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China hails India’s presence at World War II events

I am not responsible for your lack of education and knowledge.

The whole world know that India asked for independence from a weakened Britain after WWII. U.S. Said that Britain cannot hold on to India any more. These two events caused Britain to give up India.

In any case, India didn't win independence through battlefields.
The whole world know that India asked for independence from a weakened Britain after WWII. U.S. Said that Britain cannot hold on to India any more. These two events caused Britain to give up India.

In any case, India didn't win independence through battlefields.
It is good that India didnt send a more meaningful delegation to the fake parade of a war china never won, but merely "survived."
And why did you post a reply to Rain Man ? Who are you - pdf's speech police ?
I want to see a good debate on this forum as per forum rules, I don't need to be, as you put it, "pdf's speech police" to request a meaningful debate instead of trashing thread after thread with unhelpful one-liners. Am I being unreasonable to request this for a healthy debate we can all learn from?
It is good that India didnt send a more meaningful delegation to the fake parade of a war china never won, but merely "survived."
LOL then why did Japan surrender to China? Why were Japanese-conquered lands all annexed by China?

The whole world know that India asked for independence from a weakened Britain after WWII. U.S. Said that Britain cannot hold on to India any more. These two events caused Britain to give up India.

In any case, India didn't win independence through battlefields.
Hindus supported Facism while Muslims were anti-Facist. Hindustan should not have attended our victory parade.
How do I reply to trolls is my prerogative, deal with it.
I am dealing with it. You're only making yourself be defeated by that "troll" if you cannot challenge him/her to an intellectual debate. Is it really too much to ask?
LOL then why did Japan surrender to China? Why were Japanese-conquered lands all annexed by China?

Hindus supported Facism while Muslims were anti-Facist. Hindustan should not have attended our victory parade.
Japan surrendered to the ROC because America wanted it it to surrender. The free nations of Manchukuo and Mengjiang
were annexed by china because china is a fascist state.

The only fascists I know are the evil CCP.
How do I reply to trolls is my prerogative, deal with it.
I am dealing with it. You're only making yourself be defeated by that "troll" if you cannot challenge him/her to an intellectual debate. Is it really too much to ask?
Intelligent debate can happen with intelligent people, not with trolls. And I know very well who qualifies for an intelligent debate here, you are a 'New recruit', first know the members here and then talk. For the time being stop quoting me.
It doesn't take an Einstein to see what is transpiring in the threads. Just because I'm new here doesn't mean I cannot help notice the rampant one-liners, trolls and troll baiting. If you cannot participate meaningfully, don't bother posting because your posts in this thread at least were unhelpful. I've been forum'ing for well over 18 years, kindly don't mock me. I've been reasonable with you.
I decide how should I deal with trolls and persons suffering from OCD, and I asked you NOT TO QUOTE ME ANYMORE ON THIS.
Resorting to shouting at me now? Wow. Why be arrogant about it all? You been nothing but stubborn in your responses all along when I have done nothing but be reasonable with you. We all have to respect forum rules, there can be no exceptions.

I decide how should I deal with trolls and persons suffering from OCD, and I asked you NOT TO QUOTE ME ANYMORE ON THIS.
He's an older member than you. Just because you managed to churn out more bull has ZERO impact on whether you are a better poster or not. Most of the time you are a crappy troll yourself. And your replies arent worth the salt you give them.
He's an older member than you. Just because you managed to churn out more bull has ZERO impact on whether you are a better poster or not. Most of the time you are a crappy troll yourself. And your replies arent worth the salt you give them.

Thanks for the feedback. But how should I reply to a member like Luca1 (aka faithfulguy) is still my prerogative, if the concerned member or anyone else doesn't like it, then the person is free to report that post or take up the matter with moderators or admins, or in GHQ, but that person cannot repeatedly try to dictate me how should I respond to a particular member.

Btw, I still consider that trying to reason with @Luca1 is futile, because logical discussion is not his objective in threads related to India. Most likely you also know that.
Correct if I'm wrong but I tried to find this indirect reference, which you highlighted, in the Chinese media but it was nowhere to be found except in Indian media.

Interestingly, it's been mentioned in Chinese media that only "true friends" made their presence well known in the parade. India is not mentioned anywhere. Unless I didn't look into it properly, perhaps you can enlighten us from the Chinese media about India?

You know exactly what Luca is talking about so try to reply meaningfully please.

When this troll cannot counter a fact, he resort to personal attacks.

LOL then why did Japan surrender to China? Why were Japanese-conquered lands all annexed by China?

Hindus supported Facism while Muslims were anti-Facist. Hindustan should not have attended our victory parade.

So the Hindu sided with German and Japan? If that is the case, I'm happy that India was under the British rule. India was doing better under British anyway.

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