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ATC indict MQM worker for killing it's own worker

so according to you a paramilitary force comanded by army jarnal which comprises mostly of men who do not originate from karachi and have been deployed in the city only for a few years know more about the city than a person who is born and bred in karachi ... well than you are very wrong here ..

So a person born and bread in karachi doesnt even know How long Rangers are in karachi and the Officials of rangers working and living in karachi for 10 10 20 20 years would not know whats been going in karachi. Unless you can proof me wrong by telling me profile of each and every ranger who is in karachi so it can be established whether they are here for few years or for more than 2 decades

And tell me specefically, how do you know more than the Rangers? Can you proof Saulat mirza was innocent? Can you proof Wali babur killers didnt killed him ? And Btw since you are born and bread here in karachi. Plz do tell me who caught the killers of Wali babur and Dr.Imran farooq? Muhajirs who were born and bread in karachi or the Law enforcement agencies who were imported from other places in karachi ?

Unless you can answer my post factually, you will be rewarded with

The most ignorant, self delusional and living in his own bubble award who doesnt even know whats been happening around except in the area where you living
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only a jahil thug mqm dog wouldnt know that even in states if you lay your hands on cops gun no matter how innocent you are, the cop has the right to pop another hole in you. that kid had it coming.

well that means we should nuke the tribal and entire KPK , because the Pashtoons are busy in sheltering Taliban and helping them , keeping arms , and giving them arms ..
i wont expect a sensible post from a Akhroat anyway :D
i just explain by pics ... but again you are just Zarvan 2.0 :D

And you are Zarvan minus 2.5 because logic and facts escape you . As in the pictures, Waqas shah was behind door. Do the math, calculate the angle of ranger gun, find me a hole in the door, Aftermath pics of door are also available on the internet. Then please proof us plebs wrong that rangers really did kill Waqas shah.
And you are Zarvan minus 2.5 because logic and facts escape you . As in the pictures, Waqas shah was behind door. Do the math, calculate the angle of ranger gun, find me a hole in the door, Aftermath pics of door are also available on the internet. Then please proof us plebs wrong that rangers really did kill Waqas shah.

LOL , whatever make you feel better .. i know what and who i am .. i dont want to compare myself with brain dead caveman :D
plus , i have no interest in explaining things to people like you , who are deluded by chacha mamu stories ..
but don't worry keep taking the pills it will help you someday :)
LOL , whatever make you feel better .. i know what and who i am .. i dont want to compare myself with brain dead caveman :D
plus , i have no interest in explaining things to people like you , who are deluded by chacha mamu stories ..
but don't worry keep taking the pills it will help you someday :)

Ah typical MQM response. Run away when someone calls your bluff, caught you with pants hanging down, bust your wrong so called facts and figures. Shift your stance, bring in 92, 95, Mazloom Haq parast who were busy killing others but they were killed extra judicially so they became mazloom. Present two three sarcastic smiles, call name to others. Run away but we will not answer to the point. Because Humay mout parti hai such bolnay par.

Kaya faida howa itni taleem hasil karnay ka jab kay rehna wesay kay wesa hi?
Ah typical MQM response. Run away when someone calls your bluff, caught you with pants hanging down, bust your wrong so called facts and figures. Shift your stance, bring in 92, 95, Mazloom Haq parast who were busy killing others but they were killed extra judicially so they became mazloom. Present two three sarcastic smiles, call name to others. Run away but we will not answer to the point. Because Humay mout parti hai such bolnay par.

Kaya faida howa itni taleem hasil karnay ka jab kay rehna wesay kay wesa hi?

i feel pity for you .. i have again showed the lies of Rangers , frame by frame .. and their lies that they dont carry a hand gun .. but again its useless to argue with brainless people ..
plus no one is mazloon :) including your establishment who created MQM and later to counter it they create haqiqqi .. lots of workers are still missing , extra judicial murders , killed in Police custody , this is the standard of Pakistan's justice system ..
no body claim MQM to be saints ,but putting all shit load MQM is exactly same as i call entire Pakhtoon's as Terrorist :)

education set me free, i suggest you do the same , start with KG-1 and more :)
i never run from any argument .. still i have proved my point from the video .. its you who is blabbering the same thing like Zarvan again and again thinking that it will become truth :)
So a person born and bread in karachi doesnt even know How long Rangers are in karachi and the Officials of rangers working and living in karachi for 10 10 20 20 years doesnt even knwo what been going in karachi. Unless you can proof me wrong by tellign me profile of each and every ranger who is in karachi for few years or for more 2 decades.

And tell me specefically, how do you know more than the Rangers? Can you proof Saulat mirza was innocent? Can you proof Wali babur killers didnt killed him ? And Btw since you are born and bread here in karachi. Plz do tell me who caught the killers of Wali babur and Dr.Imran farooq? Muhajirs who were born and bread in karachi or the Law enforcement agencies who were imported from other places in karachi ?

