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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

WTF is an abbreviation, capital letters. Against ISIS I don't know. Plenty of rebels that are now being trained by the US/Turkey are saying why would I fight ISIS? Their ideologies aren't that different you know. The question is, will the FSA/Nusra move into iraq next, for killing Shia or helping their 'oppressed' Sunni brothers.
I think you are speaking non-sense. Time will prove.
they are an unacceptable ally
and they kidnap kurds (hundreds of them)
i am not worried that rebels kick them in the right moment after all this is finished
Nusra kidnaps hundreds of Kurds? Where from u got that?
ISIS can only be defeated by Sunnis. So far, Rebels (who are mostly Sunni) have been kicking ISIS's ***, without air support. This is important, because imagine what the rebels could do to ISIS with air support, and the logistics, training, funding, etc. of an organized and professional army. Don't worry, any land ISIS gains will be regained by rebels. When Assad is gone Syrians will see no need for ISIS, whatsoever. A lot of ISIS's local support comes from the fact that Assad is still alive and bombing.

On another note, VICE News was with the rebels in Jisr al Shughour:
Brother, Dr.Thax.

I could be wrong about about the situation in Syria. There is no advance by Rebels on IS but you are right, it was the Suunis who drove ISI out in Iraq 7 years ago. Today's situation is much more complicated than before. You are making it sound like IS can be handled easily but they're not, they're much more effective unlike Al Qaeda nor other ineffective Jihadi fronts who does not have any influence over tribal leaders or managed to established its state in the last 13 years, they are a failed organization. IS managed to kept the population total under control by using "you are either with us or with them" strategic and expanded its influence in the unstable Levant (Sham), Iraq and the growing influence in the North West Africa in just two and a half years.

They will never allow Assad or Syria to fall first while the existing opposition Fronts are still out there for various reasons that I believe it could be:

- They have learnt their lesson in Iraq during Sahwat era. They know if Assad falls first, everyone will be heavily supported by the int'l community and would be pointing their guns at them so they are trying to avoid what happened 7 years ago and defeat Rebels entirely and dismantle their groups first and forced them to pledge allegiance or the Rebels would be killed entirely as I said they are using the "you are either with us or with them" strategic.

- This is why they are successful in Iraq at the moment, they managed to weaken and abolished the Sahwat movement at the end of 2013 which led to the fall of Fallujah. They fought them before fighting the Iraqi government because they see them as a direct threat far more than the Iranian led Iraqi government, even if the government are extremely hostile toward IS, and look how they progressed in Iraq after Sahwat fell.

- This is the very same strategic they are using in Syria and what's even worse is that both Assad regime and IS are fighting the Rebels at the same time unlike what happened in Iraq when unified force were against ISI 7 years ago. An exhausted, fractured and a vulnerable Rebel force would be weak by the time IS advance toward to Aleppo or elsewhere on the Western region which can be a disaster. IS would rather deal with them first than Assad at last.

This is the ugly truth, they are not some pseudo wackos popping out of nowhere. They're known to mastermind strategic. This is why Syria is so complicated and unpredictable, no one knows what's going to happen next. They usually over hyped and underestimate one and another's ability but they don't really know what will happen next.
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If Nusra decide to not sit on the table -> Annihilation
Kurds try to make their own state -> Annihilation
You were saying? Syrian rebels endured Assad regime airplanes, tanks, artillery, chemical weapons, hordes of foreign and alawite fighters, etc. while beating Assad. Kurds were losing ground to IS w/o airstrikes, and only gaining w/ airstrikes. Meanwhile, rebels also gaining ground against IS w/o airstrikes. See a pattern here?

Yes,i see a pattern ......in Iraq....how's the annihilation of jihadi nutjobs going over there ,despite having air and ground superiority ?
YPG expels IS from 4000 square km in al-Hasakah in 20 days
May 27, 2015 Comments Offon YPG expels IS from 4000 square km in al-Hasakah in 20 days

The YPG took control on the strategic town of al-Mabrouka in the southern western countryside of Ras al-Ein after violent clashes against IS which controlled the town earlier, the town is one of the most important strongholds for the IS near al-Raqqa borders, this advances opens the road for YPG fighters to move towards Tal Abiad town in the northern countryside of al-Raqqa ” The main IS stronghold in Syria”.

After taking control on al-Mabouka, Tal Tamir countryside, and wide parts of Ras al-Ein countryside, the YPG controls no less than 4000 square km from al-Hasakah countryside through Tal Tamir reaching al-Mabrouka and Abd al-Aziz mount, as a result of the attacks which started 20 days ago, the YPG backed by al-Sanadid army, the Khabour guards, and the Assyrian military council, were able to gain control on these areas with the help of the U.S led coalition air strikes which targeted the IS heavily.

It is worth to mention that no less than 170 militants in IS were killed in the 19th and 18th of May, after targeting their locations and HQs by the U.S led coalition warplanes in Tal Tamir countryside

Aww, defending your foot soldiers again ? :)

I think they were released shortly after
Reuters / Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Rice is thrown as Lebanon's Hezbollah members surround the coffin of Hezbollah fighter Adnan Siblini, who was killed while fighting against insurgents in the Qalamoun region, during his funeral in al-Ghaziyeh village, southern Lebanon, May 26, 2015. REUTERS/Ali Hashisho

Reuters / Monday, May 25, 2015
A rebel fighter fires a weapon towards forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in Aleppo's Sheikh Saeed neighbourhood May 24, 2015. Picture taken May 24, 2015. REUTERS/Hosam Katan
mullah-led hooligans from Pakistan fighting for Assad genocide regime in Aleppo

nothing wrong in fighting al nusra or ISIS. Maybe the "moderates" should stop hanging out with JAN.
nothing wrong in fighting al nusra or ISIS. Maybe the "moderates" should stop hanging out with JAN.
You're a joke. One day you're against any foreign intervention under any pretext. The other you're for. Your whole argument against ISIS at one point was because of foreign fighters joining their ranks. .

But I got you, and I'll play along. Houthis, Hezbollat, and Shiite militias are all terrorists in my book. Thus, there's "nothing wrong in fighting Houthis, hezbies, and Shiite militias" wherever they may be.
The only groups fighting in Syria that aren't terrorists, are YPG and original FSA members.

The rest are all bastards like ISIS/Nusra/Hezz/Shiite militia
More Iranian billions for failed dictator:

ووفق معلومات حصلت عليها «الأخبار» فإنّ قيمة الخط الائتماني الجديد الذي ستستفيد منه سوريا في تمويل مستورداتها ومشاريعها الاستثمارية مع إيران، تصل إلى 3.6 مليارات دولار ستخصص لتمويل مستوردات النفط الخام، ومليار دولار تخصص لتمويل مستوردات سوريا من السلع الغذائية والدوائية والتجهيزات الكهربائية والتكنولوجية في مجالات مختلفة.

According to information obtained by the «News», the new credit line, which will benefit from Syria in the financing of imports and investment projects with Iran value, up to $ 3.6 billion will be allocated to finance the imports of crude oil, and one billion dollars to fund imports Syria food and pharmaceutical goods, electrical and technological equipment in different areas

سوريا وإيران اقتصادياً: خط ائتماني جديد وبرامج زمنية للتنفيذ | الأخبار


many sources for kidnapping
Islamist al-Nusra Front kidnap 300 Kurds in Syria
al nusra attitude for kidnapping is famous
Inside Aleppo: Syrian activists reveal kidnap and torture at hands of al-Nusra extremists
many rebels complain their attitudes...
BS story. Where are these "300"?
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