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Raghuram Rajan, Narayan Murthy Add Voice Against Rising Intolerance

You are not getting the point..I am not saying every Hindu is a Hindutvavadi.. There are certain fringe elements who are more vocal than before spreading hatred in the name of religion. You uave seen the sudden trend of spewing hatred more than ever.. The scary part is that there are people in the current ruling party who do that..Have you ever wondered what would be the feelings of people who born in this country and were loyal to this country suddenly treated as traitors and second class citizens just because of their religion?

Hatred, what hatred ? i don't see any hatred other than the once manufactured in the media. For decades Hindus were attacked and made to be embarrassed of their religion and their believes and taken advantage of. What you see is the outrage against this, it will automatically subside in a few years but it is not even remotely as hateful as you perceive.
@Spectre i would ask you to not read any news reports on RSS especially from English Media, if you see something controversial make sure you find th entire speech of that said person and read it entirely. AM not a fan of Mulayam Singh Yadav as you very well know, but his speech before 2014 which caused a hue and cry among sexists was also selectively taken out of context

My experiences of RSS is based on participation in RSS Sakha activities in Jharkhand over a period of 60 days - I try looking at positives in each thing and don't easily lend credence to negatives without thorough understanding - learnt it the hard way.
Not really. After the disaster that was UPA II, a change was inevitable. Modi ran an excellent campaign and managed to capture the attention of aspiring Indians. He was a front runner all along. If you think that he is here to establish a Hindutva regime you are mistaken. If that was the case, we would have had Advani as PM a long time ago. It is absolutely true that lower ranked Hindutvavadis are feeling energized but with time that would subside, or at least I hope so.

There's a lot at stake on that hope. Suppose it goes horribly wrong? Listen to Modi speak. No performance, no movement on important economic decisions, and a daily erosion of his political capital due to the speeches and actions of his underlings.

Isn't that enough to worry about?
Not really. After the disaster that was UPA II, a change was inevitable. Modi ran an excellent campaign and managed to capture the attention of aspiring Indians. He was a front runner all along. If you think that he is here to establish a Hindutva regime you are mistaken. If that was the case, we would have had Advani as PM a long time ago. It is absolutely true that lower ranked Hindutvavadis are feeling energized but with time that would subside, or at least I hope so.

This will be a country where a Hindu is proud of his religion and his culture. IF you and others call that Hindutvadi or hate mongering you need to get yourself checked...
Why it's good that the courts have taken the lead on this. The only way to get this done with massive upheaval.

Exactly what I was telling Joe - Parliament should not legislate on this, basic structure doctrine is the surest path in my uninformed opinion.
Why it's good that the courts have taken the lead on this. The only way to get this done with massive upheaval.

When you are used to preferential treatment, equal treatment feels like discrimination : Some dude...
Murthy should return Infy to Govt. & Rajan his Governor Post in PROTEST..........
This will be a country where a Hindu is proud of his religion and his culture. IF you and others call that Hindutvadi or hate mongering you need to get yourself checked...

You are making no sense. A Hindu being proud of his religion and culture is not anyone's concern. In fact I like it when people show pride in their culture and heritage without being jingoistic about it. I also don't call that being a Hindutvavadi. The problem is when you try to force that on others.
You are making no sense. A Hindu being proud of his religion and culture is not anyone's concern. In fact I like it when people show pride in their culture and heritage without being jingoistic about it. I also don't call that being a Hindutvavadi. The problem is when you try to force that on others.

Who is forcing it on others ? A Hindu being proud of his culture and religion is basically what 99.99% of the hindutvadis want. If you are talking about beef. As i said earlier, either respect all religions or respect none at all. IF beef should be allowed then so should be pork and banning of Azaan 5 times a day. NO preferential treatment. Either respect the considerations of all religions or respect none at all..
There's a lot at stake on that hope. Suppose it goes horribly wrong? Listen to Modi speak. No performance, no movement on important economic decisions, and a daily erosion of his political capital due to the speeches and actions of his underlings.

Isn't that enough to worry about?

I am not worried about Modi. I think his priorities are in the right place. He is also a very smart man and he understands how he got elected and how easy it is to get booted out.
Hatred, what hatred ? i don't see any hatred other than the once manufactured in the media. For decades Hindus were attacked and made to be embarrassed of their religion and their believes and taken advantage of. What you see is the outrage against this, it will automatically subside in a few years but it is not even remotely as hateful as you perceive.

Yaar every religion has been attacked and taken advanatge of.. Its hard to believe that you dont see any hatred spewing around.. You are a malayalee right..Just google Sasikala teacher and watch the videos.. You will see the glimpses of upcoming BJP leader..
Exactly what I was telling Joe - Parliament should not legislate on this, basic structure doctrine is the surest path in my uninformed opinion.

The basic structure doctrine does not add anything to the constitution. It merely ensures that nothing vital is stripped out of it. It cannot innovate, it cannot inject, it can only protect from destruction. The basic structure doctrine is not an ultimate weapon in the hands of the courts; it remains an interpretation of the constitution including a definition of its unchangeable core which is sought to be protected from changes dictated by political exigency.

I am not worried about Modi. I think his priorities are in the right place. He is also a very smart man and he understands how he got elected and how easy it is to get booted out.

And what, in your opinion, is he doing about it that shows up in daily life?
Yaar every religion has been attacked and taken advanatge of.. Its hard to believe that you dont see any hatred spewing around.. You are a malayalee right..Just google Sasikala teacher and watch the videos.. You will see the glimpses of upcoming BJP leader..

Maybe outside India, but not in India. You cannot really ignore how seculars have been behaving ever since independence. IF you have any doubt, read the articles written by Indian journalists after French Cartoonist Killings..
Exactly what I was telling Joe - Parliament should not legislate on this, basic structure doctrine is the surest path in my uninformed opinion.

Parliament will have to legislate on this some time but the courts are now clearly pushing and starting to take a harder line. Best to allow for the lead to come from them, sooner or later, most parts of the Muslim personal law are liable to be struck down as being in violation to the basic rights granted to citizens. The SC has already made that observation.
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