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Harvard predicts Pakistan GDP to grow by 5% over 10 years

These 'predictions take in little account of Pakistan's projects and future status; they base predictions off of our current situation.

37% of our economy is undocumented
2% of our economic growth is hampered by load shedding
2% is the increase of economic growth our Government has predicted that will be gained from CPEC
less than 0.5% of our population pays taxes

Pakistan takes an average of 4-6 billion dollars of both indirect and direct loss from terrorism each year. Around (40-60 billion in total)

Those problems and obstacles will most likely be overcome in the next several years.

- Load shedding is predicted to stop at around 2018; with our energy production being much higher than our demand.

- Government is beginning to continuously regulate the economy.

- CPEC is well under way, most political obstacles have been removed and the ground work is under rapid progress.

- Pakistan military operations has significantly decreased terrorism.

- Most likely the Government will begin cracking down on tax evaders in several years.

With all that said; i'd easily put our growth at 6-7% It would still be realistic to put it at 8-9%

Pakistan's growth rate is one of the most unpredictable in the world; we've been known from going 1% to 10% and we've never faced negative growth onward from 1960's.
The Military doesn't have flexibility now, with the commitment and demand to put bullets into the heads of terrorists.

Terror attacks peaked in 2009 and have been going down since.

Operation Zarb-e-Azb has been a tremendous success and now is the time for Pakistan to take control of its economy by providing the corrupt free leadership to make CPEC a grand success. Only Pakistan's military has the capability, resolve and honesty to make it a success like Operation Zarb-e-Azb.

The military leadership of Pakistan owe this commitment to the people of Pakistan. If they can deliver this, there is no looking back for Pakistan.

What I am quite shock about this data is, in the BRIC Family, Why is Russia, Brazil, and China not par with India, given + or -? All the percentages are half or less then India's.....
Military rule may have looked great, but it just weakened the military itself. Soldiers should be shooting, and officers wargaming not going door to door collecting money for electricity bills.
I think it depends on the mentality of the army chief...even with military rule, military does not need to present in each and every city or to collect the electricity bills (we are still living in 20th century) since bureaucracy, police and all other institutions are intact and they can be used effectively. And I don't remember a single incident of any significan protest against military when Gen. Pervaiz Musharaf overthrew the "democratically" elected govt. Rather people welcomed it and even distributed sweets and food as a token of happiness and I guess the same was the case with previous takeover by military...the reason is simple, people are fed up with these politicians who fool them and do not represent them at all. And back to economy, when Musharaf took over Pakistan's economy was about to collapse but he not only arrested that risk of bankruptcy through his austere lifestyle of a commando but successfully reversed it and the country was back on the right track and the growth shot to around 9%.
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Pakistan's GDP grew more than 10% in 1950s and grew 9% even under Musharraf. Every time Pakistan had democracy, the GDP tanked. Military rule is good for Pakistan's GDP.

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Yes because when the Military is in charge the immediately begin their reign with excessive economic reforms. Military officers work out of patriotism and not greed or power-hunger.

Decisions are made much faster and with precise effectiveness.
The military leadership of Pakistan owe this commitment to the people of Pakistan. If they can deliver this, there is no looking back for Pakistan.

The People of Pakistan owe the responsibility of making sure their children didnt die in vain. The military has cleaned out these terrorists, the government has to have clean governance to make sure these sewer rats don't return. Terrorists thrive when the people have grievances against the government.

I think it depends on the mentality of the army chief

The Military doesn't need to take over the government and have it's soldiers carry out background checks.

The Military can stamp out corruption by periodically releasing reports of sacked generals during times of controversies like Panama Papers, Swiss Letter(s).

Look at the public reception of the ISPR releases of the sacking of generals and the national logistics cell or Fauji group investment thing.

Corrupt politicians were taken back more by this, sacking of generals, than outrage by the people. The politicians know that the Pakistani People are stupid, like people across the world. Dangle a couple of metro buses or 'state of the art' children's hospitals and you'll get votes. Even spread bakwas about 'conspiracy' against the holinesses who are working more than the previous government.
The Military doesn't need to take over the government and have it's soldiers carry out background checks.

