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Saving the Cows, Starving the Children

Why only take communist dictators? I could also argue about monarchs and clerics who ruled with by the "rules of God"...

Take any secular democracy in which a huge chunk of the population considers itself as atheists or at least keep religion a strictly personal matter.... those are the type of countries into which people from highly religious countries want to migrate to.... guess why

You may certainly talk about monotheist religions who have rivaled with their atheist compatriots in reaching depths of humanity. You cannot do so about polytheistic faith rulers who did not rule by the Rules of God.

First of all there are very few secular democracies. What you are calling secular democracies are generally Christian democracies without secularism defined in their constitution. Even there small miniscule number of people consider themselves as atheist. Majority still define themselves in terms of their religious belief.

Next, people do not seek to move to these countries because of their so called secularism, which is a bogus claim, they move there because of economic opportunities which these countries have appropriated for themselves by controlling the world finances and propagating wars everywhere.

Secularism was never a requirement for anyone to move anywhere.
Still waiting for evidence...........

Prove what you claim and I will accept what you say about me.

:lol: ........... do you really expect me to dig up your past posts ? :cheesy:

Do you really think you are taht important ? You sure have illusions of grandeur. LOL.

Which "Religion" were you targeting when you said "religion" drags people into backwardness in a thread about a Hidutva govt. following Hindu religious belief ?

How stupid do you think people are ? How long can you hide your bigotry behind "technicalities" ?

You have exposed **** Sherlock.

Now show us where I am playing my missionary games :lol:

Exposed ? :cheesy:

Which post of mine called you "playing missionary games" ? :lol: ................. Pathetic Strawman. Is this how you "win" ? :P
11 Foods Banned Around the World | The Daily Meal

Read this..this is good article.specially about Foie Gras. How is it different than eggs which are produced artificially in the poultry?

Also dog , horse cat meats are not available in the US due to their social belief then why they raising fingers towards others for banning eggs?

There are quite a few youtube videos out there about the dog meat eating festival in China. There are thousands and thousands of comments from Westerns condemning the dog eaters. It is funny how selectively outraged these people get.
This discussion has been done to death on PDF. Cows which have gone past their milking days are let loose to feed on natural vegetation. Most Indian breed cows are drought resistant and anyway live on roadside grass and shrubs. So they practically cost the farmer nothing to keep them.

And meanwhile let them dump their poops everywhere!!What a logic!!No wonder we Indians have become the laughing stock of the entire civilized world.

And by the way,why not let the owners decide what they wanna do with their cattle??After all,those are their properties,kisiki baap ki jaigir to nahi hai!!If they wanna let them loose,great but if they wanna sell them for slaughter,who are you to prevent them from doing so??This is a democracy we are living in,not a dictatorship that one can impose one's wills upon the masses!!
Instead they fertilize the land with their dung and are useful until the day they die. Also most cows naturally give birth to calves which is how most farmers give new cattle from. If they want to buy more, that 3-4 thousand buck is not the only source of funding an Indian farmer has.

Fundamentalist detected!!
Indians are not destitutes as the Bengalis always assume Indians to be.
Thank you for making me feel like an outsider.
:lol: ........... do you really expect me to dig up your past posts ? :cheesy:

Do you really think you are taht important ? You sure have illusions of grandeur. LOL.

Which "Religion" were you targeting when you said "religion" drags people into backwardness in a thread about a Hidutva govt. following Hindu religious belief ?

How stupid do you think people are ? How long can you hide your bigotry behind "technicalities" ?

You made the claim, you prove it. Those are the rules.

I am spreading Christian beliefs, I am Hindu hating blah blah blah... these brain farts do not come from me.

So prove them, I am waiting. Dont be shy boy!
And meanwhile let them dump their poops everywhere!!What a logic!!No wonder we Indians have become the laughing stock of the entire civilized world.

India constitutes the civilized world. :coffee: ............ its the barbarians who laugh at or civilized ways.

And by the way,why not let the owners decide what they wanna do with their cattle??After all,those are their properties,kisiki baap ki jaigir to nahi hai!!If they wanna let them loose,great but if they wanna sell them for slaughter,who are you to prevent them from doing so??This is a democracy we are living in,not a dictatorship that one can impose one's wills upon the masses!!

If you believe in democracy, then better accept living under the wills of the Majority Hindus. :coffee: ......... as you said, its not an islamic caliphate.

Fundamentalist detected!!

Thank you for making me feel like an outsider.

Moron detected. If you feel like an outsider, its probably because you are one.
And meanwhile let them dump their poops everywhere!!What a logic!!No wonder we Indians have become the laughing stock of the entire civilized world.

