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What Pisses Me Off About The European Migrant Crisis

It is ok. See the second picture in this article: 10 moving photos of Europe's migrant crisis - BBC News

Picture say's thousand words.

The gentleman from Africa will get all the help he will need. Just not from the gentlemen of Europe. But from the European ladies.

Don't worry the European ladies will take care of the African refugee. He is safe. Maybe he will be next Henry Thierry?


The Jews have taken over control of Europes entire financial system. The Jews have total domination of over all Western governments. To be fair the reason why the West invades Middle East is not just oil. It is to do the dirty work for Isreal. They have control over the media and manipulate public opinion against Muslims.

The other group is Africans. In America in Europe most of the murders and mugging is done by them. The African's take their women as well and what do these foolish European men do? They come and bi*tching and complaining about the Muslims.

And the best demonstration of this is Iran. I have yet to hear one terrorist from Iran but the media's favourite punching bag is Iran followed by Pakistan. Go to London or Paris an see who has turned those cities into "gangster hoods".

Trust me in their so called "free countries" there are two words they cannot complain about. Jews and blacks. Both are holy and it would blasphemy to say anything critical.
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Hey @flamer84 I apppreciate you dont't want these Syrian Muslim refugees. With their differant culture and everything.


But I am sure you will love to have Indian's because they are NOT muslims. First of Indian's are amongst the top immigrants in numbers to Europe. In UK the biggest immigrant population is Indians. Here have a look at statistics of immigrants to UK.


Immigration statistics, April to June 2014 - GOV.UK

So will you be pleased with 53,000 Indian settled in just one year in European country ? I can see you don't want those Muslim Syrian's but you will love these Indian Hindu's? There is 1,270 million of them so don't feel bad as there is plenty more starving back in India. Like these Indians below in Europe?


Maybe France wants them? Muslims bad. Indians good?


In London, UK. Hey Flamer do you want these guy's. I swear they are NOT Muslims. They just sweet Indians.


@Daneshmand Do please observe what is happening here. I discussed this point before how the Indian's play the field. I am not Syrian but trust me if I was there I would or you would get thrown in the same camp these Syrians. They would not ask are you Shia or Sunni, Pakistani, Afghan or Iranian.This is why we need some sort of unity against this. These people divide and destroy us. When will we learn?

You know what is sad. These neo colonists come to our region. Milch it for the oil and resources. Place puppet governments. Set up military bases everywhere to keep their puppets in power who do their bidding. The plant European settlers in Palestine., They invade country after country when who the f*ck asked them? Did any Muslim country in the last hundred years freakin invade Europe. When the hell was Paris bombed by fighters, when was Rome plastered with missiles, when was Romania invaded by some Mulim armies in mass tank formations?

Then when the suffering broken peoples from the countries bestroyed by their unwelcome, unasked for interventions go to Europe look what freakin happens? It is tragedy. I saw that little baby bboy's picture on the beach like a rag doll and then I thought of my little girls ....

There is no word for this. This region has to tell these people to leave it alone. Throw down these puppet governments and unite against this modern imperialism.
So you are a closet racist. Good to know.

Lol at puzzies medias playing the emotional card. I give (and most of us) a shit about babies on beach or crying/dying migrants,we have enough problem at home and should help those in need in our country or Europe. You should guys read the comments on French forums or on leparisien,lemonde, etc. Most of us give a damn about them. Thats said. And so unfair to see some puzzies ready to welcome so called refugees in their houses,but nada about our homeless. There are the regional elections in December,and we are ready to @ssrape the socialists. Luckily they are a dying specy,cuz people open their eyes.
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So you are a closet racist. Good to know.
Then you are seriously wrong ?
That people can't be racist as they lacks the most precious thing , Intelligence.
They can only whine that they are on the bottom of social structure & say look we are first from bottom.
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Lol at puzzies medias playing the emotional card. I give (and most of us) a shit about babies on beach or crying/dying migrants,we have enough problem at home and should help those in need in our country or Europe. You should guys read the comments on French forums or on leparisien,lemonde, etc. Most of us give a damn about them. Thats said. And so unfair to see some puzzies ready to welcome so called refugees in their houses,but nada about our homeless. There are the regional elections in December,and we are ready to @ssrape the socialists. Luckily they are a dying specy,cuz people open their eyes.

