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More arrogance from Arabs

Article is more of frustration, Pakistani parliament's decision to remain neutral is not because of fear of Iran, we simply don't want to be cannon fodders in your stupid games of influence. I wish that General Sharif stick to decision of parliament and ignore the wish of NS. What max they can do? send expats back? If they do so than they will loose one major leverage and influence over Pakistan forever, Maybe they will send some laborers back who can be accommodated by speeding up construction and developement in Gawadar.
Keep in mind that visas for Pakistanis have been banned in Kuwait for the last 6 years. All that brotherly love, can you feel it?

just how pathetic is the Saudi army ? 80 billion a year for it's military budget and scared shitless to go uproot a ragtag militia who don't have money for shoes even o_O

They crashed two planes against an army which couldn't shoot up.
Guys, this is a cause for celebration. Destroy the myth of Pakistanis giving their lives to defend the corrupt Arab regimes. Because this Yemen war is just the start.
Let's take a look at middle east right now:
Libya: War
Syria: War
Iraq: War
Yemen: War

How long will it take for the fire to spread? If you commit now, there is no exit. If you don't commit now, you won't have to commit later too.
i dont believe its wriiten by chief editor of news paper...complete article looks like he wrote it in peak frustration.....these arabs just consider themselves muslims and humans....alot of pakistanis are killed in terror activities and pakistan alone is working to solve it....yemen adventure will be very bad for them.i m sure they will not start ground operation...even egypt knows what can happen to them in ground operations...
Very good they are showing their true colors and also encouraging people who use to support them to rethink their alliances very happy personally.
If Arab countries win this war,then all may be well and good again but if they somehow lose or it ends with a houti regime in charge of yemen,then it could lead to the Arabs solely blaming Pakistan for their misfortune.
I mean the Shia side of Yemen whom the sunni nation are bombing.
No side is going to win this - unless the real powers who can fight pitch in. The Arab coalition will not be able to defeat the militia. Nor will they be able to make much gains. Stalemate. Like in rest of the ME.
No side is going to win this - unless the real powers who can fight pitch in. The Arab coalition will not be able to defeat the militia. Nor will they be able to make much gains. Stalemate. Like in rest of the ME.
Anything less than a complete victory of the Arab coalition is a dangerous scenario for Pakistan.Once the blame game starts,it's usually the weakest that get blamed for all the misery.

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