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Why couldn't Pakistan produce a great emperor?

May 17, 2015
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We had great empires and emperors on both east and western borders of Pakistan ..there were ghoris,ghaznavis,durranis,ashoka,chamdragupta mauryas,krishna devarayas etc etc.....but why couldn't Pakistan produce even one such great emperor?was it because they were selfish?complacent?lacking courage?content?
Dunno, but this question is really worth pondering.

All the sides of India have produced great Emperors - Chandragupta from East India or Chola from South India

The only notable Pakistani Emperor was Ranjit Singh.

Apart from that - zilch! In its entire history, Pakistan has built no empire nor produced a great king to boast of! Pakistan has more or less been invaded and conquered either by its East(Indian empires) or West(Iranian or Afghan empires).
We had great empires and emperors on both east and western borders of Pakistan ..there were ghoris,ghaznavis,durranis,ashoka,chamdragupta mauryas,krishna devarayas etc etc.....but why couldn't Pakistan produce even one such great emperor?was it because they were selfish?complacent?lacking courage?content?

Our journey continues , yesterday we were farmers , then we were soldiers , today we are more than that and in future we'll go even further
Dunno, but this question is really worth pondering.

All the sides of India have produced great Emperors - Chandragupta from East India or Chola from South India

The only notable Pakistani Emperor was Ranjit Singh.

Apart from that - zilch! In its entire history, Pakistan has built no empire nor produced a great king to boast of! Pakistan has more or less been invaded and conquered either by its East(Indian empires) or West(Iranian or Afghan empires).
while you guys were busy in butchering each other we ancient Pakistanis were nurturing Indus Valley Civilization one of the three early civilizations of the world
while you guys were busy in butchering each other we ancient Pakistanis were nurturing Indus Valley Civilization one of the three early civilizations of the world
IVC is spread over a large area including India. So even there, the only notable thing that Pakistan had in legacy is shared with India.

Apart from that and on the topic - Pakistan has never produced any great empire and conqueror's. It has always been subjugated by either current India based empires or Iranian/Afghan based empires.
The Pakistanis always were, currently are and always will be a buffer against any land invasion of India. Any invader would have entered Pakistan, seen what a horrible place it is and made a dash back for home believing that the entire sub-continent was this bad thus saving India the trouble of being invaded. :D
Emperor Ranjit singh was from present day Pakistan but during greek invasion there were small principalities (greeks called them tribe) apart from Hindushahi rulers.

For thousands of years present day pakistan was ruled and colonised and these foreigners contributed to the culture and changed the demographics while others persecuted them like Mongols,Alexander even mughals and maurya in the name of subduing the revolts.
Very good question...when mountain people like afghans could produce empires,why couldn't much advanced north western Indians (of the past)?maybe their courage and spirits were dampened by repeated defeats from invaders..
Emperor Ranjit singh was from present day Pakistan but during greek invasion there were small principalities (greeks called them tribe) apart from Hindushahi rulers.

For thousands of years present day pakistan was ruled and colonised and these foreigners contributed to the culture and changed the demographics while others persecuted them like Mongols,Alexander even mughals and maurya in the name of subduing the revolts.
Neither Ranjit Singh nor his kingdom is famous like ashoka,Chandra Gupta,shivaji etc and their empires.
[QUOit E="dravidianhero, post: 7409117, member: 139264"]Neither Ranjit Singh nor his kingdom is famous like ashoka,Chandra Gupta,shivaji etc and their empires.[/QUOTE]
But It was an empire nevertheless which produced great commanders and military victories most of their battles were offencive campaigns not defensive.

Pakistanis should be greatful for Ranjit singh for he gifted them Pakhtunkhwa and peshawar when he annexed it from it parent country Afghanistan.

Plus you should not underestimate the achievements of Small tribes/principalities like Yaudheya,Malavs,Taksha etc.
Very good question...when mountain people like afghans could produce empires,why couldn't much advanced north western Indians (of the past)?maybe their courage and spirits were dampened by repeated defeats from invaders..
:lol: inferiority complex of Indians is evident in this thread.

When we say Muslims ruled Hindus then you Indians come up with argument that it was ancient Pakistan and thus you try to save yourself from shame or whatever you may call it, But when we Pakistanis say IVC/ Gandhara belongs to Ancient Pakistan you Indians go bonkers and argue that there was no Pakistan.

Anyway the Fact is that Ancient Pakistan gave you Rigveda ;) hence Hinduism is also a religion of Ancient Pakistan.

IVC belongs to Pakistan.

I heard dinosaur tikka masala was quite an Ancient Pakistanis delicacy.

Ancient Pakistanis are said to have been eating beef/meat/cows, bulls :D no evidence of dinosaur eating so you Indians can claim it for yourself we have no issue
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