Saw an old man at the market a couple of days ago with a WW2 medal on his shirt.He was barely counting pennies to buy a bread....now that moved me to tears.Leftist propaganda leaves me cold.
The Jews have taken over control of Europes entire financial system.
As is evident from / proven by?

The Jews have total domination of over all Western governments.
As is evident from / proven by?

Isreal. They have control over the [Western] media and manipulate public opinion against Muslims.
As is evident from / proven by?
{hint: Forbes e.g. was recently bought by a group of Chinese investors....}

The other group is Africans. In America in Europe most of the murders and mugging is done by them. The African's take their women as well and what do these foolish European men do? They come and bi*tching and complaining about the Muslims.
Yes we have such problems in Europe with murders....

Murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants in 2012
Lightest blue 0–1
>20 Darkest blue
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Intentional homicide caused the deaths of almost half a million people (437,000) across the world in 2012. More than a third of those (36 per cent) occurred in the Americas, 31 per cent in Africa and 28 per cent in Asia, while Europe (5 per cent) and Oceania (0.3 per cent) accounted for the lowest shares of homicide at the regional level.
The global average homicide rate stands at 6.2 per 100,000 population, but Southern Africa and Central America have rates over four times higher than that (above 24 victims per 100,000 population), making them the sub-regions with the highest homicide rates on record, followed by South America, Middle Africa and the Caribbean (between 16 and 23 homicides per 100,000 population). Meanwhile, with rates some five times lower than the global average, Eastern Asia, Southern Europe and Western Europe are the subregions with the lowest homicide levels.

In EU murders occurs typically in the relational sphere (30%) or organized crime sphere (30%), neither of which are dominated by Africans or even North-Africans.

There were 137 murders in the Netherlands last year, the lowest total since 1992. Gangland killings accounted for 24 murders or 17% of the total. Thirteen of the gangland killings took place in Amsterdam, out of a total of 23 murders in the Dutch capital. Five people were killed in armed robberies last year, of whom three were elderly.
Dutch murder rate drops to a 22-year low - DutchNews.nl
There is a organized crime war ongoing in Amsterdam, with many high profile liquidations, which skews the statistics. These involve Moroccan drug lords.
Lol at puzzies medias playing the emotional card. I give (and most of us) a shit about babies on beach or crying/dying migrants,we have enough problem at home and should help those in need in our country or Europe. You should guys read the comments on French forums or on leparisien,lemonde, etc. Most of us give a damn about them. Thats said. And so unfair to see some puzzies ready to welcome so called refugees in their houses,but nada about our homeless. There are the regional elections in December,and we are ready to @ssrape the socialists. Luckily they are a dying specy,cuz people open their eyes.

West can do itself the favor by not setting the middle east on fire. That way, no refugees. What do you think?
What's with women, women and women? Muslim perverts seem to be obsessed with women wherever they go. In the middle east, they forcefully capture innocent women and rape. In the UK, Pakistanis have a reputation for raping underage girls. Perhaps, a tradition that comes from the "perfect human being"? This is kind of culture that comes from muslims.
Everybody wants out of the EU during these times.The EU should have been a pan European solidarity block but now it looks like a liberal agenda to actually destroy Europeans.I've seen people who were pro EU (including me) changing their minds in the last couple of months.

Yup that seem to be the case.

Hey @flamer84 I apppreciate you dont't want these Syrian Muslim refugees. With their differant culture and everything.


But I am sure you will love to have Indian's because they are NOT muslims. First of Indian's are amongst the top immigrants in numbers to Europe. In UK the biggest immigrant population is Indians. Here have a look at statistics of immigrants to UK.


Immigration statistics, April to June 2014 - GOV.UK

So will you be pleased with 53,000 Indian settled in just one year in European country ? I can see you don't want those Muslim Syrian's but you will love these Indian Hindu's? There is 1,270 million of them so don't feel bad as there is plenty more starving back in India. Like these Indians below in Europe?


