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China hails India’s presence at World War II events

:azn: LOL at the Indian shocked to realize the truth they have been a conquered people for 1000 years and their language Sanskirt was replaced by the conqueror's tongue, except bastardized. That's what you get with central asian conquerors and Hindu females.
You use a historical genocide as an opportunity to attack another country. The fact is that Indians today still live under the British influence. The only way to rectify this past imperialism is for India to revert back to the political units before British arrival.

First of all read some materials from free media. You are still under the influence of your reducation camp training. Even in British Era, We had more freedom than what you guys are enjoying today. First tell your government to deban You tube and many other social media site and free the education else your people will remain moron like you.

In 1949 ccp fascists stole china from chinese people

In 1950 the ccp fascists brutally invaded the peaceful koreans trying to defend themselves from communist aggression

From 1950 the ccp nazis brutally and mercilessly invaded and genocided the free tibetans.

In 1962 the evil ccp invaded india due to the chinese lust for land.

In 1969 the ccp fascists backstabbed and invaded the ussr in a classic example of betrayal

In 1979 the ccp nazis brutally invaded the vietnamese, who kicked their ***, in an attempt to support the genocidal Khmer Rouge.

In 1989 the ccp nazis gunned down their own people in tianenmen square

Now in present day the fascists are taking islands belonging to vietnam and the philippines while claiming japanese islands.

Does this sufficiently answer your question?
Fascinating read and I'm sure there are 2 sides to the coin. Nevertheless, it's minuscule in comparison to YouKnowWho. :partay:
Fascinating read and I'm sure there are 2 sides to the coin. Nevertheless, it's minuscule in comparison to YouKnowWho. :partay:

China's CCP is definitely oppressive. The people definitely has no freedom. But we expect that from a communist dictatorship. And we also expect democracy to provide more for its people. Otherwise, it's a failed democracy. By all accounts, India is a failed democracy. Maybe what India needs is a strong dictatorship as democracy certainly have failed miserably there.
@Ankit Kumar 001, your post is violation of PDF's policy and is reported. Instead of commenting on opinion, you have commented on the user which is against the policy. Hope you'll learn and not repeat it.

On Topic,

This is what you call a bigger country in the region and China has shown maturity instead of sentiments. India needs to learn the same.

lol Japan is a important country for India and that's the only reason why India has not sent its marching contingent. If there were no anti Japanese overtones India would have sent its troops.

Nothing much to learn here we just conveyed our intentions to China which was appreciated and also didn't want to send a wrong signal to Japan.

We balanced the relationship.
We fought for our independence. We got some French help but did most of fighting. We did not beg the British to grant us freedom. Real men earn their freedom, not beg for it.

Lol if you think we begged for freedom then you double begged them.
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