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Saving the Cows, Starving the Children

Let me decode what you have written.

In CHRISTIAN West, people separate religion and state :cheesy:

In Muslim and Hindu Majority South Asia, we mix the two, thus proving we are primitive and pull the nation backward.

In short Hindu and Muslim Beliefs are "irrational" while the enlighten western christian belief is what led to their financial success and social comfort :lol:

........... and you want me to prove you are a Bigot :cheesy: ............ I think not. It is already established. You can stop Waiting.

Reality is People cling to religion when they are poor and in trouble, not the other way around. When you are rich and comfortable, no one remembers god. Only you are a Christian fanatic to see this obvious reality.

And you proved his point very well and you do not even realize that!!By the way,let me ask you a simple and direct question - can you prove that an omnipotent and omniscient god actually exists..................backed by peer review-able evidence??

How does it matter on who's name the Atheist kills you idiot ? It only matters that they kill as much as a religions guy. Maybe more.

Hahahaha,and none of them you mentioned were actually atheists...................scoundrel??!! And also,do you mean that only atheists have slaughtered people while with the religious ones,it's always all sugar and honey??Is that what you mean??
Let me decode what you have written.

In CHRISTIAN West, people separate religion and state :cheesy:

In Muslim and Hindu Majority South Asia, we mix the two, thus proving we are primitive and pull the nation backward.

In short Hindu and Muslim Beliefs are "irrational" while the enlighten western christian belief is what led to their financial success and social comfort :lol:

........... and you want me to prove you are a Bigot :cheesy: ............ I think not. It is already established. You can stop Waiting.

Reality is People cling to religion when they are poor and in trouble, not the other way around. When you are rich and comfortable, no one remembers god. Only you are a Christian fanatic to see this obvious reality.

You should probably learn what the word religion means:


As you can see, it includes all (Here: the major ones) religions. So again, for your slower working brain:

Religion = All religion.

You just showed your insecurities again. So when I am talking about separating state from religion, I (Obviously) mean from ALL religions.

But apparently something went terrible wrong in your mental development... Soo sad :(

But you think that I am making an exception with Christianity here.... because of your mental illness. But where is the proof???
And you proved his point very well and you do not even realize that!!By the way,let me ask you a simple and direct question - can you prove that an omnipotent and omniscient god actually exists..................backed by peer review-able evidence??

LOL. Why do I need to ? :cheesy: .............. are you paying me for it ?

Hahahaha,and none of them you mentioned were actually atheists...................scoundrel??!! And also,do you mean that only atheists have slaughtered people while with the religious ones,it's always all sugar and honey??Is that what you mean??

You have difficulty in understanding simple English ? I just wrote two line and that is enough to get you all confused ?
Look at them. You will get an idea whether atheist society is better or a religious one?

IDK, tell me. Countries with larger proportion of atheists or people who dont make religion the most important thing in life are the the kind of nations which are the destination of people from religious nations....
Ehm no, most western nations have a separation between state and church.

And the number of convinced atheists is a significant chunk of the respective populations.. (Up to 40 % in nations like France, 30 % in the Netherlands etc etc) while the vast majority keeps religion as a strictly personal matter (Unlike in South Asia where it hinders progress at each and every level).

Err, no.

Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy and not a secular democracy. France is secular, but in an inverted sense. The vast majority in India too keep their religion private.

Also it is wrong to say that less religious societies are wealthy societies. In the last 2000 years, India and China led the world as the wealthiest societies for 1700 years and they were religious as hell. Europe and US tended towards separation of religion and church only in the last 50 years or so and they are financially in pretty bad shape. Already India and China are poised to reclaim their position as the wealthiest countries in the world in the next 20-30 years. So your entire premise is wrong and faulty.

People do not move out because of religion but because the seculars were eating up all the money and playing minority politics to stay in power without doing anything. The current govt is the most hard working govt which is already paying enormous attention towards economy, sanitation, military, culture, literally all aspects of India's society. Modi is not just going around with broomsticks, he is building millions of toilets, he is trying to provide uninterrupted power supply to every household in India and potable drinking water. Something the seculars in India never did.
IDK, tell me. Countries with larger proportion of atheists or people who dont make religion the most important thing in life are the the kind of nations which are the destination of people from religious nations....
Definitely not better than the religious one.
You should probably learn what the word religion means:


As you can see, it includes all (Here: the major ones) religions. So again, for your slower working brain:

Religion = All religion.

You just showed your insecurities again. So when I am talking about separating state from religion, I (Obviously) mean from ALL religions.

But apparently something went terrible wrong in your mental development... Soo sad :(

But you think that I am making an exception with Christianity here.... because of your mental illness. But where is the proof???

Since Hinduism does not impose restrictions on Hindus, separation of state and religion is not necessary unlike Christianity where the church brought the dark ages to Europe.

In any case Hinduism has a built in separation of state and religion.

But you are hardly the person to teach me "world religion". You should limit yourself to ranting about Hinduism and how its dragging India backward. :lol:

All the proof in the world will not make the wilfully blind see.
In So called modern society what does people do? They spent in wine and girls. Money of uncivilized people is spent in uncivilized way.

