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Muslim Indians Should Demand A Seperate Nation:--

Its not a bad demand..But again, this demand is already met in 1947....If they demand again, the again, the original discussion will come into play....Why the heck even Pakistan got created if Indian Muslim did not choose for Pakistan..

That means creation of pakistan was a failure, if indian muslims are not choosing pakistan ?

so question is why did pakistan failed ?
Yo stench :)
No that proves they committed a mistake and now paying the price.
That proves how right jinnah was.
II am not talking about DK point of view.. Its Mushrif.. The point raised by him is valid..Raw passed information to IB.. then why didn't he passed information to naval coastguard. I do belive that there was some involvement of pakistan based terrorist org but actually it was trapped by CIA agent David Hadley as per conspiracy meanwhile a separate arrangement to kill karkare was conspired as he was leading to expose the hindu terror... there are more than that what actually comes out in bomb blast in India..
How a tech error by NIA led to acquittal of Goa blast accused | india | Hindustan Times

Madhya Pradesh blast toll 88, gelatin stored in house could be reason | The Indian Express

Its your police and your investigation agency...

Well your are saying Islam preaches terror.. This is totally wrong..
Hindu religion is preaching terror.. what krishna says to Arjuna in Bhagwat Gita is is open to world.. That why russia did banned Gita not Quran
Bhagavad Gita ban: India takes up issue with Russia - Rediff.com News

and if you look world survey Islam is the fastest growing religion.. I am saying non-muslims accepting islam..
The fastest growing religion in the world is ... - CNN.com

Lindsay Lohan converting to Islam? Mike Tyson and other stars who became Muslims

Why you see only Muslim... Dalit and shudras too annoyed by Hindu administration attitude... and it will be
Dalit + Muslims..

Include Kerala also..

The developed world is growing more and more irreligious and atheistic. Look at Europe and the U.S.
The developed world is growing more and more irreligious and atheistic. Look at Europe and the U.S.
How can you define that world today is more developed or destroyed.. after all we are digging our graves as more industrialised world grows faster....
Yo stench :)
No that proves they committed a mistake and now paying the price.
That proves how right jinnah was.
Its just a pity jinnah didn't remain alive longer, he deserved to see what would be the pathetic state of his brainchild.
As for muslims in India, they see how shias, ahmadiyas, Bangladeshis, balochis, mohajirs are treated.

The irony - not only are Hindus in pakistan treated far worse than minorities in India (jinnah was a bare faced liar when he said Hindus would be protected)
Even muslims in India are far better off than in the muslims in pakistan. They are not raped and murdered by the million as in Bangladesh, they are not suppressed by the army as in balochis, not treated as subhuman like the ahmadiyas, not subject to bombings on a daily basis like the shias or considered second class citizen like the mohajirs.
Oh, the irony!
Its just a pity jinnah didn't remain alive longer, he deserved to see what would be the pathetic state of his brainchild.
As for muslims in India, they see how shias, ahmadiyas, Bangladeshis, balochis, mohajirs are treated.

The irony - not only are Hindus in pakistan treated far worse than minorities in India (jinnah was a bare faced liar when he said Hindus would be protected)
Even muslims in India are far better off than in the muslims in pakistan. They are not raped and murdered by the million as in Bangladesh, they are not suppressed by the army as in balochis, not treated as subhuman like the ahmadiyas, not subject to bombings on a daily basis like the shias or considered second class citizen like the mohajirs.
Oh, the irony!
‘Attacks against minorities in India increased in past year’ | The Indian Express
A lot is happening withing Pakistan and in your Islamic Ummah. Obsess with that, not India.

They have recently again killed ten times more Shia than the 2 Muslims that they are supposedly shedding tears for.

Let the OP demand a separate Shiastan for them. May be that will pardon his sins that may supoosedly otherwise require chopping of limbs or stoning to death.
We are demanding independence or merger with Pakistan. Our efforts though are little known... we do not have a united platform for separatists from Indian occupied parts to work for the division of India. There is a freedom movement both in Hyderabad and Lucknow other than Kashmir Khalistan and Assam.
We are demanding independence or merger with Pakistan. Our efforts though are little known... we do not have a united platform for separatists from Indian occupied parts to work for the division of India. There is a freedom movement both in Hyderabad and Lucknow other than Kashmir Khalistan and Assam.

Millions of such obsessed people have lived out their despicable lives in impotent hated and such "hopes" and gone to jahannum with the unfulfilled wish.

You have nothing to do with India. You are just an identity crisis struck person desperately needing a justification. Every bloody second.

The partition happened 7 decades before. After that Indians and Pakistanis have nothing to do with each other. Those who left India mean nothing to us. Nothing at all. I think people like you shouldn't be allowed in India.

You may fake being a "cultural pathan". Even they will probably have as much contempt for it as Indians have when we see this pathetic obsession.

People should overcome being"Dhobi ka kutta, na ghar ka , na ghta ka". Be happy with what you have.

