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Muslim man sends 'talaq' SMS to wife after learning about her gang-rape

Kindly do you have a something that I can read about this matter second yes sunnis are four sects if I can say so.

Third they justify in court these but hundred years ago there were no courts as you know these most of the arab countries are seculars so they use french laws beside islamic laws and the families go to court to secure their daughters right.

@TankMan is the resident expert on religious affairs.
Nothing human about that man, the term Muslim has little to do with what sort of person he was. Religion only brings out in you the sort of person you already are. So if you are a hypocritical douchbag, then you will interpret religion the same way.
Due process is observed later. Just from a religious point of view, you're through.
It would be interesting to know(@Zarvan @simple Brain) what if you didn't actually mean to divorce but just uttered the world 'Talaq' thrice in the heat of the moment. What's up with Gang rapes in India, by the way? @jamahir @Guynextdoor2
Talaq will take place. Even if you use it as joke
So by that you mean that Allah subhanwatallah is an idiot anaozubillah? That he cant tell the difference?
He can but Talaq is not a joke and can't be used as joke. Those using it jokes should face the consequences. It is consensus among scholars since 1400 years that Talaq even said as a joke will be considered fully valid. Religion is not your football that you would kick around as you like or your nafs likes.
He can but Talaq is not a joke and can't be used as joke. Those using it jokes should face the consequences. It is consensus among scholars since 1400 years that Talaq even said as a joke will be considered fully valid. Religion is not your football that you would kick around as you like or your nafs likes.
Neither is religion your football or of those in consensus. Please name the scholars and the particular reasons they gave for it not being used as a joke. You are no prophet or even close to a respected scholar to tell us what is right or wrong. In fact, not even Imam-e-Azam ever claimed to be the judge of what would happen on the day of judgement, then who would you be to try and lecture us on religion?

Now, which scholars agreed on this and where? Based on what Ayah's and Hadiaths? What logic of Qiyas? And what conditions did they give for the joke to be forbidden for it?
Neither is religion your football or of those in consensus. Please name the scholars and the particular reasons they gave for it not being used as a joke. You are no prophet or even close to a respected scholar to tell us what is right or wrong. In fact, not even Imam-e-Azam ever claimed to be the judge of what would happen on the day of judgement, then who would you be to try and lecture us on religion?

Now, which scholars agreed on this and where? Based on what Ayah's and Hadiaths? What logic of Qiyas? And what conditions did they give for the joke to be forbidden for it?
First Imam Abu Haneefah is not Imam e Azam only claimed by Hanafis. Secondly even Imam Abu Haneefa agrees on this that Talaq even if said as a joke will be valid. Logic is simple Talaq is not one which you use as a joke, and even if you do the result is same. As for Ayats and Hadees I would post them soon.
First Imam Abu Haneefah is not Imam e Azam only claimed by Hanafis. Secondly even Imam Abu Haneefa agrees on this that Talaq even if said as a joke will be valid. Logic is simple Talaq is not one which you use as a joke, and even if you do the result is same. As for Ayats and Hadees I would post them soon.
That is the worst logic ever, please dont insult Imam Abu Haneefah by taking his name for that logic. Please go ahead and post something more worthy of discussion on Islam than your opinion.
That is the worst logic ever, please dont insult Imam Abu Haneefah by taking his name for that logic. Please go ahead and post something more worthy of discussion on Islam than your opinion.
I will Sir but Imam Abu Haneefa RA has same opinion as I have posted above.
I will Sir but Imam Abu Haneefa RA has same opinion as I have posted above.

Most respectfully... islam existed before all the respectfull imams...
And was actually in its finest period...

I am not muslim becaz of any imams ...but becaz of the prophet (saw)..
Their opinion are respectfull... but not always right as they dont agree with each other as well...
Most respectfully... islam existed before all the respectfull imams...
And was actually in its finest period...

I am not muslim becaz of any imams ...but becaz of the prophet (saw)..
Their opinion are respectfull... but not always right as they dont agree with each other as well...
Yes I agree that is why I became Salafi from Barelvi, because I give preference to Quran and Sunnah and actions of Sahabas over 4 Imams. And all 4 Imams of fish again and again told Muslims to do same thing.
I think the issue in current thread was how a gangrape of a woman is not a worthy news in india; but divorce sent via sms is.....
The harder you try, the deeper in ignorance you sink. Let me enlighten you a little bit, well knowing I'm talking to a rock. Have you or your countrymen ever wondered why Rape News from India is on the rise? India is going through a change in its society. No, I'm not talking about rape but reporting of it. Men always had the upper hand since society and family would look down on a rape victim. So sad was the situation that it often was not reported. The recent incidents only show incidents are reported much more than before, given the publicity it needs and punishment the rapists deserve. Hoping this will allow more victims to come forward and offenders to back away.

The more reports on rape, faster is the change in Indian society. That is the only bright light we see and support.
We condemn rape, the govt condemns rape! and no we do not need witnesses to convict a rapist!

It's extremely sad what this poor woman has gone through be it the rape or the divorce. Pakistani efforts to highlight only rape demonstrates deep, inherent, insecurities they face.
What a shame. When she needed support and empathy, she got talaq instead. Sister come to my house. I promise I will take care of you.

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