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More arrogance from Arabs

Pakistani E

May 8, 2013
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Thought I'd just share something from Arab media about Pakistan now that our leaders have dared to disagree with these Arab supremacists.

Pakistani Blackmail

“MAY God bless difficulties that made me differentiate my friends from enemies.” This part of a poem is applicable to some countries whose leaders released statements to express their true position shortly after the ‘Operation Decisive Storm’ began. They thought they could use this sensitive period in the history of the Arabian Gulf as an investment.

These countries imagined that the issue will be limited to issuing statements and nothing else, but they failed in the examination. This is exactly the situation of Pakistan whose government opted to join the Arab-Islamic coalition without any official request from the coalition.

When GCC countries decided to face the challenge of Iran in Yemen, they were aware that the responsibility to secure the region rests on them alone and this is the reason why they did not wait for anybody to take the lead before they attacked.

Through parliamentary voting, Pakistan took a position to remain neutral in what they call as “Confrontation in Yemen”. This action has exposed the mask of blackmail under the slogan of protecting Islamic sanctuaries and unity of fate between Islamabad and Riyadh. The slogan has become a tool for political blackmail under the illusion that it could be used to revive the distressed economy.

Meanwhile, the GCC countries are aware right from the start that assistance offered to the country is meant to extinguish the fire of extremism which is widespread in the region and to assist Islamabad in overcoming poverty. This is because poverty is the main reason for some countries’ inability to control activities of terrorists, which threaten security of the Arabian Gulf and Islamic nations.

Reviewing the military history is necessary for Pakistan to abandon its illusion of being a superpower in the Islamic world. It was defeated in all wars, starting from the war against India that led to the birth of Bangladesh in 1970 until the war against Taleban whose terrorist activities Pakistan could not curtail. We possibly can understand why it bows for Iran due to fear of another defeat in its border with the Mullah regime, which is experienced in incubating extremist groups.

Undoubtedly, the Pakistani leadership made a mistake of betting on Iran and getting scared of Iran, because it will sooner or later discover that Iran boasting of ammunition and missile capabilities, as well as the nuclear program, is just playing games. This is more noticeable in the fact that Iran is a paper tiger in the hour of truth as regards to full discovery of its nuclear program, which the international community will surely follow to discover the ballistic missiles program.

Pakistan, like other countries, will realize that the nuclear program is only a false propaganda — similar to that of Saddam Hussein 12 years after he was pulled out of Kuwait. His armies were defeated within a short period and the US tanks entered Baghdad a few days after the Liberation War started in Iraq.

GCC countries do not need Pakistan but the latter needs these countries in various ways. They are capable of securing their territories by forming alliances with other Arab nations like Jordan and Egypt, while the international allies support them politically and militarily. This is the reason why Iran ran helter-skelter across the world to stop the Determination Storm as a measure to protect its children in Yemen, which it bred like Hassan Nasrallah and his gangs that were trained for crisis and terrorism in Lebanon. It believes that ensuring Houthis to remain in Yemen could be a source of threat to the region, but it will be disappointed the same way it was in other cases.

Lest we forget that Islamabad should be wary of the Iranian plans, especially the efforts of Iran to scare the world with its military capabilities. The so-called strength has been exposed at the Bahraini doorstep, while it could not touch the Eastern part of Saudi Arabia and it is unable to maintain stability in Yemen.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

Pakistani blackmail

Just look at the tone of these Bedouins, look how quickly they show their true colours. Lakh lanat on any Pakistani still falling over themselves to kiss their behinds. It's funny he talks about all the wars and crises, I wonder where these ******* were during war with India or the issue of Kashmir. :angry:
Ahmed Al-Jarallah is living in lala land. Pakistan seeks peace between Iran and the Gulf nations. That's all there is to it. Anyone interpreting this as treason or blackmail needs to have their heads examined.

Pakistan is done taking sides. The last time we did that we got the gift of millions of Afghans who now don't want to leave our land. The last time we did that we were threatened with the stone age by our dear ally. The last time we took side we got tens of thousands of dead bodies in return. Not anymore.
I wonder where these ******* were during war with India or the issue of Kashmir. :angry:
Well they are just looking after their interests and hence blackmailing Pakistan to further their agenda of getting more troops on the ground.. Do you really think they actually care about either Pakistan or the Kashmir issue.
Well they are just looking after their interests and hence blackmailing Pakistan to further their agenda of getting more troops on the ground.. Do you really think they actually care about either Pakistan or the Kashmir issue.

If I was anywhere close to the top decision making body in Pakistan I would advice our people to not touch the middle east with a barge pole. I know they don't care about Pakistan or Kashmir.
Well they are just looking after their interests and hence blackmailing Pakistan to further their agenda of getting more troops on the ground.. Do you really think they actually care about either Pakistan or the Kashmir issue.

They are not blackmailing. They are just venting their frustration. Blackmail can be expected from those that have the ability to pose harm.
This the same Kuwait that Pakistan had sent troops, to liberate it in 1991. As part of operation desert storm. They are just returning the favor now. The Kuwaiti way, of course.

And now they want Pakistan to take part in operation decisive storm.

See the irony?

PS. by the way, after their liberation in 1991, Kuwait went on to make trillions of dollars from oil, trade and investment. How much they helped Pakistan out?

I remember that General Musharraf in his last year in office was in financial trouble. He requested the Arab world to help him out and even went on a tour to Saudi Arabia and other countries. None helped. They all wished for his downfall.
This the same Kuwait that Pakistan had sent troops, to liberate it in 1991. As part of operation desert storm. They are just returning the favor now. The Kuwaiti way, of course.

And now they want Pakistan to take part in operation decisive storm.

See the irony?
U working overtime here remember two things army will go there navy is already there and PAF .second Persian FM who visited recently to pak been told clearly stop supporting UR cult brothers in Yemen that massege he been given to Persian FM jawiad zarif according to NY times
Most funny part is "GCC never asked Pakistan to join". WTH!

Second most "we lost all our wars" as if Arabs won all their wars against Israel!

And then myth of Islamic military superpower? There is no such thing. If at all title is nowhere inside Arab world or Middle East.

And then omission of Oman. Why no mention of Oman's stance?

I am getting angry by the hour!
They are not blackmailing. They are just venting their frustration. Blackmail can be expected from those that have the ability to pose harm.
They can always screw you on cheep oil supply and financial aid. Well it's not much of a harm but will certainly hurt your economy.
They can always screw you on cheep oil supply and financial aid. Well it's not much of a harm but will certainly hurt your economy.

That's all they can do, but they won't. They will understand in time. Pakistan's stance is clear as crystal. We're not making enemies with any side.

I think even after all this Pakistan will send troops.

You think that? Or do you know that?
I think even after all this Pakistan will send troops.
What happened ?nothing happened things happen among brothers pak already there in many way in air and sea and also in boot form it's hu ha is about one word called neutral nothing more all motion is pro saudia which been passed by parliment

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