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Pakistan’s Incurable RAW Fear


Jan 4, 2013
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Which country has the most powerful intelligence agency in the world? The answer from most Indians will be that it has to be the US with its CIA. Some others may talk about spy agencies of the UK, Russia or Israel. And, of course, ‘credit’ will be willingly given to the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence for its valiant but not very successful efforts to destabilize the ‘enemy’.

But going by the statements dished out almost on a daily basis in neighbouring Pakistan, the clear answer will be that contrary to the general impression in the country, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) of India, is the most potent intelligence agency in the world!

Almost every Pakistani leader, civilian and military, has been on an overdrive accusing India of fanning terrorism in the country, particularly insurgency in Balochistan. The terror attacks for which RAW is blamed include gunmen killing school students in Peshawar last December, the continuous mayhem in Karachi, sectarian killings and, above all the unstoppable unrest in Balochistan. The Pakistanis have seen Baloch nationalists being trained by RAW in Afghanistan, a country run by a pro-Pakistan President!

Pakistanis have always been convinced that India is behind all their troubles, be it their economic woes, the law and order problem, political rivalries and what not. The agency through which India executes its ‘nefarious’ designs is, of course, RAW. The Pakistanis can be very eloquent in expanding this theory of theirs, but will always duck when asked to provide any evidence.

Recently, the Pakistani foreign secretary led a delegation to the US for the seventh round of the US-Pakistan Security Strategic Stability and Nonproliferation Working Group—quite a mouthful! Before it left the shores of Pakistan, a high octane publicity (propaganda) drive in the country informed the people that the delegation will carry all the evidence it has collected on India’s (RAW’s) involvement in troubles inside the land of the pure. One minister was categorical in declaring that the Pakistani delegation will ‘name and shame’ India with incontrovertible proof that will be exhibited before the US interlocutor. The ‘naming and shaming’ will be a continuous exercise.

It is very easy to do that within the country which defines itself as the antithesis of India. The ‘RAW behind every trouble’ theme is supplemented by constant chants of ‘oppression’ of the rights of people of Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistani proxies in Kashmir like Ahmed Gilani are national heroes in Pakistan who are admired openly. He may have to compete with the likes of Hafiz Sayeed, Lakhvi and Salahuddin for public adulation.

You cannot expect Pakistan to do anything except to focus on ‘naming and shaming’ India, having experienced firsthand what it is like to be actually named and shamed before the whole world as the epicenter of terror. There is hardly any country in the world today where Pakistan is admired; not even in China, which, of late, has been conveying its displeasure to its ‘all weather’ friend over the shelter it gives to Chinese Islamist extremists. An equally staunch ‘friend, Saudi Arabia is bitter over the ‘betrayal’ by Pakistan when it refused to be part of the coalition to take on the militant IS in Yemen.

So, what devastating ‘evidence’ has Pakistan unleashed before US officials? Nothing. Absolutely nothing! In fact, the subject of India’s alleged involvement in Balochistan and elsewhere or terror attacks inside Pakistan did not figure at all in the talks between US and Pak officials.

You can expect Pakistan to accuse India of stealing all the evidence they had meticulously fabricated to ‘name and shame’ India! An Indian correspondent in Washington had predicted that the Pakistanis can expect American to laugh it off if they try to present ‘evidence’ of Indian involvement in their troubles.

There is no doubt that the Pakistanis of all hues and convictions, educated and uneducated, liberal and conservatives, take it for granted that India is behind all the trouble in their country. But sometimes even Pakistanis wonder why despite talking incessantly about the Indian (RAW) hand behind all terror attacks no evidence has been presented publicly?

A few weeks ago, the defence ministers of Pakistan, more regular among those who routinely point an accusing finger at India, waxed eloquent in a TV show about the Indian/RAW hand. When asked about the evidence, he said he spoke on the basis of his ‘conviction’ and ‘experience’. That for the Pakistanis is the ultimate evidence.

The Pakistani army chief, whose brother and uncle were killed in the Bangladesh war which was foisted on India by Pakistan, seems itching to take revenge in the style of certain Pakistani tribes. He never misses an opportunity to ‘warn’ India while reminding India about the might of his nuclear-armed military. His heart may be in another war with India but he knows at the back of his mind that a round of hostilities with India may prove more disastrous for his country than India. Another war with India can also undo what the Pakistani army has regained in recent days.