Maybe France wants them? Muslims bad. Indians good?


In London, UK. Hey Flamer do you want these guy's. I swear they are NOT Muslims. They just sweet Indians.


@Daneshmand Do please observe what is happening here. I discussed this point before how the Indian's play the field. I am not Syrian but trust me if I was there I would or you would get thrown in the same camp these Syrians. They would not ask are you Shia or Sunni, Pakistani, Afghan or Iranian.This is why we need some sort of unity against this. These people divide and destroy us. When will we learn?

You know what is sad. These neo colonists come to our region. Milch it for the oil and resources. Place puppet governments. Set up military bases everywhere to keep their puppets in power who do their bidding. The plant European settlers in Palestine., They invade country after country when who the f*ck asked them? Did any Muslim country in the last hundred years freakin invade Europe. When the hell was Paris bombed by fighters, when was Rome plastered with missiles, when was Romania invaded by some Mulim armies in mass tank formations?

Then when the suffering broken peoples from the countries bestroyed by their unwelcome, unasked for interventions go to Europe look what freakin happens? It is tragedy. I saw that little baby bboy's picture on the beach like a rag doll and then I thought of my little girls ....

There is no word for this. This region has to tell these people to leave it alone. Throw down these puppet governments and unite against this modern imperialism.

Why quote me in this post? :what:
Almost everyone in Iraq wanted to get ride of Saddam,and Iranians were very happy by its fall. (Dont fcking tell me the opposite) Funny to see some Iranian almost supporting him even if he butchered many of them lol.

I agree with you Iranians even supplied america with intelligence to overthrow Saddam
On topic
Europeans seem to be missing Saddam & gahdafii now
Lol at puzzies medias playing the emotional card. I give (and most of us) a shit about babies on beach or crying/dying migrants,we have enough problem at home and should help those in need in our country or Europe. You should guys read the comments on French forums or on leparisien,lemonde, etc. Most of us give a damn about them. Thats said. And so unfair to see some puzzies ready to welcome so called refugees in their houses,but nada about our homeless. There are the regional elections in December,and we are ready to @ssrape the socialists. Luckily they are a dying specy,cuz people open their eyes.

No body asked for your help. No body needs your help. You are just a disgruntled individual.

There are many and many Europeans ladies who will shelter these migrants and share their lives with them. Specially the feminists who are the greatest flag bearers of humanity in modern times. These brave ladies will get what they want, with you or without you beside them. You have become redundant to them. An appendage of sorts, totally discardable and disposable.

As a professional analyst and policymaker in government, I think I very well know what ISIS is. I used the Wiki because it is available. I did not present that as truth. It is well documented with source references, however (much better than any claim you've made)

The only person blaming anybody here is you. I merely asked 'and how have we all taken our individual responsibilty in the context of this humanitarian tragedy'. Apparently, that is offensive to you. Which may be one of the reasons why you turn to blaming and attack in the first place. Blaming me, or France or the US solves nothing.

Improve the world, start with yourself.

Ah, so typical.

Appeal to authority and appeal to emotionalism. So much so for your logic.

We are discussing policy here. We are discussing the social movement here. We are not discussing an individual, whether you, me or a racist bigot here or a black migrant who was just washed ashore on a raft on an Italian beach 3 hours ago, surrounded by Italian ladies rushing to help him.

We were discussing the big picture. I did not bring an individual into this. The mere act that you have started to use such childish logical fallacies, means only that you are not interested in a logical debate.

And if you are really a "government planner" then no wonder Europe is creating such a mess for itself. Because, its planners have become incompetent. They kill the only employer on African continent who used to provide good paying jobs to African migrants. They destroy the only country that used to provide a relatively good standard of living to African migrants on African continent. They support "moderate" rebels in Syria to bring down a secular government and replace it with "moderate" Wahabis. And then they call themselves government planners who know "everything".

