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9/11 : Then and now ( Photos )

Because like you choosing not to answer I can choose which theory has sound science - which you cant debunk which is also why you stick to these types ( a feel happy moment for you I guess)! Thank you for proving how much in denial you REALLY are!

As for your delusional "my side" - it ONLY includes scientific sound theories as I have already answered to 1 indian here few pages back....Kindly dont quote me with you BS trolling! I dont have the time to cure denial syndrome in America!
There are plenty of people who already debunked you. Those sources were brought on for you. It is not our fault you are too stupid to read and understand them. Too bad you are too gullible to believe the other side.
You can call that bureaucratic incompetence if you like, but that does not make the charge that NORAD ordered air defense to stand down in anticipation of the attack.

The real shill here is YOU, pal.

Shills are working for a gov. And you work for the US gov.

So many bureaucratic incompetence at once, from the secret service to the FAA to the Pentagon .... the chance to win multiple times in the lottery is bigger ... too bad I don't gamble. :lol:
Shills are working for a gov. And you work for the US gov.

So many bureaucratic incompetence at once, from the secret service to the FAA to the Pentagon .... the chance to win multiple times in the lottery is bigger ... too bad I don't gamble. :lol:
Yeah...You must be happy that there are governments very well efficient at exercising power. Sorry that the US is not that way for you. :lol:

Tell US: How would the German government could have handled this ?
Yeah...You must be happy that there are governments very well efficient at exercising power. Sorry that the US is not that way for you. :lol:

Tell US: How would the German government could have handled this ?

Excercising power by not showing up when sh*t hits the fan? Even Vietnam did better than that. :lol:

Subjunctive is the tense for a loser. :D
who already debunked you
not one has debunked the science....

When you can do that then quote me!

Until then kindly stop trolling!
Those sources were brought on for you. It is not our fault you are too stupid to read and understand them. Too bad you are too gullible to believe the other side.
Reported for typical personal insults as you cant debunk simple science!
So here are the flaws that the loony 9/11 conspiracy theories believers cannot handle...

Silverstein's use of the word 'pull' to mean detonate the explosives -- debunked. And not only that, these two ya-hoos did not even know it.

NORAD ordered an air defense stand down -- debunked. And the loony 9/11 conspiracy theories believers were ignorant of how domestic US airspace works.

The 9/11 hijackers could not fly because they were not licensed -- debunked. And the loony 9/11 conspiracy theories believers proved incapable of reasoning.
You didn't read the case did you?
BBC Foreknowledge of 9/11 Collapse of WTC Building Seven: British Man Won Law Suit against BBC for 9/11 Cover Up | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Horsham, UK, 2013 – Tony Rooke, in an act of civil disobedience, refused to pay the mandatory £130 TV license fee claiming it violates Section 15 of the Terrorism Act. Rooke’s accusation was aimed at the BBC who reported the collapse of WTC 7 over 20 minutes before it actually fell, and the judge accepted Rooke’s argument. While it was not a public inquiry into 9/11, the recognition of the BBC’s actions on September 11th are considered a small victory, one that was never reported in the US.

Today was an historic day for the 9/11 truth movement,” Peter Drew of AE911Truth UK told Digital Journal, “with over 100 members of the public attending, including numerous journalists from around the UK as well as from across other parts of Europe.”

Under Section 363 of the Communications Act, citizens of the UK are required to purchase an annual license in order to use a television receiver. Rooke refused to pay the license fee due to a section of the Terrorism Act that states:
It is an offence for someone to invite another to provide money, intending that it should be used, or having reasonable cause to suspect that it may be used, for terrorism purposes.

The fact that the BBC reported the collapse of WTC 7 twenty-three minutes before it actually fell indicates that the UK was aware of the attacks on 9/11 before they actually happened. The direct implication is that they were working with the “terrorists”, all arguments as to who the terrorists actually were aside.

Rooke had been given a six-month conditional discharge and told to pay £200 after admitting that he owned a television and watched it without a license. He represented himself at Horsham Magistrates’ Court in West Sussex.

Mr. Rooke puts the basis of his defence under Section 15 of the Terrorism Act, effectively asking the court to find the BBC is a terrorist organisation and that if he continues to pay them he himself is committing a criminal offence.” – District Judge Stephen Nicholls

In Rooke’s statement to the court:

I believe the BBC, who are directly funded by the licence fee, are furthering the purposes of terrorism and I have incontrovertible evidence to this effect. I do not use this word lightly given where I am.”

Although he was not allowed to show his video evidence in court due to the District Judge deeming it irrelevant to the trial, the fact that the BBC reported WTC 7’s collapse over 20 minutes beforehand proved to be evidence enough.

He also made reference to the theories behind the collapse of WTC 7 being a controlled demolition, as the evidence suggests. In an additional statement:

The BBC reported it 20 minutes before it fell. They knew about it beforehand. Last time I was here I asked you (the judge): ‘Were you aware of World Trade Centre 7?’ You said you had heard of it. Ten years later you should have more than heard of it. It’s the BBC’s job to inform the public. Especially of miracles of science and when laws of physics become suspended.

“They have made programmes making fools of and ridiculing those of us who believe in the laws of gravity. American reports have shown that the fall was nothing but a controlled demolition.

“I am not looking at who demolished it—that is impossible—but the BBC actively tried to hide this from the public.”

In response from Judge Nicholls:

Even if I accept the evidence you say, this court has no power to create a defence in the manner which you put forward.”

In light of the evidence the judge took into consideration, Rooke was given an unconditional discharge, which in British legal parlance means he “was convicted but he does not suffer the consequences of a conviction, and the conviction will be erased if he is not brought before the court for six months.” He was not required to pay the fee and non-payment fine either—only court costs of £200.


