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ISIS plans to merge terrorists of AfPak and attack India to trigger Armageddon

I think the terrorist are loosing fast all over the world and now they are using what so ever they have to keep them selves alive and running. But I am sure they won't be able to last for long.

Don't know about the World but we don't want them in our country anymore.. We've paid a heavy price for someone's crime. Now enough is enough.
Don't know about the World but we don't want them in our country anymore.. We've paid a heavy price for someone's crime. Now enough is enough.
China should to some contribution by supplying us with 30 Z-10P Block-I with local assembly and with 30 Z-10Ps coming in every 5 years time so that till 2025 we would have at least 90-100 Z-10Ps.

Also, we should go for similar assembly of Mi-35s like 30 assemble in every 5 years time.
There is a history of Muslims pillage India. So by studying history, Indian subcontinent was an easy picking. The one difference is that India is now a country so it would be more difficult to walk in and take whatever.
Sorry mullahsaurases ham nay apka manjan nahe kharedna
Gross sensationalism by an ISIS turd who wrote that pamphlet!

Attack India my a$$! A bunch of bozos is going to defeat the fourth most powerful army in the world and take hostage 1.3 billion Indians spread over an area of 3.3 million sq km! Oh Yeah! :cuckoo:
What's your plan to handle 200 million muslims in India???

You say most so maybe you are talking about 150 million people in your country supporting ISIS...Would the Gujrat treatment be enough or maybe Gas chambers are to be needed this time ???
we will shift them to Pakistan after finishing off the current residents !
Yes and any attack by ISIS will be changed to ISI by the media in India. ISIS is a problem which is already inside India and was clearly shown when the twitter account was traced back to Bangalore. This was not another Pakistani agent or some Pakistani plot but something that was a pure Indian problem.
Indian police arrest owner of pro-Islamic State Twitter account | World news | The Guardian
But rather then concentrating on reducing friction and giving the ISIS recruiters less ammo the Indian Government has shown lack of empathy and action in issues where it was supposed to step up. There are ways to reduce recruitment for outfits like ISIS which include integration into society and respect.
US report slams Modi government on Ghar Vapasi, attacks on Christians and derogatory statements - timesofindia-economictimes
If just the lack of empathy was not enough, Muslims have been shown to be featured in anti terror drills further alienating the youth and giving more reasons to the ISIS recruiters to exploit, because not only were the Muslims shown as terrorists but it was in Gujurat, the last place where any such image should have been portrayed.
Indian Muslims Protest Against Anti-Terror Drills In Narendra Modi's Home State Of Gujarat
Recent attacks against minorities has gotten them to unite under one banner at times, something very rare in India.
Christians, Muslims and Sikhs come together, hold protest | The Indian Express
After that they even are controlling what can or can not be eaten. This is something that will further alienate the youth who can easily be moved towards radical actions.
Hindu hardliners push for beef ban as Indian Muslims protest | Toronto Star
So when there is a protest in Delhi the claims of the minorities were all listed
Delhi protest marks 300 days of BJP in India

There are many things that can be done at this point to stop the spread of terrorism, none of which include pointing at Pakistan and saying these were your terrorists. The way the Hindu hardliners are pushing, there will be many ISIS like cells which will be taught that all Hindus want to subdue you and rule over you. But rather then learning anything from problems, the way seems to be to use force to subdue rather then eliminate the contributing factors.
Because however strong the intelligence is there are limits to counter smaller home grown cells which are relatively independent and can not be traced back easily. But then again, when there is ISI to blame, why even bother.

@WAJsal @Horus @syedali73 @Slav Defence @TankMan @SpArK
What's your plan to handle 200 million muslims in India???

You say most so maybe you are talking about 150 million people in your country supporting ISIS...Would the Gujrat treatment be enough or maybe Gas chambers are to be needed this time ???

We shall do gharvapsi. No Pakistani model to reduce the number of Minorities in India.