You don't know crap. If you knew you would have elaborated on the ideological underpinnings of ISIS/Boko and where they come from. And you would have seen your own hands deep in creating these monsters and enabling their ideological foundations.
No body asked for your help. No body needs your help. You are just a disgruntled individual.

There are many and many Europeans ladies who will shelter these migrants and share their lives with them. Specially the feminists who are the greatest flag bearers of humanity in modern times. These brave ladies will get what they want, with you or without you beside them. You have become redundant to them. An appendage of sorts, totally discardable and disposable.

Ah, so typical.

Appeal to authority and appeal to emotionalism. So much so for your logic.

We are discussing policy here. We are discussing the social movement here. We are not discussing an individual, whether you, me or a racist bigot here or a black migrant who was just washed ashore on a raft on an Italian beach 3 hours ago, surrounded by Italian ladies rushing to help him.

We were discussing the big picture. I did not bring an individual into this. The mere act that you have started to use such childish logical fallacies, means only that you are not interested in a logical debate.

And if you are really a "government planner" then no wonder Europe is creating such a mess for itself. Because, its planners have become incompetent. They kill the only employer on African continent who used to provide good paying jobs to African migrants. They destroy the only country that used to provide a relatively good standard of living to African migrants on African continent. They support "moderate" rebels in Syria to bring down a secular government and replace it with "moderate" Wahabis. And then they call themselves government planners who know "everything".

You don't know crap. If you knew you would have elaborated on the ideological underpinnings of ISIS/Boko and where they come from. And you would have seen your own hands deep in creating these monsters and enabling their ideological foundations.

Dont quote me ever Mullah boy. If u are in need of action (which is understandable when we hit puberty) you can find nice persian girls that would be glad to offer their services in exchange of some miney.
Dont quote me ever Mullah boy. If u are in need of action (which is understandable when we hit puberty) you can find nice persian girls that would be glad to offer their services in exchange of some miney.

Your anger is understandable.

You are a racist Islamophobe. But no worries.

European governments just opened the gates to let in millions of migrants who in a few years time will get European citizenship and will have the same rights as you do now (with alot more sympathy from European ladies): Migrant Crisis : Refugees start arriving in Germany after Hungary ordeal
No body asked for your help. No body needs your help. You are just a disgruntled individual.

There are many and many Europeans ladies who will shelter these migrants and share their lives with them. Specially the feminists who are the greatest flag bearers of humanity in modern times. These brave ladies will get what they want, with you or without you beside them. You have become redundant to them. An appendage of sorts, totally discardable and disposable.

Ah, so typical.

Appeal to authority and appeal to emotionalism. So much so for your logic.

We are discussing policy here. We are discussing the social movement here. We are not discussing an individual, whether you, me or a racist bigot here or a black migrant who was just washed ashore on a raft on an Italian beach 3 hours ago, surrounded by Italian ladies rushing to help him.

We were discussing the big picture. I did not bring an individual into this. The mere act that you have started to use such childish logical fallacies, means only that you are not interested in a logical debate.

And if you are really a "government planner" then no wonder Europe is creating such a mess for itself. Because, its planners have become incompetent. They kill the only employer on African continent who used to provide good paying jobs to African migrants. They destroy the only country that used to provide a relatively good standard of living to African migrants on African continent. They support "moderate" rebels in Syria to bring down a secular government and replace it with "moderate" Wahabis. And then they call themselves government planners who know "everything".

You don't know crap. If you knew you would have elaborated on the ideological underpinnings of ISIS/Boko and where they come from. And you would have seen your own hands deep in creating these monsters and enabling their ideological foundations.
What 'we', there is only 'you'! You are neither discussing policy nor a social movment. You are merely venting your opinion, and you voice it in the form of blaming (hardly a viable or constructive policy option). You trouble is verbal diarrhea, as it evident from the latter part of your post.
What 'we', there is only 'you'! You are neither discussing policy nor a social movment. You are merely venting your opinion, and you voice it in the form of blaming (hardly a viable or constructive policy option). You trouble is verbal diarrhea, as it evident from the latter part of your post.

As expected. No logical rational argument. Only personal attack.

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