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Muslim man sends 'talaq' SMS to wife after learning about her gang-rape

What I meant was that- Its upto the elders and religious leaders to highlight the issue- and deal with It- the ruling party in UP openly endorses crime against women in their statements- Now the society cannot be left to rot In hope of political change-

When the elders and leaders are blinded by Religious animosity, what hope exists ?

They feel more strongly against Ram Mandir than for their own men and women folks.
For how long are we going to continue with this triple talaq BS? Indian muslims going to do it themselves or Intolerance should step in here as well?
women was gang-raped and nobody talks about it to give her justice and made punishment to the culprits but all over the media they just talk about the divorce/talaq ...
those men who ruined her life roaming freely and you are saying that divorce is an act of intolerance ..
A Muslim woman and mother of a child in Uttar Pradesh was forced to go through her worst fate that could have befallen her. She was gang-raped by her neighbours and when she informed her husband, who lives in Dubai, about her assault, he sent her an SMS for 'talaq'.

The 25-year-old woman said that her Dubai-based husband, a construction worker, sent her 'talaq' three times through SMS after she confided in him what had happened.

Under the Sharia Law, a man can divorce his wife if he says ‘talaq’ to her three times.

After the SMSes from her husband, the woman was thrown out of the house where she lived with her mother-in-law and her four-year-old son, who was taken into custody by his family.

The woman said that she ‘went numb’ when she received the message. They were married for five-years, the MailOnline reported.

“When I read the message I went numb. I couldn’t believe what I had read. Just three words; talaq, talaq, talaq,” the report quoted her as saying.

“I felt violated. I thought that he would stand by my side through this, to help me through the pain of it. But I was wrong. He took the easiest way out like a coward and divorced me,” the woman, who now lives with her biological parents in Meerut, said.

The report further said that Indian Muslim men are increasingly using various media platforms like Skype, and WhatsApp for divorce.

“Men are misusing technology to make women more vulnerable in society,” the report quoted Zakia Soman, co-founder of the Indian Muslim Women’s Movement (BMMA), as saying.

Muslim man sends 'talaq' SMS to wife after learning about her gang-rape | Zee News

For how long are we going to continue with this triple talaq BS? Indian muslims going to do it themselves or Intolerance should step in here as well?

@The_Showstopper @Guynextdoor2 @Tridibans @IndoCarib @Mamsalaphala

High time to crush these shitty personal laws
You really missed the toungue-in-cheek nature of the comment? You thought it meant exactly what it said? You just demonstrated your own "brilliance". (BTW that's sarcasm, and is not meant as an actual compliment. Pity you need everything pointed out.)

Tongue-in-cheek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nope you did not. It was pretty clear what you meant.

You meant it as an act of defiance, indicating that she is better off without her husband "who do not understand her".

But Nice Try.
Nope you did not. It was pretty clear what you meant.

You meant it as an act of defiance, indicating that she is better off without her husband "who do not understand her".

But Nice Try.

Cool, whatever you say.

You have plenty of time on your hands, to keep picking fights over trivialities. Unfortunately, I am too old to be interested.

You could consider therapy. Just a thought. You might overcome your issues that compels this juvenile quarrel seeking behavior. I recommend cognitive behavior therapy.
is gangrape some weekend fun activity in India like movies and shopping and clubbing?

:-):-):-) I think, with a billion people, there are more likely to be stories of rape than anywhere else.

However, I think if you look at the 'per hundred thousand' figure, it's lower than most western countries.

If the husband did indeed divorce his wife after this incident, then I think he should be publicly beheaded.:disagree:
Isnt it funny when such an act is commited by a hindu its only refered to as a man or indian man but when its a muslims he is call a MUSLIM man or MUSLIMS indian man? It is as if to show muslims are different people and not like the hindus and when a muslims does it then use it to show hindus(indians) are not like him.
Cool, whatever you say.

You have plenty of time on your hands, to keep picking fights over trivialities. Unfortunately, I am too old to be interested.

You could consider therapy. Just a thought. You might overcome your issues that compels this juvenile quarrel seeking behavior. I recommend cognitive behavior therapy.

Awww ...... are you playing Dr. Phil ? or Opera ?

How is your theory on "Upper caste Hindu" racism coming along ? have you discovered new evidence of "lower caste" atrocities ? :cheesy:
Isnt it funny when such an act is commited by a hindu its only refered to as a man or indian man but when its a muslims he is call a MUSLIM man or MUSLIMS indian man? It is as if to show muslims are different people and not like the hindus and when a muslims does it then use it to show hindus(indians) are not like him.