Unless you can answer my post factually, you will be rewarded with

The most ignorant, self delusional and living in his own bubble award who doesnt even know whats been happening around except in the area where you living

Alright childish Tanki kay Tank .. Rangers are deployed since 90's that doesnt mean they dont rotate this means an officer or soldier doesn't serve his full term In the city they must rotate them in different locations ... Even if we were to consider their full term in karachi still makes them 20years tenagers thats no comparable to a person born bred living amoungst khietes , knows the cultural sensitivities and the rest etc etc .. Their origins .. Lol tanki sahab Even a child will tell you most of the rangers personal deployed are from the city most are from interior punjab and Sindh .. Thats why i said you dont have an iota of knowledge so avoid giving silly expert opinions on our city .. Another fact imran farooq case and incident occurred in london and they are far better in investigations than any one else so dont start silly peshin goyian like dr kharish (the journalist) .. Courts in this country are no where independent .. ""providing Selective justice as far as it doesnt back fire or cause a huge colateral damage .. They work under directions of holy angels .. Who are they fooling !! Lol any way its beyond

By the way

Since you have so much apathy for the killers of wali babar(the journalist) .. Pray tell me where are the killers of saleem shahzad ?? are they captured yet ?? Did u ever raised the question or opened a thread by the way He was torchured and murdered in cold blood in islamabad.. so far the saviour dr kharish haven't made any relevations about the poor renowed journalist!

If you cant come back with a logical answer expect no reply .. I have better things to do .. For eg watching dr kharishs talk show
It is so sad to see MQM being targeted like this

I wonder how long the people of Karachi will stay quiet and let a huge political party be targeted. We support MQM and that is why we have always voted for it because it is the party of truth and justice, fighting against target killers and Bhatta Khors of parties like ANP and PPP
It is so sad to see MQM being targeted like this

I wonder how long the people of Karachi will stay quiet and let a huge political party be targeted. We support MQM and that is why we have always voted for it because it is the party of truth and justice, fighting against target killers and Bhatta Khors of parties like ANP and PPP

Karachi will decide in election like they decided in NA246 ... It was a tight slap by the city residents to those trying to make space for jihadis of PTI and her ally the Jamatis
Karachi will decide in election like they decided in NA246 ... It was a tight slap by the city residents to those trying to make space for jihadis of PTI and her ally the Jamatis
Exactly, I had a PTI/JI combined candidate ask me to vote him in elections which will happen now, I chased him from premises, and our whole gali made him run away crying
Exactly, I had a PTI/JI combined candidate ask me to vote him in elections which will happen now, I chased him from premises, and our whole gali made him run away crying

Thats the story all over mate .. some PDF tankis wish to see it otherwise.. all the stunt in khi is to make space for pro jihadi talibani al qaeeda mind set idiots .. which failed and will fail miserable as khietes will bitch slap by voting again for MQM
well that means we should nuke the tribal and entire KPK , because the Pashtoons are busy in sheltering Taliban and helping them , keeping arms , and giving them arms ..
i wont expect a sensible post from a Akhroat anyway :D

only a person with brain size of a akhroat will come up with such analogy. Entire KPK is not involvoed in notorious activities and who ever is, they are being dealt the same way as MQM dogs are who are getting special treatment by rangers. Love live Rangers and may all MQM thugs rot in gutter.
only a person with brain size of a akhroat will come up with such analogy. Entire KPK is not involvoed in notorious activities and who ever is, they are being dealt the same way as MQM dogs are who are getting special treatment by rangers. Love live Rangers and may all MQM thugs rot in gutter.

at least they have a Akhroat size Brain , in case of Pashtoon , there is a sign says ' Brain not Available " , plus Almost all Taliban and their supporter are Pashtoon , they give them shelter , they give them weapons as AK-47 are underwear of Pakhtoon :D , and countless criminal activities they are involved in .. even in Karachi , they are land grabbers , bhata khors , mobile snatchers , Taliban supporters , many No go areas are made by Pathans with their Afghans gutter chap fellow ..
these disgusting people should stay in their shit holes .. rather not come to Karachi ..
you can kiss the arse of Rangers as much as you want .. after all there is a reason they say in Karachi , that " Pathan only needs a hole to put his Pe*is inside , even if the hole is in the wall " lol
@rockstar08 .. you are making a typical MQM style run away from very authentic arguments..just by calling o i pity o u brainless o blah blah blah.. so you dont have to give answer to your false claims.. Don't embarrass yourself if you don't have any concrete argument.. the one calling NATO and RAW for help.. we call him traitor not muhajir..
Even there 50th generation will call them selves muhajir..

Kia baat hai sirkar ki wah wah phir tay fir PN kay ship par trip karain gay

Wrong they do hold but they only clean up khi from the wrath of state assests like ssp , jhangvi , bhangis etc etc etc .. They were doing it single handedly before now in my opinion khi is very virnerable

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