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It’s a shame Pakistan is hoodwinking India

You know I am not someone who is into India vs Pak thing but that article and this so called ethnic cleansing that is blamed on Pak is baseless and sounds more like propoganda.

Now lets answer your question, 1947 stats cannot be used becuase of mass migration of hindus towars india. Lets use 1950 for a better comparison shall we as it was when the migration and internal deisplacemt was over. There were 39,448,232 people in Pakistan and a total of 6.54 milllion hindus, of which 5.4 million left for India.


Now Pakistan was left with 1.1 million from whom half were unfortunately killed from Muslims who heard of killing in India of other Muslims.

So by that account 500,000 hindus were left and today they are higher than 4 million, percentage does not matter becuase muslim population boomed and there were alot of immigrants who entered Pakistan.

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Islamic Revelution Against Terrorism: Did Hindu Population Decrease to 3% in Pakistan?

Similarly we have many hindus who serve in our civil service and have reached great heights.

Rana Bhagwandas was Chief Justice, Deepak Perwani our biggest designer is a hindu and many others.

This propaganda qnd hate against Pakistan by Indians on the internet is very alarming and projects a bad image.

Just read the comments on this Times of India article about hindu MP's and you will see how shocked they are that there are hindu MP's and 4 million hindus in Pakistan.

Pak Hindu MPs stage walkout over terror slur - Pakistan - World - The Times of India

I am truly shocked at the level of animosity that is being shown towards us, I myself am from a minority but I know that minorities suffer in even the best of countries. Now you wonder why Pakistan does not want to be friends with you.



Very impressed with your analysis and the way to presenting it. Wish all of us were as objective and moderate while presenting counter arguements..
Oh Jana, that Jalalabad is in our side of Punjab. And I dont doubt his intelligence at all. He's quite gutsy. I think he was the first to open up corruption cases against a number of politicians.

:P ok then its possible.

BTW who asked him to indulge in arena which he doesnt know about at all. He should have penned down something which might had been related to his field.

Now lets answer your question, 1947 stats cannot be used becuase of mass migration of hindus towars india. Lets use 1950 for a better comparison shall we as it was when the migration and internal deisplacemt was over. There were 39,448,232 people in Pakistan and a total of 6.54 milllion hindus, of which 5.4 million left for India.



It would be wrong to use a 1950 comparison as very few Muslims left India after 1948 or so.

Thus the 1950 Figures will be skewed in the sense that with such a comparison you will find may be only 50,000 Muslims, possibly a lower figure, left India after 1950 whereas the Figure of Muslims leaving India after Partition would be much, much higher if we compare to the 1947 Figures.
Changing of Pakistans minority population from over 20% in 1947 to under 3% today.
Also, Official descrimination against non-muslims in Islamic Republic of Pakistan through blasphemy and hudood laws.

The largest concentration of minorities in the territories that comprised Pakistan in 1947 was in East Pakistan, which is no longer part of Pakistan.

Secondly, there was a migration of millions of non-Muslims out of Pakistan into India, and a migration of millions of Muslims into Pakistan from India during partition - the two combined would quite obviously have had an impact on the demographics of Pakistan, though not as large an impact on the demographics of India given its much larger population.

And in general there has been small scale migration of Indian Muslims to Pakistan and non-Muslims to India all these years as well.

So what you would have to do to justify the claim of 'ethnic cleansing' is to show us what the proportion of non-Muslims was after the cross-border migrations in West Pakistan, and then compare that with the proportion of non-Muslims in Pakistan today - and don't forget to take into account birth rates of the Muslim and non-Muslim populations when doing that comparison.
It would be wrong to use a 1950 comparison as very few Muslims left India after 1948 or so.

Thus the 1950 Figures will be skewed in the sense that with such a comparison you will find may be only 50,000 Muslims, possibly a lower figure, left India after 1950 whereas the Figure of Muslims leaving India after Partition would be much, much higher if we compare to the 1947 Figures.

