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Karzai: Afghan people will not give up their rights on Durand Line


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Karzai: Afghan people will not give up their rights on Durand Line
admin September 8, 2015 In Latest Updates, Nation
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The former Afghan President Hamid Karzai said the Pakistani military has repeatedly forced Afghanistan to recognize Durand Line as the formal border line between the two countries.

Speaking during a one-day seminar organized on the issue of Durand Line, Karzai insisted that the people of Afghanistan

remains committed regarding their rights and will not make any compromise to recognize the Durand Line as the formal border line.

He said the Afghan nation will never compromise with their rights and called on Pakistan to allow the nations live in a peaceful environment.

Karzai also expressed concerns regarding persisting efforts to keep the residents along the Durand Line away by limiting their access to education.

The porous Durand Line has also been a source of tension between Afghanistan and Pakistan where numeous cross-border attacks have been carried out.

The cross-border incursions involving the Pakistani military escalated last year in eastern provinces of Afghanistan, particularly the eastern Kunar and Nuristan.

The shelling which started earlier last year continued for several months and sporadic shelling and clash still taking place occassionally.

At least three Pakistani soldiers and eight members of the Afghan border police lost their lives in the latest clash along the Durand Line late last month.

The Pakistani ambassador in Kabul Syed Abrar Hussain was summoned in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan (MoFA) shortly after the incident where a strong protest was lodged regarding the provocative moves by the Pakistani military.

The Pakistani envoy was also summoned by the Ministry of Foreign Affiars in July to protest against border violation and cross-border shelling. (KP)

Karzai wants India to be part of Taliban talks

Karzai: Afghan people will not give up their rights on Durand Line - Afghanistan TimesAfghanistan Times


He's not in the game anymore, but his former Northern-Alliance cronies still are. Not to mention he probably also has connections with most of the big drug traffickers in the country who have their own connections in the government. This guy can't be ignored.
He is Right,, I have also heard that Pakhtunkhwa province is full of Afghan peoples who want to join Afghanistan as their nation,, is it right?? And If yes then its a serious issue,, Pakistan should solve this issue asap.

You have heard ay? I live in that area but I never heard from anyone joining Afghanistan, though we marry accross the border that doesn't mean we consider Afghanistan our Country, we have been fighting for Pakistan since the day the British tried to invade it. Everyone knows that how much a Pakhtun loves his Pakhtunwali, but we love Pakistan more than our Pakhtunwali, it doesn't matter if our Government or our Military realizes it or not, we are Pakistan and Pakistan is ours.
Don't underestimate Karzai, he's a master politician.

The NUG is so deadlocked they have not been able to appoint a cabinet in almost 1 year.

If the NUG falters which can happen if there is a major event -- Karzai is the only Politicians that all Afghans will look to as a unifier -- remember Ghani and Abdullah got less than 50% of the mandate each.

Karzai is on everyone's radar -- even Pakistani officials have credited him with the scrapping of the ISI/NDS MoU and some of the recent issues.
He is Right,, I have also heard that Pakhtunkhwa province is full of Afghan peoples who want to join Afghanistan as their nation,, is it right?? And If yes then its a serious issue,, pakistan should solve this issue asap.

So you don't have a clue about that area but first sentence you write is "he is right!". Wow...just wow!
Karzai: Afghan people will not give up their rights on Durand Line
admin September 8, 2015 In Latest Updates, Nation
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The former Afghan President Hamid Karzai said the Pakistani military has repeatedly forced Afghanistan to recognize Durand Line as the formal border line between the two countries.

Speaking during a one-day seminar organized on the issue of Durand Line, Karzai insisted that the people of Afghanistan

remains committed regarding their rights and will not make any compromise to recognize the Durand Line as the formal border line.

He said the Afghan nation will never compromise with their rights and called on Pakistan to allow the nations live in a peaceful environment.

Karzai also expressed concerns regarding persisting efforts to keep the residents along the Durand Line away by limiting their access to education.

The porous Durand Line has also been a source of tension between Afghanistan and Pakistan where numeous cross-border attacks have been carried out.

The cross-border incursions involving the Pakistani military escalated last year in eastern provinces of Afghanistan, particularly the eastern Kunar and Nuristan.

The shelling which started earlier last year continued for several months and sporadic shelling and clash still taking place occassionally.

At least three Pakistani soldiers and eight members of the Afghan border police lost their lives in the latest clash along the Durand Line late last month.

The Pakistani ambassador in Kabul Syed Abrar Hussain was summoned in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan (MoFA) shortly after the incident where a strong protest was lodged regarding the provocative moves by the Pakistani military.

The Pakistani envoy was also summoned by the Ministry of Foreign Affiars in July to protest against border violation and cross-border shelling. (KP)

Karzai wants India to be part of Taliban talks

Karzai: Afghan people will not give up their rights on Durand Line - Afghanistan TimesAfghanistan Times

Who is this Karzai BTw ? never heard of this guy. Next
He is just one of the ****le on the list from a bunch of cowards implanted by the US, Mossad and Indians intelligence. Whenever he gets a fresh payment he barks against Pakistan. Believe me Afghani People hates him more than they hated Russia. He has no respect in his own Country, and whatever he says he thinks that self claimed General dostum will back him if he ever gets into any kind of trouble. Lets see for how long these two will live to serve their third Country's masters.
Karzai: Afghan people will not give up their rights on Durand Line
admin September 8, 2015 In Latest Updates, Nation
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The former Afghan President Hamid Karzai said the Pakistani military has repeatedly forced Afghanistan to recognize Durand Line as the formal border line between the two countries.

Speaking during a one-day seminar organized on the issue of Durand Line, Karzai insisted that the people of Afghanistan

remains committed regarding their rights and will not make any compromise to recognize the Durand Line as the formal border line.

He said the Afghan nation will never compromise with their rights and called on Pakistan to allow the nations live in a peaceful environment.

Karzai also expressed concerns regarding persisting efforts to keep the residents along the Durand Line away by limiting their access to education.

The porous Durand Line has also been a source of tension between Afghanistan and Pakistan where numeous cross-border attacks have been carried out.

The cross-border incursions involving the Pakistani military escalated last year in eastern provinces of Afghanistan, particularly the eastern Kunar and Nuristan.

The shelling which started earlier last year continued for several months and sporadic shelling and clash still taking place occassionally.

At least three Pakistani soldiers and eight members of the Afghan border police lost their lives in the latest clash along the Durand Line late last month.

The Pakistani ambassador in Kabul Syed Abrar Hussain was summoned in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan (MoFA) shortly after the incident where a strong protest was lodged regarding the provocative moves by the Pakistani military.

The Pakistani envoy was also summoned by the Ministry of Foreign Affiars in July to protest against border violation and cross-border shelling. (KP)

Karzai wants India to be part of Taliban talks

Karzai: Afghan people will not give up their rights on Durand Line - Afghanistan TimesAfghanistan Times
Spot on. Way to go Karzai! The more Paks try to sweep the issue under the rug the more it needs to be hilited. Next step UNSC?

He should stop grovelling, at this rate our pakhtuns will make sure the durand line is extended all the way to kabul
Tall talk
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