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To Web Administrator

You need to provide a link, that thread gets updated fast. Hard to know which post you are referring to.

After 36-hours ordeal, it's working fine now.

Thanks for your precious time.
You need to provide a link, that thread gets updated fast. Hard to know which post you are referring to.

Webby can you check my last negative, it was given to me by @Penguin for no reason other then he had a problem with my views.
Webby can you check my last negative, it was given to me by @Penguin for no reason other then he had a problem with my views.
Oh, you mean to say you asked me why I gave you a negative rating?

RANTING IS PROHIBITED A rant is a post which is long-winded, redundant and filled with angry, non-constructive comments.

RACISM AND OTHER &[HASHTAG]#8220[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8230[/HASHTAG];isms&[HASHTAG]#8221[/HASHTAG];. No racist posts are allowed or other posts that are designed to put people down based on their nationality/sex/color/creed/etc.

PROFANITY Using partial masking (such as asterisks or punctuation marks) to byp*** the profanity filter is prohibited and will result in the same action as if the actual word had been typed.

Forum Rules

Why people should NOT get married in Pakistan | Page 11
Oh, you mean to say you asked me why I gave you a negative rating?

RANTING IS PROHIBITED A rant is a post which is long-winded, redundant and filled with angry, non-constructive comments.

RACISM AND OTHER &[HASHTAG]#8220[/HASHTAG];&[HASHTAG]#8230[/HASHTAG];isms&[HASHTAG]#8221[/HASHTAG];. No racist posts are allowed or other posts that are designed to put people down based on their nationality/sex/color/creed/etc.

PROFANITY Using partial masking (such as asterisks or punctuation marks) to byp*** the profanity filter is prohibited and will result in the same action as if the actual word had been typed.

Forum Rules

Why people should NOT get married in Pakistan | Page 11

I still say it was unjustified. My post had no anger in it at most it was mocking the original article, and where did I put anybody down over their sex? I put her down over her article nothing else, I did not partially mask anything whatever came out censored did so because of the filter system already in place.
I still say it was unjustified. My post had no anger in it at most it was mocking the original article, and where did I put anybody down over their sex? I put her down over her article nothing else, I did not partially mask anything whatever came out censored did so because of the filter system already in place.
Like many wannabe free and independent woman this woman will end up in one of either two ways. Either alone and surrounded by cats once she hits the wall or marrying some dude who is much older then her. However before that she will write another article asking something stupid like the typical, "where have all the good men gone", in order to try and shame some poor fucker into marrying her old ***.[/QUOTE]

Apparently you don't even realize how incredibly sexist your remarks are.
Apparently you don't even realize how incredibly sexist your remarks are.

They are not sexist at all, women with her views do end up in scenarios I mentioned. Cat Ladies for instance are a real thing.
There is a primary difference between a wannabe free & independent woman versus a truly free & independent woman.
Webby who writes comments for defence.pk on twitter
I'm assuming you asked this question after reading something as juvenile as this tweet from PDF's Twitter account


@WebMaster @Slav Defence @Horus @Irfan Baloch
Let's build bridge between the 2 countries and not burn it.
Let's build bridge between the 2 countries and not burn it.
of course for a start how about Pakistan produces Hafiz saeed and Lakhvi to international court to be assessed independently and both countries accept the outcome?

and India as a gesture of goodwill packs up its shops set-up in Afghanistan since the 50s to destabilise Baluchistan (or we asking for too much?)
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