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How China is desperate to Complete Pakistan’s Nuclear triad

International Business; hopefully a Graduate Trainee program in general management in the international arena would present itself ! :)

I never understood accounting. :(

Although I am pretty good with financial modelling, multi-variate analysis and probability and Logistic regressions. Marketing also seems pretty cool stuff to me.
I never understood accounting. :(

Although I am pretty good with financial modelling, multi-variate analysis and probability and Logistic regressions. Marketing also seems pretty cool stuff to me.

I never understood any of it ! :oops:
I think the nuclear plants that have been build or building are financed from China?
Pakistan has the fastest growing Nuclear Arms program in the whole world. After facilitating clandestine Nuclear Proliferation, China is at it again by enabling the third arm of Pakistan's Nuclear triad.

It doesn't take a genius to figure who it is all targeted against. And you ask why India should be bothered? Are you even for real?

Besides, when has the 'small' size of Pakistan ever stopped it from needling India? Do 1965 war or Kargil or even the terrorist attacks originating from established to be originating from Pakistan ring any bell?

Or are you one of those who think Mumbai 26/11 was an inside job just to malign the saintly Pakistan's image internationally?

Which Indian leader has ever shied away from talks and free trade with Pakistan? Even the so-called "most jingoistic" PM Modi invited your PM for his swearing-in ceremony along with all regional leaders. But it is not the talks and trade that Pakistan is really interested in, but "Kashmir". Obviously, the talks are bound to fail.

Now you can't turn around and say India is responsible for all the failed talks! Unless you implicitly expected India to oblige Pakistan by offering Kashmir on a platter as part of the talks.

BTW, China is India's biggest trading partner. So much so that China runs a huge surplus against India. Now that is trade despite all the obvious animosity between the 2 neighbors.

Do you even know who is holding back from facilitating the bilateral trade?
Hint: India granted Pakistan MFN status long ago while Pakistan is yet to reciprocate it.

FYI MFN status is one of the 'most basic' provision that a WTO member country is expected to extend to another!

Humbly put, 'talking about trade with India and not war' is rich coming from a Pakistani!
Our nuclear program is itching you while indian acquisitions of billions of dollars worth weaponry is just for peace aka arihant class submarine lol...

Why the peace talks should be held on indian terms?

Why no talks on occupation of Kashmir by 7 lac indian troops...
You talk about Gibraltar or kargil what stops your tongue talking aboyt 1971 ...hurting us with our hand tied ? It only proves that india will never back off from destroying Pakistan ...
Oh how do you forget 1985 ...capture of siachen which was the reason behind kargil blunder....once again ....

Lol indian army colonel is sitting in jail because he provides rdx to.indian terrorists....

What about India terrorism in Kashmir...?

Then proxy war in balochistan and northern areas plus Afghanistan...
Cross border violation..

Etc...list is long...

Pakistan has every right to get any capabilities she wants....
Not to forget indian development of k-4 n k-15 missile ...oh just for peace obviously

Read it. You can more then 1000 sites which are article written on it........ What else you want ? BTW AK Khan Nuclear black market was also non -extinct , US show the proof. All the material came from china / black market .


China May Have Helped Pakistan Nuclear Weapons Design, Newly Declassified Intelligence Indicates

Congressional Record, V. 146, Pt. 12, July 27, 2000 to September 13 2000 - Google Books

Who Created Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal? | Jamyang Norbu


China Supplied Weapon-Grade Uranium to Pakistan, Khan Asserts | Global Security Newswire | NTI

Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons Program - Development

India already did ... didn't you seen what's coming, your PLA already started crying about India ...

2 Nuke subs ...... lol , china still only have few nuke , they still to have large number of nuke subs . India already started the party BTW.

stay on topic..... check you T-84 proved superior then AK, myth broken of Chinese tank superiority.
Lol arjun tank will fly n tejas will lead star wars....

Dirst at least make them ready bit''''...

11/4/98: In an interview with Janes's Defense Weekly, Dr. A. Q. Kahn, the father of Pakistan's nuclear weapon, denied that China aided Pakistan in developing its nuclear weapons. He said, "I can tell you with full authority and very honestly that we have had no access to any Chinese data. If we produce a hamburger, the West will say that it has been copied by McDonald's." [Robert Karniol, Jane's Defense Weekly," 4 November 1998, p. 21-22]

this is enough to shut you up.

besides please do tell me how india "INVENTED" the nuclear bomb?

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