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Qandeel Baloch, NOT just a honor killing case.


Nov 1, 2015
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United States
It is never an easy task to write on some subjects like, religion, extremism, women rights and honor killing.
Before jumping into conclusion of any story, one should study its background of and see the 3rd dimension of the case. Think out of the box before giving your thoughts. The recent case of Qandeel Baloch’s murder is not clearly a case of honor killing. There must be some chances and I don't deny it. But there's a lot more to that. A lot!
Every country has its norms and culture and its limits, so does Pakistan. And ms Baloch started making these bold and incongruous videos years back. These videos were completely unacceptable for the society like Pakistan. But during all those years she was never threaten by anyone. And her family was well aware of it. Then why all of sudden her brother’s so called ‘ghairat’ (honor) arouse? Ever wonder? She was a controversial personality since the day she started gaining attention on social media. All those years, where was her brother? He who used to take money from her sister, where was his ‘ghairat’ at that time? I am not interested in creating conspiracies here. But I can't stop myself to think on all other aspects of her murder. Why she was murder after few weeks of her scandal with mufti Qavi? Why her brother wanted to escape to some other country? It was part of the plan. Brother who used to take money from her could afford to leave the country? Further, if it is a honor killing case, then where media stands on this case? In a society like Pakistan, the ratio of mothers/fathers on Facebook or any other social media as comparing to young generation is very small. A young male or female won't be telling their parents about ms Qandeel and her videos, for the most part. Also, women and men in rural areas get touched to the world and get themselves updated about national news from electronic media. After interviewing ms. Baloch and calling her on different talk shows on tv and telling about her activities on social media, must have made her family’s life way to hard. Then who's gonna question media here? Who was she? She was never a greatest model of Pakistan? Then why making so called breaking news on her all activities? Why revealing her real identity? This is another huge reason in her murder. So who's is gonna question media here? Think about all these questions before giving your final comments on her murder. Having said that, we must understand, lack of education is another factor of honor killing in society. Honor killing is mostly seen in illiterate people. Eduction is needed so they can read the definition of ‘ghairat’. They either have misread the meaning of word ghairat or never even read anything about it. Pakistan needs more schools than roads.

Moreover, some people are blaming Islam for honor killing. Please study Islam before writing up something you have no knowledge about. Find yourselves a single verse from Quran or hadiths on honor killing, if you can. Islam is the first religion to give women rights. Officially!
Additionally, some non Pakistanis are taking their hates on Pakistan and painting the image of Pakistan as one worst country for women. Please don't make me talk with statistics about honor killing and rape cases in your country. Yours might be the one top country. Think twice before uttering your hate out.
And NO women are not killed in Pakistan for having dreams and ambitions. Pakistani women are in armed forces, they're pilots, doctors, surgeons, engineers, police officers, anchors, mountaineers, they are sport women, lawyers, judges and you name it.
Ms Baloch was one exceptional case. She is not killed for having ambitions. She did cross her limits, but she never deserved to be killed. This is condemned under the law of Pakistan and even in Islam. I understand your hate for Pakistan, but stop making things up to show your hate. And must look at your country before pointing on others.

Lastly, I pray for her forgiveness of her wrongdoings and may Allah show his mercy on her. Amen!