The weak civilian administration in Pakistan has completely surrendered the job of running Pakistan’s foreign policy and security matters to the men in Khaki. The Pakistani army also sees an opportunity to redeem itself further by dictating the country’s Afghanistan policy. The army has also managed to restore the people’s respect and trust that it had lost after Americans commandoes had flown with incredible ease into Abbottabad and killed the Al Qaeda chief. It brought disgrace not only to the Pakistan army but the nation as a whole as it ‘proved’ beyond any doubt that the Pakistanis, from Pervez Musharraf downwards, had lied about the presence of Osama bin Laden in their midst.

Taking control of the foreign policy was the easier part for the Pakistani army. The hard part is its inability to wipe out the ‘bad’ terrorists who operate inside Pakistan (RAW agents?) and the continuous rise in sectarian violence all over Pakistan, not to speak of a host of other problems.

The only way to keep the people’s mind away from their troubles is to keep the anti-India sentiments alive. The easiest way to achieve this is to paint India as the bogey man, the source of all that harms Pakistan and its hapless citizens. The anti-India dose has to be administered so heavily that nobody inside the country bothers to question about ‘evidence’ against India.

- Asian Tribune -
Because of enemy like relations RAW is being blamed for all ills b ut how much in reality its effective is hardy being made public
Makes good sense with regards to India:

The only way to keep the people’s mind away from their troubles is to keep the anti-Pakistan sentiments alive. The easiest way to achieve this is to paint Pakistan as the bogey man, the source of all that harms India and its hapless citizens. The anti-Pakistan dose has to be administered so heavily that nobody inside the country bothers to question about ‘evidence’ against Pakistan.
A few weeks ago, the defence ministers of Pakistan, more regular among those who routinely point an accusing finger at India, waxed eloquent in a TV show about the Indian/RAW hand. When asked about the evidence, he said he spoke on the basis of his ‘conviction’ and ‘experience’. That for the Pakistanis is the ultimate evidence.

This is the best part of the article...... and the article has every point i had in my mind......
Rich coming from people who accused, pigeons, camels at times stones to be agents of ISI. These bharti buffoons really need to stop self pleasuring.
The Pakistani army chief, whose brother and uncle were killed in the Bangladesh war which was foisted on India by Pakistan, seems itching to take revenge in the style of certain Pakistani tribes. He never misses an opportunity to ‘warn’ India while reminding India about the might of his nuclear-armed military. His heart may be in another war with India but he knows at the back of his mind that a round of hostilities with India may prove more disastrous for his country than India. Another war with India can also undo what the Pakistani army has regained in recent days.

Truth is out open
Acc. to Salman Rushdie, "The paranoia of Pakistan about India's supposed dark machinations should never be underestimated."
RAW did arm, train and fund the LTTE.

i know that very well. but be happy our gov learned its lessons and moving forward with good intentions towards lanka. its you and Rajapaksha trying to be a threat to India
Same could be said of India's ISI fear.

We think ISI is a chicken-shit agency and we have said so openly all the time. They're incompetent and worse still will drag this entire sub-continent into war with their incompetence.
Rich coming from people who accused, pigeons, camels at times stones to be agents of ISI. These bharti buffoons really need to stop self pleasuring.

don't you read papers or watch news?? every bad thing that's happening in Pakistan is because RAW, ur own people r reporting
This is the best part of the article...... and the article has every point i had in my mind......

Yep I guess their gut feelings are produced as admissible evidence in their courts. :lol:

This is two month old article hence recent drama of downing two Chinese qudracopters isn't mentioned in it.
RAW did arm, train and fund the LTTE.

That was revenge for letting Paksitani ships access in Sri Lanka during 1971 war. Your leaderrs made a mistake in 1971 thinking they were so smart and 'powerful' that they will disintegrate india during the war. We returned the favor by drowning your country into endless civil war for 40 years. We made sure that tens of thousands of your own people died in violent convulsions for decades. Overall a strategy that did put you in your place.
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