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Qandeel Baloch is dead

As a punishment for murder!

You asked me for an example, I gave you one. If you want an education, hit the library.

It won't bring her back. It seem like easy punishment for the biggest crime committed against the mankind. There has to be some precedent that will discourage the future honor killing. And that will be justice served on the honor of Qandeel Baloch.
And those who have no courage to directly post in response to some one, they probably would have enjoyed having Qandeel as their sister or daughter and would probably watch her videos to satisfy their incestual cravings!
As a punishment for murder!

You asked me for an example, I gave you one. If you want an education, hit the library.

As I said earlier, it is extremely easy to sit comfy and judge the brother. However, it becomes an entirely different matter when your sister/mother/daughter or wife commits the same acts, repeatedly.....and boasts of doing even more!

And how is that harming her brother? If you are talking about society, remember it was same society that resisted Islam. Same kind of mentality society that disowned children who embraced Islam. Same kind of society that hurled abuse at Prophet of Islam.

There will always be society that drags you behind. Her brother? That coward chose easy way out instead of dealing the situation like man.
Anyone who still have a doubt
Qandeel's brother had been threatening her to stop posting photos and videos on Facebook, police added. Her brother fled after killing Qandeel, whose real name is Fauzia Azeem.
Full article
People who indulge in Sati and share wives and bury infant girls alive should not really talk about morality or humanity!
I dont play with crap because when i raise my hand after winning i can see crap all over.
Please do not post BS here. The same students would not have the courage to inform their families of their 'job' even in the west. In religions, it is sin, and in legality, it is a crime in most of the world.

Well, you are misinformed about that part.
She was an odd one, but she didn't deserve to be killed.
It would have meant a lot if you Indians supported against the rape capital. I know you are here to troll. So i guess you find somewhere to else to troll. I know in my heart that the first thing you will do is justify for the rape as India enters in the headline for women rape. You are not that different to some here.

Don't worry, we Indian's have not yet evolved that we will ever support violence against woman.
Oh, violence happens against Woman in India but we don't support it in garb of religion and honor like it's being done here..
By twisting, you have given given support to people who think murdering woman in name of honor is OK....
What happened wasn't right but she wasn't right also the way she presented her self in the media
Your sentence doesnt make sense but i am punjabi if that helps you expressing.

As fot kanjar, even your mother had said you the same 100s of time.
Not only mother but friends too.
That part is not true, many strippers and prostitutes earn respectable amounts of money, and support themselves and their families. I personally know two girls who paid for college by working weekends and part time as strippers. (One of them is working as an up and coming attorney in the DA's office.)

Most people here do not consider it to be a sin or a matter of shame. But the outlook is different in India or Pakistan - but that does not justify murder.
No, not even in India, it isn't considered good but a not considered sin.
I'm sure you would love to be known as the brother of a **** star. We have a word for that in Pakistan, it's called being a 'kanjar'.

Still don't support the murder at all.
Actually, she know better about herself than you. She was not prostitute. She was doing a respectable job not prostitution.
Prstitution might not be respectable but is not a sin.
OK so you support prostitution as respected Job? or just trying to mock Pakistan and Islam.

If prostitution is that respected why nearly all the countries banned it.
Which are nearly all?
A thing which you consider prostitution is legal in almost all countries.
Don't worry, we Indian's have not yet evolved that we will ever support violence against woman.
Oh, violence happens against Woman in India but we don't support it in garb of religion and honor like it's being done here..
By twisting, you have given given support to people who think murdering woman in name of honor is OK....

Really? India is the capital of rape. Exhausted my efforts to campaign against the rape which most Indians actually justified for the rape. You are not that different to some here. I know that very well. Once a small mentality, always a small mentality. That is not changing anytime soon.

You are not here to pay respect to Qandeel Baloch. You are here to take advantage of this. You and some who justify for honor killing are sicken to the humanity.

As i said earlier, my post will fall on deaf ears because truth is not what people want, do they?
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