The Military can stamp out corruption by periodically releasing reports of sacked generals during times of controversies like Panama Papers, Swiss Letter(s).

Look at the public reception of the ISPR releases of the sacking of generals and the national logistics cell or Fauji group investment thing.

Corrupt politicians were taken back more by this, sacking of generals, than outrage by the people. The politicians know that the Pakistani People are stupid, like people across the world. Dangle a couple of metro buses or 'state of the art' children's hospitals and you'll get votes. Even spread bakwas about 'conspiracy' against the holinesses who are working more than the previous government.
I agree with you but at the same time disagree in the sense that those press releases are not enough, they might have taken aback a little but their shameless continues and the skin of these pigs is too thick for such polite responses or constant criticism by media....They won't budge, they will stage dramas like heart attacks etc to win some pity...but they will continue until forced by arms bearing brigades of Pak Army. If you want, we can bet on it.
Pakistan can grow at a much higher rate the only things we need is political stability, law and order, road infrastructure and electricity

Harvard predicts Pakistan GDP to grow by 5% over 10 years

India GDP to grow by 7% over 10 years

it's 4.8% Now with Power Shortages. After we overcome it or even reduced it to quiet extent wouldn't it grows more? like 6% or 6.5% ???

It's actually 3.1% this year.
The figures quoted by Fin Min (4.7%) are in correct.
I agree with you but at the same time disagree in the sense that those press releases are not enough, they might have taken aback a little but their shameless continues and the skin of these pigs is too thick for such polite responses or constant criticism by media....They won't budge, they will stage dramas like heart attacks etc to win some pity...but they will continue until forced by arms bearing brigades of Pak Army. If you want, we can bet on it.

I don't need to bet that politicians are shameless.

We got a lady, in the US, who'll talk the way her focus group suggests during that specific speech, beating out a man who has fought for equality his entire life.

Pakistan isn't mature enough for democracy.

If I was the PM of Pakistan. I'd:

1. State Owned Corporations:
a. Hand over PIA to a foreign director with the full authority of the PM Office.
b. Hand over PSM to a Japanese Steel company.
i. Or S. Korean if they build a Shipyard.​
c. Hand over Railways to European/ Japanese/ Chinese
i. Revitalize Railways factory.​
2. Any strikes by doctors, government employees will see them fired and on a blacklist.
3. Hire a Chinese/ S. Korean/ Japanese official, with Special Economic Zones specialty, to run and organize Gwadar.
4. Joint venture with foreign automotive company .
5. Construction of small/ medium dams.
6. Construction of small/ medium reservoirs.

1.Freeze all land sales to establish who has ownership of said land.
a. Taxation on land of more than 130+ acres of land.
b. Taxation of more than 125+ acres of arable land.​
2. Agriculture tax.
a. On crop yields on 30+ acres.​
3. Land Distribution.
a. Distribution of arable land above 135 acres held by 1 family.
i. Preferably to someone who had been tilting it for past years.​
4. Exotic Animal Tax.
5. Taxation ID correlated to CNIC ID number.