They told us to get out of there because they were
worried about 7 World Trade Center, which is right behind it,
coming down. We were up on the upper floors of the Verizon
building looking at it. You could just see the whole bottom
corner of the building was gone. We could look right out over
to where the Trade Centers were because we were that high up.
Looking over the smaller buildings. I just remember it was
tremendous, tremendous fires going on.

Finally they pulled us out. They said all right,
get out of that building because that 7, they were really
worried about. They pulled us out of there and then they
regrouped everybody on Vesey Street, between the water and
West Street. They put everybody back in there

Finally it did come down. From there - this is much
later on in the day, because every day we were
Don't know much.
Lets just forget about Reports as you americans are not good in Lying.. I will recommend you to just just just "just" search "9/11 inside job" on google image. and see different perspectives presented by different peoples.
I can only laught at the ignorance of the shills by throwing the word conspiracy at everyone who don't share their views without even knowing the meaning of the word. :lol:

To bad that even the "official" version is not more than explaining a conspiracy, namely a bunch of Arabs with below par flying skills who were remote controlled by an old man who hangs on a dialysis apparatus somewhere in the mountains of Afghanistan managed to outwit the most sophisticated and expensive military-intelligence apparatus in the world by flying huge and complicated planes in an acrobatic manner into three buildings but brought down a fourth highrise without even touching it. Fairy tale or banana republic? :D
The question will always remain , as to how 3 building came down when two were hit.

This can only be settled full by fully recreating the scenario , with exact materials used in the building , exact impact and resulting fire.

Shouting louder than the other will not cut it
Right here, kid...

did you even read that? it only talks about the why not the how! none of it is debunking the scientific flaws that I pointed out!

Some of the "proof" from the website is quoting other tabloids/ forums and stuff like that...None quoting scientist...I wonder if your reporters are those millions of scientists you were claiming ....

Oh lets not forget your website is quoting the commission and bureaucrats not scientists! :tup:

Good to know your tabloids are scientific enough for you :agree:

The question will always remain , as to how 3 building came down when two were hit.

This can only be settled full by fully recreating the scenario , with exact materials used in the building , exact impact and resulting fire.

Shouting louder than the other will not cut it
or by putting "scientists" of both sides of the theories on debate to debunk it right there in open public rather than from behind screens and media or govt offices!
The question will always remain , as to how 3 building came down when two were hit.
Because WTC 7 was damaged by debris from the main towers, plus WTC 7 caught on fire.

Historical Survey of Multistory Building Collapses Due to Fire | Structural Fire Resistance content from Fire Protection Engineering
A fire-initiated full collapse of a textile factory occurred in Alexandria, Egypt, on July 19, 2000.6This 6-story building was built of reinforced concrete, and its fire started at about 9 a.m. in the storage room at the ground floor. Fire extinguishers were nonfunctional, and the fire spread quickly before the firefighters could arrive. An electrical short-circuit accelerated the fire spread. At about 6 p.m., nine hours after the start of the fire, when the blaze seemingly was under control and subsiding, the building suddenly collapsed, killing 27 people.
No aircraft hit this 6-story building.

This can only be settled full by fully recreating the scenario , with exact materials used in the building , exact impact and resulting fire.
Surely the ME powers have plenty of money to do this.

Shouting louder than the other will not cut it
But it is so fun to make the loony 9/11 conspiracy theories believers look stupid.


Do not forget that the professionals on this website...

Fire Protection Engineering | Home

...Who produced this report that mentioned the WTC Towers on Sept 11, 2001...

Historical Survey of Multistory Building Collapses Due to Fire | Structural Fire Resistance content from Fire Protection Engineering

...Are in on the conspiracy to stand down NORAD to allow Mossad agents to plant beacons on the towers so that hijacked airliners and orbital ray gun (Dr. Judy Wood) can destroy those towers.

In short, the US goobermint paid off and threatened millions of people around the world to keep quiet but somehow missed these people who exposed the 9/11 plans.

If it make no sense of logic to you, then you are a goobermint shill.

or by putting "scientists" of both sides of the theories on debate to debunk it right there in open public rather than from behind screens and media or govt offices!
Clue for you, pal...

The US government put its report to the public. There is the non-technical report and the NIST technical report. Professionals all over the world can have copies of those docs and many of them do. In a way, putting things into the public realm and let people critique them -- is public debate. Millions of professionals agreed with the US reports, especially the NIST. Of course, not everyone will agree and they have their own versions, including the one that have orbital ray gun, in the public realm.

You are being petulant and childish just because you are outnumbered.
Clue for you, pal...

The US government put its report to the public. There is the non-technical report and the NIST technical report. Professionals all over the world can have copies of those docs and many of them do. In a way, putting things into the public realm and let people critique them -- is public debate. Millions of professionals agreed with the US reports, especially the NIST. Of course, not everyone will agree and they have their own versions, including the one that have orbital ray gun, in the public realm.

You are being petulant and childish just because you are outnumbered.
and they do have copies that is how people managed to question it :pop:

Go waste someone else's time
and they do have copies that is how people managed to question it :pop:

Go waste someone else's time
The one who have been wasting time -- and forum bandwidth -- is YOU.

Your comment shows the lack of critical thinking. You complained that there should be scientists to debate this. When scientists debate, they usually do not do it live but in print. They debate by methodically analyzed each other's position and offers counterpoints in print for all to see. That is part of the review process. That is how scientific papers publishes and degrees earned. The 9/11 Commission Report and the NIST report are in the same vein.

You complained for nothing and am wiling to bet you did not even know those docs by their proper names.
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