Muslims are running from Pakistan and other Islamic countries. You have anyway ethnically cleaned the non Muslims and now you are worried non Muslims may do to Muslims what you have already done!
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II am not talking about DK point of view.. Its Mushrif.. The point raised by him is valid..Raw passed information to IB.. then why didn't he passed information to naval coastguard. I do belive that there was some involvement of pakistan based terrorist org but actually it was trapped by CIA agent David Hadley as per conspiracy meanwhile a separate arrangement to kill karkare was conspired as he was leading to expose the hindu terror... there are more than that what actually comes out in bomb blast in India..
How a tech error by NIA led to acquittal of Goa blast accused | india | Hindustan Times

Madhya Pradesh blast toll 88, gelatin stored in house could be reason | The Indian Express

Its your police and your investigation agency...

Well your are saying Islam preaches terror.. This is totally wrong..
Hindu religion is preaching terror.. what krishna says to Arjuna in Bhagwat Gita is is open to world.. That why russia did banned Gita not Quran
Bhagavad Gita ban: India takes up issue with Russia - Rediff.com News

and if you look world survey Islam is the fastest growing religion.. I am saying non-muslims accepting islam..
The fastest growing religion in the world is ... - CNN.com

Lindsay Lohan converting to Islam? Mike Tyson and other stars who became Muslims

Why you see only Muslim... Dalit and shudras too annoyed by Hindu administration attitude... and it will be
Dalit + Muslims..

Include Kerala also..
Guess you should brush up your facts.
Information was passed till the state level but that's where state failed in acting in a matured way.
ALL BS and sh!t theories, better stay in Pakistan and keep crafting your propaganda on what happened here in Mumbai.
Bhagwad Gita was never banned in Russia. What Lord Krishna says to Arjuna is terrorism? really? as per who? your madrassah? So madrassah graduates will teach Hindus about Bhagwat Gita. It's better you read your Quran first- Muslims are killings Muslims now lol.
Dont start a religious debate and try to make browny points or you may piss your pants.
II am not talking about DK point of view.. Its Mushrif.. The point raised by him is valid..Raw passed information to IB.. then why didn't he passed information to naval coastguard. I do belive that there was some involvement of pakistan based terrorist org but actually it was trapped by CIA agent David Hadley as per conspiracy meanwhile a separate arrangement to kill karkare was conspired as he was leading to expose the hindu terror... there are more than that what actually comes out in bomb blast in India..
How a tech error by NIA led to acquittal of Goa blast accused | india | Hindustan Times

Madhya Pradesh blast toll 88, gelatin stored in house could be reason | The Indian Express

Its your police and your investigation agency...

Well your are saying Islam preaches terror.. This is totally wrong..
Hindu religion is preaching terror.. what krishna says to Arjuna in Bhagwat Gita is is open to world.. That why russia did banned Gita not Quran
Bhagavad Gita ban: India takes up issue with Russia - Rediff.com News

and if you look world survey Islam is the fastest growing religion.. I am saying non-muslims accepting islam..
The fastest growing religion in the world is ... - CNN.com

Lindsay Lohan converting to Islam? Mike Tyson and other stars who became Muslims

Why you see only Muslim... Dalit and shudras too annoyed by Hindu administration attitude... and it will be
Dalit + Muslims..

Include Kerala also..

That Islam preached terror is a widely known fact.

The Quran's Verses of Violence

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

The proof is the tens of thousands of Islmaic terror attacks all over the world and the zillions of Islamic terror organizations.

ISIS and AQ are following Islam to the letter. The others are hypocrites, trying to pick and choose.

The rapes being committed by the ISIS and other Muslims of non Muslim women is also as per Islam. Youc an find Hadhith supporting rape of women and this has been a common practice of Muslims with the Khailfah getting 20% share of the loot and booty (captured women).

In USA there are several books getting published which are documenting the hate cult in great detail with proof from Quran and Hadhith.

There may be some extremism in other religions, Muslims are the only ones who are practicing it still as they have no scope for changing what they consider "final and perfect" and that leads to them being such fanatics and extremists and terrorists.

Or hypocrites.
The first and final thing indian members need to ingrain in their heads is that while violence is increasing in india, we have reduced terrorism by a whopping 70 %... go figure...
That Islam preached terror is a widely known fact.

The Quran's Verses of Violence

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

The proof is the tens of thousands of Islmaic terror attacks all over the world and the zillions of Islamic terror organizations.

ISIS and AQ are following Islam to the letter. The others are hypocrites, trying to pick and choose.

The rapes being committed by the ISIS and other Muslims of non Muslim women is also as per Islam. Youc an find Hadhith supporting rape of women and this has been a common practice of Muslims with the Khailfah getting 20% share of the loot and booty (captured women).

In USA there are several books getting published which are documenting the hate cult in great detail with proof from Quran and Hadhith.

There may be some extremism in other religions, Muslims are the only ones who are practicing it still as they have no scope for changing what they consider "final and perfect" and that leads to them being such fanatics and extremists and terrorists.

Or hypocrites.

I think we are not being extremist enough with your kind as in the particular case a muslim in india wouldn't be lynched by a hindu mod...
Indian Mob Kills Muslim After Accusing Him of Eating Beef

Yo stench :)
No that proves they committed a mistake and now paying the price.
That proves how right jinnah was.
Of course he was right, btw why is that indians these days are celebrating the killer of gandhi ji, he was a great guy afterall...
The first and final thing indian members need to ingrain in their heads is that while violence is increasing in india, we have reduced terrorism by a whopping 70 %... go figure...