(While I was typing this up, her mother on media was telling, someone else forced her son to murder her).
It is never an easy task to write on some subjects like, religion, extremism, women rights and honor killing.
Before jumping into conclusion of any story, one should study its background of and see the 3rd dimension of the case. Think out of the box before giving your thoughts. The recent case of Qandeel Baloch’s murder is not clearly a case of honor killing. There must be some chances and I don't deny it. But there's a lot more to that. A lot!
Every country has its norms and culture and its limits, so does Pakistan. And ms Baloch started making these bold and incongruous videos years back. These videos were completely unacceptable for the society like Pakistan. But during all those years she was never threaten by anyone. And her family was well aware of it. Then why all of sudden her brother’s so called ‘ghairat’ (honor) arouse? Ever wonder? She was a controversial personality since the day she started gaining attention on social media. All those years, where was her brother? He who used to take money from her sister, where was his ‘ghairat’ at that time? I am not interested in creating conspiracies here. But I can't stop myself to think on all other aspects of her murder. Why she was murder after few weeks of her scandal with mufti Qavi? Why her brother wanted to escape to some other country? It was part of the plan. Brother who used to take money from her could afford to leave the country? Further, if it is a honor killing case, then where media stands on this case? In a society like Pakistan, the ratio of mothers/fathers on Facebook or any other social media as comparing to young generation is very small. A young male or female won't be telling their parents about ms Qandeel and her videos, for the most part. Also, women and men in rural areas get touched to the world and get themselves updated about national news from electronic media. After interviewing ms. Baloch and calling her on different talk shows on tv and telling about her activities on social media, must have made her family’s life way to hard. Then who's gonna question media here? Who was she? She was never a greatest model of Pakistan? Then why making so called breaking news on her all activities? Why revealing her real identity? This is another huge reason in her murder. So who's is gonna question media here? Think about all these questions before giving your final comments on her murder. Having said that, we must understand, lack of education is another factor of honor killing in society. Honor killing is mostly seen in illiterate people. Eduction is needed so they can read the definition of ‘ghairat’. They either have misread the meaning of word ghairat or never even read anything about it. Pakistan needs more schools than roads.

Moreover, some people are blaming Islam for honor killing. Please study Islam before writing up something you have no knowledge about. Find yourselves a single verse from Quran or hadiths on honor killing, if you can. Islam is the first religion to give women rights. Officially!
Additionally, some non Pakistanis are taking their hates on Pakistan and painting the image of Pakistan as one worst country for women. Please don't make me talk with statistics about honor killing and rape cases in your country. Yours might be the one top country. Think twice before uttering your hate out.
And NO women are not killed in Pakistan for having dreams and ambitions. Pakistani women are in armed forces, they're pilots, doctors, surgeons, engineers, police officers, anchors, mountaineers, they are sport women, lawyers, judges and you name it.
Ms Baloch was one exceptional case. She is not killed for having ambitions. She did cross her limits, but she never deserved to be killed. This is condemned under the law of Pakistan and even in Islam. I understand your hate for Pakistan, but stop making things up to show your hate. And must look at your country before pointing on others.

Lastly, I pray for her forgiveness of her wrongdoings and may Allah show his mercy on her. Amen!

(While I was typing this up, her mother on media was telling, someone else forced her son to murder her).

Firstly, No one is and should blame Islam. Period. It has nothing to do with religion. The real murderer is the pakistani society which is justifing the murder.

Secondly, you raise good questions on the murder of the Lady but it comes as a profane warning of others to not to condemn. whats with that?? Other society may or maynot be having this severe cases. Lets condemn that as well. Get over your tit for tat syndrome.

Thirdly, the paksitani people were the biggest consumer of her videos and other stuff. You have termed that unacceptable when its consumed in large numbers. Who is the real culprit now? Don't give any meaning for gairat. where was the gairat and whats haram or not?

Lastly, You will pray for her forgiveness for the crime that is comitted by virtual hand of acceptance by all including yourself. Get over your high horse and be ashamed of what has transpired. Its people like yourself that give there consent for murders and massacres and then give justification.