Yes and any attack by ISIS will be changed to ISI by the media in India. ISIS is a problem which is already inside India and was clearly shown when the twitter account was traced back to Bangalore. This was not another Pakistani agent or some Pakistani plot but something that was a pure Indian problem.
Indian police arrest owner of pro-Islamic State Twitter account | World news | The Guardian
But rather then concentrating on reducing friction and giving the ISIS recruiters less ammo the Indian Government has shown lack of empathy and action in issues where it was supposed to step up. There are ways to reduce recruitment for outfits like ISIS which include integration into society and respect.
US report slams Modi government on Ghar Vapasi, attacks on Christians and derogatory statements - timesofindia-economictimes
If just the lack of empathy was not enough, Muslims have been shown to be featured in anti terror drills further alienating the youth and giving more reasons to the ISIS recruiters to exploit, because not only were the Muslims shown as terrorists but it was in Gujurat, the last place where any such image should have been portrayed.
Indian Muslims Protest Against Anti-Terror Drills In Narendra Modi's Home State Of Gujarat
Recent attacks against minorities has gotten them to unite under one banner at times, something very rare in India.
Christians, Muslims and Sikhs come together, hold protest | The Indian Express
After that they even are controlling what can or can not be eaten. This is something that will further alienate the youth who can easily be moved towards radical actions.
Hindu hardliners push for beef ban as Indian Muslims protest | Toronto Star
So when there is a protest in Delhi the claims of the minorities were all listed
Delhi protest marks 300 days of BJP in India

There are many things that can be done at this point to stop the spread of terrorism, none of which include pointing at Pakistan and saying these were your terrorists. The way the Hindu hardliners are pushing, there will be many ISIS like cells which will be taught that all Hindus want to subdue you and rule over you. But rather then learning anything from problems, the way seems to be to use force to subdue rather then eliminate the contributing factors.
Because however strong the intelligence is there are limits to counter smaller home grown cells which are relatively independent and can not be traced back easily. But then again, when there is ISI to blame, why even bother.

@WAJsal @Horus @syedali73 @Slav Defence @TankMan @SpArK

All these are minor incidents and you can not prove anything out of them. We are far far behind you in these area.
we will shift them to Pakistan after finishing off the current residents !

I don't think Pakistan is in any mood to take any more foreigners.
Those who wanted to come here did so in 1947.
Those guys poked you right in the eye by taking part in that funeral in Mumbai still no response from you.
With the current birth rate trends Indian muslims will soon be able to dictate terms.
All these are minor incidents and you can not prove anything out of them. We are far far behind you in these area.
Why is ISIS so strong in Iraq and Syria, what are the main recruiting points in those regions. Do not talk only of the trophy few who come from different regions from the world but concentrate on those who are present at the time in ISIS strongholds. Learn that religious extremism is at times a recruiting point but the manifesto is not only religion for those who join.
Minor problems are what you feel them to be, but look at the recruitment history and the problems are very similar and also your comparing everything to Pakistan is the sickness which will drown India. Every problem is ISI backed, every parameter to compare with is Pakistan, if you fail to meet a parameter you are happy that you are at least better than Pakistan.
The roots that take hold now will haunt you later, and you can continue to blame Pakistan or anything else, the issues are home grown and will ferment if they are not taken care of now.
An apparent Islamic State recruitment document found in Pakistan’s lawless tribal lands reveals that the extremist group has grand ambitions of building a new terrorist army in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and triggering a war in India to provoke an Armageddon-like “end of the world.”

The 32-page Urdu-language document obtained by American Media Institute (AMI) and reviewed by USA TODAY details a plot to attack U.S. soldiers as they withdraw from Afghanistan and target American diplomats and Pakistani officials.

AMI obtained the document from a Pakistani citizen with connections inside the Pakistani Taliban and had it independently translated from Urdu by Harvard researcher and translator Mustafa Samdani. The Pakistani's identity was shared with USA TODAY, which has agreed not to identify him publicly because of concerns for his safety.

The document was reviewed by three U.S. intelligence officials, who said they believe the document is authentic based on its unique markings and the fact that language used to describe leaders, the writing style and religious wording match other documents from the Islamic State, also known as ISIL and ISIS. They asked to remain anonymous because they are not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

The undated document, titled “A Brief History of the Islamic State Caliphate (ISC), The Caliphate According to the Prophet,” seeks to unite dozens of factions of the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban into a single army of terror. It includes a never-before-seen history of the Islamic State, details chilling future battle plans, urges al-Qaeda to join the group and says the Islamic State's leader should be recognized as the sole ruler of the world’s 1 billion Muslims under a religious empire called a “caliphate.”