The religion is named if the incident was peculiar to the religion. In this case, a hindu man could not have said talaq and abandoned her. If there is intercaste violence, the caste names will be mentioned. But for a crime that had nothing to do with religion or caste, they won't mention religion or caste. That is the rule. The religions of rape victims or rapists are not mentioned by the media.

This is an issue that the muslim society has to address and overcome. And I don't just mean a proclamation from one or two religious leaders.
:-):-):-) I think, with a billion people, there are more likely to be stories of rape than anywhere else.

However, I think if you look at the 'per hundred thousand' figure, it's lower than most western countries.

If the husband did indeed divorce his wife after this incident, then I think he should be publicly beheaded.:disagree:
I was specifically talking about gangrape. This seems to be unique to India.
Either Indians are open to the idea that rape (or sex in general) can be a communal activity, and a shared experience with your friends is a must have.. or the difference in BMI between male and female is minimal and a full grown adult cannot physically rape an woman.
I am leaning towards the first reason(plenty of solo rape in India), coz I have heard stories about Indians sharing single prostitute.
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If Muslim women want to reform personal law, why isn't the Indian state listening to them?

Muslim women petition PM on personal law - The Times of India

Some interesting articles on the subject. I hope BJP listen to the progressive minds in muslim communities instead of pandering to mullahs and make the muslim personal laws at consonance with constitution . It's easier for them to do so since they are not wary of so called minority votebank. But will bjp and pm do so? So far there has been great reluctance to do even the easy.
If Muslim women want to reform personal law, why isn't the Indian state listening to them?

Muslim women petition PM on personal law - The Times of India

Some interesting articles on the subject. I hope BJP listen to the progressive minds in muslim communities instead of pandering to mullahs. It's easier for them to do so since they are not wary of so called minority votebank. But will bjp and pm do so? So far there has been great reluctance to do even the easy.

They should have made that petition to Aamir Khan or SRK since te havhas donned the role of Spokespersons for all those suffering from "intolerance".

They should have known better than to me a petition to a communal and intolerant Modi. It shold be rather obvious that Modi will not listen to them. :coffee:

Muslim woman's body dragged out of her grave in Ghaziabad village, was it a provocative act? | Latest News & Gossip on Popular Trends at India.com

Muslim woman’s body dragged out of her grave in Ghaziabad village, was it a provocative act?
By India.com News Desk @indiacom | October 30, 2015 3:39 PM | comment
Tags: Communal Riot, Dadri Beef Case, Hindu Muslim Riots, muslim

Ghaziabad, October 30: Almost a week after an incident was reported at a police station in Ghaziabad district about a woman’s body dragged out of her grave, communal tension grow in Talheta village. Earlier there were unconfirmed reports that the deceased have been ‘raped’ after she was dragged out of her grave, police officials have denied that, saying it was an act to provoke violence among Hindus and Muslims living in Talheta village.

According to the police, Shama Parveen a 28-year-old died due to her early pregnancy on October 21, after which she was buried the next day on October 22 in the graveyard of Talheta village at around 2 pm. Read Also (Shocking! Three gang rape woman after digging body from grave in Uttar Pradesh)

At the time when the incident took place, the village is going through Panchayat elections across Uttar Pradesh.

At around 6:30 pm the next morning her body was found lying around 10 feet away from her grave by her neighbor Premvati Paryapat. The family first thought that an animal might have disturbed her grave but after investigation was carried out it was found that it was that Parveen’s body was exhumed from five feet under the grave.

Her husband Saifi was quoted in a news website where he said that, “It looked like someone had dragged her body, holding her legs.”

The chief medical officer of Ghaziabad district, Ajay Agarwal, reportedly said that no attempt of rape or sexual assault was found in the autopsy.

Locals and police officials believe that the act is an attempt to provoke violence between Hindu majority and Muslims minority and disrupt communal harmony in the village. Moreover, Talehat village is about 50 km away from Dadri, where a Hindu mob lynched 52-year-old Mohammad Akhlaq to death last month.

No arrest have been made in the case, and the body of the deceased was laid to rest in the graveyard after postmortem was done.

More than 10 thousand people live in Talheta village out of which 75 percent are from upper caste Tyagi’s. Among them 15 odd-families of the Muslims stay in the village. Further probe is on.

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