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Thats why i still not blamed India BECAUSE THIS BS created by OUR LEADERS!

I've to partly agree with you. IMF provides funding/loan for development projects with strings and conditions attached. Incase of WAPDA, IMF asked to increase the consumer unit cost. The Govt. increased the unit cost but the money went into their pockets. Half of the Turbins at Tarbaila damn are shut because they needs maintenance and maintenance requires funding, which our govt. can't supply.

Warsak damn is outdated and can fall anytime but Tarbaila damn alone is sufficient enough to meet the electricity requirement for all Pakistan, if properly maintained. But unfortunately theres not maintenance of any our damns and that's a pity.
AstanoshKhan..you call it outdated, dams are never outdated they need maintenance and up-gradations and govt hasn't done that for a long time and its overdue.

Lastly India violated Indus treaty. Case Closed now ya all can gang-up on me lol it wont hurt me a bit.
Let me tel you another story of our SUPER DUPER LEADERS!

few days back i met with my cousin who is working in some Forign firm. I dont remember that firm name but its plant btw Wazirstan. Guess what my cousin told me he said this all BS of our govt (Electric City, Water and GAS Issue) and our Media is the most big enemy of our country he said we already and our "extract natural gas" of per month etc cubic. I just asked him a question that your extract natural gas is enough for Islamabad ? He said man our only (our) Gas extraction is enough for WHOLE NWFP not only for Islamabad. He said We are not export anything without Govt approval and our all GAS directly send to SUI GAS. I asked him we have soo much GAS shotrage blaa blaa issues with GAS . He said this is another BS of GOVP SUI GAS Dept of Govt have very old infruastructure (30 years old Structure) and from last 30 years not a single time update. He said 30 40 years old GAS infrastructure is not enough or good for 2010 and for our current POPULATION. SUI GAS pipelines are very old we are not even not we all forigen companies gas plant not able to send fulll gas to everyhouse without SUI GAS approval our gas direct send to SUI GAS dept so they distribute that gas to there clients like Wapda etc.

NOW we again blame other countries for GAS ??? WATER ??? ELECTRICITY i know India defintly stop Pakistan's water and its violation of both countries agreement but can anyone explain If India stop water from last year what about last 40 years ??? India never stop such water so this water,electricity,gas problem are very old issues. Water issue (linked with India) is just 1 year old story.

I am not against anyone but fact is once again these issues "CREATED BY OUR OWN LEADERS"
AstanoshKhan..you call it outdated, dams are never outdated they need maintenance and up-gradations and govt hasn't done that for a long time and its overdue.

Lastly India violated Indus treaty. Case Closed now ya all can gang-up on me lol it wont hurt me a bit.

Dams may not be outdated as you and the whole world will be building Dams.

However, Dams do lose their degree of “productivity” mainly due to the accumulation of silt. Both the “Big” Dams of Pakistan are having their storage capacity reduced due to silting.

It is for this reason that the Baglihar dam had “Low Spillways” i.e. to ensure flushing out of the silt. These spillways have been raised and possibly lead to an eventual decrease of water capacity thereby reducing the Generation of Electricity.

Any case Baglihar will not “Die” but Dams which do not have ways to flush out the accumulated silt will eventually become “Outdated".

I shall not comment on your allegation of India having violated the IWT. Please see the “YouTube” presentation with the Pakistani Water Chief Jamaat Ali Shah has reiterated that India is not stealing Pakistani share of Indus Waters.
When it comes to India Pakistan people consider other side bad by default and facts are not looked at all, It is the emotion that takes control. Simple fact is if Pakistan has not even ask for arbitration trough IWT then they have no right to blame India.
I shall not comment on your allegation of India having violated the IWT. Please see the “YouTube” presentation with the Pakistani Water Chief Jamaat Ali Shah has reiterated that India is not stealing Pakistani share of Indus Waters.

i think you are talking about this video

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hmmmm well lately i have also been thinking quite a bit on this topic.

And well the truth is that even if India is Stealing water and then Suppose Stops stealing water Pakistan still would not be able to use that water for irrigation or electricity generation it would just go waste in the sea.

Because Pakistan doesn't have the Dams.Oh Well our leaders.
hmmmm well lately i have also been thinking quite a bit on this topic.