“Accept the fact that this caliphate will survive and prosper until it takes over the entire world and beheads every last person that rebels against Allah," it proclaims. "This is the bitter truth, swallow it.”

Retired Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who also reviewed the document, said it “represents the Islamic State’s campaign plan and is something, as an intelligence officer, I would not only want to capture, but fully exploit. It lays out their intent, their goals and objectives, a red flag to which we must pay attention.”

Alistair Baskey, deputy spokesman for the White House’s National Security Council, told AMI, “we are aware of the presence of ISIL-affiliated militants in Afghanistan, and we are monitoring closely to see whether their emergence will have a meaningful impact on the threat environment in the region.”

The Taliban is another radical Islamic group that ruled Afghanistan until ousted during the U.S. invasion in 2001. It continues fighting the current Afghan government and also trying to thwart the Islamic State's expansion into Afghanistan.

The document warns that “preparations” for an attack in India are underway and predicts that an attack will provoke an apocalyptic confrontation with America: “Even if the U.S tries to attack with all its allies, which undoubtedly it will, the ummah will be united, resulting in the final battle.” The word “ummah” refers to the entire global community of Muslims.

Striking in India would magnify the Islamic State’s stature and threaten the stability of the region, said Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow with the Brookings Institution who served more than 30 years in the CIA. “Attacking in India is the Holy Grail of South Asian jihadists.”

Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry said the Islamic State threat in Pakistan was discussed with White House, State Department and Pentagon officials in June. He told reporters at the Pakistani Embassy in June that successful allied military operations have scattered the Pakistani Taliban.

Chaudhry denied there is an Islamic State presence in Pakistan. It could be “a potential threat for the whole world, for our region too, for our country too,” he said. “We believe that all countries need to cooperate, and Pakistan, yes.”

Unlike al-Qaeda, which has targeted terror attacks on the United States and other western nations, the document said Islamic State leaders believe that’s the wrong strategic goal. “Instead of wasting energy in a direct confrontation with the U.S., we should focus on an armed uprising in the Arab world for the establishment of the caliphate,” the document said.

So far, the U.S. strategy has been limited to fighting the militant group in Iraq and Syria, ordering limited airstrikes and deploying trainers to strengthen Iraqi security forces.

Meanwhile, the Islamic State has recruited tens of thousands of fighters and sympathizers from around the world.

The failure to target the radical Islamic ideas behind the group has given its fighters the opportunity to spread, Flynn said. “If I were in their shoes, I would say,'We are winning, we are achieving our objectives,'” Flynn said. “They have demonstrated an incredible level of resiliency and they will not be defeated by military means alone.”

Richard Miniter contributed to this story.

You can reach Richard Miniter @RichMiniter

You can reach Sara A. Carter @SaraCarterDC

American Media Institute is an independent investigative journalism organization. USA TODAY assisted in the editing of this story.
I never expected this hilarious title :thinktank::omghaha::omghaha:
Why is ISIS so strong in Iraq and Syria, what are the main recruiting points in those regions. Do not talk only of the trophy few who come from different regions from the world but concentrate on those who are present at the time in ISIS strongholds. Learn that religious extremism is at times a recruiting point but the manifesto is not only religion for those who join.
Minor problems are what you feel them to be, but look at the recruitment history and the problems are very similar and also your comparing everything to Pakistan is the sickness which will drown India. Every problem is ISI backed, every parameter to compare with is Pakistan, if you fail to meet a parameter you are happy that you are at least better than Pakistan.
The roots that take hold now will haunt you later, and you can continue to blame Pakistan or anything else, the issues are home grown and will ferment if they are not taken care of now.

Our country is internally very very strong and we have taken care of Shaqs, Huns, Kushans , allexanders and islamist in past. If they try to mess with us we shall f*** them up. and that is for sure.
I don't think Pakistan is in any mood to take any more foreigners.
Those who wanted to come here did so in 1947.
Those guys poked you right in the eye by taking part in that funeral in Mumbai still no response from you.
With the current birth rate trends Indian muslims will soon be able to dictate terms.
if some one want to play in mud .. why should i waste my time on him.

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