It is all Islamic terrorism and promoted and nurchured by by your own army and ISI. Go figure.

I think we are not being extremist enough with your kind as in the particular case a muslim in india wouldn't be lynched by a hindu mod...
Indian Mob Kills Muslim After Accusing Him of Eating Beef

You Pakistani Muslims ethnically cleansed the non Muslims first thing after partition under the watch of Mr. Jinnah. Pakistan had higher percentage of Hindu Sikhs at the time of partition than Muslims in India. What happened? The data shows who is extremist.

Both (West) Pakistan and East Pakistan have seen siginificant reduction in non Muslim population share while Indian Muslim population percentage has increased. Shouldn't they all have run off to the fort of Islam if they were so persecuted.

After that you turned on the Islamic sects like Ahmedis, Shia, the grave worshippers....

Your kind massacred and raped the BD civilians and surrendered at the first sight of Indian soldiers.

Of course he was right, btw why is that indians these days are celebrating the killer of gandhi ji, he was a great guy afterall...

You people are fed a "history" that makes them hate filled zombies. BTW, Mr. Jinnah enjoyed the haraam pork and alcohol, one hears!
It is all Islamic terrorism and promoted and nurchured by by your own army and ISI. Go figure.
Never said they didn't do it but not in such a simplistic manner as your puny brain might imagine and mind you their were certain successes that were made (like soviets etc.) but in the long run we lost control of them and had to kill them...

You Pakistani Muslims ethnically cleansed the non Muslims first thing after partition under the watch of Mr. Jinnah. Pakistan had higher percentage of Hindu Sikhs at the time of partition than Muslims in India. What happened? The data shows who is extremist.

Both (West) Pakistan and East Pakistan have seen siginificant reduction in non Muslim population share while Indian Muslim population percentage has increased. Shouldn't they all have run off to the fort of Islam if they were so persecuted.

After that you turned on the Islamic sects like Ahmedis, Shia, the grave worshippers....

Your kind massacred and raped the BD civilians and surrendered at the first sight of Indian soldiers.
False their was a similar sort of migration on both sides hindus towards india and muslims towards pakistan...

Never knew shias were grave worshippers, you my friend don't know jack shit about the subject you are supposedly talking about...

BD was a mistake and i accept that but your supposition about indian soldiers is highly exaggerated, surrenders were made on both sides... if you can dig photos i can dig threads/videos, much shit shovelling can be done as far as this is concerned...

Bottom line you are blinded by propaganda surrounding you and are being filled with hate on a daily basis by your media... and you believe... instead of looking around and seeing the increase in violence/murders/rapes you choose to bury your head in the head in the dirt.. which i certainly don't mind at all...
Never said they didn't do it but not in such a simplistic manner as your puny brain might imagine and mind you their were certain successes that were made (like soviets etc.) but in the long run we lost control of them and had to kill them...

The only success was for the USA (and NATO). The Afghans lost millions of their people and the destruction of their country and several generations have not seen any piece since then.


Pakistani generals made a ton of money and got some arms gifted. They also got money in the name of the Afghan refugees.

The Pakistani people have only got extremism as return for that folly.

False their was a similar sort of migration on both sides hindus towards india and muslims towards pakistan...

West Pakistan had 19% Hindu Sikhs before partition and less than 2-3% after partition. It has been decreasing ever since.

East Pakistan has seen a similar trend.

India had ~8-10% Muslims at the time of partition, it has grown to 14% even after accounting for partition migration.

If you see it as "similar", one can only wonder!

Never knew shias were grave worshippers, you my friend don't know jack shit about the subject you are supposedly talking about...

I was talking of the Barelvis. Many of their mosques have been destroyed as well while so many of you obsess about Babri, the symbol of Islamic intolerance.

You go to East Europe and you will see that they have destroyed all mosques that were built by destroying Churches there and rebuilt the Churches. There is no reason to sustain those ugly and hated symbols of fanaticism and bigotry.

BD was a mistake and i accept that but your supposition about indian soldiers is highly exaggerated, surrenders were made on both sides... if you can dig photos i can dig threads/videos, much shit shovelling can be done as far as this is concerned...



You are welcome to show anything similar.

Bottom line you are blinded by propaganda surrounding you and are being filled with hate on a daily basis by your media... and you believe... instead of looking around and seeing the increase in violence/murders/rapes you choose to bury your head in the head in the dirt.. which i certainly don't mind at all...

We will take care of our issues. The last thing we need is advice from Pakistan.

You mind your own business (and being the Islam ka qila, may be your Ummah in Syria, Lybya, Somalia), the ISIS, AQ, Taliban, Boko Haram, LEJ, LET, Al Shabab...

And no, we will not do to Indian Muslims what Pakistani Muslims did to their Hindus and Sikhs. There is a difference between our great Dharmic ideology and the fanaticism that has wiped out minorities and destyoyed ancient cultures and religions in Pakistan and for a thousand miles to its West.
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