and bug off with your threats.
It is never an easy task to write on some subjects like, religion, extremism, women rights and honor killing.
Before jumping into conclusion of any story, one should study its background of and see the 3rd dimension of the case. Think out of the box before giving your thoughts. The recent case of Qandeel Baloch’s murder is not clearly a case of honor killing. There must be some chances and I don't deny it. But there's a lot more to that. A lot!
Every country has its norms and culture and its limits, so does Pakistan. And ms Baloch started making these bold and incongruous videos years back. These videos were completely unacceptable for the society like Pakistan. But during all those years she was never threaten by anyone. And her family was well aware of it. Then why all of sudden her brother’s so called ‘ghairat’ (honor) arouse? Ever wonder? She was a controversial personality since the day she started gaining attention on social media. All those years, where was her brother? He who used to take money from her sister, where was his ‘ghairat’ at that time? I am not interested in creating conspiracies here. But I can't stop myself to think on all other aspects of her murder. Why she was murder after few weeks of her scandal with mufti Qavi? Why her brother wanted to escape to some other country? It was part of the plan. Brother who used to take money from her could afford to leave the country? Further, if it is a honor killing case, then where media stands on this case? In a society like Pakistan, the ratio of mothers/fathers on Facebook or any other social media as comparing to young generation is very small. A young male or female won't be telling their parents about ms Qandeel and her videos, for the most part. Also, women and men in rural areas get touched to the world and get themselves updated about national news from electronic media. After interviewing ms. Baloch and calling her on different talk shows on tv and telling about her activities on social media, must have made her family’s life way to hard. Then who's gonna question media here? Who was she? She was never a greatest model of Pakistan? Then why making so called breaking news on her all activities? Why revealing her real identity? This is another huge reason in her murder. So who's is gonna question media here? Think about all these questions before giving your final comments on her murder. Having said that, we must understand, lack of education is another factor of honor killing in society. Honor killing is mostly seen in illiterate people. Eduction is needed so they can read the definition of ‘ghairat’. They either have misread the meaning of word ghairat or never even read anything about it. Pakistan needs more schools than roads.

Moreover, some people are blaming Islam for honor killing. Please study Islam before writing up something you have no knowledge about. Find yourselves a single verse from Quran or hadiths on honor killing, if you can. Islam is the first religion to give women rights. Officially!
Additionally, some non Pakistanis are taking their hates on Pakistan and painting the image of Pakistan as one worst country for women. Please don't make me talk with statistics about honor killing and rape cases in your country. Yours might be the one top country. Think twice before uttering your hate out.
And NO women are not killed in Pakistan for having dreams and ambitions. Pakistani women are in armed forces, they're pilots, doctors, surgeons, engineers, police officers, anchors, mountaineers, they are sport women, lawyers, judges and you name it.
Ms Baloch was one exceptional case. She is not killed for having ambitions. She did cross her limits, but she never deserved to be killed. This is condemned under the law of Pakistan and even in Islam. I understand your hate for Pakistan, but stop making things up to show your hate. And must look at your country before pointing on others.

Lastly, I pray for her forgiveness of her wrongdoings and may Allah show his mercy on her. Amen!

(While I was typing this up, her mother on media was telling, someone else forced her son to murder her).
What ever the reason her brother had no right to kill her. But on the other hand she was no role model but a bad disgusting example and a S###. Main thing is in Islam every Muslim and specially state has responsibility of doing Amar Bil Maruf Nahi Anil Munkar in English we call it spreading good and stopping Haram or bad stuff. State needs to wake up make laws against vulgarity and ban these kind of women from media. State failure of doing its duty will only increase chaos.
Thirdly, the paksitani people were the biggest consumer of her videos and other stuff.

I won't disagree with you here. I even wanted to include this point but at the same time I wanted it to be short and to the point. Also I knew someone will raise this point.

including yourself

If youre directly pointing me out here, then let me tell you I never liked her page and never promoted her video and even told my friends to dislike her page and stop tagging me in her videos. Just so you know. :)

But on the other hand she was no role model but a bad disgusting example and a S###.

Wait if she was not a role model so her brother should kill her? Be rational. Her family should have asked her about her problems. This lady was going through some emotional problems and her family didn't help her out.

stopping Haram or bad stuff.