Very well spoken. Libtards want race tracks, booze dens, discos. Spend money like there is no tomorrow and they call themselves civilized.

Its not entirely true in South India(except Brahmins)..Most vegetarians do consider eggs as a veggie item..eg-like the Kannada lingayath groups who are staunch veggies but have no problem with eating eggs..

Nah, they do not eat eggs. Very few families do.

And all these talk about those dictators make no sense since none of the new age atheists are commies.You take Richard Dawkins or Laurence Krauss or Neil DeGrass Tyson - none of them are commies!!

Mao was an atheist. So was Stalin.

All the atheists you mentioned are militant atheists who are very intolerant of people with beliefs. I have watched Dawkins videos where he calls out the audience liar because they agree with Deepak. Giving power to such a man would result in untold atrocities on humans who need a belief structure.
Err, no.

Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy and not a secular democracy. France is secular, but in an inverted sense. The vast majority in India too keep their religion private.

The Netherlands are pretty much secular -_- "...the Netherlands has become one of the most secularized countries in the western world. In a December 2014 survey by the VU University Amsterdam was concluded that for the first time there are more atheists (25%) than theists (17%) in the Netherlands. The majority of the population being agnostic (31%) or ietsist (27%).[2]"
History of religion in the Netherlands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

h No, religion is not a private thing in India. Dont fool yourself. Why is it that things like cow slaughter, fasting, Ramadan etc much so much fuss in India ?

Where else on this planet do you see people butchering women and children in the 21st century in a democracy other than in India?

Also it is wrong to say that less religious societies are wealthy societies. In the last 2000 years, India and China led the world as the wealthiest societies for 1700 years and they were religious as hell. Europe and US tended towards separation of religion and church only in the last 50 years or so and they are financially in pretty bad shape. Already India and China are poised to reclaim their position as the wealthiest countries in the world in the next 20-30 years. So your entire premise is wrong and faulty.

Wrong facts again, apart from the fact that separation of state and religion is older than 50 years, your comparison with the past do not make much sense.
While separating state and religion has been a tradition in the PRC.

India`s HDI is abysmal, even BD has a higher one. It will take decades, if not longer, to reach a comparable HDI with already developed nations. We still have a nation in which thousands die to cholera and other diseases because people crap outside, because there is waste everywhere, because there is not even a sewage system (Kinda ironic considering that we were among the first ones to use them) or a waste management system.... but we do have legislation based on religion. Thats why nations like India lag behind.

Something the seculars in India never did.

I guess you are talking about the Congress party...

Learn the definition of secularism and ask yourself whether they were secular or not. Then ask yourself why Indians even put these religious issues into politics and then why this is connected to the insane social problems in this nation.

Since Hinduism does not impose restrictions on Hindus, separation of state and religion is not necessary unlike Christianity where the church brought the dark ages to Europe.

In any case Hinduism has a built in separation of state and religion.

But you are hardly the person to teach me "world religion". You should limit yourself to ranting about Hinduism and how its dragging India backward. :lol:

All the proof in the world will not make the wilfully blind see.

Why evade my point? Isnt Christianity a religion? Why do you blame me of being a bigot?

Why run? Arent you used to winning?

Where is the proof?
The Netherlands are pretty much secular -_- "...the Netherlands has become one of the most secularized countries in the western world. In a December 2014 survey by the VU University Amsterdam was concluded that for the first time there are more atheists (25%) than theists (17%) in the Netherlands. The majority of the population being agnostic (31%) or ietsist (27%).[2]"
History of religion in the Netherlands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

h No, religion is not a private thing in India. Dont fool yourself. Why is it that things like cow slaughter, fasting, Ramadan etc much so much fuss in India ?

Where else on this planet do you see people butchering women and children in the 21st century in a democracy other than in India?

Wrong facts again, apart from the fact that separation of state and religion is older than 50 years, your comparison with the past do not make much sense.
While separating state and religion has been a tradition in the PRC.

India`s HDI is abysmal, even BD has a higher one. It will take decades, if not longer, to reach a comparable HDI with already developed nations. We still have a nation in which thousands die to cholera and other diseases because people crap outside, because there is waste everywhere, because there is not even a sewage system (Kinda ironic considering that we were among the first ones to use them) or a waste management system.... but we do have legislation based on religion. Thats why nations like India lag behind.

I guess you are talking about the Congress party...

Learn the definition of secularism and ask yourself whether they were secular or not. Then ask yourself why Indians even put these religious issues into politics and then why this is connected to the insane social problems in this nation.

Why evade my point? Isnt Christianity a religion? Why do you blame me of being a bigot?

Why run? Arent you used to winning?

Where is the proof?

What the people believe in is not important. What does the constitution say? Netherlands is not a secular country because 27% of its people are atheists. 67% of it people are nto atheists. Moreover, Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy with secularism not defined in its constitution. If you want an atheist country, then China is far far more atheistic than any European country and it is not one of the most humane countries around.

People butchering woman and children in India? When did that happen? Oh you mean riots? There are riots in plenty of democracies all over the world including Europe. Right now in fact, there are wars going on in Europe, i.e. Ukraine where more than butchering of women and children is taking place. In USA, they are butchering black old folks attending church!!!!

