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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Its so disgusting to see significant number of posters cheering this incident. If anyone thinks that it will be fun to watch this whole saga blown into an all out war, i have yet to come across a fool bigger than him. Any all out war between the forces of this magnitude will mean end of world as we know today.
Let us just wait and pray things get handled sensible and things remain under control as any sane man would want to.

Cut the childish cheering and jeering, nothing good comes out of war and from a war of this potential magnitude, nothing (either good or bad) will come out at all.
Russian warplane shot down at Syria-Turkey borderLIVE UPDATES
Published time: 24 Nov, 2015 11:22
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A Russian Su-24 front-line bomber jet. © Dmitriy Vinogradov / Sputnik

A Russian warplane has gone down near the Turkish-Syrian border after an apparent attack. Turkish and Russian sources have given conflicting reports about the incident, which has the potential to escalate the tension between Russia and NATO member Turkey.
  • 24 November 2015

    12:53 GMT
    Turkey backstabbed Russia by downing the Russian warplane and acted as accomplices of the terrorists, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

    The plane was hit by a Turkish warplane as it was travelling 1 km away from the Turkish border, Putin said. The plane posed no threat to Turkish national security, he stressed.

    Putin said the plane was targeting terrorist targets in the Latakia province of Syria, many of whom came from Russia.

    Russia noticed of the flow of oil from Syrian territory under the control of terrorists to Turkey, Putin said.

    Apparently, IS now not only receives revenue from the smuggling of oil, but also has the protection of a nation’s military, Putin said. This may explain why the terrorist group is so bold in taking acts of terrorism across the world, he added.

    The incident will have grave consequences for Russia’s relations with Turkey, Putin warned.

    The fact that Turkey did not try to contact Russia in the wake of the incident and rushed to call a NATO meeting instead is worrisome, Putin said. It appears that Turkey want NATO to serve the interests of IS, he added.

  • 12:35 GMT
    Several protesters have showed up in front of the Turkish Embassy in Moscow to protest the downing of the Russian bomber. “Turkey, are you for or against ISIS?” one of the banners said in Russian.
dude who is fu/cking with turkey?you paranoid or something? this jet was over syrian border its proven based on the borders su24 couldn't be on turkish air space for more than 30 seconds. your gov just made a mistake and you are trying to say you did the right thing. remember your economy is based on security. anything threatens that is not going to be good for you.

Exactly, it might be a deliberate mistake and that's stupid.
Turkey dont like Russian aggression since Turkey was enjoying ISIS oil product at dirt cheap price...but bad move by Turkey
WW3 :3
At least we get kashmir back.
Don't act stupid!!

Its so disgusting to see significant number of posters cheering this incident. If anyone thinks that it will be fun to watch this whole saga blown into an all out war, i have yet to come across a fool bigger than him. Any all out war between the forces of this magnitude will mean end of world as we know today.
Let us just wait and pray things get handled sensible and things remain under control as any sane man would want to.

Cut the childish cheering and jeering, nothing good comes out of war and from a war of this potential magnitude, nothing (either good or bad) will come out at all.
If a US jet was shot down by Iran i would have been equally happy as in this incident, glad to see a muslim nation with dignity and honor to defend it own borders , but whats saddening part is most shia's are sympathising with russians at the moment and they are hoping for a revenge from russian side. That's unacceptable.
For those who has no idea about Turkish army capabilities... Russia simply cannot do anything about that. Two days ago, Russia started to bomb Turkish origin Turkmen people in Syria and captured their strategic location(it was taken back by Turkmen forces two days later), i think, this was the reason angered Turkey and wanted to warn Russia this way. The region is getting more danger...
We saw the capabilities of the Turkish army against Israel when she attacked the flotilla and killed 18 of your citizens. But the likelyhood of having your sultan stuffed in his mouth by Putin is a reality, especially if the SU24 was in Syrian airspace.!
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dude who is fu/cking with turkey?you paranoid or something? this jet was over syrian border its proven based on the borders su24 couldn't be on turkish air space for more than 30 seconds. your gov just made a mistake and you are trying to say you did the right thing. remember your economy is based on security. anything threatens that is not going to be good for you.

It's not the first time they did this,and it's not the first time when Russians bragg of closing Syrian airspace to others.

Hello there AIM 120 :agree:
Job well done turkey, love u Turks love Erdegon , few decades ago we Pakistani taught russians a lesson now its ur turn to teach them again :yahoo:
We shot down their jets too in afganistan. We were allies of U.S, western coalition. Again Russia can't do anything against turkey, not only turkey is a Nato member but also enjoys support of U.S.A & others.
Russia can only blame themselves for taking turkey as light country & not listening warning of turkey after they violated airspace many times.
If Russians are telling the truth why they are not sharing their radar signatures like we did ?
Technically you may be right..but can you claim that Russian plane entered in Turkey to attack your nation....if not then morally you are wrong....or wanna enjoy ISIS oil for almost free
Turkey is acting funny these days, playing a weak game backed by strong brothers. Hope she doesnt get dumped later. Else Putin will not forgive or at least forget this. NATO may not side with Turkey this time, after all Turkmen Alqaida was branded as a terrorist org by UN and Russians were right in hunting them..

Turkey has gone into a bigger mess and like someone said, the $hit just got real.
As much as I disagree with literally everything Putin stands for, I'd love to see Russia teach these terrorist sympathising Turks a lesson.

Bear in mind these are the same people who were booing Paris victims last week and now they wanna invoke the 'NATO' card.

@mike2000 is back @FrenchPilot @flamer84
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