Governance & Corruption:
1. Empowerment of NAB.
a. Corrupt Government Official is removed from office.
i. Land and property is seized from him/her, spouse, sons and daughters(their in-laws if married).
ii. No pension(s).
iii. Blacklisted and Exit-Control list.​
b. Elected Officials.
i. If Election Board documents found to be incorrect:
1. Removal from Office.
2. Forfeiture of Salaries since election .
3. See 1.a.​
b. Separate Courts for corruption trials.​
2. Local Governments empowered.
a. Removal of "development funds" to MNA etc.
b. Direct elections.​
3. Removal of redundancy.
a. Removal of either Chief Minister or Governor for provinces.
b. Removal of President of Pakistan.​
4. Additional Provinces.
a. S. Punjab & N. Sindh combined into new province with portion of Northern Balochistan.
b. Gilgit-Baltistan a separate province integrated.
c. Balochistan divided into 3 provinces; Mekhran being 1.
d. Karachi, Lahore, & Gwadar separate territories.
e. KPK and FATA combined.​
5. Elected officials.
a. Children must attend public schools.
b. Can not receive healthcare overseas if offered in Pakistan.
c. No more 'Gifts', property and property in use is taxed.​
6. Salaries/ Employees.
a. Elimination of housing allowances transportation to government employees making more than 45,000 rupees.
b. Increase of salaries of low grade officials.
c. Elimination of 'batmen', 'chai walas', drivers.​
7. Government Ministries.
a. Ministers based on education & relevance to ministry.
8. Government Land.
a. Public Auction of government land .
i. Buyer must show source of funds.​
b. Economic analyst of potential for 'Planned City' potential.
c. No more retirement land handout to military or government officials.
1. Voting.
a. Voters must:
i. Be able to read & write.
ii. Have CNIC.
iii. Filed taxes since last election.
iv. No dual citizenship.
v. Must have lived in Pakistan since last election.​
2. Ballot Boxes.
a. Ballot boxes guarded by Military.
b. Any ballot stuffing is automatic execution of:
i. Ballot stuffers.
ii. Polling station chief and deputy chief.​
3. Election Board.
a. Insight from Foreign observers.​
4. Direct election of Prime Minister.
5. Removal of 'Muslim League' from any political party. Sanctify the fu<king name already.
1. Diplomats.
a. Career diplomats.
i. Merit based.​
b. Pakistani citizenship.​
2. Embassy officials.
a. Removal of 'foreign living allowances'.
b. Show improvements in Pakistan relations .
c. Show improvements in Pakistan foreign trade.
d. Engage host nation's media & people.
e. Pakistani Citizenship.​

Police & VIP:
1. VIPs.
a. Elimination of 'protocol' across government.
b. Security of elected officials.
i. 10 officers assigned to Governors/ CM (whoever is kept).
ii. 5 officers to their wife & children (no more than 20 can be assigned).
iii. 1-3 officer to elected NA (depending on seniority).
iv. No security can be assigned to property.​
2. Promotions on merit.
3. Increase Salaries.
4. Specialized schools for promotions above certain level.
5. Consolidations.
a. IB and FIA.
b. Maritime Security Agency and Coast Guard.​

Science/Technology & Education:
1. Scientist and engineers being heads of civilian departments.
a. Rejuvenation of SUPARCO .
i. Consolidation of space exploration into Suparco.​
2. Universities.
a. Medical students.
i. Will be required to work in government hospitals for 3-4 years, 1 year without pay.
ii. Women will be required to work no less than 12 years in medical field, (with 40 hour work weeks).
iii. Placed on Exit-Control list for 10 years.
iv. Those who had scholarships will have 2 years added to each .​
b. Engineering Students.
i. Placed on Exit-Control list for 8 years.
ii. Highest ranking students are drafted by government for 4 years.
iii. scholarships have 2 years attached..​
c. Cultural/ Education exchanges with foreign universities must be fullfilled.​
3. Public Schools.
a. Inspections.
i. Removal of supervisors of schools with 'ghost teachers', see governance.​
b. Increased funding .
i. Revised textbooks.​
c. Mandatory schooling form 1 to 8th.​
Freedoms of:
1. Religion.
a. No hate speech.
b. Removal of blasphemy law.
c. Removal of Mausoleum for dead individuals.
i. No more hajj around Benezir Bhutto's grave bull Sh!t. etc.​
2. Speech.
a. Media.
i. No ban on domestic productions.​
3. Public Execution.
a. Terrorists, no prison terms.
b. Traitors, no prison terms.
c. Corrupt Judiciary, no prison terms.​

Naming of Government Buildings/ Property/ Policies:
1. Names will be of heroes.
2. Removal of names of politicians unless unanimous choice by parliament(66%).


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