How by killing? We do have laws. We don't have executors.
Honestly I considered her a joke and someone of no consequence, until I heard of her death, I was genuinley taken aback, she did not desrve this, may Allah forgive her for her sins and btw I consider that molvi a far bigger rogue than qandeel.Kudos kid

I wanted to write on this and there was so many points to talk, but it took me 3 days to write this much. Her death shocked me. She needed a psychiatrist.
She was taking her frustration of her problems out but in wrong way and no one guided her.
the dichotomy of pakistan killed her. there are a good number of people in Pak that want western values and freedom for women while there are a good number of people in Pak that want to go back to stricter teachings of Islam where these types of freedoms for women are not seen as a good thing.

the rule of law under current circumstances does not support killings of any kind - but incidents where killers of liberal people are showered with flowers give courage, hope and a sense of pride to people to kill for religion.

the moment you allowed one killer to be showered with flowers, you have opened a pandora's box of killers in the name of honor, religious beliefs and "preserving the society'c values".

my two cents.
I was trying to tell people for the last two days that the Mufti Qavi is behind this. Nobody wants to listen.

I knew this from the day one but I don't know I couldn't find words to put my thoughts into words. I myself was very surprised with her death.

the dichotomy of pakistan killed her. there are a good number of people in Pak that want western values and freedom for women while there are a good number of people in Pak that want to go back to stricter teachings of Islam where these types of freedoms for women are not seen as a good thing.

the rule of law under current circumstances does not support killings of any kind - but incidents where killers of liberal people are showered with flowers give courage, hope and a sense of pride to people to kill for religion.

the moment you allowed one killer to be showered with flowers, you have opened a pandora's box of killers in the name of honor, religious beliefs and "preserving the society'c values".

my two cents.

Let me tell you Islam do give freedom but with some values. As I said every culture have its norms and values and crossing those values would definitely cause you problems no doubt about it but this girl was not killed for her boldness.
All of the problems are caused for no implementation of laws
If your directly pointing me out here, then let me tell you I never liked her page and never promoted her video and even told my friends to dislike her and stop tagging me in her videos. Just so you know. :)
I am not blaming you for watching and promoting her stuff but rather giving justification for her murder. You do mention she should not be killed but give all the example why she should be.
What ever the reason her brother had no right to kill her. But on the other hand she was no role model but a bad disgusting example and a S###. Main thing is in Islam every Muslim and specially state has responsibility of doing Amar Bil Maruf Nahi Anil Munkar in English we call it spreading good and stopping Haram or bad stuff. State needs to wake up make laws against vulgarity and ban these kind of women from media. State failure of doing its duty will only increase chaos.
and this guy is also celebrating her murder. Your guys gave concent for society to kill her. States responsibility is to make equal laws. Its us who can and make good people. Allah who protects the world you think he needs your protect or the laws for it.
May be i am elder than you my Dear Sis things are not as we saw on TV or in news my mamoo was in Police whenever i am in Pakistan i stay with my mamoo and his family and what i learnt from him always give preference to the first statement OK by this logic her parents even her brother not mentioned Mufti Qavi but after 2 days her mother tries to involve him Why because lawyers (may be) advise or teach her to do so (Parents always want to save their child Qandeel is dead now at least they want to save their son) so any statement from them can't be taken as truth now lawyers and lot of other politically motivated people involved.
As per my understanding her family specially brothers are under pressure from Moulvizz because of Mufti Qavi issue and her brother killed her in the name of honor you know how people tease brothers and family if girl elopes with someone? In Pakistan its hell for the family specially for brothers and Qandeel crosses the all limits even tries his luck to the boundaries. She crosses the all limits of decency even i must say she ask for that what she met.
May Allah Grant peace to her soul.
Let me tell you Islam do give freedom but with some values. As I said every culture have its norms and values and crossing those values would definitely cause you problems no doubt about it but this girl was not killed for her boldness.
All of the problems are caused for no implementation of laws

sounds like a threat to me. which is fine as long as the interpretation of "what is good and what is bad" is written own in a legal sense. in her case, law was taken into the hands of religious and societal vigilantes. like it has happened with Salman Taseer, like it has happened in numerous honor killings...
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