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Iran allows visa-free travel for citizens of 7 countries

ای ایران

Apr 3, 2010
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
I think they should have also allowed in people without a visa from Japan, South Korea, Greece, Italy, Sweden, Norway and Austria.

Iran allows visa-free travel for citizens of 7 countries

Iran has revoked visa requirements for nationals of 7 countries as part of its plans to boost tourism industry in the country.

According to a report published by the Iranian media, citizens of Turkey, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Bolivia, Egypt and Syria can travel to Iran without visa.

Under the new visa requirement regulations, citizens from these countries can stay in Iran without visa from 15 to 90 days.

Iranian authorities have already started studying a visa waiver program under which visa limitations for citizens of 60 countries around the globe will be lifted.

The program is seen as part of the country’s plans to develop its tourism industry.

Iran has attached considerable significance to its booming tourism industry in recent years.

The country is seen as one of the world’s top potential tourist destinations as it holds countless ancient sites.

Iran is home to 19 historic sites which have been inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List.

It has a diverse landscape and its tourism industry offers a myriad of recreational opportunities.

They range from hot mineral water showers in the northwest to hiking and skiing in the Alborz mountains to magnificent architectural sight-seeing in the center and beach holidays in the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea.

Apart from its glorious ancient sites, the country’s allure lies in its people’s reputation for hospitality.
Interesting. Aren't most of these countries hostile to Iran?? I mean Turkey is funding terrorists to kill Hezbollah and overthrow the government of Syria :close_tema:

and Bolivia?? do it's people even travel abroad??

should of made a jester of visa free travel to some Western countries :lol:
Interesting. Aren't most of these countries hostile to Iran?? I mean Turkey is funding terrorists to kill Hezbollah and overthrow the government of Syria :close_tema:

and Bolivia?? do it's people even travel abroad??

should of made a jester of visa free travel to some Western countries :lol:
Iranian and Turkish regimes may be hostile, but ordinary Turks and Iranians get along well in the real World.
Nobody is going to give visa free access to countries where millions of people live in abject poverty, thats just common sense.

well I hope so. MSM can brain wash people.
but if you are deciding to travel to Iran you are probably open minded.

I wouldn't mind traveling to Iran one day :D

probably safer than vacationing in North Africa.
Interesting. Aren't most of these countries hostile to Iran?? I mean Turkey is funding terrorists to kill Hezbollah and overthrow the government of Syria :close_tema:

and Bolivia?? do it's people even travel abroad??

should of made a jester of visa free travel to some Western countries :lol:

Bolivia's leader is of Bolivarian/Marxist credentials (like Venezuela). Naturally they would allow them in, no matter how tiny the number.

Egypt under Morsi was quite friendly to Iran; more than can be said about Sisi govt. which is more pro-Saudi leaning. I think there still is trade between Iran and Egypt so could be purely business in nature

Syria - self explanatory

Turkiye - Turkiye and Iran have always had lax visa standards for eachother as they are neighbours and there's much cross-border trade - legal and illegal. Also there is tourism though more Iranians visit Turkiye than the other way around.

There is no diplomatic relation with Egypt, what the ****??????????????
Wierd that Armenia is not in the list but Georgia and Azerbaijan are. Doesnt Iran have very close relations with Armenia?
Wierd that Armenia is not in the list but Georgia and Azerbaijan are. Doesnt Iran have very close relations with Armenia?
Iran allows visa-free with Turkey, Azerbaijan, Syria and Lebanon because it will be easier to send terrorist to those countries under the banner of "tourism". The reason why Armenia doesn't get it is because they are allies with Iran. Only friend and ally of Iran in the region in Armenia.
Funny thing is that Saudis are granted visa upon arrival in Iran (no pre-approval is required).
I see more Saudi tourists in Iran these years . I met 2 of them in Anzali . Both were shia . They were cool guys but they said that they hate their regime. Saying that they are under too much pressure...

The reason why Armenia doesn't get it is because they are allies with Iran
No , Armenia got that before these countries .
Wierd that Armenia is not in the list but Georgia and Azerbaijan are. Doesnt Iran have very close relations with Armenia?

Armenia doesn't have 'very close' relations with Iran. overall, we have "Ok" relations with Caucasus countries.
Iran allows visa-free with Turkey, Azerbaijan, Syria and Lebanon because it will be easier to send terrorist to those countries under the banner of "tourism". The reason why Armenia doesn't get it is because they are allies with Iran. Only friend and ally of Iran in the region in Armenia.

Can you understand what you just wrote yourself?

Funny thing is that Saudis are granted visa upon arrival in Iran (no pre-approval is required).

Great, you should visit then, I thought you said that you love Persians. :lol:

On a serious note, you should visit if you can, maybe some of perceptions that you have been taught since childhood will change forever, I'm sure they will, almost every foreign tourist coming to Iran says that.
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