And by the way,why not let the owners decide what they wanna do with their cattle??After all,those are their properties,kisiki baap ki jaigir to nahi hai!!If they wanna let them loose,great but if they wanna sell them for slaughter,who are you to prevent them from doing so??This is a democracy we are living in,not a dictatorship that one can impose one's wills upon the masses!!

Their poop is what is called as manure and that is what fixes soil quality and nutrition. Extremely essential for an agricultural society like India. Are we the laughing stock of the world? Why should it matter what they think of us? Are you Bengalis not always saying we should not bother about others but only look at ourselves?

The owners do decide what they want to do with their cattle which is why cattles have generally never been sold to butchers or Muslims. Did you see any protest from the villagers on this issue? This is democracy in a Hindu country. The will of the people is protection of their cattle and not killing and butchering it as Bengalis wish to.
Thank you for making me feel like an outsider.

Oh you have been an outsider for a long time now. You have divorced yourself from the Indian landscape, its culture, its values, its people, its vision for decades now. The term for you is deracinated Indian.
You made the claim, you prove it. Those are the rules.

I am spreading Christian beliefs, I am Hindu hating blah blah blah... these brain farts do not come from me.

So prove them, I am waiting. Dont be shy boy!

LOL at your pathetic attempts at knocking down strawmen. :lol:

You should have known better than to try those tricks with me. Those only work with retards of your calibre.

Which post of mine said you spread Christian beliefs ? :cheesy:

Your Hindu hating ways has already been exposed on this very thread. Remember " Religion drag country backward" ? :devil:

Don't worry. I am not shy in exposing Bigots like you. I have a Reputation to uphold :lol:
Yeah??And what that would be??Whose gonna take care of those old cattle which can no longer produce milk or can work in the field - your dad??

Many people do not send them to slaughter house though they are old. They maintain them.
I have a very interesting story associated with that.
My town in past used to encounter sever drought. You shall not have sufficient water for your house hold. how would you maintain cattle? All shall put their cattle in Mahajan (A place where they take the responsibility of your cattle.) So many cattle got collected in Mahajan. People maintaining the same will go to various place to collect the money to maintain cattle. Soon Mahajan got full of cattle. The responsibility to maintain additional cattle was taken over by local swaminarayan trample. Soon expense of temple crossed Rs 20000 per day. Temple soon fell short of money. Sadhus took up the mission to collect the money. They went to Bombay where one of our town mate named Babu Kanji had become a very rich Diamond merchant. Swamis requested him to donate. He told swamis not to ask for money from any one. He promised to finance all expense with a condition that no cattle shall be left to die or be sold to butcher. He bought some trucks which would go to south Gujarat and bring tons of Grass every day. Drought lasted for 3 years. Not even a single cattle sold to butcher or allowed to die hungry.
Our small town spend millions of rupees to save cattle.

We had a concept called Alakh no Otalo. It will be a place where all shall share what ever is available. all are equal. Nobody is rich nor anybody is poor.

What do you think . They become poor? No They are very rich. Very very rich. They believe that god has given us money so we should spent it for society and for the protection of innocent cattle in the time of crisis. This was the real enlighten society. That society had an apathy for not only for Human being but for all living being.

In So called modern society what does people do? They spent in wine and girls. Money of uncivilized people is spent in uncivilized way.
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I am just here to say i am currently having a beef burger and later i will eat a cow biryani :lol: yummy yummy :)


Huh,big deal!!I eat beef biryani and kebabs atleast twice a week,or even more at times,depending on the weather,so what??(Though I like the carabeef more).
You may certainly talk about monotheist religions who have rivaled with their atheist compatriots in reaching depths of humanity. You cannot do so about polytheistic faith rulers who did not rule by the Rules of God.

First of all there are very few secular democracies. What you are calling secular democracies are generally Christian democracies without secularism defined in their constitution. Even there small miniscule number of people consider themselves as atheist. Majority still define themselves in terms of their religious belief.

Next, people do not seek to move to these countries because of their so called secularism, which is a bogus claim, they move there because of economic opportunities which these countries have appropriated for themselves by controlling the world finances and propagating wars everywhere.

Secularism was never a requirement for anyone to move anywhere.

Ehm no, most western nations have a separation between state and church.

And the number of convinced atheists is a significant chunk of the respective populations.. (Up to 40 % in nations like France, 30 % in the Netherlands etc etc) while the vast majority keeps religion as a strictly personal matter (Unlike in South Asia where it hinders progress at each and every level).