And well the truth is that even if India is Stealing water and then Suppose Stops stealing water Pakistan still would not be able to use that water for irrigation or electricity generation it would just go waste in the sea.

Because Pakistan doesn't have the Dams.Oh Well our leaders.


you are on right direction. just think some more and the whole picture will be more clear.
Water and electricity shortages due to lack of dams or improper maintenance of dams is not an uncommon issue. A lot of developing countries have had this problems.

India is also suffering from water and electricity shortages. It is to address these problems that Govt of India is building so many dams. And these dams are not in violation of Indus Water Treaty (IWT). If they were, Pakistan would have complained to UN or World Bank a long time ago, and construction of these dams would have been stopped by UN or World Bank.

Till Stealth's post, aside from regular complaints about the Indian dams, I have hardly seen any Pakistani talk about constructing dams in Pakistan to preserve water. Instead we constantly hear the word 'war'. Yet many of the warmongers can never provide proof of India violating the treaty! Destroying the Indian dams won't do Pakistan any good if Pakistan does not have any means to store water. All it will do is make BOTH sides miserable, and likely result in war.

I don't see anything wrong with fighting for a just cause, but make sure you are fighting the right enemy. In this case, the right fight would be to campaign for construction of more dams in Pakistan, rather than destruction of Indian ones.
Because of this BS today people of this country saying...

Before "Pakistan Zinda-bad"
Today "Pakistan say-zinda-bag"
Whatever on Indian side but the fact is PAKISTAN GOVT even not make any single dam since last 30 years damn Govts both civilian and military both. Even Military govt had edge over civilian govt btw making any Dam. My friend's father working in WAPDA and he is really good person he said WAPDA and WATER issue made by PAKISTAN they even not make any single dam for Electric city and Water storage. In 2004-2006 more thn 5 big companies offered electricity and dam projects but because of of leaders that projects are not possible. His father also told me when our first deligation send to Korea, They agreed and offering us very state of the art Tech for electricity power and also also offer good project for Dam as well. But one first deligation back to Pakistan and discuss issue with GOVT. After when Govt officials send to Korea @ response Project lost. His father said all those people who sitting in Govt since last 30 years not a single person sincere with this country.

My friend's father always said "Neyat may fatoor hey hukmaroo ke jab bhi kuch acha honay lagta hey inke demands aur inke personal issues har project ko khatam kardetay hain. hamaray hukmarrano ke neyatoon may fatoor hey aur paisay ka laalach"

Thats why i still not blamed India BECAUSE THIS BS created by OUR LEADERS!

You da man stealth. I takes a lot of guts to talk like you. I wish others saw the same logic as you do. Keep up the great work dude.
You da man stealth. I takes a lot of guts to talk like you. I wish others saw the same logic as you do. Keep up the great work dude.

ooo ki waqt agaya hey mujhe Indians thanks day rahay hain :rofl: man i just say simple things which all members on this forum (Pakistani members) knows but i havent seen any single member say anything like that i just want to convey simple message is that "WE DONT HAVE ANY ISSUE WHY FORIGN COUNTRIES PLANTS Situated in WAR ZONE ??? simply THERE IS NO SUCH BS ISSUE WHICH OUR MEDIA SHOW

let me explain simply

you guys watching and listing that everyday minimum news 5 terrrosit down in ABCD place can anyone explain if you multiply 5 X 365 days i think terrroist are more thn PAKISTAN INDIA ARMY !!!

man this is all about BS! they are asking money (AID) for US and put all money in thr pockets simply thats what the fact i dont know what is actually going on inside GOV but fact is visible and transparent about (Money). A poor person pay TAX more thn richy people in Pakistan WOW amazing!!

These Electricity, Gas and Water Issue made by OUR OWN leaders. I am pretty sure about Violation of IWT by India ok AGREED! but India did this from last 1 year not from last 50 years. We are facing this issue since last 40 years so stop blaming others just first we will kick off our leaders who are actually fooling our own people look

MOST EDUCATED person become a leader (most of the countries) and in our country MOST CORRPTED person become a leader of Pakistan.

Amazing man Amazing! BS PPP and Friendly opposition they all are playing with us simply I bet if India will again continue Water and stop violating is that gov give surety to CITIZEN OF THIS COUTNRY THAT non of you will suffer for water ??? NO this is only game to changing real news to BS news!
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