Well I guess when you talk about secularism what you care clamoring for is Sonia Gandhi's rule. Because when Congress was ruling you never had any problem with Indian society.

Why does not my comparison with the past make sense. Why should I prescribe to your narrowly defined timeline which in fact makes no sense. Separating state and religion has never been tradition in China considering Chinese culture mirrors Indian culture to a large extent and their kings ruled by the mandate of the Heavens.

Rest of your ranting about cholera and HDI has already been answered.
Very well spoken. Libtards want race tracks, booze dens, discos. Spend money like there is no tomorrow and they call themselves civilized.

Well that's much much better than killing the disbelievers,stoning people to death in the name of adultery,raping the 'kuffars', enslaving people,burning people alive,the sati,covering and oppressing the female population and all sorts of bat shit crazy and out right inhuman practices that you religious bast@ards indulge into!!Should I continue............nah,I think it would be enough Mr Fundoo.

Mao was an atheist. So was Stalin.

Like I said,utter lies,lies and lies.I know you will never accept the truth because it is contradictory to your purpose,cause it doesn't suit your designs.Fucking relitards!!

All the atheists you mentioned are militant atheists who are very intolerant of people with beliefs. I have watched Dawkins videos where he calls out the audience liar because they agree with Deepak. Giving power to such a man would result in untold atrocities on humans who need a belief structure.
And since when calling a liar a liar has become a sin??Sorry,I wasn't aware that a law has been passed against that!!On a separate note,whoever (including me) actually agrees to all those bs spread by that damn Chopra dude should get his head checked up!!
So EGGS are NON-Vegetarians? hence hardliner Hindus in India opposed provision of eggs to school children.

Dint know eggs produce cows.
Well that's much much better than killing the disbelievers,stoning people to death in the name of adultery,raping the 'kuffars', enslaving people,burning people alive,the sati,covering and oppressing the female population and all sorts of bat shit crazy and out right inhuman practices that you religious bast@ards indulge into!!Should I continue............nah,I think it would be enough Mr Fundoo.

None of those have been done by Hindus except for Sati. As already pointed out, atheists are leagues ahead of Hindus in killing and oppressing humans.

And since when calling a liar a liar has become a sin??Sorry,I wasn't aware that a law has been passed against that!!On a separate note,whoever (including me) actually agrees to all those bs spread by that damn Chopra dude should get his head checked up!!

Yeah, calling the whole lot of audience who sat that in that amphitheater as liars is a measure of sanity. Last I saw Dr. Chopra is being called by deans of medical schools and big hospital networks to lecture them on the future of healthcare. So much for you wanting to check Chopra's head. Also given the manical level of hatred atheists who throng Chopra's videos by their hundreds and thousands to spill bilge on him show, I wonder if it is not them who need their head checked out.
Many people do not send them to slaughter house though they are old. They maintain them.
I have a very interesting story associated with that.
Our town in past used to encounter sever drought. You shall not have sufficient water for your house hold. how would you maintain cattle? All shall put their cattle in Mahajan (A place where they take the responsibility of your cattle.) So many cattle got collected in Mahajan. People maintaining the same will go to various place to collect the money to maintain cattle. Soon Mahajan got full of cattle. The responsibility to maintain additional cattle was taken over by local swaminarayan trample. Soon expense of temple crossed Rs 20000 per day. Temple soon fell short of money. Sadhus took up the mission to collect the money. They went to Bombay where one of our town mate named Babu Kanji had become a very rich Diamond merchant. Swamis requested him to donate. He told swamis not to ask for money from any one. He promised to finance all expense with a condition that no cattle shall be left to die or be sold to butcher. He bought some trucks which would go to south Gujarat and bring tons of Grass every day. Drought lasted for 3 years. Not even a single cattle sold to butcher or allowed to die hungry.
Our small town spend millions of rupees to save cattle.

We had a concept called Alakh no Otalo. It will be a place where all shall shar what ever is available. all are equal. Nobody is rich nor anybody is poor.

What do you think . They become poor? No They are very rich. Very very rich. They believe that god has given us money so we should spent it for society and for the protection of innocent cattle in the time of crisis. This was the real enlighten society. That society had an apathy for not only for Human being but for all living being.

In So called modern society what does people do? They spent in wine and girls. Money of uncivilized people is spent in uncivilized way.

Moot point.............totally moot!!Majority of the farmers and cattle herders in India are dirt poor to say the least and whatever money they can get,from whichever way,still would never be enough!!So why should you or anyone else oppose their decisions about their cattle??Who are we to dictate the terms??On what grounds are we to dictate the terms??On the grounds of a fucking religion - which is nothing but a caricature of bats-hit crazy ideas and practices,invented by primitive and illiterate herders and farmers,living millenniums ago??Why do we still have to remain slaves to such crazy and inhuman ideas when there are no proofs to back them up on the first place??
Let me ask you a question - if god forbid (yeah yeah,I know I said god,it's just an expression) you or someone in your family falls ill,what would be first place you would go??A temple (I guess you are a Hindu) or a clinic??
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