at significant risk from PRC conventional ballistic missiles such as the DF-11 and DF-21. Because the US prioritized the European theater for decades during the Cold War, US airbases in the Western-Pacific region remain relatively unhardened against cluster munition warheads (RAND, 2010). Andersen AFB is currently the only US airbase outside of Chinese conventional ballistic missile range.


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