If you look at it from a global perspective you will see that the less religion plays a role in public life in a country, the wealthier, more stable and healthier it is.... Why is it like that?

The reason why people move out is because idiots at home put these irrational religious issues before the ones that matters. Thats why you see people protesting for legislation based on religion in India while tens of thousands die each year due to cholera and other infectious diseases which could be prevented by installing sanitation systems, waste management etc.... Modi with a broomstick cannot do the work of a sanitation and sewage system in a mega city like Mumbai.

Your Hindu hating ways has already been exposed on this very thread. Remember " Religion drag country backward" ? :devil:

And did I mention Hinduism or religion?

Well unless you see Hinduism as the only religion on this planet, then yes you are right. If not, you are just stupid beyond limit.

Now show me proof. Still waiting.
Ehm no, most western nations have a separation between state and church.

And the number of convinced atheists is a significant chunk of the respective populations.. (Up to 40 % in nations like France, 30 % in the Netherlands etc etc) while the vast majority keeps religion as a strictly personal matter (Unlike in South Asia where it hinders progress at each and every level).

If you look at it from a global perspective you will see that the less religion plays a role in public life in a country, the wealthier, more stable and healthier it is.... Why is it like that?

The reason why people move out is because idiots at home put these irrational religious issues before the ones that matters. Thats why you see people protesting for legislation based on religion in India while tens of thousands die each year due to cholera and other infectious diseases which could be prevented by installing sanitation systems, waste management etc.... Modi with a broomstick cannot do the work of a sanitation and sewage system in a mega city like Mumbai.

And did I mention Hinduism or religion?

Well unless you see Hinduism as the only religion on this planet, then yes you are right. If not, you are just stupid beyond limit.

Now show me proof. Still waiting.

Let me decode what you have written.

In CHRISTIAN West, people separate religion and state :cheesy:

In Muslim and Hindu Majority South Asia, we mix the two, thus proving we are primitive and pull the nation backward.

In short Hindu and Muslim Beliefs are "irrational" while the enlighten western christian belief is what led to their financial success and social comfort :lol:

........... and you want me to prove you are a Bigot :cheesy: ............ I think not. It is already established. You can stop Waiting.

Reality is People cling to religion when they are poor and in trouble, not the other way around. When you are rich and comfortable, no one remembers god. Only you are a Christian fanatic to see this obvious reality.
Most vegetarian parents would not allow their children to eat in the school if there was non-vegetarian meal being served there, including eggs.
Its not entirely true in South India(except Brahmins)..Most vegetarians do consider eggs as a veggie item..eg-like the Kannada lingayath groups who are staunch veggies but have no problem with eating eggs..
Societies such as those are not what one would call humane. Pol Pot, Mao's China, Stalin all of them tried to build an atheist society by exterminating half their population. They failed.

Utter lie (except PolPot may be)!!Neither Stalin nor Mao was atheist and moreover they never killed in the name of atheism or something!!Contrary to the propaganda spread by the religious kind,Stalin was an Eastern Orthodox Christian and remained so till his death!!And Mao was a Mahayana Buddhist!!Only PolPot was an atheist.
And even if they had been atheists,it doesn't make an iota of difference since all the guys you mentioned were commie dictators!!You have to realize,those animals demand unquestioned obedience from their masses and anything short of them was unacceptable to them.And even then,they did not kill anyone by themselves,they had those people killed by their stooges who were not atheists!!The same is also true for Hitler.
And all these talk about those dictators make no sense since none of the new age atheists are commies.You take Richard Dawkins or Laurence Krauss or Neil DeGrass Tyson - none of them are commies!!
Utter lie (except PolPot may be)!!Neither Stalin nor Mao was atheist and moreover they never killed in the name of atheism or something!!Contrary to the propaganda spread by the religious kind,Stalin was an Eastern Orthodox Christian and remained so till his death!!And Mao was a Mahayana Buddhist!!Only PolPot was an atheist.
And even if they had been atheists,it doesn't make an iota of difference since all the guys you mentioned were commie dictators!!You have to realize,those animals demand unquestioned obedience from their masses and anything short of them was unacceptable to them.And even then,they did not kill anyone by themselves,they had those people killed by their stooges who were not atheists!!The same is also true for Hitler.
And all these talk about those dictators make no sense since none of the new age atheists are commies.You take Richard Dawkins or Laurence Krauss or Neil DeGrass Tyson - none of them are commies!!

How does it matter on who's name the Atheist kills you idiot ? It only matters that they kill as much as a religions guy. Maybe more.
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