Things were still in flux in 1948 since India and Pakistan had a war. 1950 is an appropriate date to start from since things would have largely settled down by then (cross-border migrations etc.), and three years is not that long of a time period.
Forget about subtopic where he mentions about ethinic cleansing in Pakistan, I agree to comments from Pakistani friends. The point about terrorism is valid, we should focus internally. Pakistan's policy is that they will not stop support as they see no benefit in it. They seems to hide behind technicalities when it comes to action. Why shoul they bother to help India is what the general feeling is in Pakistan. Which other country have you seen airline hijacker openly protected? So talk on other things to be honest.
Forget about subtopic where he mentions about ethinic cleansing in Pakistan, I agree to comments from Pakistani friends. The point about terrorism is valid, we should focus internally. Pakistan's policy is that they will not stop support as they see no benefit in it. They seems to hide behind technicalities when it comes to action. Why shoul they bother to help India is what the general feeling is in Pakistan. Which other country have you seen airline hijacker openly protected? So talk on other things to be honest.

Only thing they forget is what goes around comes back around. Large part of a generation which cud have been used in cultivating growth and prosperity for millions of ppl has been wasted in the fancy name of Jihad and freedom fighting. such a waste
Only thing they forget is what goes around comes back around. Large part of a generation which cud have been used in cultivating growth and prosperity for millions of ppl has been wasted in the fancy name of Jihad and freedom fighting. such a waste

Nothing has been wasted - the number of people involved in these organizations are minuscule compared to the overall population.
Thanks for your analysis mate. Good point, bringing out that 1950 figure. I agree with you. 1950 could be a better date for comparison.

However regarding propaganda and hate, I guess its a two way street. Just type in Babri, Operation bluestar on the PDF search tab and you will get a better idea on who bashed whom on minority rights.

It is a two way street but the majority are not involved in this, I have many indian friends and have been to India as my Grandmother belongs to India so I cannot possibly speak against it. But the use of such nonsense on both sides related to internal issues just causes our countries embarrasment the world over.

Every where you go online Pakistanis and Indians are fighting like its war between us and others are laughing as usual, if we keep on fighting we will still have the same problems 100 years from now that we have had since our birth when the whole world has moved on.
Nothing has been wasted - the number of people involved in these organizations are minuscule compared to the overall population.

Ok if you thins sthat small portion was / is dispensable. But what about the damages it has caused all over. Security situation in Pakistan, Loss of business. world believes Pakistan is hotbed of terror with conviction. and today I heard International terrorist David Headly trained in one of these terror camps. If still u like to believe that u have or can achieve something for Pakistan by this then we might not be living on same planet.
Ok if you thins sthat small portion was / is dispensable. But what about the damages it has caused all over. Security situation in Pakistan, Loss of business. world believes Pakistan is hotbed of terror with conviction. and today I heard International terrorist David Headly trained in one of these terror camps. If still u like to believe that u have or can achieve something for Pakistan by this then we might not be living on same planet.

I know Indians are going to moon but believe me we will still live on same planet :lol:

We are doing what we can & even if we do something 'big' we are eyed with suspicion :cheers:
I know Indians are going to moon but believe me we will still live on same planet :lol:

We are doing what we can & even if we do something 'big' we are eyed with suspicion :cheers:

No time is bad time for Humor. Pakistan hav to take those steps and forget about what world thinks about u, just think about your generation and the next. What you want to pass on to them. these big words, strategic depth and bla bla doesn't feed the people, need is economy which is sustainable. I heard from some members that they do not care about world thinks, but you are the citizen of this world, You need to trade here, borrow here.You need security make those bombs but do some introspection , ask some questions. Am i ignoring something, Am I not raising voice against something which may give bad name to my nation , which may pass bad legacy to my next generation.
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No time is bad time for Humor. Pakistan hav to take those steps and forget about what world thinks about u, just think about your generation and the next. What you want to pass on to them. these big words, strategic depth and bla bla doesn't feed the people, need is economy which is sustainable. I heard from some members that they do not care about world thinks, but you are the citizen of this world, You need to trade here, borrow here.You need security make those bombs but do some introspection , ask some questions. Am i ignoring something, Am I not raising voice against something which may give bad name to my nation , which may pass bad legacy to my next generation.

Pakistan was already a laughing stock in the past and the butt end of every joke by the West, Russia, right through the Middleast ever since Pakistan existance. Its about time the world gave the paksiatni people some repsect after the fight against terrorism and communisim for the world to be free. Everyone seems to forget that since its a Muslim country.
Only thing they forget is what goes around comes back around. Large part of a generation which cud have been used in cultivating growth and prosperity for millions of ppl has been wasted in the fancy name of Jihad and freedom fighting. such a waste

I doubt these resource will do Pakistan any good at all, terrorism cannot result into anything.
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