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Sharmeen Obaid wins second Oscar award


Sep 2, 2015
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Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy on Sunday became the first Pakistani to win two Oscar awards on Sunday.

Oabid won in the Best Documentary Short Subject for A Girl In The River in the 88th Academy awards. The documentary which sheds light on honour killings in Pakistan follows the story of a teenage girl shot in the face by her own family.

Honour killing issue would gain traction if film wins Oscar: Sharmeen Obaid

“I have another one!” said Sharmeen as she took the stage to accept the award.

“This week the Pakistani PM said he would change the law on honor killing after watching this film — that is the power of film!” she added.

The filmmaker also took to Facebook to announce, “‪Pakistan‬, we just won our 2nd Oscar!!”

In 2012, Obaid made history as she won the Academy Award for her documentary Saving Face at the 84th Annual Academy Awards in 2012, Pakistan’s first Oscar.

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy mingles with Hollywood bigwigs at Oscar luncheon

A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness tells the story of 19-year-old Saba who was beaten, shot and thrown into the river after she ran off to marry her fiance, whom her family initially accepted — and then decided was too poor.

Survivors of honour killings are rare and the film offers a stark look at the pain — physical and emotional — inflicted on Saba, her extraordinary resilience and ultimate failure to see her father and uncle convicted.

They beat her, shot her in the face and dumped her in a burlap sack in the river.

At the last moment, she tilted her head, meaning the bullet grazed her cheek instead of shattering her skull. Somehow she managed to cling to the bushes and pull herself out of the water. She went to police and to hospital.

Sharmeen Obaid’s ‘A Girl in the River’ to be screened at PM House on Monday

Obaid-Chinoy, who read about her ordeal one morning in the newspaper, tracked her down and filmed Saba’s story over eight to nine months in 2014.

In Pakistan, a loophole in the law allows the perpetrators of so-called honour killings to get off scot-free if they are pardoned by their family.

Saba initially seeks a conviction, but eventually relents under the weight of pressure from her brother-in-law and community elders who say it is better to resolve enmity than let it fester.

Obaid-Chinoy wants to change that. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif hosted a screening of the film in Islamabad last week and has promised to rid Pakistan of the crime by tightening up the legislation.
Sharmeen Obaid wins second Oscar award - The Express Tribune
Normally a Oscar that would have shown Pakistan's soft side perhaps would have been more attractive to me

Rage killings happen world wide, boyfriend / gf taking out ex lovers, or husband killing cheating wife etc

Does anyone tracks number of suicides when couples breakup in high education institutes

With that stated I think people have certain rights to marry who they want however don't really see how this Oscar brings anything positive to Pakistan
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Normally a Oscar that would have shown Pakistan's soft side perhaps would have been more attractive to me

Rage killings happen world wide, boyfriend / gf taking out ex lovers, or husband killing cheating wife etc

Does anyone tracks number of suicides when couples breakup in high education institutes

With that stated I think people have certain rights to marry who they want however don't really see how this Oscar brings anything positive to Pakistan
Identifying and accepting what's wrong is the first step towards solution
Identifying and accepting what's wrong is the first step towards solution

These issues will not get resolved with present day government no matter if 100 Oscars are collected on the issue

The issue is rooted in lack of Education , and poverty and tribal marriages and lot of tribal/village level ignorant minds

I would prefer the movie authors to focus on people who are making difference for Life sustainability with limited resources we already know the problems NOTHING new here

While it is a great reward to win an Oscar it is great achievement and a risky venture for a lady in Pakistan.

But our nation really needs some positive role models

If anything it should be the government that is always busy playing , leader leader they should watch the documentary may be run the reel in Pakistani Parliament :tup:

Would be sure 85% would be sleeping or eating pan chalia after first 3 minute of movie that is how much our leaders feel about local people's lives
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Sharmeen Obaid wins second Oscar award, makes Pakistan proud

The filmmaker won for her documentary A Girl in the River, which sheds light on honour killing in Pakistan

A Girl in the River follows the life of an 18-year-old girl who is a survivor of an honour killing attempt. Photo: AP

Just minutes ago Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy made history as the only Pakistani to win two Oscar awards.

Sharmeen was awarded the Oscar in the category Best Documentary - Short Subject for her documentary A Girl in the River, which follows the life of an 18-year-old girl who is a survivor of an honour killing attempt.

Wearing a floor-length black Sana Safinaz coat over a matching dress, Sharmeen had earlier walked the red carpet with her mother and the SOC Films team.

"I have another one!" said Sharmeen as she took the stage to accept the award, her second after she won an Academy Award for Saving Face in 2012.

“This is what happens when determined women get together," continued Sharmeen. "From Saba, the girl in my film who remarkably survived honor killing and shared her story, to Sheila Nevins, Lisa Heller from HBO and Tina Brown who supported me from day one. To the men who champion women, like Geof Bartz who has edited the film to Asad Faruqi, to my friend Ziad who brought this film to the government, to all the brave men out there like my father and husband who push women to go to school and work and who want a more just society for women!"

"This week the Pakistani PM said he would change the law on honor killing after watching this film -- that is the power of film!" said Sharmeen in closing.

Sharmeen has been in Los Angeles for the past week in preparation for the Academy Awards, arguably Hollywood's biggest night of the year. Sharmeen had previously said that while she was excited by the prospect of winning another Oscar, she would consider her work on the documentary a 'real' success if she managed to help convince stakeholders to pass the Anti-Honour Killing bill.

Sharmeen definitely caught the government's attention with A Girl in the River -- the film was screened at the PM House in Islamabad just last week. Following that, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that honour killing was a critical issue and voiced his government’s determination to eradicate this practice from society.

Just a few hours before her win Sharmeen had stated in a Facebook post: "In just a few hours the team of A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness will walk the red carpet at the Oscars! Whether we win or lose today we should be very proud of the fact that this film has ignited a national discourse about honor killings in Pakistan and has spurred the government to work on tougher legislation! That achievement shows that we are maturing as a democracy and today I'm so very honored and humbled that we have been able to move the needle on this issue."

Sharmeen has gone a long way to make Pakistan prou

Congrats and she brought pride to the nation of Pakistan by winning this Oscar. Yes we have serious issues that need to be highlighted so that they can be solved. Can't keep living in a viel.
the real winners are those who awarded the oscar. they got multiple benefits
1. they themselves prove to be very neutral despite of the fact the general public in western countries doesn't like pakistanis much. just read the views about pakistan on yahoo news whenever there are any news regarding pak.
2. they are trying to show that their society is better then ours although in west now a man can marry a man and get a marriage certificate.
3. they have given a sublime message to our ladies that their society is better for women so follow them.
4.they have given an impression that islam and eastern culture is the enemy of the empowerment of the women.
now before many people will label me as moulvi and against women rights so i am also of the opinion that all those who do honor killing should face the punishment according to the law of islam i.e. death penalty.
there is a hadiths of the Prophet SAW according to which the majority of the people from muslims who will follow dajjal will be muslim women so much so that muslim men will have to chain their female relatives but they will breakup the chains and follow dajjal. so ladies take care of yourself.

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